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Merger: A Just Business Mafia Romance

Page 11

by Kiera Silver

  It was a fancy place with high security, so the day he had given her the codes, she had known that she was something special to him. When she’d told her sister, Haley had called her a naïve fool and reminded her Armo could change the codes at any time, Katie had walked out, not wanting to engage in more debate about the man with whom she was involved.

  Now, she followed him up the wraparound stairs to the second floor, which was more of a loft, containing only the master bedroom and a large en suite bathroom, along with a small sitting area. Tonight, they bypassed the sitting area in unspoken agreement and entered their bedroom.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, she was unsurprised when Armo took her into his arms, his mouth devouring hers in a possessive, deep kiss. His tongue pressed through the seam of her lips, and she offered no resistance. A second later, he was tasting her as he drew her closer to him.

  Katie wrapped her arms around him for a moment, holding Armo tightly, before her hands started to roam over the hard planes and angles of his body. She helped him shed his dinner jacket and tie, and then her nimble fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt. She stripped it from him less than a minute later and buried her face against his chest.

  Katie moaned as she inhaled his scent, finding it as intoxicating as ever. He was pure male, with a sharp tang of cloves from his cologne. His aroma was unique to him, and it never failed to make her heart rate increase.

  A laugh rumbled through his chest as his fingers went to the zipper of her dress, pulling it down to the middle of her back before he started pulling the red garment down over her breasts and pushed it past her hips. “I see you’re still smelling me.”

  She giggled, embarrassed by his teasing. “I remain unapologetic. You smell good.”

  As the dress pooled around her feet, he put his hand under her chin and angled her head upward again, claiming her mouth for another deep kiss before he spoke again. “I’m not complaining, believe me. I’d rather have this than you running away screaming or ask me to take a shower every time we’re near each other.”

  “I don’t mind if you want to take a shower whenever we’re together, as long as you let me join you.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. “I could wash your back and your front too…”

  He bit back a groan of desire, his expression betraying his indecision for a moment. Finally, he sighed and shook his head. “No, I don’t have the patience for that tonight.”

  She spent a moment peeling off her bra in what she hoped was a sexy fashion before replying. “I enjoy the attention you give me as well, love…r.” She’d almost said love, tacking on the “R” at the last moment. She didn’t think a casual endearment like that would send him running, but she was trying to be cautious. She didn’t want to jinx the relationship or rush Armo into something for which he wasn’t ready. She knew theirs was the longest relationship he’d ever had, so she felt it prudent to proceed delicately.

  Haley, on the other hand, would have steamrolled her way through the relationship by now, establishing all future outcomes and forcing him to choose a path. Since that wasn’t Katie’s style, her sister accused her of being weak-minded. Haley didn’t understand how strong she had to be to withstand the temptation to throw herself into his arms and confess her deepest feelings. Her sister could never appreciate that subtlety sometimes required an inner core of steel to maintain, and that waiting to know the outcome was torturous.

  She shook her head, trying to force Haley from her thoughts, and returned her focus to her lover. He had removed her panties and garter belt by now, but had left the thigh-high stockings and high heels.

  He lifted her into his arms and carried her toward the bed. “This brings back memories,” he quipped. She laughed, holding tightly to him as he laid her on the bed, forcing him to come down with her, though she suspected he had planned to anyway. “You do like to sweep me off my feet.”

  “At least this time I didn’t hit you with a car first.”

  She allowed a moment of seriousness, staring deep into his eyes for a second. “It wasn’t the best thing ever, but I’ll never regret the result.”

  “There’s my silver-lining Katie,” he said affectionately. “Your optimism is always so refreshing, if a bit bewildering at times.”

  She rolled her eyes. Armo claimed to be a pessimist, always prepared to see the worst in people, but she’d never seen that side of him. She liked to think that maybe she brought out a different side of him, but it was just as likely that he was simply maintaining a front to fit in better with his brothers. Larenz, the oldest of the triplets, was severe and stern, and she could see that both Armo and Dante tried to imitate their brother at different times, albeit unconsciously. She was certain they would be embarrassed if anyone pointed it out.

  Armo started with her mouth, kissing a line down her body as his tongue flicked out to trace her skin, and he paused to nibble on his favorite places. She squirmed when he took one plump nipple into his mouth, sucking hard enough to send a jolt of mild pain through her. It didn’t detract from the pleasure, but it was a new reaction.

  She soon forgot about it as electric sparks shot down her body, following in the wake of his tongue as he made his way to her pussy. He spent a few moments torturing her first, pressing kisses up and down her thighs, and even behind her knee, before nibbling his way back up the ever-increasing sensitive flesh, until he was hovered over the heart of her, but still not touching. With a small sob, Katie buried her fingers in his hair and dragged his face closer to her slick folds, needing to feel his tongue inside her.

  With a chuckle of satisfaction, he gave her what she was silently demanding as he let his mouth cover her flesh, his tongue slipping between her lips to explore her slit. She whimpered and thrust against his face as he began to move his tongue up and down in maddeningly slow motions before slowly homing in on her clit, which he traced in slow and careful circles. She hovered on the edge of climax in no time, because he knew exactly which places drove her wild.

  She let out a moan of protest when he brought her right to the edge, but lifted his head before she could go over. “You sadistic bastard.”

  Armo laughed, unbothered by her words. “I love your pillow talk, baby.”

  A second later, he shifted their positions to arrange them both so that his cock was angled against her opening. He rubbed the head against her wetness before he began to slide inside. A jolt of desire surged through her, and she marveled again at the sensation of skin against skin. It was a new experience for both of them, since they had only recently begun to forgo condoms, once she had started taking birth control pills the month before. Sex with Armo was amazing with a condom, but with no barriers between them, it was even more fantastic. She couldn’t explain why or how the absence of one thin latex barrier made such a difference, but it certainly did.

  His pace started out slowly and carefully, but he soon grasped her hips and began to thrust more forcefully. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and clung to him, meeting each thrust with a rise of her hips, desperate to feel all of Armo inside her. It was always like this, whether they made love slowly or simply had a quick fuck. There was always a desperate need for each other. The heat and hunger between them never seemed completely satisfied, no matter how many orgasms they had. She hoped that it would always be that way.

  She cried out his name as she came, her pussy convulsing around the length of his shaft. A moment later, Armo’s cock twitched as he spilled his release inside her, and his fingers dug almost painfully into her hips for a moment as pleasure coursed through him.

  They rocked together as her heart rate slowed, and the blissful aftermath left her a shuddering mass on the bed. He collapsed atop her, though careful to support his weight, before rolling over to lay beside her.

  Their gazes locked for a moment, and she was awed by the tenderness she saw in his.


  “Yes?” She was strangely breathless for a moment as the mood seemed to change, goi
ng serious. For just a second, she was convinced he was on the verge of telling her his feelings, but she could see the moment when he changed his mind. His expression closed slightly, and though he sounded basically the same, there was a definite difference.

  “I think I’m going to have that shower now. Do you want to join me?”

  Disappointment filled her, which she struggled to hide as tears pressed against the back of her eyes. She refused to let them fall, especially with him watching. Instead, she shook her head. “I should, but I’m just too tired now. You wore me out.”

  He winked at her as he rolled out of bed, and she moved just enough to cover herself with the sumptuous bedding. She would probably leave makeup on the pristine white pillowcase, but it wasn’t enough to motivate her to slide from the super-comfortable bed.

  She needed sleep, and she soon succumbed, even though she would have preferred to fall asleep in Armo’s embrace. She knew that wouldn’t happen tonight, because he had made the effort to distance himself again. It was a frustrating cycle, but at least she was sure there would be less time between his next attempt to confess how he felt. He would withdraw for a few hours or days, but then he’d warm up again, and eventually, he would hover on the edge of confession once more.

  She would wait for him. She loved Armo, and she was even more convinced now that he loved her as well. She just had to be patient and allow him to find his way.

  Buy ACQUISITION here, or read it for free on Kindle Unlimited


  Sophia wanted to connect with her birth mother’s family, but ends up in over her head when her grandfather tries to maneuver her to marry his business partner by publicly announcing an engagement that is news to her. The waiter at the party comes to her rescue, along with the valet attendant.

  She soon realizes Euan and Conner, her street-racing knights, have tarnished armor when they reveal they’re keeping Sophia as leverage in their plan for revenge. She should be plotting to escape, not surrendering to the attraction she feels for both of them. Intentions get murky and secrets come to light until it’s difficult to tell where the line between captive ends and lover begins.

  This is part of the JUST BUSINESS Mafia Romance series. This features smoking hot intimacy between three consenting adults, along with a dash of suspense, humor, some violence, and blatant theft of “Monty Python” quotes. If you’re still down for the ride, buckle up.


  She was bored.

  The party was remarkably similar to several others Sophia had attended since coming to stay with the Thorne side of her family. These parties were always the same as the ones her father and stepmother hosted, even though most of their business associates were in the mafia. These people were all in so-called legitimate businesses, but the more she observed, the more she saw in common with the criminal underworld. She was less than impressed by all of it, but she wasn’t rude enough to reveal that.

  Thaddeus Thorne was already a bit standoffish and clearly uncertain about her, and she didn’t want to do anything to disappoint the grandfather she’d recently made contact with after not knowing about him her whole life. The rest of the Thorne family took their cue from him, so she knew she had to win his full approval if she wanted to find a place in this side of the family. It was exhausting trying to keep up with his expectations, and she was giving serious thought to leaving, but not tonight. It would be rude to do so in the middle of his party.

  As her gaze moved across around the room, it locked with the dark eyes of Victor Croft. He was a stunningly handsome man, with perfect bone structure and thick black hair swept back from his forehead. Coupled with his impressive physique and tall frame, he made women swoon.

  He left her completely cold. Whenever she interacted with him, she left the situation always feeling slightly nauseated and relieved to have escaped. She didn’t like the hungry way he looked at her, as though he were undressing her and violating her with his eyes. That same expression was on his face now, along with a visible hint of satisfaction, and she couldn’t imagine why he was smirking at her so knowingly. Somehow, she managed a cool smile before looking away. From the corner of her eye, she could see he was still watching her, and it fueled her need to escape.

  She moved through the crowd, smiling and trying to avoid engaging in long conversations as she made her attempt at breaking away. She didn’t care if it was rude at that moment. She just needed a break from the party, and especially from Victor Croft. As she neared the exit of the salon where everyone had gathered, she placed her nearly full champagne glass on the tray circulating by a white-clad waiter and slipped out of the room.

  As soon as she did so, she was able to breathe again. Already, she felt lighter as she moved away from the party and down the hallway, heading toward her room.

  She froze at the sound of steps behind her, already certain of who she would find before she turned to glance over her shoulder. Her stomach rolled with nausea, and she didn’t even bother with a polite greeting when she saw Victor Croft had followed her from the party. As stifling as the room with all the guests had been, she suddenly wished she were back there, because it was thousand times safer than being alone with him.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  She lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. “I have a headache, and I’m not really in a party mood.” As he took a step toward her, she backed away, trying to keep the same distance between them.

  “I’m afraid you can’t leave the party just yet.”

  She glared at him. “I fail to see how you have any say in the matter.”

  He moved quickly, closing the distance between them before she could back farther away. His hands fastened around her biceps, and then he pushed her against the wall, boxing in her body with his. “You can’t run off before the big announcement.”

  She struggled to push away from him. “Let me go.”

  He ignored the request. “Your grandfather’s just about to tell everyone the big news.”

  She continued to struggle, even as his words piqued her curiosity. “What big news?”

  “Why, the announcement of our companies’ merger, along with our merger.”

  She shook her head, still not clear what he meant. “You and Grandfather are merging your companies?” She knew enough about the business, from what she’d overheard, to know both her grandfather and Croft maintained full control of their company. Neither had ever gone public or involved a board of directors to whom they must answer.

  Beyond that, she wasn’t entirely clear what either one of them did, but it wouldn’t surprise her to find out they were just as shady and illegal as the activity she’d grown up around all her life. At least her father and brothers made no effort to pretend like they were doing something other than what they were.

  “Yes, provided you live up to your part of the agreement.”

  She was completely mystified. “What part of what agreement? I haven’t been involved in any business negotiations.”

  Victor chuckled, and his white teeth were as perfect as the rest of them. It sent a shiver down her spine. “You’ve been a big part of the process, and the thing on which everything else hinges.”

  She realized she had stopped struggling, and she tried to pull away again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me go now.”

  “I’m talking about our engagement, my love. As soon as we’re married, I’ll absorb your grandfather’s company into mine, though he’s under the illusion we’ll be joining forces. He’s in no financial position to do so, but I’ll give him a generous amount that will ensure he’s able to retire in the lifestyle to which he’s accustomed.”

  Most of the words flew right over her head as she focused on the one that made her queasy. “Engagement?”

  He nodded. “You’re the only thing I really wanted from the bargain, Sophia. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were meant to be mine.”

  She couldn’t hide her grimace of disgust. “I
don’t want to be yours, and I never agreed to that.”

  His lips tightened, and he suddenly pushed her harder against the wall as his hand moved from her waist, down her hip, and to a few inches above her knee, where her black dress ended. He shoved it up with a quick jerk and rending of fabric. “I don’t particularly care what you want. You’re mine, and once my ring is on your finger, you’d better not try to deny that.”

  She tried to pull away, struggling against him, though his arm holding her, combined with his upper body weight pinning her to the wall, made it impossible to escape even when her movements grew frantic as his fingers slipped inside her panties to stroke her clitoris.

  She tried to scream, but his mouth slammed over hers and swallowed the attempt. His lips pressed hard against hers, grinding so forcefully that she could feel her teeth scraping against her inner lips, and blood blossomed on her tongue. She still tried to communicate, grunting without opening her mouth, because she was determined not to allow his tongue entry. If he even tried to put it in her mouth, she’d bite it off.

  He was too busy focusing between her legs to think about that apparently, as he touched her roughly, two of his fingers surging into her in an abrasive manner since she wasn’t at all prepared. She whimpered at the pain, still trying to escape him.

  An abrupt noise in the hallway seemed to catch his attention, and he straightened, moving away from her, though he kept his fingers buried inside her as a waiter approached.

  Sophia caught his eyes, seeing the concern reflected there. She mouthed, “Help me,” and his eyes widened. It was an inappropriate time to notice the brown and gold flecks inside the green orbs, or how handsome he was even in his utilitarian white uniform, with his brown-blond hair pulled back at the nape of his neck in a short ponytail.


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