Sammy in Italy (Single Wide Female Travels #2)

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Sammy in Italy (Single Wide Female Travels #2) Page 3

by Lillianna Blake

  I made the decision that I’d be cooperative and have the best attitude I could muster about the whole experience.

  Chapter 7

  When I finished my food, I threw on some comfortable clothes and met Max at the elevator.

  “Do you mind if I go exploring a bit while you’re at the fitting?” He pushed the button for the lobby.

  “No, of course not. Are you going to take the motorbike?”

  “Yes. I’ll be careful.”

  “Good.” I kissed him goodbye in the lobby, then headed for the car that waited at the curb.

  Once inside I took a deep breath. If I could hold things together long enough to get through the fitting then I knew everything would be fine.

  The car stopped in front of a towering building. I stared up at the multitude of windows and wondered which office held the designer. I didn’t have to wonder long as a young woman walked up to me.

  “Samantha?” She popped bright pink gum that matched the color of her hair.


  “I’m Sue.” She held out one hand and as I shook it, I noticed she kept the other hand in the folds of her coat. “Come with me. Daniella is waiting for you.”


  “She’s the one who will fit the dress to you.”

  “I hope they’re prepared to add plenty of material.”

  “Oh, nonsense, I’m sure you’ll look beautiful in it.” She raised an eyebrow. “A beautiful dress is made beautiful by the confidence of the woman who wears it.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “No, but you do.” She laughed. “I read that in your book.”

  “Oh, right, of course.” I smiled at her. She had a very petite frame and likely wasn’t much taller than five feet. Her pink curls were adorable and her bright green eyes made me wonder if that shade even existed in nature. How gorgeous. I smiled to myself as she led me into the building.

  When we stepped into the elevator I noticed that she used her right hand to push the button, while her left hand remained tucked away. On the third floor we stepped off and into a long hallway.

  “It’s the third office on the right.” She gestured and as she did, her coat unfolded. For just a moment I caught a glimpse of her left hand. There were two fingers and a portion of a thumb. She tucked her hand away again as soon as she noticed the direction of my gaze.

  “I’m sorry.” I gulped. “I wasn’t staring.”

  “It’s okay.” She smiled. “I’m used to it. It’s a birth defect, not a Mafia debt—I swear.”

  I laughed but I wondered if I should have.

  With her hand still hidden she moved toward the office door.

  “Wait, Sue.”

  “Yes?” She turned back to me.

  “I was curious about why you were hiding your hand. I just want you to know, you shouldn’t have to hide it from me. Your hand is unique. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thanks for saying that, but to be honest, it makes most people uncomfortable. So I just try to keep it hidden. It makes things easier on other people.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you to hide a part of yourself?”

  “No, not really. When I was younger I was bullied a bit for it, so I just learned how to keep it to myself.”

  “I’m sorry that you experienced that.”

  “It was what it was.” She smiled. “People are much more polite as adults. Go ahead in. Daniella is waiting.”

  I nodded and stepped inside.

  “Samantha? So glad you’re here. We need to get started right away. Please take your clothes off.”

  I stared at the woman before me. She was the polar opposite of Sue. Her stature towered over even mine. Her hips and shoulders spread just as wide. She carried a good amount of weight. The pants suit she wore flattered her shape, and the wide smile on her lips gave me the impression that she was a friendly person.

  “Uh, maybe in another room?”

  “Please, there’s no need to be shy around me. We really don’t have time for niceties.”

  “Okay.” I frowned as I began to tug off my shirt. I still found it difficult to be naked most of the time. I’d gotten fairly used to it around Max, but in front of a complete stranger was a different story.

  Daniella busied herself with a dress. Once I was ready, she held the dress up to me.

  “Oh no, that’s going to be too small.”

  “Trust me, just try it on.” She held it out to me.

  “No, I don’t want to tear it.”

  “Samantha, I’ve been in this business for over fifteen years. I can look at you and know not just your size, but your exact measurements. Trust me and try it on.” She shook the dress.

  “It’s not my fault if it rips.”

  “It won’t.”

  I sighed and eased the dress over my head. It was a little tough to get it down past my shoulders, but Daniella helped. Once it was over my chest it was much easier.

  “Ah, perfect.” Daniella clapped her hands together. “I knew it would be.”

  I turned toward the large mirror on the wall. From the tension in the dress I expected to look like a sausage. Instead, by some miracle, the dress seemed to be clinging in all the right places.

  Chapter 8

  “Wow.” I stared at my reflection.

  “I know. It’s amazing what the designer has done. So many designers only design for one body type. But you and I both know that women come in many different shapes and sizes. I’ve done so many fittings on models, and I’ll admit to some jealousy that I would never be able to wear what they were wearing. One day the designer looked at me and asked me if I wanted to try on one of the dresses. When I laughed in his face, he was offended. He ranted at me, and I really thought I’d lost my job.” She smoothed the skirt over my hip. “But the next morning he was in my office with a few garments for me to try. He told me that he could make any woman look stunning, and he meant it. So he experimented with me a bit and tried to get me on the runway. I’m just not the type to do that.” She shook her head and laughed. “The last thing I want is a bunch of cameras flashing in my face. So you get that honor, my dear.”

  “Thanks—I think.” I smiled into the mirror.

  “You wear it beautifully. I’m just going to do a few little touch-ups and it will be ready for you by noon. Oh, and tonight’s going to be spectacular—truly a wonderful event.”

  “Tonight? I thought the fashion show was at noon?”

  “Oh, that little thing? Yes it is, but the designer invited you to walk down the runway at the main show tonight.”

  “What do you mean by main show?”

  Daniella lifted her eyebrows. “I mean that it will be televised, and the elite of the elite will be there.”

  “I don’t understand. Then what is happening at noon?”

  “At noon it’s just a pre-show. It’s a demonstration of what he has to offer—mostly to high-end clients.”

  “This is unbelievable.” I shook my head. “I can’t do this. There’s no way.”

  “You have to do it. Look at yourself.” Daniella placed one hand on her hip. “It fits you just right.”

  “There is a very high likelihood that I will fall flat on my face.”

  “Oh, don’t say that.”

  “No, I’m serious. I speak from experience. I have a very hard time staying upright, especially in high heels.” I sighed and looked back at my reflection in the mirror.

  “Samantha, no one else would do that dress justice. It looks like it was made for you. This is an opportunity to represent real women on the runway. Can you really let that opportunity pass you by?”

  I frowned. In my heart her words made sense, but my brain was full of questions. “Why wouldn’t you do it?”

  “I don’t want to be known.” She shrugged. “I want the world to know me for my clothing, not for my face. I’m more of a behind-the-scenes type. I have my own designs that I want to make public, and when they’re ready, they’ll make it to the runway.” />
  “I can understand that.” I smiled. “I can’t wait to see some of your work.”

  “It will be soon, trust me. But there’s a much better chance of me being able to break into the mainstream fashion world if someone like you in that amazing dress walks down the runway. You’ll be doing more than just promoting your book, Samantha. You’re going to be creating a niche in the fashion industry, an opportunity for every woman to be represented on the runway. I really thought you’d be excited about it.”

  “I know.” I clasped my hands together. “I should be. I’m trying to be. But the thought of parading around in front of people…I don’t know. I spent so much of my life trying to hide all my trouble spots and now I’m supposed to put them on display?”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t have any trouble spots. You look gorgeous.” Daniella looked into my eyes. “Your book talks about confidence. If you push yourself to get through this experience, imagine the confidence boost you’ll have.”

  “Hm. I hope so.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Of course I’m going to do this. I can’t turn down such a great opportunity. I just don’t know if I’ll make it down the runway in one piece.”

  “Go enjoy your day for a few hours. That’s the best thing to do. I get nervous before every show that I’ve done alterations in. Trust me, a wardrobe malfunction can mean the end of my career.”

  My eyes widened at the thought of a wardrobe malfunction. It was something that I hadn’t even considered.

  “Does that happen often?”

  “Not with me, but with others, I’ve seen it. It’s never pretty when a garment falls apart on the runway.” She gasped. “Oh no, I shouldn’t be talking to you about this, should I? Samantha, that’s not going to happen to you. I promise. I’ll be very careful with the dress.”

  “I guess I’d better get it off, then, so you can get to it.” I started to pull the dress off. As snug as it was on my chest and shoulders going on, coming off was even worse.

  “Here, let me help.” Daniella’s hands freed me from the stranglehold the dress had me in.

  I took a deep breath as soon as I could.


  “Don’t worry. It’ll be an easier fit later. Go have fun. Forget everything that I’ve said. It’s all going to be perfect.”

  I gathered up my clothes and hurried to dress. I planned to take Daniella’s advice. Maybe a little fun would distract me from all the anxiety that seemed to be steadily building within me.

  As soon as I was out of the building, I called Max’s cell phone.

  “Done already?”

  “Yes. Any chance you’re anywhere nearby?”

  “You tell me where you are, and I’ll be there in minutes.”

  “I’ll send you the address.”

  I texted him the address, then took a look around. There were a few small shops nearby, but that wasn’t what caught my interest. It was the people that walked past me on the sidewalk. Many walked with a very distinct attitude, a sense of confidence—as if they were exactly where they were supposed to be at any given moment. That was the type of confidence I’d been chasing after. Many times I’d come close to it, but it was difficult to maintain.

  The roar of the motorcycle engine distracted me from my observations. I turned to find Max at the curb.

  “How did it go?” He offered me my helmet.

  I took it with a smile.

  “Let’s just say, it’s a little more than I’d expected. I’ll fill you in soon. I promise. I just don’t want to think about it right now. I want to use the time we have before the book signing to share some of Venice with you.”

  “That sounds great. Hop on.”

  Chapter 9

  I tightened my helmet and climbed on the motorcycle behind Max. As he drove off, a surge of freedom rushed through me. In that moment I believed that I could accomplish anything.

  He pulled down a side street and then into a parking space along the water.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I had an idea of what we might be able to do. It won’t take too long, and I hope it will relax you a little.”

  “I don’t mind. I trust anything you come up with.”

  He led me toward a small dock. Just as we walked up, a gondola slid into place.

  “Wow, Max what a great idea. This will give us a chance to see so much in a short time.”

  “I thought it would be perfect for today.” He smiled and took my hand.

  The gondolier gestured for both of us to board.

  Max helped me into the flat-bottomed boat, then stepped in himself. When the boat wobbled a little, I hurried to sit down on the cushioned seat. I didn’t want to risk toppling over the side. Max settled beside me and laced his fingers around mine. A moment later the gondola slid across the smooth water.

  I looked up at the buildings that surrounded us. There was something so whimsical about the sight of them. The easy way the boat slid between them made the entire experience seem like a dream. Only the warmth of Max’s hand around mine grounded me in reality.

  From one of the upper windows a melody drifted down to us. It was light, with bursts of piano followed by fast-paced violin. As I closed my eyes and listened to the music, my muscles relaxed. The tension that had been brewing within me eased. I leaned my head against Max’s shoulder and looked up at the sky.

  “Look where you’ve brought us, Sammy.” He kissed the top of my head. “We wouldn’t be experiencing this if it weren’t for your success.”

  “You’re just as much to blame.” I winked at him and stole a quick kiss.

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  As I settled against his chest, I watched Venice glide past. Max was right. I never would have ended up in such a beautiful place if it weren’t for the book tour. That just reinforced within me that I needed to get with the program. Even if it did make me a little uncomfortable, the opportunities that were being presented to me were rare. I was lucky to have them.

  I closed my eyes again. This time I heard a different sound. It was a strange chirp. When I opened my eyes, I noticed the chirp seemed to be coming from just beside the boat. I peered down into the water, curious what the sound was. There was nothing in the water that I could see. The chirp then came from the other side of the boat.

  “Do you hear that, Max? What is it?”

  “I’m not sure.” Max peered around. “Maybe some kind of bird?”

  “Is everything okay?” The gondolier slowed the boat.

  “I just heard a strange noise.” I frowned. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “What did it sound like?”

  “A chirp—kind of like a bird.”

  “Oh.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s just get back to the dock.”

  “Why?” I raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong.”

  “Sometimes a slow leak can sound a bit like a chirp. It’s best that we return to the dock.”

  “It’s leaking?” I looked over at Max. “Are we going to sink?”

  “No, I’m sure we won’t. Let’s just try to enjoy the ride, hm?” He pulled me close and kissed me.

  I tried to enjoy the moment. I tried to savor the sensation of his lips against mine. It should have been a perfect romantic experience, but my heart was pounding for other reasons.

  I’d read that the waters of Venice were quite deep. Would we have to swim? What if I cramped up? The thought made my heart race even faster.

  “Sammy?” Max pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Are you okay? You’re shaking.”

  “I want to get off at the next dock. I’m afraid we’re going to sink.”

  Max sighed and looked up at the gondolier. “He doesn’t look worried.”

  “Would he tell us if he was?” I whispered my words and hoped that the man wouldn’t be offended if he heard them.

  Max frowned. “Sir? Are we in any danger?”

  “No, it may not be a leak at all. It’s just better to be on the cautious si

  “See?” Max smiled and tried to draw me back into another kiss.

  I relaxed and returned the kiss. How many other chances would I have to kiss Max on a gondola?

  The boat dipped a bit more than I expected.

  “Ouch.” Max drew back and put his fingers on his bottom lip. “You bit me.” He laughed around the accusation.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I just felt that dip and I thought—”

  “Sorry, I was going a bit faster than usual.” The gondolier frowned. “We’re almost to the dock.”

  I didn’t know if I could wait that long. My stomach churned along with the pounding of my heart.

  Max squeezed my hand. “It’s going to be okay, Sammy. See, the dock’s right over there.” He pointed to the dock.

  When I turned to look, I turned faster than I intended. The boat rocked.

  The gondolier wavered. “Please, be still.”

  Chapter 10

  My cheeks burned as I tried to be as still as possible, but when there was a loud shriek, I had to turn and look. The boat rocked again. This time, the gondolier more than wavered, he was about to fall off the side of the boat. I knew that it was my fault.

  In a split-second, I jumped up and grabbed for his hand. He gasped as I pulled him back to safety. For an instant I was a hero. However, in the next moment, that sensation of victory was gone—and replaced by a sensation of falling.

  “Sammy!” Max lunged for me.

  I crashed into the water with an impact that I’m sure affected all of the gondolas in the water. As the water washed over me, I struggled to get to the surface. My shoes, my clothes—even my hair—all grew heavy. The panic that gripped me didn’t help. I thrashed to keep my head above the water.

  Max’s hand thrust through my wild splashing and seized my wrist. He tugged hard to pull me back toward the side of the gondola.

  “Climb in.” Max’s concerned eyes locked to mine.

  “No, no! Please don’t do that.” The gondolier crouched down to look at me. “If you try to climb in, the entire boat can capsize. We are very near to the dock. Can you hold on until we get there?”


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