Here Shines the Sun

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Here Shines the Sun Page 47

by M. David White

  The interior of the spacious tent was occupied by a large table cluttered with maps and papers. All around makeshift living quarters were arranged, complete with a full boudoir for the Princesses. The summer sun filtered through the canvass walls, casting the King and his two daughters at his side in dim, golden light. Beside them stood two female Saints, both with black, chainmail veils over their faces. The King looked up from the table he leaned over.

  “My King,” said Nuriel with a bow. “I am Saint Nuriel of Sanctuary. I have been sent by Holy Father Admael himself.”

  “Ah, good!” cheered the King. He picked up a golden goblet from the table. Nuriel watched as the metal became tin in his hands. He took a sip of his wine and set the cup down and it returned to its former, golden glory. The two Sisters hugged him close, their large, blue eyes peering at Nuriel. “Come in, come in. Make yourself at home. I am pleased that Sanctuary sends me more Saints. We were about to make another attempt into the city, this time near the docks. My Saints here shall infiltrate by the river and they could use the extra help.”

  “You misunderstand my business here.” said Nuriel, eyeing the two Saints. “I am here to collect Saint Ertrael and question any of your Saints who have had contact with him recently.”

  The King’s eyes focused more intently on her. The table and the papers caught in his shadow took on a cheap reflection of themselves. The two Sisters’ eyes narrowed as they watched Nuriel. “My Saints are killed or defect from me, and Sanctuary sends you to collect even more? Does Sanctuary mean to insult me?”

  “Most Exalted King Dhanzeg,” said Nuriel. “As you are aware, constellations have been appearing in the sky. Holy Father has been made aware of a situation and is working tirelessly to correct it. He sends me with his apologies and the promise that, once this situation is rectified, more Saints will be given to you.”

  “I hope so,” said the King. He took another sip of wine. “What is this ‘situation’ you speak of?”

  “I am sorry, my King, but I am not at liberty to discuss it. Although, it is the reason I must collect Ertrael from you.”

  The King frowned. “Saint Ertrael has defected. I have been trying myself to find the traitorous bastard, and that is why I am sending Paniel and Rael into this rebellious little city ahead of my army.” His eyes hardened. “I sent word to Sanctuary to have him recalled. That has not happened yet. Why not.”

  “It’s part of the situation.” said Nuriel, happening to notice the puzzled looks of the two female Saints. “May I have permission to question your Saints?”

  The King waved his hand dismissively.

  Nuriel turned to the Saints. “Your names.”

  “I am Saint Paniel.” said the one with golden hair.

  “Saint Rael.” stated the one with white hair.

  “Have you both worked closely with Saint Ertrael?” asked Nuriel.

  “We have,” said Paniel.

  “Have either of you witnessed anything strange about him since the night the constellation first appeared in the sky?”

  Rael shook her head but Paniel said, “Yes, actually.”

  Nuriel’s golden eyes narrowed. “Saint Paniel, come forward.”

  Paniel approached Nuriel.

  “What did you witness?” asked Nuriel quietly.

  Paniel glanced over her shoulder at the King and his daughters, then returned her eyes to Nuriel. “Galavriel saw it too.” she whispered. “On the two nights that the serpent constellation appeared, his Caliber went crazy, like he couldn’t control it. He had this strange plasma coming off his body… and his armor, it was like—”

  “Did anybody else see this?” asked Nuriel.

  Paniel shook her head. “Just me and Galavriel.”

  “Where is Galavriel now?”

  Paniel frowned. “When we first came into town we were at the house of a blacksmith. He was attacked and killed.”

  In a single, graceful motion done with uncanny speed, Nuriel took the star-metal claymore from her back and took Paniel’s head from her shoulders. Paniel’s body stood for just a moment, crimson liquid pouring from the neck before collapsing into a heap on the floor.

  Across the room Saint Rael was shaken, her eyes wide. The King stood up straight as the tent around him began to turn to burlap, the furniture to cheap wicker. His daughters hugged him closely, their eyes becoming cracked marbles.

  Nuriel looked at the King and bowed deeply. “I am sorry, my King. She had to be recalled.” At Nuriel’s feet bones popped and cracked as Paniel’s body was consumed into her armor. “I shall collect her armor later and return it to Sanctuary. I am required to ask if you would prefer a male or female Saint in her place?”

  “Female.” said the King. His gaze focused on Nuriel. “Do not make Ertrael’s death so swift.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

  Saint Sodiel hurried down the alley after Asteroth and Raziel, taking the opposite side, hugging the wall close as he held his bo-staff at the ready. Upon their pauldrons and breastplates were hastily painted symbols of a raven above a strange hand closed into a fist. Though the people of this city had no idea the hand was, in fact, a Golothic, it was a symbol that a majority of the people seemed to recognize as Rook’s. Diotus had made them all wear it, hoping it would deter anybody from inadvertently attacking them as they searched the streets for Ovid.

  Saint Asteroth ordered them to a halt at the end of the alley. It intersected a wide avenue running north and south, either side lined with large warehouses. The scent of river water was thick in the air here and northward Sodiel could see the masts of ships as they bobbed from their docks. There were cries and shouts from the northwest and bolt-thrower fire started up. A handful of soldiers ran past and the streets began to empty of the few people who remained on them.

  Asteroth and Raziel scanned the rooftops and side alleys as Sodiel peeked around the corner, toward the docks. “Ovid is somewhere around here, I’m sure of it.” said Asteroth quietly as the distant sound of bolt-thrower fire intensified. “When I sent out my lights I could feel him here.”

  There was more commotion from the docks and Sodiel was certain he heard the word ‘Saints’ shouted. He pointed in the direction. “You think it might be him?”

  “Send out your lights again.” said Raziel. “We should—”

  “Move!” shouted Asteroth, pushing Raziel so hard into Sodiel that the two nearly toppled over each other. Asteroth drew his two axes just as a streak of golden, Caliber light fell from the roof above them. His axes crossed over his head just in time to catch Ovid’s broadsword between them. Asteroth kicked out his foot, but Ovid nimbly leapt up on the wall and kicked himself off, tumbling over Asteroth’s head and out into the open avenue.

  Asteroth bolted for him, his axes swinging. Star-metal thundered against star-metal as Ovid turned each of Asteroth’s axes away. Raziel grabbed his sword and shot in for an attack, and Sodiel came in with his bo-staff whirling.

  “Tell me you three didn’t come all the way here just to find me.” said Ovid coolly as his hand shined with Caliber energy, pushing Asteroth back. He spun just in time to knock Raziel’s sword aside. Sodiel came in with his bo-staff but Ovid danced in toward him and rolled on the ground, out of harm’s way. He came up and leapt back a few feet to gain some distance as Asteroth, Raziel and Sodiel all stood before him at the ready. “I can’t help but notice you seem to be down a few.” He looked at Raziel and a cruel smile turned his lips. “Did the others not survive Leviathan Hydra? Poor Gadrial, pulled down to the cold, dark depths where not even Asteroth’s lights can find her.”

  “You’re going to pay!” spat Raziel. He charged forward.

  Ovid moved in, his sword sweeping up, catching Raziel’s. Raziel spun but Ovid ducked and rolled backward as Raziel’s sword sailed over his head. Ovid kicked himself up to his feet and swept his sword out. Raziel
moved his sword up, his weapon cracking against Ovid’s as he stumbled back, having narrowly avoided decapitation.

  Sodiel leapt into the air, his bo-staff spinning as Asteroth darted in. Ovid took a step back as Sodiel landed, his staff spinning before striking forward, catching Ovid under his arm. Before Sodiel had a chance to turn and lock up Ovid’s arm behind him, Ovid cartwheeled to the side, dragging Sodiel’s staff to an awkward angle. As Ovid came up he kicked out, striking Sodiel right in the hip and sending him stumbling back just as Asteroth came at him. Ovid raised his sword, catching one of Asteroth’s downward strikes and then spun left as he lowered his sword, knocking aside Asteroth’s second axe. Then he pounced to the side, gaining some distance just as Raziel’s sword whirled in, narrowly missing him.

  “I’d love to stay and chat,” said Ovid, “but I have more pressing business.” He leapt up to the rooftop and then jumped across to the next. By the time Sodiel, Raziel and Asteroth were to the rooftop, Ovid had leapt to a rooftop across the avenue and they saw his Caliber light trail back down to the road before he disappeared around an alley.

  “After him!” yelled Raziel, taking off in Ovid’s direction. They all jumped to the rooftop across the road and then dropped down into the alley Ovid had disappeared into. They tore down road after road giving chase, the light of Ovid’s Caliber always just one corner from their sight.

  The bolt-thrower fire was getting closer now, the shouts of men having turned to screams. A thought floated across Sodiel’s mind that if those soldiers hadn’t been facing Ovid, it must mean other Saints were here. Sodiel scrambled after Asteroth and Raziel down another alley and his thoughts changed, wondering why Ovid would have attacked them just to run away at his first opportunity. Then something clicked in Sodiel’s mind. “It’s a trap!”

  Too late. Sodiel, Asteroth and Raziel skidded to a halt as they came out of the alley and onto a large, brick-paved avenue that ran parallel with the docks and river just across from it. There, ships large and small choked the river as they tried to flee the fighting. There were men on the decks of the ships, pointing down the avenue as they shouted commands at their deckhands. Sodiel, Asteroth and Raziel all snapped their heads in the direction the men were pointing.

  The street was strewn with bodies. There were pools of blood everywhere. Standing in the middle of the road was a Saint with white, opalescent hair and a black, chainmail veil over her face. It was Saint Rael, the one Ertrael had told them about. Her eyes caught them and she seemed startled. She looked around before looking back at them, and she seemed like she had something dire to say.

  “Join us!” yelled Sodiel. “We have much to say!”

  Rael shook her head. She lifted her veil. She looked pale. She mouthed the words, “She’s fucking crazy.”

  From one of the rooftops came a scream and a head fell, cracking upon the road. Clay shingles rained down, shattering as they hit. Then tumbled down the body, still holding a bolt-thrower. Rael took up a defensive stance just as another Saint dropped down onto the road. It was a Saint they all knew. It was a Saint they all feared. Nuriel’s golden eyes turned to Sodiel, Asteroth and Raziel. Her pupils widened as her lips turned up into a snarl. She pounced at them like a cat going after a rat.

  “That bastard led us right to her!” boomed Asteroth as he crossed his axes, blocking Nuriel’s claymore. Raziel leapt to his aid, and Nuriel became a storm-surge as her claymore struck thunder upon axe and sword as she pressed in on her foes. She turned attack after attack and returned them in kind. Her movements were graceful and fluid, her sword and body spinning and whirling, as balletic as a breeze sweeping the leaves of autumn around her. But when she struck her sword was lightning and she flowed in like an unrelenting hurricane carrying a wave intent on razing everything in its path. Sodiel had never seen a Saint fight with such a deadly balance of grace and raw force, and he had never been so certain he was witnessing such a one-sided battle. Asteroth and Raziel were but reeds caught in the path of a tornado.

  Saint Rael came at Sodiel fast and hard, exhibiting none of Nuriel’s grace but cheaply mirroring her unrelenting raw-force. Sodiel whirled his bo-staff, chopping up the air as he brought it high to deflect Rael’s sword. He spun his body around, extending his staff, and Rael ducked just in time to avoid it hitting her face. Sodiel whipped his staff around again, spinning in at her and then coming with his weapon striking high. Her sword cracked against his staff and he brought the other side of it around in a sweeping motion, catching her leg. Rael fell backward, her breastplate cracking the brick road. He leapt up, his bo-staff coming down hard for her face, but she rolled and the street exploded into fragments as his weapon impacted it.

  He turned, bringing his staff up as her sword arced down on him. Deflecting that, he spun the opposite direction, wheeling his staff around his waist to knock away her next attack. He extended his hand and he pushed her back with the force of his Caliber. He came at her, sweeping his staff up. Rael tried to parry with her sword but was too late. Sodiel caught her under her left arm. He twisted in on her, his staff bringing her arm up and behind her back, and then with his new-found leverage, pushed down on her, locking up her arm behind her as she fell to her belly with him on top of her.

  “Join us,” hissed Sodiel. “There are things you need to know.”

  Rael’s voice strained against the pain of Sodiel’s staff as it wrenched her arm behind her. “I can’t! She killed Paniel! She’s fucking crazy! Just give her Ertrael and she’ll—”

  Asteroth’s body came flying across the street, nearly hitting Sodiel before impacting the stone wall of a building behind him. Bricks crumbled and the wall toppled on Asteroth. Rael reached up with her free arm and grabbed Sodiel by the collar of his breastplate and flipped him over her.

  Sodiel tumbled forward with the force and rolled back up to his feet just as he heard Raziel howl. He glanced over just in time to see Nuriel’s sword sweep up, taking off Raziel’s left forearm at the elbow joint. Raziel screamed as Nuriel moved in to finish the job.

  Without hesitation, Sodiel grabbed a star-metal star from the inside of his bracer and flung it at Nuriel’s head. The spinning star shot like a bullet but Nuriel seemed to sense it and flourished her sword, sending it sailing away into the river. Her golden eyes fixed on Sodiel.

  He raised his staff and was about to move in on her when he detected the flash of star-metal in his peripheral. He turned to face Rael, wheeling his staff up, but wasn’t quick enough. Her blade glanced off his breastplate and then sheared across his waist. In that moment Sodiel felt his leather bodysuit peel away and flesh flay; felt the sting of icy-cold star-metal sink into his side. Rael spun out from him, ripping her sword from Sodiel’s waist, flinging blood. Sodiel fell to his knees as he got his staff up just in time to knock Rael’s sword to the side. She brought it around to take off his head when a large chunk of broken wall smashed into her, sending her to the ground as the debris broke over her. Sodiel looked up.

  “Run!” yelled Asteroth as he stumbled out from the shattered building. Blood ran down his face from a deep gash across his forehead. He was holding his stomach and blood was pouring out from between his fingers. With his free hand he gathered up more of the fallen bricks and chunks of wall into his Caliber and flung it at Nuriel before taking off down an alley.

  As Nuriel extended her hand, golden Caliber energy coalesced around her and the debris broke harmlessly upon it. In that moment Sodiel saw Raziel scramble away down another alley, carrying his severed forearm with him. Sodiel leapt up to the nearest rooftop. He saw Asteroth and Raziel converging upon the same alley below. With all the strength his Caliber could offer, he jumped to them just as Nuriel’s sword crashed down upon the roof.

  Sodiel landed hard behind Asteroth and Raziel, his belly and waist erupting with terrible pain. He ran after them as they twisted and turned down some side streets, trying to lose Nuriel.

yelled Asteroth. He bulled through the brick wall of a building. The occupants screamed as the Saints tore through the house. Asteroth barreled through the opposite wall, back out into the streets. He cut down an alley that ran behind a number of large warehouses and saw a door hanging open. “In there!”

  They all dove through the door and Sodiel shut it behind them. They collapsed against the wooden wall, all of them panting and bleeding. They were in a large warehouse room. There were some high windows that cast dim light upon stacks of crates and barrels. A number of frightened people huddled in the far corner, but Sodiel paid them little attention. He held his hand over his wound and shined his Caliber as brightly as he could. The cut was deep. Really deep. He thought he could even feel his sliced organs and bowels. He groaned from the pain as he focused all his attention into shining his Caliber as brightly as possible, hoping that he might yet save himself from sepsis or worse. Beside him Asteroth held Raziel’s severed limb up to the bloody stump as Raziel stifled his screams of agony, pounding on the floor with his only remaining fist.

  “We might yet be able to save your arm.” said Asteroth as blood flowed from his own wounds. His hands glowed with bright, white Caliber energy as he held Raziel’s limb in place. From Asteroth’s Caliber a number of tiny, glowing orbs came forth and began to spin around Raziel’s arm. “Help me out, Raziel. Quickly.”

  Raziel shined his Caliber as brightly as he could. Sodiel could see the limb starting to reattach. It looked as if Asteroth’s spinning orbs were fusing the very skin and bone back together. But then a shadow fell over them all. Sodiel turned and looked up, holding his wound tightly.

  “Well, well, well,” said Ovid. “Look what the cat dragged in.” The tip of his sword went to Sodiel’s neck.

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