Auctioned to Him 4: His Addiction

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Auctioned to Him 4: His Addiction Page 95

by Charlotte Byrd

  “It’s only because you’re so easy to tease.” And then I simply couldn’t take it any longer. This talking business was taking too long. I wanted to do other things with her instead of talking. I walked up to her and I tried to kiss her. But the moment I did she pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?” Surely I hadn’t misread her. I was generally quite good at reading people. Especially when it came to women.

  “I… I just… I don’t think this is a good idea Sebastian.” She said, and looked away.

  “Why? Because I’m your boss?”

  “Yeah.” Her voice came out in a croak.

  “Well then… how about if I demand that you kiss me? Not in a sexual harassment kind of way, but in a, you know… work related way. For research purposes and all that.”

  She chuckled. “How exactly is that going to help the company?”

  “Well, why don’t we try and see?”

  “Okay… seeing as though it’s for research purposes.”

  I went forward and kissed her again. This time, she didn’t pull away.

  “Hmm…” I said, “I’m seeing great things for the company.” I went forward and kissed her again. “Oh yes, great, great things.”

  “Me too.” She murmured, her voice low and husky, “I see big things in the future.”

  “Oh,” I teased again, “so you like big things?”

  She didn’t seem to know what to say to that so she leaned in and kissed me again. I liked that as an answer.

  “Sebastian,” she said, pulling away and catching my eye, “Can I ask you a serious question?”

  “You can. You can do pretty much anything if you follow it up with a kiss like that.”

  She looked nervous suddenly. “What do you see in me? I’m not fishing for compliments or anything but let’s be honest here. I’m very different to the girls that you usually go for. And before you ask how I know that… well come on, I’m not stupid. Firstly I saw that girl that came to your office. The one with the short dress. And I’ve heard rumours. Hell, I’ve even had people point out to me which girls you’ve slept with. They all have a certain look about them. And I’m not trying to run myself down or anything but I can see that I’m not the same as those girls. So what is this about? What exactly do you see in me? And don’t lie. Just give it to me straight.”

  I smiled at her. “Well, this is an easy question. Let’s see… I like your mouth. Oh yes I like your mouth. It’s small but very pouty. Especially when you’re angry.” I reached forward and kissed her mouth, pulling gently on her lip. She was small and I lifted her up and then slowly brought her down, finishing it off with a long and lingering kiss. I felt her body relax against mine and I immediately felt myself harden. She seemed to like this.

  “Hmm… let’s see… what else. Oh yes… I like your little feet. I noticed them that day of the accident when you weren’t wearing any shoes. Especially your baby toe which seems to have a life of its own when you walk.” She was blushing. I took her hand, walked her to the bed and sat her down. I then reached down and took off her flip flops. I kissed each one of her toes – and gave each baby one an extra kiss.

  “So cute. Now, what else. Oh this is an easy one. I like your breasts. And for this I’ll have to remove your dress. It’s simply just in the way.” I pulled off her dress. Jane was now sitting with just her underwear on. I was impressed to see that it matched her dress. I wasn’t sure if she always walked around colour coordinating her underwear to her outfits or whether she actually thought I might end up seeing them. I hoped it was the latter.

  “Oh yes, your breasts. You know, for a small girl, you have been blessed with some incredibly large knockers. I’ll have you know when you came into my office that day to give my clients coffee they got a mighty good look down your blouse. Don’t worry,” I said when I saw the horrified look on her face, “they didn’t tell me but I could see them staring. But then again, how can I blame them. How can anyone not stare? Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take off this bra. It is also getting in my way.” I took it off. “Ah that’s better. Now, let’s see… what should I do with these.” I knelt down so that her breasts were level with my face. I started caressing them, teasing them, licking them and I watched up close as her nipples began to harden. I sucked lightly on each one and I heard her moan. I sucked some more, this time adding a little bit more energy as I did so. She moaned even louder.

  “What else do I like about you? I mean… we’ll skip the part about how I think you’re funny and intelligent. And how you are unlike any of the other girls that I have been with because you actually make me second guess myself. How you’re normal and unique at the same time. We won’t look at that now. That’s a whole other conversation. For now, I’m going to focus on the physical, because I simply cannot focus on anything else. There’s something else I like about you and it’s hidden under a simple pair of blue cotton panties. Something I’ve seen and tasted before and something that I want now more than anything else in the world.” I pulled down her panties. And just like that Jane was sitting on my bed completely naked. I scooted closer towards her, opened up her legs and started to lick her. Her body started to shake and she groaned out loud. Then she pulled me off. I looked up at her in surprise. Surely we weren’t going to stop now?

  “No ways,” she said, “it’s your turn. Take off your clothes boss.” I did as she told me, revelling slightly at the sound of the word ‘boss’. She was still sitting on the bed and I was now standing in front of her. I was hard and ready and not at all ashamed by it. I saw her assessing me and then she licked her lips. I could literally hear the smacking sound that they made.

  “Come on.” I took her hand and led her out onto the large balcony. The balcony was one of my favourite places to have sex. It felt as if you were fully exposed to the whole world and while you could look down and see everyone nobody else could see you. It was invigorating, especially with the cold wind that was now starting to blow. We kissed again and looked out at the view. Then suddenly she knelt down and crept in between my legs. She placed her mouth around my now fully erect penis. While she sucked on me I looked out over the balcony and watched the world below me. I felt like the king of the world.

  “God Sebastian, you are beautiful. How can anyone be this perfect?” She took my penis in her hand and then she moved forward and placed it in her mouth. She then wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer, squeezing my buttocks as she sucked me better than any woman has ever sucked me before. She allowed me to go so deep inside of her throat that I wondered if she had some sort of magical power. I could feel myself start to lose control. Then, just before I was about to come, she stopped and pushed me gently away. I wanted to cry out in frustration. But then she stood up and pulled me onto the bed with her.

  I didn’t wait for her to say anything. I kissed her again and again, trailing from her mouth, past her neck and between her perfect breasts. She squeezed them together, burying my face in their softness. I kept kissing my way down to her stomach, then along her hip bone and around to the inside of her thigh. By the time I got between her legs I could feel the heat on my face. She sighed and rotated her hips forward, opening up as I started licking her. With one hand on her thigh I pulled her closer to me while my other hand gently massaged her breast.

  She started letting out little moans and rocking her hips back and forth. I sucked lightly on her clit as I slid a single finger inside her. Her fingers wove through my hair, gripping so tight it almost hurt. I looked up to see her smiling. She pulled me up level to her and then reached down, guiding me inside her. Her legs curled around me, holding me in and her arms raked up and down my back. I could feel the electricity building up in my body. I heard her breathing deeply, letting out short little moans.

  She pushed my head back and smiled. “My turn,” she said. She motioned me to lay on my back and gently climbed on top of me. I was rock hard and she was so wet and it didn’t take long for me to slide right into her. I groaned as s
oon as I was inside of her. It felt so good. She sat up and rocked over me and I watched as her breasts moved up and down up and down. It was mesmerising. I reached up for them and squeezed. The more I squeezed the faster she moved. I pulled her down towards me; I kissed her neck, her face, her mouth. My hands were in her hair, and I felt my back arch in anticipation. I couldn’t take it anymore. I looked at her, “Jane, I’m going to come.” She smiled at me and said, “me too.” And then we both gave into the moment and came harder than we’ve ever come before.

  “Oh Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane.” I said, kissing her hair as she lay beside me. “You sure know what you’re doing. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more satisfied.” She simply smiled at me.

  “So,” I continued, “did that help you with your work? How was the research on that one?”

  She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmm… to be honest Sir, I’m really not sure. There’s a chance we might have to try that again.”

  Chapter 25 - Jane

  He was kissing me. Touching me in ways that I had never been touched before. I could feel all my tension start to melt away as he reached down and placed a finger inside of me. He kissed me while he moved his fingers in circles. He whispered, ‘Oh Jane. Jane. Jane.’

  “Jane. Good morning.”

  I opened my eyes in surprise. Where was I? Then I saw Sebastian, his smiling face looking down at me.

  “Looks like you were having a good dream. Was I in it?”

  I felt the colour rush to my face. Had I said anything out loud? “Uh… good morning.” I said instead.

  “Aren’t you a pretty sight in the morning.” It was a question but he said it like it was a statement.

  Whoa! I just realized that I had slept at Sebastian Taylor’s apartment and Sebastian Taylor was calling me pretty – perhaps I really was dreaming still. I hadn’t meant to do that. Heck, I hadn’t even meant to have sex with him in the first place. But it happened. Oh God, I could still feel him inside of me. After that the two of us had stayed up for a little while just talking. I had planned on leaving but then I had simply fallen asleep. I supposed he had too.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t supposed to sleep over.” I rubbed my eyes. I was suddenly very aware that I was still naked and that I probably had makeup running down my face. I always wished that I could be one of those girls that woke up looking as if they had just stepped off a magazine cover. But I knew that I wasn’t.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m glad you stayed. Plus… I slept better than I have in a long time. You practically put me in a coma you know.” He winked at me.

  Was this really happening? “Mind if I use your bathroom quickly?”

  He was laughing, “Of course. Go ahead.”

  “Uh… can you turn around?”

  He laughed again. “No problem.”

  I grabbed my clothes and my phone and I dashed to the bathroom. The minute I got inside I messaged Danielle. I was desperate to talk to someone. Perhaps if she replied than I would know that it wasn’t all a dream.

  Danielle! Help! I woke up in Sebastian’s room!

  Instant reply.

  Yeehah! That’s my girl. I was wondering why you didn’t come home last night. Saying thank you to him for the car, were you?

  I pulled a face.

  No! I actually came over to complain about it all. But one thing led to another and now here I am. OMG. What must I do?

  Okay, calm down. Where are you?

  In his bathroom.

  Right, take a shower, take a few deep breaths and then go right out and plonk a kiss on his mouth. Don’t freak out. Just act normal. You and I can drink copious amounts of wine later and you can tell me all about it. But quickly… before you go… how was it?

  I grinned. AMAZING!

  “Jane, all okay?” I realized I hadn’t even started the shower water. He must be wondering what the hell I was doing in his bathroom all that time.

  “Yeah, all fine. Won’t be long.” I called out. I quickly put on the water and hopped into the shower. As I started showering I started thinking about all the places that he had touched me the night before. The way he had paid attention to every part of my body. The way I had felt when he was inside of me. I wanted to stop thinking about it, but I couldn’t. My body literally ached for him. Had I felt this way with Justin? I couldn’t remember. I had my eyes closed and I was rubbing soap all over my body, rubbing circles on my breasts when I heard his voice.

  “Can I help?”

  I jumped up in fright and the soap went flying down. “Sebastian. What are you doing?” I tried to cover myself up but I didn’t seem to have enough hands.

  “Well, you were taking so long I wanted to see if everything was okay.”

  “Everything is fine. I was just texting Danielle. To let her know why I didn’t come home.” My voice was slightly high pitched and I told myself to calm down.

  He grinned at that. “Ah, the famous Danielle. And… did she ask how it went?”

  “She did.” I felt so embarrassed. He was fully clothed and I was standing naked in his shower with soap all over me. I kept trying to cover myself but I knew that I was failing miserably.

  “And what did you say?” He was still grinning. Man, he was cocky.

  I closed my eyes, “I told her that it was amazing.”

  “Oh really now?” He started taking off his clothes.

  “Sebastian! What are you doing?”

  “More research.”

  That made me chuckle. I noticed that he was already fully erect. The sight made me happy. I liked that he wanted me again in the reality of the morning light. He stepped inside the shower with me and reached down for the soap. Then he started rubbing the soap all over my body, over my breasts, in between my legs. He turned me around so that I was flat against the wall and he washed my back, my buttocks, down my legs. He came forward and started kissing my neck, his fingers reaching inside me. The water was crashing down on us and yet we remained wet in other ways.

  I kissed him on the mouth slowly. I pulled back a little. His lips met mine again, slowing even more. I leaned against him as he slid down to his knees, my hands behind his head, twisting in his hair. I gasped. He loved it, kissing hard, trailing back up to my shoulder, my neck, my mouth. His hands curled around my thighs, then trailed up my back just as slowly as the kisses had trailed to my mouth. I could feel goose bumps raise up on my arms despite the warm water. A chill was sent through my back. He smiled under my kiss and traced his fingers to my breasts, gently grabbing them.

  * * *

  Everything felt so sensitive. My heart was beating out of my chest. I wondered if he could feel it beneath his hand, tapping out a message in Morse code. He was still smiling. His fingers squeezed gently, making me make more noise.

  * * *

  He bit my lip gently. His tongue dipped into my mouth then out, licked my lips. He kissed my neck. He kissed my shoulder. Then moved his mouth down, making a trail of kissing to my chest, sending a jolt to my head each kiss he gave. My hips twisted. He let out a small breath. He was hot too. I pulled back, kissing him on the mouth.

  * * *

  Then he turned me around and pinned me against the wall. I reached over for his penis and gently guided it inside of me. He thrust himself against me over and over again while I held onto him for support.

  He squeezed my breasts Then he reached for the soap again, which had fallen once more to the ground and we washed each other clean, stopping every now and again to kiss each other. It was both incredibly erotic and incredibly sweet.

  “Now,” he said, getting up out of the bed, “I’ll go get changed. Come join me in the kitchen when you’re all done. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”

  I got changed back into my same clothes from the day before and suddenly noticed the big clock on the wall. It was as if I had been living in a dream all along and the facts of where I was and when it was suddenly came hurling down on me at once. I gasped.

  “Oh no! I totally forg
ot. It’s Monday. And I’m already going to be late for work. I still need to go home and change. Although judging by the time I might have to go down in this. I don’t think I have enough time to get home and back. Crap! Maybe Danielle can bring me some new clothes later. Oh but how will I explain that to everyone? One minute I’m wearing this and the next minute I’ve changed. They’ll think I’ve lost my mind. I better go.”

  Sebastian was just standing and grinning at me. “Why are you looking at me like that? Didn’t you hear me? It’s Monday! I have to go.”

  “Yeah. So? Have you forgotten that I’m your boss? And I’m telling you – the boss will not be happy if you leave so early.”

  “But Sebastian, I really do have to go to work. I’m still quite new there. I can’t just pitch up late. I’m not going to win any popularity contests by doing this.”

  “Don’t worry, I have it all under control. I’ll tell them that you had a meeting with me this morning. They don’t need to know that the meeting was in my apartment. We actually did some very heavy research so it’s not like you’ll be lying. And really Jane, now that I’ve seen you in action, I must say… I think the company is in very good hands with you around. Now, you sit down. I know you get grumpy if you don’t get a decent cup of coffee and something to eat in the morning.”

  I frowned at him. “Really? I’ll have you know I can go without food and coffee the whole day and still be an absolute pleasure to be around.”

  “Really?” He arched his eyebrows.

  “No. Not really.”

  He laughed. “Well come on then, join me. Anyway, I already messaged Alison to let her know that we were in a meeting and that you’d be in a bit later today. I told her to let the team know. I made it sound as if I made you do it so that they would feel sorry for you. I also took the liberty of sending Abbie a message from your phone to say that you were going to be late and how annoyed you were at me for making you go to a meeting so early.”


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