Rising Shadows

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Rising Shadows Page 6

by Bridget Blackwood

  The first Fae I ever fed off didn’t survive. Purely by accident. I was young and still learning my strength. She was a red head. Caused quite a ruckus when I took the body home. I was being a gentleman, bringing back their stinking carcass and they try to kill me. Turns out dinner was actually some sort of princess. Damn, there are over fifty princesses. Were they really going to miss one? Anyway, the crazy bitch queen sent some troops after me and I learned I was the most powerful vampire alive that that day. Not bragging, but I am the shit. I sent the Fae army back to her as dust in a jar. No one told me I was a super vampire. Some shit about if I didn’t know I couldn’t hurt anyone. Proud to say no accidental murders committed by me in centuries. No, all my kills since then are entirely on purpose. I’m attacked by Fae every so often. Those deaths are the most satisfying.

  The woman on my doorstep reminds me of that first Fae experience. She had been looking for bed sport. What is this one looking for? I’m torn. Do I want this woman to be another assassin or just want me for my body? Is it wrong if I want both?

  Brave little firefly for showing up on a Vampire’s doorstep. Currently, Vampires and the Fae are in a cease fire. Manias Artorias, the Vampire Regis, negotiated it at the beginning of his reign. Life has been painfully boring since then.

  “Is this the home of Dr. Keller?” she asks.

  She's looking for Keller? Disappointed, I nod and say, “He lives here, but the house belongs to Varian Caina.”

  Her eyes bug out. “Varian Caina? He’s not home is he?” she asks nervously.

  She knows my name and reputation but has no clue what I look like? This should be fun. Instead of telling her ‘Yes, you’re talking to him’ I lie and say “No.”

  Don’t want to scare off the entertainment.

  “Oh good.” She looks relieved. “Can you please take me to the doctor? I must speak with him.”

  “What the hell.” I shrug. “Been a while since I did anything to piss him off.”

  The puzzled look on her face is familiar. I get that look a lot from people. When you are more powerful than any one person should be, you seldom hear the word no. It breeds tedium. I like to catch people off guard. I think the general consensus is I’m bat shit crazy, but who is going to do anything to me? The Regis? Yeah right. I was supposed to be the king. Too much work so I turned the job down. If I ever decide I want to wear a tiara, I’ll just remove Manias’ head and take his crown. He’s lucky he's my best friend.

  I take her hand and pull her along behind me. “Come on firefly, the mad scientist is this way.”

  “Firefly? What the hell does that mean?” She demands.

  I ignore her. “Keller! A visitor has come calling,” I taunt in a sing song voice.

  “Who, Varian? You know I don’t like visitors.” The voice comes from down the hall but gets louder as we move closer to his office.

  Winter's gaze darts to me, “Why did he call you Varian?” Her voice is suspicious.

  Shrugging, I screw up my face and draw an imaginary circle with a finger next to my ear making the universal sign someone is crazy.

  We reach Keller’s office. Not taking my eyes off her I say, “A little Fae chit. An attractive morsel. No idea why she would want to see a mean old bastard like you, but who understands women?” She glares at me. I can’t stop the huge grin from splitting my face. Must have shown a little too much fang 'cause Firefly tugs harder to free her captured hand.

  Keller doesn’t look up from his papers. “Fae. No use for any Fae whether they’re beautiful or not. Send her away.”

  Well done, Keller. He’s such a bastard he makes me look like a gentlemen.

  Firefly approaches Keller’s desk. She’s not going to leave. Slamming her hands down on the surface of the desk she gets Keller’s attention. But does she really want it? “Doctor Keller, I came to ask you for help. A hybrid Fae-Lycan child is dying. Humans poisoned her with something unknown.”

  “Humans. Fae. Lycan. What a headache,” Keller mumbles, he looks back down.

  Leaning against the door frame I add my two cents worth. “Keller, if I were you I wouldn’t.” The girl turns her furious eyes on me. “What? Those are three factions a vampire has no cause to bother with. Why would you expect any help from us?”

  It’s the harsh truth whether she wants to hear it or not.

  “First of all, I didn’t ask for your help, I asked for his. Second, she’s a child. And last, no matter how much the doctor wants to forget, he has ties to the Fae court as does every vampire in existence.”

  I’m sorry, repeat that last part again?

  Keller gets up, just a breath separate them. “Do you even know what you are talking about? I pray you don’t, because if you do your life is forfeited. Neither monarch will let you live with such knowledge.”

  Her chin raises a fraction. “I can take care of myself.”

  Keller scoffs at her and I laugh.

  Defiant beauty, I like her.

  She narrows her eyes at both us. “You are okay with a child dying when you might be able to help her?”

  “You must be a very young Fae. When you have lived as long as I, one more death won’t bother you,” Keller dismisses.

  I have to disagree. Kids aren’t the same as ancient old farts like Keller.

  Angrily, she asks, “So you don’t care who dies around you?”

  She’s not talking to me, but I answer the questions anyway. “I don’t really care if I die. At least I would be doing something different.”

  Keller gathers an armful of books and papers. “If you two shut up I’m ready to go. Take me to the girl.”

  She smiles and does an honest-to-god happy dance. This Fae is delightful. I’m glad I didn’t eat her.

  I grab my coat. No way am I missing this. “I haven’t been near any Lycans in ages. This is going to be a blast.”

  “Oh no, you are not coming.” She stops dead in her tracks to tell me.

  I laugh harder than I have all year. I want her to stick around. Firefly amuses the hell outta me. “You couldn’t stop me if you had an army.”

  She cocks her head to the side and looks at me thoughtfully. “You’re Varian, aren’t you? I don’t get it. Why is everyone afraid of you? I agree you’re odd and quite possibly off your meds, but you don’t seem dangerous.”

  I smile innocently. “I’m harmless as a church mouse. Don’t know where they got the idea I am the boogeyman,” Keller scoffs. I ignore him like always and say to Winter, “Now move that cute little ass before I decide to keep you.”



  Rachel is sleeping on the bed beside me. My mate. How did I get a mate? I’m not the commitment type. What possessed me to claim this human woman for the rest of our lives? Now that we’re mated, her life is bound to mine. Her life span just jumped into the triple digits.

  There is no denying Rachel is beautiful. I noticed her when she walked into Lune Rouge. Scent plays a significant part in Lycan mating. Probably in all Therian mating, but I couldn’t swear to it. Rachel smells like shelter. I noticed it down in the cells when I first spoke to her. She’s intoxicating. This leads me to believe she was already destined to be mine. Fate. My mate and my lost brother’s child somehow walk into my world together. Twenty four hours later I am joined with her and seriously considering adopting my niece. It appears Rachel has bonded to Livia. Perhaps she won’t mind being a wife and mother overnight?

  The bedding has fallen below her navel. Blonde hair drifts across the pillows. A lock of hair lay over her left breast, winding around the gentle slope. I pursue the swirl of spun gold around to her nipple before palming the whole breast. She stirs in her sleep. My hand travels between her breasts. Gradually I skim my palm down stomach. Rachel is slim, but not gaunt. Her abdomen has a slight roundness, her hips and breasts are full. Generous proportions instead of the skeletal frame that’s popular today.

  My hand slips below the sheet, carrying it with me. Short, blonde curls conceal her
pussy. I spread my fingers through the hairs until I find her slit. Dipping my fingers into her wet warmth and then slowly rolling the sensitive bud hiding at the top. She’s beginning to wake up. I toss back the bed sheet, and ease down the mattress to taste what my fingers have held. My lips touch her labia, and I hear her gasp. Looking up her body, I meet her drowsy gaze. Sleep tousled, eyes heavy lidded from desire. I coil my arm around her waist and haul her down the bed so I can become better acquainted with her most intimate parts more comfortably. Her legs dangle off the edge, I kneel on the floor between them.

  “Good morning.” I smile at her. I follow up my greeting with a slow lick between the lips of her pussy. Rachel tries to pull back. She looks at me with shy indecision. “Never had anyone go down on you before?”

  Biting her lip, she shakes her head no.

  “Hmm. Not sorry to hear that. Relax. Let your legs go free. I promise you will enjoy this. Even if I’ve to work at it all day.”

  She arches an eyebrow at me. I press my tongue into her again. I’ve slid my hands under her buttocks to hold her tight. Tremors rack her body. She’s close to coming. I feel her nails on the back of my head, pressing me to her. Beneath me, Rachel's body rides the waves of an orgasm.



  An exiled Fae princess walks into a werewolf’s home with two vampires. Sounds like a joke I was told once. Claude is granting us permission to see his granddaughter. She may be the only piece of his son Athan left in the world. If a vampire can save her life, he will put his prejudice aside. The nursery we’re taken to in Claude's home is outfitted with hospital machinery monitoring Livia's vital signs. Keller examines her, drawing tubes of blood, taking hair samples and saliva. The man had better be the genius Kiril calls him. Livia's arm is in a sling.

  “The break should be mended by now. Why is her arm still in the sling?” I whisper to Claude.

  “Whatever is killing her is impairing her ability to heal.”

  Livia whimpers softly provoking Claude to move closer. Varian takes up the space next to me.

  “She's so small.” He looks perplexed.

  “Children are like that,” I respond.

  “I’ve not been around any children in, I cannot recall the last time I was around children actually.” He frowns.

  “Vampires have kids, why haven't you seen any?”

  “No parent desires to risk their offspring. What if I am as psychotic as people claim? Varian Caina, cursed with so much power he lost his sanity,” he scoffs bitterly.

  I plan to sneak off from him at his revelation. He’s right. No one wants to chance being in his presence. Except maybe the doctor, whose qualifications I’m questioning now. Varian's hand grips my wrist like a vise.

  “Relax, Firefly. Gossip and superstition. You are safe with me.”

  “Could you loosen up on my wrist? I think I can feel the bones grinding.”

  Varian looks stricken. He holds my wrist up to inspect it for damage. Once he’s satisfied I am unharmed, he lowers my hand down but refuses to let me go. His thumb rubs the backs of my fingers. Studying his features I take in the sharp angles of his face. The jaw, cheek, and nose are defined blades. His hair is blond, though not as light as my father's was. The Caina line is the height of vampire aristocracy. Varian possesses the looks to back his bloodline’s claim. The length of his hair is his only rebellion from the polished features genetics granted him. It is long, past his shoulders. Vampires are beautiful. It makes them more efficient predators. Fae share that innate beauty in common with vampires. Varian Caina is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in any realm. Seriously? The most lethal vampire in all the world and I have a girl boner for him? I am so screwed.

  “I think I would have liked to be a father.” I can barely hear him he speaks so softly.

  Squeezing his hand I say, “You still can. Not like you don’t have lifetimes to do it.” I meant for him to laugh at my joke.

  He gives me a sad smile and my heart breaks for him. “I think you and I both know the score on that, Firefly.”

  I start to say something to him, but I’m interrupted. The woman from Lune Rouge explodes into the bedroom with Bastien on her heels.



  Livia looks frightening. Her skin is deathly pale, her lovely red hair is dull. My heart is breaking in my chest. A man is bowed over her bed, surveying her then writing furiously in a notepad. He’s not a Fae, I learned from meeting the Fae bartender, Winter at Lune Rouge that they are mesmerizing. He doesn’t hypnotize me with his beauty the way Winter does. No animal qualities, so not a shifter. He sticks his pen in between his teeth to turn the page on his notepad. Dangerously sharp canines too long to be human rest over the pen. Vampire. If I had not seen his teeth, I wouldn’t have known. Arcana has a point of weakness.

  Crossing the room, I sit down in the chair next to Livia. I hold her uninjured hand in mine.

  “Livia, its Rachel” Her eyes flutter but don't open. I glance over for Bastien, and find he’s standing by my side. He seems torn between anger and sadness. His father Claude is close by. He mirrors his son's dark countenance.

  “Livia, sweetheart please wake up. I need to talk to you. I need to hear your voice. We're free. No more tests. No more bossy men in suits. You can be a little girl now.” The tears fall fast. I can't see Livia clearly. Bastien lifts me from the chair into his arms. With my face buried in his neck, I let myself sob. I cry until the tears ran out.

  When I’m sure I’ve no moisture left in my body to give I speak to Bastien. “You can put me down now. I think I am done.”

  Bastien rumbles in his chest, and his arms get tighter. “I like you here.”

  I like me here, too.

  “At least let me stand on my own two feet. Marriages are built on compromise.”

  “Human marriages maybe,” he says as he sets me down.

  I pause to take in the room’s occupants. Claude has moved closer to Bastien and me. He catches me looking at him and supplies a nod. A simple nod that feels full of favor. Winter has tear tracks down her cheek. One side of her face is pressed to the chest of a tall, handsome blond man. His arms are around her, and he’s resting the side of his face on the top of her head.

  Is that her husband?

  The doctor closes his notepad and addresses the room. “Humans created a dangerous cocktail. Why did they infect a child?”

  I clear my throat before I respond, “To use as leverage against me.”

  The doctor does not like that answer. He makes a scary face and says something in a language I don’t understand. The blond man embracing Winter grunts in agreement.

  “They call us monsters, and they infect children with death,” the Doctor sneers.

  I jump like I was hit. Bastien rubs my arm to soothe me.

  “Death? Does that mean you can’t do anything for her?” Bastien asks before I can.

  Mussing his hair, the doctor rubs at his head absently. “Our options are limited. Time is running out,” he sighs. “With the samples I gathered I can give her a chance once I get the original compound they used. Magic would work, but the Fae refused the petition.” The doctor wanders out of the room mumbling about cures, antigens and blasted humans.

  I find Winter’s eyes and demand an answer. “I thought she was a Royal Red. Bastien said she was the daughter of some lost princess. Why won't they help?”

  Winter disentangles herself from the stoic blond. Swiping at her eyes she says. “Because she’s only half Fae. The queen will not take a halfling. If Amalia was alive, then she might be persuaded. Fae are not known for their loving families.” Winter, is angry for Livia. Guess not all Fae are anti-family.

  Madalaina opens the door. “All of you look beat. Take a break. I am going to read to my niece for a bit, and I hate an audience.”

  I don't want to leave, but Bastien coaxes me out. There is nothing I can do here. The drive back to Bastien's place is quiet. Our place, now. Still h
ard for me to believe there is an us. Will there always be an us? Are werewolves monogamous? All my stuff is still at my old apartment. Unless Anna got rid of it. This is making my head hurt.

  We get back to the house and Bastien walks over to sit on one of the kitchen stools. His eyes aren’t as bright as they should be, dark circles have formed underneath. Tension in his shoulders has him rubbing the back of his neck absentmindedly. I stop in front of him and replace his hands with mine. Gently massaging the knots drags a moan from him. He rests his forehead in the center of my chest. His arms hug me around the waist.

  My poor wolf.

  “What are we going to do, Bastien? If the Fae won’t help, then we need to get back into Richland somehow and steal Keller a sample of the virus.”

  He grunts. “Is your plan to make me stupid with your sweet hands so I’ll agree to anything? Because it’s working.”

  In mock disbelief I ask, “Would I do something like that?”

  Bastien pulls my arms down from his neck and slides his hands into mine. “I haven’t known you long, but I would say without a doubt that you’d do anything to protect my niece.”

  I bristle at him calling Livia his niece. Why am I mad? She is his niece.

  Bastien pulls me onto his lap. “Why are you upset? I can feel you pulling away from me.”

  I duck my face. “It’s stupid. I’m possessive of her. She isn’t even related to me,” I mumble.

  Hugging me tighter, Bastien brushed my back with his hand. “She is now. You are her Aunt through our mate bond. But you two are so much more than that. You didn’t give birth to Livia, but you love her as fiercely as any mother. Blood doesn’t always tie a family together.”

  “When this is all over will I lose her?” I whisper. Tears again? I’m such a cry baby.

  “No, baby. I won’t let anyone take Livia from you. Once she’s better she’ll live here with us. First we have to get her well again. I think you’re right about Richland. I’ll get a sample for Keller.”


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