Breaking the Cycle

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Breaking the Cycle Page 15

by Tricia Andersen

  Max hung up his cell and spun on his toe. He sprinted back to his car and climbed inside.


  The hospital corridor was sterile and quiet. Max shuffled along, his hands jammed in the pockets of his jeans. He read the numbers of the rooms as he passed. He needed room six-hundred thirty-four. Part of him screamed at him to run to her. A cold pit had formed in his stomach that had nearly locked his feet into place. He couldn’t understand why. He needed to see Chloe and know she was all right.

  However, the last time he had been in a hospital, she had been clinging to life. He was terrified he was going to find her fighting her way from death again. He wished he could trade places with her and take her suffering. Just for one episode, he could be hooked to IVs and feel like his insides were turned inside out.

  He stopped for a moment as he stared at the room number. After taking a deep breath, he stepped inside. His heart leapt to his throat when his eyes fell on Chloe asleep in the hospital bed. His joy at finding her was quickly doused by worry. She was pale. Her face was gaunt. Her skin was pierced by IV needles. He could tell this episode was putting her through her ringer.

  He silently moved to her side. Gently brushing her hair from her forehead, he smiled lovingly at her. She’s still beautiful, even in the middle of an episode. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before slipping out into the hall. He searched his speed dial then pressed send.

  “Max,” Liz’s voice was weak.

  “Yeah. Liz, I found her. She’s at Saint Joseph’s in Saint Paul. She had another episode.”

  “Oh Lord, Max. Is she all right?”

  “She’s sleeping right now. I’ll check on her in a bit and let you know.”

  “Al and I are on our way. We’ll be there within an hour.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.” Max ended the call and strode back into the hospital room, settling into the chair next to the bed. His eyes grew heavy from lack of sleep. Suddenly, he was startled back awake by the click of dress shoes on the tile floor. He rubbed his eyes so he could confront the doctor holding Chloe’s chart.

  “I didn’t realize there was someone here with her,” the doctor addressed. “It’s good to see she has family.”

  Max extended his hand. “Max Thomas. I’m Chloe’s boyfriend.”

  “Dr. Adam Stevens. And I’m glad to know her name is Chloe. She was brought in without identification. It’s made treating her extremely difficult.” Dr. Stevens shook Max’s hand. Then, he rubbed his hand over his shaved head. “I have to admit, Max. I’m baffled. We’ve run a couple tests, but we don’t know what’s wrong with Ms. Davis. I’d hate to run more tests. We’ve had trouble keeping her electrolytes balanced from all the vomiting.”

  “She has Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome,” Max answered quietly. He pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his contacts until he found Chad’s. “This is her gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Chad Nicholson. He can tell you all you ever wanted to know about CVS.”

  “Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, you say?”

  “Yes. She has medication for it and everything. Unfortunately, she left it at home.”

  Dr. Stevens quickly jotted Chad’s contact numbers onto Chloe’s chart. “I’ll call Dr. Nicholson and see what course of treatment he wants her to have, right after I examine her.”

  “Great. I’m going to step out and make a phone call. Thanks for taking care of her.” Max forced a smile on his lips before he walked into the hall. He looked down at his phone. In the midst of passing the phone to the doctor, the screen had gotten knocked to the call log. He frowned as he examined it closer. He pressed one of the many entries for Rico.

  “Hey, Max. Any luck?” Rico greeted from the other end.

  “I found her. She’s in Saint Paul. She’s had an episode. She’s in bad shape. I was calling to check on your leg.”

  “I met with the orthopedic surgeon. Surgery will probably be next week. Mark’s breathing down my neck to get it done.”

  “I agree with him.” Max fell silent.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Just something weird about my phone. It said Chloe called the night of the fight. It would have been while we were cleaning you up in the shower. But there wasn’t a missed call.”

  There was a pause from Rico. “Where did you leave that ring again?”

  “Next to my phone.”

  “I need to go check something out. I’ll call you back.”

  Rico hung up before Max could tell him goodbye. Max slipped back into the hospital room. The smile that blossomed on his face was genuine when he met Chloe’s tired gaze. “Hey, baby,” he breathed. “You scared me to death running like that…” His words froze on his lips as tears overflowed and slid down her cheeks.

  “Please, leave me alone,” she sobbed.

  Max frowned, the confusion once again etched on his face. “Chloe…”

  “Go, please…I don’t…want you…here.”

  “Chloe, I don’t understand. What did I do?”

  “Please, go.” She turned her back to him, burying her whimpers into her pillow. Max watched her cry. He couldn’t comfort her. He didn’t understand the how or why of it, but somehow he was the reason for her tears. He glanced around the hospital room as his own eyes burned. He was the reason she was here. And he didn’t know what he had done to hurt her.

  His heart ached as he turned and slipped from the room. As he found refuge in the visitors lounge, he collapsed in a chair and began to cry.

  Max didn’t know how long he sat slumped in that chair. He wiped at his damp cheeks until his skin was raw. Chloe was his world. She was the reason he breathed. She was the reason his heart beat. He couldn’t lose her. First, he had to figure out what he did wrong. He thought hard. Nothing came to him. She was upset about Vegas, but what could have possibly happened…

  “What are you still doing here?” Liz demanded.

  Max looked up at her then slowly rose to his feet. He cringed. He had never seen Liz this angry before. Her eyes flashed fire. Her fingers curled into claws. Her breath came in furious, ragged gasps.

  “Why are you so upset? I’m not leaving until Chloe is better,” he breathed.

  “She doesn’t want you here, and neither do I. After what you did to my daughter, I want you out of our lives forever. Go back to my house, pack up your crap, and get out!”

  “I don’t even know what I did. Tell me what I did. I want to know.”

  Liz laughed in disbelief. “Wow. You don’t even remember her name? You are an egotistical…”

  “Whose name?”

  “The girl you slept with.”

  “I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

  Liz bared her teeth and pointed to the door. “Get your lying mouth out of this hospital before I call security.”

  Max flopped back into the chair. “Liz, please. Go back and take care of your daughter. I’ll stay here. I won’t come near either of you. But I need to know she’s better. I’m staying.”

  Liz huffed angrily before she spun on her toe and stormed out. The icy glare Al left Max with created a pit in his stomach. Max exhaled slowly as he buried his face in his hands.


  Chloe stared at the bare wall. Her eyes hurt from all the tears she had cried. She didn’t want to look at her mom. She just made her feel worse. Her righteous, maternal anger reminded her of why her heart was shattered.

  I wish I could stop loving him.

  She heard an odd shuffle at the door. When someone entered her room, she usually closed her eyes. Pretending to sleep was easier to explain than her never-ending tears. The strange cadence caught her attention. When she saw who it was, she felt the last few pieces of her heart crumble to dust. She heard a low growl from her mother.

  “Rico,” she murmured.

  “Chloe girl. How’re you feeling?” he crooned.

  Chloe studied his leg restrained in a brace and the crutches he leaned on. “It looks like I’m doi
ng better than you. What happened?”

  He slightly lifted his leg. “This? I tore my ACL apart at the fight in Vegas. Which is why I’m here. I need to talk to you.” He turned toward Liz. “Liz, you know I love you. But I need to ask you to do two very difficult things. First, I need to talk to Chloe alone.”

  Liz half rose from her seat, snarling. “What else do you want from me?”

  “Send Max here.”

  Chloe whimpered at Rico’s request. Liz shook her head vehemently. “No, I won’t let him near my daughter. I should throw you out. You’re his friend.”

  “I’m friends with both of them. And between the two of them, I protect Chloe. I promise you, I won’t hurt her.”

  “Like I trust you, either. Fine.” Without another word, Liz stormed from the room with Al close on her heels.

  Rico hobbled to the chair Liz had vacated and sat down. Chloe frowned at him. “What do you want, Rico?”

  “To correct the record. If you still want things over between you and Max, so be it. But you deserve the truth.”

  “Which is?”

  “When you called the night of the fight and Phoebe answered, she was sort of telling the truth. Max was in the shower. With me and my screwed up leg. I have a phobia about paramedics and ambulances. Have since I was little. Max was helping me clean up so I could go to the hospital. Mark can corroborate. He’s still furious with me I didn’t let the paramedics take me.”

  “Phoebe made it sound like…”

  “He was sleeping with her? Never. She tried her hardest. He made it clear as crystal he wanted nothing to do with her. He loves you and only you.”

  Chloe glanced around the room, flustered. How could she have doubted Max after all he had done? She turned her head toward the shuffling footsteps at the door. She nearly started crying again.

  Max stood in the doorway, his hands jammed in his pockets. His eyes were swollen. He was exhausted. She wondered how long it had been since he had slept. His clothes were dirty and wrinkled. And his heart was clearly in pieces. She had broken it. Max Thomas is that much in love…with me?

  “What are you doing here, Rico?” Max muttered. “You’re supposed to be having surgery.”

  “My leg can wait. This can’t.” Rico rose to his feet and limped on his crutches across the sterile hospital room. He placed a small, red box in Max’s hand.

  “You found it,” Max breathed.

  “It was never lost. Phoebe took it.”

  Rage coursed across Max’s tired face for several moments. Then, he cradled the box to himself tenderly.

  “Maybe Chloe would like to see it,” Rico suggested with a wink.

  “Rico, now isn’t the time.”

  “Why isn’t it?”

  “Because we’re not together anymore. There’s no point in it.”

  Chloe bit her lip. Max wouldn’t look at her. He would only look at Rico. I hurt him that badly.

  “Chloe knows the truth,” Rico informed him.

  “Funny thing is, I don’t.”

  “Phoebe answered your phone. She pretty much told Chloe you were in the shower after sleeping with her. When you told me that Chloe had called after the fight, but there was no missed call, it made sense. Phoebe was the only other one in the locker room.”

  Max closed his eyes, clearly infuriated. “Well, now it all makes sense.” He stared at the box in his hand for a moment or two before turning toward the door. “I’ve been driving from hospital to hospital for two days straight. I need sleep. Rico, go home and get off your leg before you make it worse.”

  “Not until you stop being a stubborn ass,” Rico countered. Max spun back to glare at him. Rico continued, “You haven’t looked at Chloe once since you stepped foot in this room. What would you have done if you were told she was in bed with another guy?”

  “Kill him,” Max growled.

  “Well, what did you expect of her?”

  Max pressed his lips into an angry, thin line. Chloe knotted her fingers in her lap as she fought to find her voice. “Max, I’m sorry. I should have trusted you. I was scared of losing you. I guess because of my lack of faith, I did.” She choked on a sob caught in her throat.

  Max’s shoulders softened. Slowly, he looked at her. He stood still for only a moment before he crossed the room to her bedside, wrapping his arms tight around her. “Chloe, I love you more than anything.”

  “I love you too, Max.”

  He held her for several, silent moments. Then, Rico cleared his throat. “So, now can she see what’s in the box?”

  “Rico,” Max began.

  Chloe gazed at him. “I want to see what’s in the box.”

  She felt his arms tense around her. She looked at him, puzzled. He was no longer angry. Now, he seemed nervous.

  “Chloe, I promise. I’ll show you later. Not here.”

  “Why not here?”

  “Chloe, sweetheart, please.”

  “Max, just show me.”

  “You need to show her, Max,” Rico chimed in.

  Max shot a glare at Rico. Then, he slowly exhaled as he gently opened the red-wrapped box and turned it toward Chloe. Inside, nestled in a seat of velvet, was the most beautiful diamond Chloe had ever seen.

  “Max, it’s beautiful!” she glowed.

  “I’m glad you like it. I wanted to take you to dinner then to our bridge originally, but then I was going to do it at the airport when I got back from Vegas…”

  “Do what?” Butterflies swarmed in Chloe’s stomach. If the IV stuck in the back of her hand hadn’t been pumping anti-nausea drugs through her veins, she knew she would be sick to her stomach right now.

  Max slowly dropped his knee to the tile floor as he held the ring out to her. “Marry me, Chloe. I love you with all I am. I love you just the way you are. Be my wife.”

  Chloe felt her heart jump into her throat. Max? Proposing? “Are you sure, Max?” Her voice was shaky.

  “I’m on the floor, on my knee, with a ring in my hand. I’m pretty sure.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to have sex with you.”

  “I don’t care. I’m marrying all of you, not just the sexual part of you.”

  “But isn’t that essential in a marriage? Intimacy?”

  “There are other forms of intimacy, Chloe. Not just sex.”

  “But what about children, Max? What if we can’t have children? You’re going to be a great dad. What if I can’t give you children?”

  “Chloe, I want to marry you. I’m not worried about sex. I’m not worried about children. I want you. If in fifty years, we never have sex, I’ll treasure every second I’ve had with you. So, please. Answer my question. Yes. Or no.”

  Chloe gazed at him as her vision blurred again. “I never thought this would happen to me. I never thought a man would want to make me his wife. Not with all the stuff that’s wrong with me.” A smile crept across her lips as she nodded ecstatically. “Yes, Max. Yes. I will marry you.”

  Max rose to his feet, his triumphant grin near lighting the room. He sat on the bed next to her and pulled the ring free from the box. He held it up so Chloe could see the inside of the band. The faint inscription read Chloe + Max = Love Eternal.

  Taking her left hand in his, he gently pushed the ring on her finger. She held it up so she could admire it closer. Then, she sighed as Max wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to his body.

  Suddenly, Chloe let go a nervous laugh. “Now, how do I explain this to my Mom? You’re in tight competition with Satan in her book.”

  Rico snickered as he leaned on his crutches. “I’ll go explain everything to Liz, Chloe. You two just sit and enjoy this moment together. And by the way, congratulations.”

  Both Max and Chloe smiled at Rico. “Thank you for everything,” Max offered. “You’re an incredible friend. More like a brother. I don’t know what we’d do without you. But I stand by what I said earlier. Get home and get off your knee before Mark comes and gets you.”

ill do, boss. And I love both of you like you’re my family. I’ll make sure I say goodbye before I head out.” Rico wobbled his way into the hall.

  Chloe twisted so she could gaze into her fiancé’s eyes. “My ring is so beautiful, Max. Thank you.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thank you for saying yes.”

  “Max, will you do something for me?”

  He met her brown eyes with his. “Anything, baby. What is it?”

  She paused for a moment. “Get back into the octagon for one more fight.”

  He slowly shook his head. “Chloe, it’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve already had one near-career-ending injury. I won’t make much of a husband if I have one that does end it. Plus, I’m getting too old.”

  “You’re the same age as Rico.”


  She cradled his face in her hands. “Max, I see the look on your face when you’re sparring with Rico. I watched you during the event in Minneapolis. You look so alive. You look happy. You’re at home.”

  He gently touched her cheek. “You’re my home. My home is right here.”

  “Then, the octagon is your second home. Am I wrong? You really do want to have one more fight, don’t you?’

  Max hung his head low. “I’m not sure, Chloe. I’m afraid if I step foot in there, I’ll never stop.”

  She smiled at him. “Would that be bad if you love it?”

  “It will be if I don’t come out in one piece.”

  She searched his face. “Max, you’re far better than you think. I believe you can do this. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “You really think I can do this?”


  A grin bloomed on his face. “All right. I’ll talk to Jack when he gets back. I’ll have him schedule me a fight.”

  Chloe snuggled contently against his chest. He gently smoothed her hair. She was going to marry Max Thomas. She had never imagined something so wonderful could happen to her. All her wildest dreams she had never dared to entertain were coming true.

  Chapter Twelve

  Max settled into the couch as he picked up the remote and flipped on the television. He watched as Chloe shuffled into the living room from the kitchen dressed in a baby doll T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. She had just been released from the hospital. He had finally gotten a good night’s sleep.


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