Santa's Executive

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Santa's Executive Page 12

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Her body still tingled with the memories of his fingers tracing every inch of her, making sure she was okay. She’d do anything to make that permanent. She wanted to wake up in Justin's arms every morning and grow old with him. Just the thought of that should've sent fear through her. They'd known each other only a month, and yet she couldn’t help but think of a future with him.

  “Why are you sitting out in the cold, little elf?” a deep voiced asked from the porch, startling her out of her thoughts.

  No, it couldn’t be.


  “You can call me Kris you know. After all, you saved us from the man I couldn’t,” Kris Kringle said as he came into view. He wore old jeans and a flannel shirt that looked warm and comfortable. He was about as tall as the Cooper brothers, and he had their build.

  No matter what people thought Santa looked like, she could bet most people didn’t think of him as he was—a sexy man who looked to be in his fifties. Nope, no way.

  “You aren’t wearing your glamour,” she said. Oops, that was rude. But, it was the first thing that popped into her mind.

  Kris sat next her on the bench and sighed. “No, I didn’t think I could blend in with that jolly image. I think I’m the only person whose glamour makes him look worse than the real thing.”

  “Kids love it, though.”

  He grinned, and Rina held her breath. Yep, even without the glamour, he still had that same smile that made people fall in love with him and children want to believe in happiness. This was why he was Santa, not because of the presents, but because he was happiness personified when he wanted to be.

  “True. Mrs. Kringle chose my glamour when we first started this all those years ago, and I couldn’t say no to her. I still can’t say no to her. I guess that’s what happens when you fall in love.” He winked at her, and she blushed.

  “Christmas is in two days. What are you doing here? Don’t you have work to do?” she asked, knowing that he was here for a reason and not just to talk about his wife.

  “Of course, Rina, dear, but I trust my elves to do their jobs. Well, I used to. Now, I’m not so sure.”

  She bit her lip and lowered her gaze as shame filled her.

  He reached over and lifted her chin with his finger. “I’m talking about those elves who threw their lot in with Jack, not you. You did what you had to in order to protect Justin. I understand that.”

  “But, I thought I was going to be punished.”

  He shook his head and leaned back onto the bench. “No, I think what Jack did is more than enough punishment.” He let out a sigh. “I was only going to make you clean out a closet of gift wrapping or something. Jack almost killed you. I’m so sorry, Rina.”

  “I forgive you,” she said as she wrapped her arms around herself. “Though, it wasn’t really your fault.”

  “Yes, it was. And to try and make up for it, I’m going to make this job of yours permanent.”

  Excitement filled her. “Really?”

  Kris winked. “Really. You deserve it.”

  “I didn’t know we had company,” Justin said from the doorway.

  She sat up and looked at him. He was leaning against the doorframe and had his arms crossed in front of him. He also had a glare on his face that she didn’t quite understand.

  “Justin, this is Kris.”

  Kris Kringle smiled at them both and shook his head. “You can also call me Santa. So, get that glare off your face. I don’t have any designs on your girl.”

  Justin visibly relaxed as a blush crept up his neck.

  She bit back a laugh. “You were jealous of Santa Claus?”

  Justin snorted then moved to sit on her other side. “All I saw was a man I didn’t know on my porch talking to you and touching you. I’m sorry.”

  She smiled then kissed him softly. “You’re forgiven.”

  Justin shifted to hold out his hand to Santa. The two men shook then leaned back.

  “So, you’re my boss,” Justin said as he toyed with a strand of her hair. Tendrils of pleasure shot up her spine, but she still glared at him. Santa was sitting right next to her, and Justin was trying to turn her on.

  Darn man.

  “Yep, and you’re the young man I saved all those years ago.”

  Justin nodded, a look of sadness passing over his face. “Thank you for that.”

  “You deserved to live, Justin.”

  “How could you tell though? I was just some punk kid.”

  Rina gripped Justin’s hand but didn’t say anything. She knew this was something Justin needed to get out there, and Santa was the only one who could help him.

  “I saw in here.” Santa put a hand over his heart. “You’re a good person, Justin. You always were. I’m just glad I was there to help.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for taking care of Jack and Rina. There’s nothing I can say except to ask for your forgiveness for not taking down Jack all those years ago. But, I thank you for helping when I couldn’t. I’d thought he changed. I was wrong.”

  “It’s not your fault Jack is who he is,” Rina said. “You showed him what it meant to be a good person, but he followed his own path.”

  Santa nodded but said nothing.

  After a pause, Santa turned to Justin. “So, Justin, I’m sure you’re curious about your job throughout the year.”

  Justin shrugged. “Pretty much. I mean, the holidays are over after this right?”

  Santa smiled and winked. “You’d think, but not so much. Your job is to make sure people keep happiness alive. It’s not as strong as it is during the holidays, but the need is still there. The holidays aren’t the only time when people can show their good will toward one another and feel the goodness of others. You can still help those less fortunate. You just don’t have to help with the magic of Christmas Eve’s gifts.”

  Justin nodded and smiled. “So, in other words, help when I can and keep Rina by my side?”

  Santa smiled and nodded while Rina buried into Justin’s side. Yeah, she liked that part the most.

  After a few more minutes, Rina shivered then cursed. “Why are we sitting outside?”

  Justin laughed. “Because you’re cute when you’re flustered. Let’s go in and get some hot cocoa.”


  “I’m going to leave you to that,” Santa said as he got up from the bench. “I have a lot of traveling coming up soon.” He winked then left without another word. She watched as Santa took two steps of the porch, then took out a miniature snow globe and vanished in a blur of snow and lights.

  Justin gathered her up in his arms and carried her into the house. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

  “Have I told you how much I love when you act all manly and carry me places in the house?”

  He kissed her forehead then set her on the counter. “I like it, too.”

  “So, it looks like I’m going to be your assistant for a while.”

  Justin nodded but didn’t say anything. Isn’t that what he’d wanted? She bit her lip but didn’t voice her concern.

  What if Justin didn’t want her to stay now?


  Justin stood in the foyer at Jackson’s house and ate the rest of his sugar cookie. It was Christmas Day, and the Coopers, Jordan, Rina, and Abby were having a huge dinner to celebrate.

  Even though Justin wanted to be in there with them, he didn’t feel comfortable. Ever since Santa had left him and Rina on the porch, things had been awkward. He loved her more than he’d ever thought possible, but he didn’t know if being here was what she wanted. She had the whole world at her fingertips, and now she could be stuck with him.

  Was it fair to Rina to make her stay?

  He licked the frosting off his finger and closed his eyes. He didn’t think he was strong enough to let her go either. He loved her. Was that enough?

  “What are you doing out here?” Rina asked as she walked to his side. She didn’t reach for his hand, and he knew i
t was his fault. He was acting like an ass, and now she didn’t know where they stood. He’d drawn into himself and hadn’t spoken to her as he had before Jack’s attack. She hated not knowing where she stood.

  “Just thinking,” he finally answered.

  “Oh,” she said and turned to leave. He gripped her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He framed her face with his hands and kissed her softly.

  “What’s going on, Justin? Don’t you want me anymore?”

  He closed his eyes as shame filled him. “Of course I do. I want you with every ounce of my being.”

  “Then why are you pushing me away?” She pulled back, but he kept his hands on her, unable to relinquish the feel of her.

  “Don’t you want to see the world? I mean you don’t have to be here. I don’t want to keep you here if it’s not what you want.”

  Rina looked at him and blinked. Then she pulled away and let out a frustrated scream. “You’re kidding, right? You’re acting like an ass because you’re thinking for me?”


  “You think that just because I can leave you, I will? You’re an idiot!”


  “No, shut up. You listen to me, Justin Cooper. I love you. You and I are a freaking team. If you didn’t learn that from what went down with Jack, you’re an idiot. I cannot believe you think I’d leave you at the first chance I got. What the heck do you think I love you means?”

  Justin let out a breath and pulled her into his arms. She fought for a second before sinking into his hold. “I’m sorry, baby. I just don’t want you to be stuck with me.”

  She glared then bit the underside of his chin. “I could never be stuck with you. I actually like being with you. You dork.”

  “I promise never to think for you again.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Yeah, I don’t believe you, baby. You’re a man, but it’s okay. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He nipped at her lip then kissed her, hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pressed her against the wall. Their breaths came in heavy pants as he ground his hips against hers. She moaned into his mouth, and he cupped her breast, rolling her nipple in his fingers.

  “For the love of God, do not have sex in my house,” Jackson yelled.

  Justin and Rina pulled apart, their breathing ragged, their clothes mussed. Justin cleared his throat, and Rina blushed. “Sorry, man.”

  “Get presentable and get in here. We have presents to open, and I don’t have the inclination for another couple getting it on at my house.” He winked then left them alone.

  He never could understand his brother, but damn, he loved the man.

  “I can’t believe we almost had sex in your brother’s house with the rest of your family right next to us.”

  Justin smiled, gave her a quick kiss on her swollen lips, and pulled her to the living room. The rest of the family gave them knowing looks, but he ignored them, trying to save Rina at least some embarrassment.

  He sat back against a chair, and Rina sat between his legs. Bray stood off to the side, helping Jackson remove the presents from under the tree and handing them to the named person. Matt sat on the couch with Jordan draped on top of him as he played with her hair and opened gifts. While Rina sat on the floor next to him, Abby bounced up and down as she opened each gift. She smiled at each of them and said her thanks for the gifts. She really was like a sister to them.

  Well, maybe not to everyone. Tyler sat in an armchair across from them, a glare on his face. He unwrapped his gifts, but Justin noticed that he didn’t really look at anything he opened. Justin didn’t know what was going on, but Tyler needed to get over whatever it was with Abby and grow up. They were a family.

  Rina snuggled into his hold, and he kissed her temple. “Are you having a good Christmas?”

  She smiled up at him. “You’re not so bad after all, Justin Cooper.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly. “As long as I have you, I don’t need to be.”

  The End

  Coming Soon in the Holiday, Montana world, Tyler gets his story in Finding Abigail.

  About the Author

  Carrie Ann Ryan is a bestselling paranormal and contemporary romance author. After spending too much time behind a lab bench, she decided to dive into the romance world and find her werewolf mate - even if it’s just in her books. Happy endings are always near - even if you have to get over the challenges of falling in love first.

  Carrie Ann’s Redwood Pack series is a bestselling series that has made the shifter world even more real to her and has allowed the Dante’s Circle and Holiday, Montana series to be born. She's also an avid reader and lover of romance and fiction novels. She loves meeting new authors and new worlds. Any recommendations you have are appreciated. Carrie Ann lives in New England with her husband and two kittens.

  Also from this Author

  Now Available:

  Redwood Pack Series:

  An Alpha’s Path

  A Taste for a Mate

  Trinity Bound

  A Night Away

  Enforcer’s Redemption

  Holiday, Montana Series:

  Charmed Spirits

  Santa’s Executive

  Coming Soon:

  Redwood Pack:

  Blurred Expectations

  Shattered Emotions

  Holiday, Montana Series:

  Finding Abigail

  Her Lucky Love

  Dante’s Circle:

  Her Warriors’ Three Wishes

  Have you tried Carrie Ann Ryan’s bestselling Redwood Pack series?

  Book 4 in the series is out now!

  Excerpt: Enforcer’s Redemption

  Chapter 1

  Adam Jamenson watched as Jasper swept Willow around the dance floor, which the family had built outside their den, delight on both of their faces. A sharp and familiar pang pierced his heart, rattled around his ribs, and then settled in his stomach like a rotting, dead weight. He took a swig of his Jack on the rocks, the burn not quite dulling the ache that had haunted him for two decades.

  God, he missed Anna.

  He rubbed a hand through his shorn, dark brown hair, trying to release some of the tension he’d felt over the past eight months. Well, if he was honest, it’d been much longer than that, but the intensity had increased dramatically since… No, he couldn’t and wouldn’t think about that.

  Not again. Not ever.

  He drained the last of his glass and wondered if he should get up and pour himself another. What he needed right now was to get blinding drunk, but his family was watching him. They were always watching him, and with this being Willow’s birthday party, the Pack was celebrating and trying to be happy.

  Adam didn’t want to be happy.

  He wanted to be fucking drunk, that way the feel of the spindly fingers wrapped around his heart in a death grip would dissipate to a dull clench. His body felt on alert at all times, as if, at any moment, something would come in and attack, taking away anything else he thought he had.

  It wasn’t much, just a jumble of memories that wouldn’t fade away.

  He was the Enforcer of the Redwood Pack. As such, he felt the threats to the Pack deep in his soul and held the duty to protect his family. Sometimes, though, he felt as if he were failing at every turn.

  Willow’s laugh brought him out of his gloomy thoughts. She smiled, her face brightening as North took her from Jasper’s arms, and they two-stepped to the change in music. He loved Willow like a sister and would do anything for her. He’d almost taken her into his home when she’d had a falling out with Jasper. She wouldn’t have taken Anna’s place, but maybe her laughter would have warmed up his tomb slightly.

  Did he even want warmth?

  “You don’t want that other drink, man,” Maddox grumbled as he took the seat next to Adam without invitation.

  “Damn it.
Stay out of my head.”

  “You know I don’t read minds.”

  Adam held back a wince. Of all his brothers, Maddox was the one he did his best to avoid. As the Omega of the Pack, he could feel every emotion from its members, and Adam didn’t want Maddox to be privy to some of his emotions. Or, rather, any of his emotions. He didn’t even want to deal with them himself. But, Maddox knew everything. He’d seen the way Maddox looked after Anna’s…death. He knew too much, and Adam didn’t want to look his brother in his all-too-knowing gaze and see pity…or worse, understanding.

  No one could understand.

  He had been the first of his brothers to be mated. He’d met and fallen in love with Anna forty years before. He’d had twenty years with the love of his life and then had lost her and their unborn child. He gripped his glass tighter as the gaping wound bled just a bit more. Now, one by one, his brothers were finding their mates, in Reed’s case two mates.

  Adam was left to sit back and watch. Alone.

  He didn’t want to be around to watch the smiles on their faces, see the love radiating from their pores, watch the women grow full and ripe with their children.


  He closed his eyes, the stinging increasing.

  He didn’t want to see Finn, Mel and Kade’s son, and Brie, Jasper and Willow’s daughter, toddle and grow up. That was the worst part. The part he couldn’t ignore. They were the physical representations and proof of a mating bond so strong that the Redwoods had a chance of a future.

  Adam had almost had that once…then the Centrals had taken it away from him.


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