Rising Shadows

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Rising Shadows Page 8

by Bridget Blackwood

  A nasty snarl curls Anna’s lips, “I’ll leave when I’m ready. You can’t make me do anything in your position.” She sounds smug and satisfied with herself.

  I stop paying attention, but it doesn’t stop Anna from continuing with a litany of cruel comments. Why won’t she shut up? Her tirade shows no signs of being over anytime soon, and I can’t stand to listen to her voice a second longer.

  “Last warning, Anna. Get lost,” I say through clenched teeth.

  Anna ignores me, unfortunately for her. Unleashing my fury fueled Arcana, I ‘grab’ her jaw and wrench it to the side until it breaks. The grotesque angle it rests at is horrible to look at. She’s freaking out, trying to scream but it’s garbled. Anna crowds her hands near her face but doesn’t touch her jaw.

  Innocently, I say, “Wow, Anna, something’s wrong with your jaw. You should probably have that looked at.”

  Anna stumbles backward frightened and trips in her heels. She lands on her ass, jarring her broken jaw so that it flaps.

  That’s just not right.

  Dr. Morris trots back in to see what all the commotion is about. His eyes bug out when he sees Anna. He tries to help her up, but she slaps his hands away. Back on her feet, Anna runs out the door.

  Morris looks at me bewildered. “What happened to her?” he asks.

  I pin him with a hard stare, “Looks like she suffered an unfortunate accident.”

  Morris sputters and retreats from the exam room leaving me alone.

  It’s possible Anna will go running to Richland to tattle, but I’d bet she’s too vain to let him see her in her mangled state.

  I could just grab vials from the storage fridge and run, but I have to finish what I started here. Yeah, it sounds dumb even to me. I don’t think I can move on until I do this. The next few hours crawl by. Richland is true to his word. At eight o’clock sharp, two orderlies and six armed soldiers come to fetch. When we reach the tank, I hesitate. Whatever is in there is going to be terrible. I can’t help Livia if I don't do this. I stand a little straighter and proceed inside. Two men follow us carrying a body bag. They place it in the center of the room. All Richland personnel exits quickly.

  I try not to think about what or who is inside the bag, but curiosity gets the better of me. Carefully I unzip the top and peer in. The occupant is no stranger to me. Alonzo and his wolf lay inside. He has begun to decay. I choke back the vomit rising in my throat. Alonzo stinks badly making me gag and hold my nose. They’d crudely sewn them together. However they plan to reanimate him I doubt he’ll be happy to see me.

  The lights in the viewing room turn on. The Armani squad files into the room with Richland but Dr. Morris is absent. My audience has arrived. I see the men sitting on one side of the room, practically on top of each other. The reason they bunch together walks in last. Kadema Sidell, the voodoo king. I agree with the suits. The man is freaking scary. Kadema must be here to raise Alonzo from the dead. Yippee Skippy.

  “Alright, gentlemen. Let's see what your funding has purchased.” Richland points at Kadema. “Raise the beast and make it attack. Miss Ryan, I suggest you fight back.”

  I flip him the bird. Kadema is chanting. Alonzo is twitching.

  Shit, shit, shit.



  Sneaking into Fairy is the dumbest idea I ever had. It’s hard to do without the right connections. Lucky me I know a few unsavory types in the Unseelie court willing to sneak me in just to stick it to the Seelie Fae. The portal isn’t meant for mortals. Without my magic intact, it makes me dizzy to travel back and forth across the planes. I am not alone, Varian is with me. He won't leave. I have my very own vampire stalker. We’re here to meet Kiril. He stole my magic back for me to heal Livia. She will not last long enough for the Tribunal to decide a plan of action against the Richland Institute. They’ll do what is beneficial for all the races, not just one sick child caught in the middle. I can do something though. No politics bind my hands. I won't allow her to die.

  “This is fun.” Varian is grinning ear to ear.

  “You need to get out more,” I mutter.

  “I try, but there is the yelling and the terror. Grates on my nerves. People get hurt when I become annoyed. Better for everyone if I remain a hermit.”

  Good lord, the man is demented.

  Kiril isn't at the spot we agreed upon, but he left me a present. My magic. Queen Tanith removes the charm from exiles. I’m stealing mine back. Taking magic out hurts because your body feels lost. Putting magic back in is painful because you’re shoving a lot of energy into a flesh and blood vessel. Magic is inert without a body to wield it, and as a royal, we have some seriously powerful enchantments running through our bloodline.

  Suck it up, Winter. Time to get your mojo back.

  The smooth moonstone inside of the box is cold in my hands. I lovingly lift it from the box and hold it over my heart. The heat begins to build from the contact. Flames lick my skin covering every inch of my body. I can’t take anymore. Varian snatches my free hand.

  Panicking. I ask him, “What are you doing? You will kill yourself!”

  He won't let go. His eyes are hard. The pain ebbs. “Just taking the edge off, Firefly.”

  When I fully absorb the power I feel alive. I missed this.

  Varian is a little ruffled, but otherwise okay. He isn't burnt to a crisp like I feared.

  “Wow, Firefly. You were beautiful before, but with magic you are breathtaking.” He whispers awestruck.

  We’re interrupted by the Queen's guard. Dressed in scarlet and gold, they surround us. Varian tenses, but I put a hand on his forearm. These men are following orders. I’ll take the fight where it belongs.

  “Halt, By order of the Queen! Winter Summersun you are in violation of exile. Trespassing in Fairy is punishable by death.”

  The Queen's guard transports us to the castle immediately. It’s not a long walk so I have very little time to figure out my plan. My Grandmother sits atop her throne. The whole court has turned out for this showdown. How does word travel so fast in the Fae plane?

  “Winter. Why are you trespassing?” She demands. Her eyes narrow on me and she gasps, “Who gave you back your magic?”

  “I took my magic back personally,” I lie.

  “Impossible,” she scoffs. “ You couldn't have acted alone.”

  “She isn't alone,” says Varian stepping forward.

  “A vampire? Are you the junkyard dog doing her bidding?” Tanith sneers.

  Varian’s eyes flash. “I am Lord Varian Caina of the House of Caina. I am no dog. If you are suggesting I willingly do Winter's dirty work, then yes.” His air of authority is intimidating.

  Tanith pales. The court shrinks back. Varian Caina's reputation is known far and wide. Aware of her audience, Tanith recovers her composure. “It doesn't matter. Winter is subject to the Fae court. She must pay for her crimes.”

  My turn to be the bitch. “You will let us leave peacefully Grandmother, or I will reveal what I read in The Book of Dawns.” My trump card is played.

  Tanith’s grip on her throne tightens, cracking the delicate wood.

  For an old biddy she’s strong.

  Her eyes narrow at me and she grinds her teeth. “Take your vampire and go. This isn't finished, Winter,” she warns me.

  “It had better be Tanith,” Varian counsels her. “If anything happens to Winter, I will come for you. I read the book, Tanith. I know. After I tell everyone the truth you'll die screaming and slowly.” Varian grasps my arm, and in a blink we’re back at his house.

  Holy crap! How did he do that? Varian can teleport?

  “You never said you could teleport in and out of Fairy!” I accuse.

  He smiles in return. “You never asked.”

  Infuriating ass.

  “You told Tanith you know what is in The Book of the Dawns. Was that a lie, Varian? I was given the impression that only a handful of Fae and your doctor know the truth.”

  Did he rea
d the book when I was not paying attention or did he already know?

  “I’ve no idea what is in that damned book. I bluffed. Might be a good idea to tell me since I lied to leverage your continued safety.” Arms crossed over his chest Varian waits for me to tell him.

  “It’s too dangerous. It’s better if you don't know.”

  “Winter. Tell me. If you don’t tell me then I will be forced to torture Keller until he tells me. Do you want that on your conscience?”

  “Fine. Fae and Vampires are mortal enemies. None of us know why. According to the book, we’re the same species. Vampires were a race of Unseelie dark Fae before the courts split into Summer and Winter. One day, the queen at the time banished them for no reason. Both sides refuse to acknowledge the connection. After a while, no one remembered why or was still alive from that time. The Book of the Dawns is the only record.”

  “You’re telling me I’m a fairy?” His gaze is incredulous.

  “Yep. You’re a fairy.”

  Shaking his head he says, “Embarrassing. Don't fret, I won't be sharing the news I’m a Fae. Let's go save the girl.”



  Rachel is gone. She left a note. A damn note. She apologized for leaving, but she has to save Livia. She’s going back to the Richland Institute to get a sample for the vampire doctor. How does she plan to get back out of that place? I won't be sitting around to find out. The tribunal is meeting right now, and I’m going to crash it.

  The Therian council is present. Manias Artorias, the vampire Regis or king, and a representative for the Witches attended, but there are no Fae in sight. Figures. Uptight bunch wouldn't care about any of this since they don't live on the human plane.

  My father sees me and stands up from the table. “Bastien, what’s happened?”

  “Rachel. She's gone. She went back to Richland Institute to try and save Livia.” I silently plead with him to help me get my mate back.

  He sighs and sits back down. “Bastien, I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do.”

  I shout, “Yes there is! You’re the alpha. You can lead us into war. A war we’re already a part of. Our people are being tortured and tested on inside of that place. They have my mate. I intend to end this!”

  Sympathy in his eyes but stone in his voice, my father doesn’t like being ordered to act. “You're right, I am the alpha. I’m not convinced war is the correct path.”

  Speaking loud enough for all to hear I announce, “Then I challenge for the position of alpha.”

  The room erupts into chaos. Everyone arguing and taking sides. Regis Manias slams his fist down on the table, cracking the wood.

  “Everyone shut up! A challenge has been issued. It has to be met.” Manias makes the declaration and slips back into the quiet calm that he’s notorious for.

  Cleary Neil, a lion shifter, leans forward in his chair. “I will support Bastien's claim for alpha.” The massive werebear next to him nods his approval of my claim. Two supporters are all I need to move forward with my challenge.

  Dad stands up again and meets me toe to toe. “Dad, you have to step down or fight me. I don't want to kill you. I don’t want to fight you at all, but I can't stop it. My instincts are driving me.”

  Please, Dad don’t make me do this. My restraint is slipping. Every second we sit and debate is another that Rachel needs me. I’ve no time for this political bullshit.

  Dad reaches out a hand and places it on my shoulder. “I’ve felt the shift in you since the girl arrived. I knew she would bring the alpha in you to the surface. You’re strong, Bastien. You always have been. You never cared for power or rank before, but now you have someone to protect. If I fight you, I know I can hold my own. I would leave you with an injury that plagues you until the end of your days. Make you vulnerable to other attacks. But in the end, I won't be able to win. I refuse to leave my son in a weakened state to rule. I step down as Alpha Prime and recognize my Alpha Prime, Sebastien Bonvillian.”

  Dad sinks to his knees in front of me, head down and neck exposed. The other shifters have to follow suit or it’s considered a challenge. Everyone complies. Cleary has a shit eating grin on his face that’s borderline insolence. The poor witch representing the Covens, I think she’s going to throw up. Probably not used to all the commotion that comes with Therian society.

  “That's settled. As Regis I recognize you as the Alpha Prime on behalf of the Vampires. A good choice,” says Manias.

  The Regis is a powerful ally. I could use a man like him in my corner.

  “Will you fight with us?”

  “Publicly? Of course not. Coincidentally, I’ve a few guards with a little free time that might want to stretch their legs. What do you say, Nikolai?”

  I hadn’t even noticed him. The man stepped out of the shadows behind the king's chair. Nikolai, I’ve heard his name before. The guard he leads is the highest order of vampire warriors. They’re called Wraiths because they don't even exist. Ghosts. An outsider would think Manias goes everywhere unguarded. He’d be wrong. It is estimated that twenty wraiths accompany the Regis at all times. How do you hide twenty assassins in one room? It might sound far-fetched, but I was not eager to test it for truth.

  Nikolai stands poised for action at Manias’ side. “Rescue a damsel in distress from a fortress filled with humans who like to torture people? I think we’re free for that. How many men will you be taking in, Alpha?”

  “I’ll call in the ranks, take the strongest without depleting our defense here.” Doing a little quick mental math I say, “Around two hundred.”

  “Two hundred and one,” amends Cleary.

  “Two,” grumbles the werebear Jay.

  The witch raises her hand to get my attention. She clears her throat and swallows nervously before speaking. “We can supply you with some charms, and spells to make any of the innocent people inside of the institute to fall asleep.”

  Witches. Always siding with the humans. What makes her think there are any innocent people?

  “It isn't much, but the charms will protect you,” she continues. “The sleeping spell will make it easier to spot targets.”

  Better than nothing, I guess.

  I nod at her. “I won't turn it down.”

  I hear Nikolai’s faint Russian accent. “Two hundred and two shifters, along with some witchy hocus pocus, and my Wraiths. I should need about, say five Wraiths. That should be enough.” Manias chuckles. “Five Wraiths are a bit over kill, Nikolai.”

  The soldier grins hugely. “Yes, my king, but it will be a spectacular battle.”



  Claude's house is in chaos. People are armed to the teeth. Shifters of all varieties are gearing for battle. Must have missed a memo while I was out playing thief with Winter. I spy snakes, random cats, a huge bear, a lion, and a shit load of wolves. Five vampires in black fatigues are sitting off to the side looking bored. Wait, are those Wraiths?

  Walking over to the group I ask, “Nikolai?”

  His buzzed blond head pops up. “Varian! What are you doing here? Come to join us?”

  I wave him off. “Nah, following a fairy. She's been pretty entertaining. I threatened the Queen of the Fae. Again.” I grin unrepentantly.

  Nikolai pulls me aside. He looks serious. Pft! He’s always serious.

  “Don't start any wars, Varian. Manias has enough to deal with.” He points over to Manias deep in conversation with Bastien.

  “I make no promises.” Backing away with my hands up in playful surrender, I end the conversation. Winter went up the staircase to Livia, so I jog to catch up.

  “Do you think your magic will be enough to save her?”

  “God, I hope so.”

  I enter the room and see Livia is wearing an oxygen mask. Her heart rate has slowed more since yesterday. Madalaina is sitting beside her. Winter must be friends with her. She walks over and hugs the werewolf. Keller is seated at a desk across the room writing in his damned not
ebook. There are thousands of them in my house filled with his chicken scratch.

  I jostle the man making him mess up whatever he was writing. “Keller. We brought Fae magic. Winter can help her.”

  He huffs at me, before standing up and walking over to the bed. I do enjoy irritating that man. Not his fault they made him my keeper.

  Winter shifts closer to the child. She lays her palms on Livia’s broken body. One on her feverish brow and one over her weakening heart. Slowly building in intensity, a golden light glows all around Livia. Winter’s magic is strong, but not strong enough. Covering Winter's hands with my own, I boost her magic. Her skin feels warm and comforting, the healing enchantment is strengthened with the addition of my own magic. Together we push the crude man made sickness out of Livia. The child begins to convulse, coughing and gagging. Madalaina helps Livia lean over the bed to vomit into a trash can. Viscous black slime forcefully expels out of her mouth. She chokes a few times, but Keller pats her back to help clear the blockage. After what feels like an eternity, the vomiting stops.

  Keller helps Livia lay back against the pillows. Madalaina retrieves a damp cloth to clean her face. The machine monitoring her heart is registering a normal beat and her skin holds a healthy pallor once again. Livia is only barely conscious. She asks for Rachel and Madalaina begins to cry tears of joy. We did it. We saved her.

  “All of you need to move so I can check my patient.”

  Keller gives the little girl a clean bill of health. Even her broken wrist is healed. My chest feels tight with emotion. I can't help myself, I pull Winter out of the room.

  Across the hall is another bedroom. I gently push her into the bedroom and close the door behind us. Winter looks mad about the manhandling, but I cut her off before she can complain.

  “Come home with me.” I play with a strand of her lavender hair to avoid her eyes.

  “And do what?” she asks softly.

  Exasperated, I throw my hands up and shake my head. “Talk, watch a movie, play board games, I don't care. Just be with me.”


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