Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke)

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Scarlett's Will (Magic in the Smoke) Page 10

by Nicole Smith

  “That’s because you’re not family,” she said coldly. I turned from her and sat back down on the chair.

  “I’ll go see how he is,” she said. I just nodded, hugging my knees to my chest. I felt so alone and so cold without him. Is this how it is going to be when I leave him. Maybe I should go home now. I’m not family and his mother won’t let me see him. Who am I kidding, there is no way in hell I’m leaving until I know he is okay. I'm not leaving until I can see him at least one more time.

  “Scarlett, come with me,” I heard his mother order me. I stood shakily and followed her. I wished I wasn't so frightened of her. Why can't I stand up to her?

  “He wants to see you,” she said. I wiped a tear from my eye as she led me to his room. She stopped just before opening the door.

  “I know that Willem has agreed to go to school next week. I don’t want him to change his mind. He has made me well aware of his feelings about you and I can tell you feel the same, but I hope you realize now that this is his only chance of escaping this life. This life of drugs and fighting. This isn’t the first time I’ve found him beaten in a hospital room, I can only hope it will be the last time. I’m begging you as a mother that’s lost so much, please let him go Scarlett,” she pleaded with tears in her eyes. I looked away from her, knowing what I must do.

  “I will let him go Levana but I will never stop loving him,” I told her with as much confidence as I could muster.

  “I know Scarlett. He loves you too which is what makes this so hard, but maybe in a few years, when you’re both a little older,” she continued but I tuned her out.

  “Can I go in now?” I asked. I’ve told her I’m leaving, what more does she want from me? She nodded as she opened the door for me. I saw him bandaged. I walked quickly to his bedside.

  “Will, are you okay?” I asked, tears streaming down my face again.

  “Oh Scarlett, come here baby,” he cried. I stood over him, as close to him as I could. He lifted his hand and wiped my tears.

  “I’m okay, just a few broken ribs and some bruises. I’ll be out of here tomorrow. Dave’s going to come by to take you home tonight,” he informed me. I gasped.

  “Home? I was hoping for a little longer,” I cried, holding his hand tightly.

  “No baby, to my apartment silly. I’m not letting you go yet,” he said as he kissed my fingers. When Dave arrives I know I have to leave him. They’ve been kind enough to let me stay as long as I have. It hurts to leave him there but I can’t stay.

  “Take care of her Dave?” Buddy orders.

  “I will Bud, we’ll see ya tomorrow man,” he said as he walked out. I leaned over and kissed him good night.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you Scarlett. If anything had happened to you tonight,” he winced as he spoke. “It’s okay, I’m okay,” I tell him. “Goodnight Willem,” I whisper as I notice his eyes closing. He’s been given more morphine.

  I smile at Dave as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the hospital. He asked me what happened as we drive downtown. I tell him about the gunshot in the bar and waiting by the bus stop when he was attacked.

  “What did they look like?” he asked.

  “They were ugly,” I tell him as he hands me a joint. I light it.

  “A few more details please?” he asked, laughing. I tell him as much as I can remember.

  “They were about Buddy’s height, dressed in black. Black hoodies and black jeans. I think one of them had piercings on his face. I couldn’t see their hair because their hoods were up. I think they wore black docs too,” I told him.

  “Did they take anything?” he asked. I looked at him as he parks his car on the street, out front Buddy’s house. I just nodded. I knew they targeted him. They knew he had money from the deal he made at the club. I didn’t trust those guys from the moment I saw them open that back door.

  “Let me walk you in,” Dave offers as I open the car door. I glance at Dave and notice he’s looking across the street at someone.

  “Get back in the car Scarlett,” he orders. He starts the ignition immediately. I shut the door and lock it just as I see their faces against the windshield.

  “It’s them,” I shout. Dave drives off, the guys jump back from the car. I turn to see them standing in the middle of the road, waving at me.

  “There just trying to scare you Scarlett,” Dave said, trying to soothe me.

  “You can come to my place tonight,” he offers, as he rubs my shoulder with his free hand. I’m shaking. I need Buddy here with me.

  Dave pulls into his garage, then walks with me quickly up to his apartment door and unlocks it. He closes all the blinds and double checks that the door is locked then turns on the stereo. I sit down on the couch and listen to Def Leppard sing about how Love Bites.

  “Are you hungry? I have pizza I didn’t get a chance to eat earlier. Here let me grab you a drink,” he offers as he pours me a rum and coke. I light a smoke as he hands me the glass.

  “Thank you Dave, I appreciate this,” I smile.

  “I know that Buddy loves you. He was a wreck when he couldn’t find you last summer. When he got back he kind of went on a bender. I had to pick him up from the drunk tank a few times,” he told me. This did not make me feel any better.

  “I didn’t ask him to come get me. I was trying to forget him. I knew I shouldn’t have met him, I shouldn’t have fallen in love with him. I’ve been through hell and back since last summer. Now I’m here and I have to give him up again,” I said, taking another drink.

  “His mother told me that she’s had to pick him up from the hospital before, was he beaten up badly?” I asked him.

  “After his brother died Buddy kind of went a little mad. He took a lot of drugs, cut himself a lot and started fights. He started fights he knew he wouldn’t win. It was like he wanted to feel pain, he wanted to suffer. When he met you I was a little worried. I was hoping he wasn’t kidnapping you as another way to inflict pain upon himself. I didn’t want him arrested. I think it backfired if that was what he had planned. When you were with him it was like he was his old happy, smiling self again. The Bud I remembered when we were kids. As brief as your stay was, he changed. He stayed changed, although missing you he seemed better, like he had something to look forward to, you know, seeing you again,” he confessed.

  “I was trying to protect him at first Dave. I knew what he did for money and I didn’t want the police to arrest him for harboring a runaway. Then I changed. I guess you could say I started to self inflict pain on myself,” I explained.

  “I’m sorry Scarlett, I didn’t mean to put this on you, Buddy has a lot of issues but I know you mean the world to him. He’ll bounce back from this and those guys will get there’s I can promise you that. Will is nicknamed Buddy for a reason, he has a lot of friends,” he reassured me.

  “I’ll throw some clean sheets on my bed, you can have it,” he offered as he stood up.

  “No Dave, the couch is fine,” I told him. He sat back down beside me. He lit a smoke and handed it to me.

  “I just have to make a few calls. Feel free to use the shower,” he offered. I grinned, wondering if Buddy told him about our showers.

  In the morning I heard Dave’s voice. He was talking to someone. I sat up and fixed my shirt and pulled on my shorts just as I saw Dave and another guy walk into the kitchen.

  “Good morning Scarlett, did you sleep okay?” Dave asked as I pulled my hair back.

  “Yes, fine thank you,” I said. I smiled and waved at the guy beside him.

  “Scarlett, this is Justin, Justin meet the one and only Scarlett Rayne,” Dave introduces me rather strangely.

  ‘Wow, the one and only,” I smirk as I light a smoke.

  Justin walks over and sits beside me on the couch. I glance at his tattooed arm and huge chest. He has a shaved head and a number of piercings. He reminds me of a biker my father used to hang around with. I offer him a smoke but he declines.

  “Trying to quit,” he grins. I just nod.

  “I probably should too, I hear it gives you cancer or something,” I said as I sit back, inhaling.

  “Scarlett, I’m an old friend of Will's. You could say I'm his protector. Even in our world we still have jobs,” he said with a wink, like I understood what he meant. Well if you're his protector where were you last night? I wanted to ask this but I didn't. He seemed to catch my thoughts though. I heard him sigh.

  “I failed him last night. He asked me to stand down so he could take you out. He didn't know he was targeted. I will make them pay for what they what they have done. I wanted to ask you if there was anything else you could tell me about the guys that let you into the club last night and the guys that attacked him,” he said.

  “I told Dave all I really know,” I said as I looked up at him. I realized then that he is the one that’s going to make sure these guys don’t get away with what they did, just as Dave had said.

  “One of the guys that beat on Will threatened me. He said to me 'another time little witch', whatever that means,” I said, catching the glance between Dave and Justin before I continued.

  “When he heard the sirens coming he ran off. I guess I should have been more careful last night. I don’t know if it helps but when he was talking to me I noticed he had a couple of gold teeth,” I said to Justin. He looked at me and smiled.

  “Thank you Scarlett, I had a suspicion and you just nailed it down for me,” he said. I smiled as I took another drag.

  “It wasn’t a fair fight you know. They caught him off guard and it was two against one. Plus he was more worried about me then himself,” I explained to them. Justin nodded his head as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t worry Scarlett, it won’t be a fair fight when my crew and I find them either,” he grinned. I glanced at Dave, seeing him nod.

  “Well it was a pleasure meeting you Scarlett Rayne Jones. I have a feeling we will meet again someday and I will be your protector as well. I promise, I won't let either of you down again,” Justin said. I watched him stand up. I stood beside him, still thinking he looked vaguely familiar.

  “It was nice meeting you too Justin, I’m sorry I couldn’t offer any more information. I was just so scared for Buddy,” I said, eying his tattoos. One of them looked the same as one of Will's. A dark shadow behind an old castle, but his tattoo had an emblem on it, I just couldn't read it from this distance. He followed my gaze and grinned.

  “You’ve helped plenty Scarlett,” he said. I smiled as I looked away from him and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. I've heard that voice and seen that smile when I was younger. It's possible he just looked similar to one of my father's friends but I had a feeling they weren't friends. If I can remember right they had been arguing. I heard the front door open and close but I didn’t hear Dave behind me until I turned around, catching him watching me. I leaned against the counter as I drank the tap water. It was a little warm but I had a headache and an unquenchable thirst.

  “I guess we can go to the hospital now?” I suggested. Dave walked towards me, standing in front of me, not saying anything. He began to make me nervous. I looked away from him.

  “Scarlett, you know this isn’t over don’t you? It is just the beginning of a battle that has been years in the making. Both sides have been preparing for this and the attack on our leader is the first move. It is just the beginning. You know you have to leave this place right? You are in danger if you stay here, especially since they know Willem has chosen you. Especially since they know you are a witch,” he said, glaring at me. I gasped, about to question him but he continued.

  “Will didn’t see who attacked him but you did. Once they know that Justin is looking for them they’ll come get you for revenge. That’s how the demons play,” he said, staring at me.

  “Why did you involve Justin then and what do you mean I'm a witch?” I snapped at him.

  “I didn’t involve Justin, one of the nurses from the hospital recognized Willem and told a few people, throwing confidentiality out the window,” Dave snapped back. I could tell he was furious. He opened a bottle of vodka and took a drink before handing it to me.

  “I had Joey, a friend of ours stop by Will’s house and gather up whatever he could find that might be yours, it’s here in this backpack,” he said as he handed it to me. I quickly rummaged through it. My journal was there along with all my clothes. Even my Depeche Mode tee shirt.

  “Looks like all of it,” I sighed as I ran my fingers over the rope on my wrist, the one Buddy made me. I placed the one from Lily on my wrist too. Both of them felt warm beneath my fingers. I watched Dave walk over to the stereo and turn up The Dead Kennedy's. Fuck Me Dead is not helping me relax.

  “So what’s the plan Dave?” I asked as he paced back and forth in front of me. I was too frightened to ask him any more questions that might anger him.

  “We go get Will out of the hospital and we drive you back to Canada. Then when Will gets back we pack him up and I bring him to college, where he should have gone last year,” he grumbled. I know he cares about Will but he is really starting to piss me off.

  “Fine Dave, let’s go,” I said, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. He stopped pacing and stood in front of me.

  “I’m sorry Scarlett, I’m just no good under pressure,” he apologized, holding his hand out for me. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

  “Let’s go see Buddy.” I manged to say. He’s amazing under pressure but I didn’t say this to Dave.


  I’m feeling a little nervous as I walk towards Will’s hospital room. I’m afraid to see him all broken and bruised again. I slowly open the door as Dave waits in the hall.

  “Buddy,” I call when I see that his bed his empty. Maybe he switched rooms. I turn to the door when I hear my name.

  “Scarlett?” I watch as Buddy limps out of the bathroom. He’s managed to put his jeans on and he's walking. His chest is wrapped tightly and he has clean bandages on his head. I hold back my tears as I walk to him. I carefully touch his cheeks and kiss him gently. I hear him moan as he tries to hold me.

  “It’s okay, just let me do the touching now,” I whisper to him as I wrap my fingers between his.

  “I know what’s going on baby and I know what I have to do, but it hurts,” he tells me as I stand in front of the man I love, knowing I have to leave him.

  “Dave’s going to take me home today. Apparently I’m in danger if I stay here,” I said, kissing his neck, breathing him in. I missed him last night.

  “I’m coming with you Scarlett Rayne,” he informs me as he reaches for his shirt.

  “You can’t wear that,” I said, taking it from him. I turn and walk out, calling Dave.

  “Give him your button up shirt. He can’t put a tee shirt on,” I order Dave. He quickly takes it off and hands it to me as I toss him Will's tee shirt. I leave him in the hall as I walk back into the hospital room.

  “Let’s try this,” I smile as I help him dress. He’s looking into my eyes again, with his serious, painful gaze. I’m having trouble hiding my pain as I kiss him, buttoning up his shirt.

  “Won’t the car ride be too painful for you?” I ask him. I can’t handle putting him in any more pain.

  “I have a secret pain reliever. I had a good friend bring it by this morning. I’ll be all set. You just have to sit in the backseat with me. We’ll let Dave drive,” he grins as his fingertips land on my hips.

  “I’m not sure the doctor would agree with too much of that,” I said as I run my fingers along his thighs. I’m going to miss this, I think as I carefully nudge him closer to me.

  “I always disobey doctors orders,” he smirks as I feel his muscles tense beneath my hands. I want him so much but I know now is not a good time. Dave knocks and I release my hold on him. I hear Will sigh as he looks toward Dave.

  “Hey Dave, thank you for taking care of my angel last night,” he said as he takes a hold o
f my hand.

  “No problem Bud,” Dave replies, glancing at me, wondering if I had mentioned his outbursts.

  “I guess it’s time to go,” Buddy says as he limps toward the door. I slide my arm around his waist hoping he’ll lean against me as we walk towards the elevator. He accepts my support. I breathe in his scent, knowing I’ll miss everything about him too soon.

  Dave opens the back door of the car and I help him in. He gasps and squints. I know he’s in pain. I hope the car ride isn’t too hard on him. I get in and Buddy leans against me, stretching his legs across the seats.

  “Are you sure you can make the trip?” I ask him as I kiss his forehead.

  “I am coming with you Scarlett. I’ll be fine as long as I’m with you,” he tells me as his hand rests on my thigh. Dave gets in and starts my journey back home. Although at this moment my home is wherever Buddy is. I can’t imagine living without his touch. I place my hand on his forehead as he rests on my shoulder.

  “Can I get you your pain reliever?” I ask him, as I listen to his heavy breathing.

  “Yes, in my bag, please,” he said with a rasp in his voice. I’m beginning to think that maybe he should still be in the hospital. I open the bag and pull out an envelope. He reaches for it. Taking out a couple of pills he pops them in his mouth.

  “Don’t you need some water?” I ask him. He gulps a few times.

  “Nope, I’m good,” he said smiling up at me. I kiss him, not wanting to stop. I rest my head against his as I listen to him breath.

  “Driver, can you please play Somebody by Depeche Mode,” Buddy orders. I kiss his head and feel his hand rest on my thigh again. I wait for his pain meds to take effect before I try and move closer to him.

  “Is he okay Scarlett?” Dave asks as we drive closer to the border.

  “I think he has fallen asleep,” I said. I see Dave nod. I'm hoping he is staying calm, after his confession about not being good under pressure. I know he’s thinking of what to tell the border patrol. I sigh as I try and wake Will up gently.

  “Buddy, were at the border, are you okay?” I ask him as I try and sit him up. I feel his hands grasp my arms tightly.


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