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Nameless Page 43

by Claire

She felt restless and uncertain. She wanted to see Seth. His office wasn’t very far away.

  She’d never just showed up at his office before without planning it beforehand, and it felt a little like she might be intruding on his privacy.

  But surely he wouldn’t mind if she just stopped by for a minute to say hi.

  A few minutes later, she arrived at his law firm offices downtown and was recognized by the receptionist, who greeted her warmly and waved her back toward his office.

  His assistant looked up as Erin asked, “Is he busy?”

  “He’s working in his office at the moment. Should I let him know—”

  Before the woman could finish her question, Erin gave a casual wave and strolled toward the door to Seth’s office, which was opened just a crack.

  She felt a little nervous. Hoped he wouldn’t mind her just barging in on his work.

  More and more, Erin felt torn between joy and terror in her relationship with him—kept falling deeper but hating how out of control it made her feel.

  As she hesitated before entering, she peered through the partially opened doorway and caught a clear view of Seth sitting behind his desk.

  He wasn’t at his computer. Instead, he was staring down at something—probably a file or a report—in his lap. His elbow was propped on the armrest of the chair, and he leaned his head on his hand.

  He looked tired, stressed out.

  Her face softened as she watched him, and the wave of affection overwhelmed her.

  She remembered the first time she’d come to his office, to tell him she was pregnant. How little she’d known about Seth, about herself, back then.

  Distracted by her thoughts, she almost jumped when he looked up and saw her standing in the doorway.

  His brows drew together as he straightened in his chair. “Erin? Is everything all right?”

  She came into the office and shut the door with a click behind her. “Of course. Sorry to bother you. I just...”

  Seth was still looking confused. “What is it?”

  Swallowing over her silly nerves, Erin walked across the office until she was leaning against the front of his desk, only a foot or so away from him. “Nothing. I just wanted to say hi, but maybe I should have called first.”

  Something changed on Seth’s face. He gave a faint half-smile. “You just stopped by to say hi?”

  “Yeah. Please tell me if you’re too busy right now. But I was having lunch, and I was thinking about you, so I just...”

  “Stopped by?”


  He smiled—although briefly and slightly surprised. “You picked a good time. I don’t have anything scheduled until 1:30.” He glanced at his watch. “Still a half-hour away.”

  Relief eased the remaining tension in her chest as she saw that he didn’t seem to mind her spontaneous visit. In fact, he seemed to appreciate it.

  With as private and driven a man as Seth, it was hard to know when she would accidentally stumble into the barriers he'd built around himself.

  “Why were you thinking about me at lunch?” Seth asked, leaning back in his fancy office chair and gazing up at her.

  “No reason.”

  He obviously didn’t believe her. “Erin.”

  “Marcus called.”

  “I thought he called last week.”

  “He did. He called again.”

  “What did he want?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t really know. He was asking about you, so he probably just doesn’t like that I’m…I’m with you.”

  Seth’s eyes scanned her carefully. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah. I guess I got a little rattled from the call, but it really wasn’t a big deal. I just wanted to see you.” Her face softened again as she looked down at him, masculine and sophisticated in his absurdly expensive downtown office.

  Only Erin got to know that just last night Seth had a long, serious conversation with a seven-month old about the virtues of eating her carrots instead of flinging them at her daddy.

  “Oh,” he murmured, his expression changing into smug enlightenment as he observed her tender gaze. “You’re feeling sappy, are you?”

  She smiled again. Edged a little closer to his chair. “Maybe a little.”

  “You didn’t come here to cuddle, did you?” he asked dubiously.

  She knew he was teasing. Not that she doubted his reluctance to have a cuddling session at the moment, but she knew he was exaggerating his arrogant condescension. Plus, she hoped he would know better than to worry she’d want him to randomly snuggle with her in his office chair in the middle of a workday.

  But his response gave her an idea.

  He was looking very smug. And far too polished, confident, unflappable. What a perfect opportunity to express the nature of her relationship with him—as different as possible to the one she’d had with Marcus—and flap him at the same time.

  Maybe rumple him up a little.

  “I didn’t come here to cuddle.” She rapidly planned out her strategy.

  “Good,” Seth said, in ironic relief. “Because, while I’m willing to submit to such sentiment occasionally in the privacy of my own home, I’m not sure I’m up for it right now in my office, just as I’m getting ready to meet with opposing counsel.”

  Erin snorted and leaned over his chair, bracing herself with her hands on the armrests and licking a line across his lips.

  Seth stiffened slightly as her mouth moved against his. “I thought you didn’t come here to cuddle,” he said against her lips, his tone more genuinely questioning this time.

  Running her hands up to his shoulders and then down his chest, Erin stroked the expensive fabric of his suit and the firm planes of his body underneath it. “Cuddling wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  Seth sucked in his breath, obviously following through with the implications. “Erin?” he breathed, a tangible question in the one word.

  She kissed him again—deeply, leisurely. Then she stroked her way down his chest again, this time lowering herself to her knees on the floor in front of his chair.

  Fortunately, she was wearing a pants suit today, instead of a skirt, so the move wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable.

  Seth’s lower lip dropped open slightly, and his eyes glazed over as she caressed her way down to his knees. Then she slid her hands to the inside of his thighs and stroked back up to his groin. “Erin?” he asked again, his voice thick in a way she recognized very well.

  She smiled up at him teasingly, her hands poised on his belt. Her heart fluttered violently and her breathing had accelerated slightly. Seeing Seth's reaction to her was already turning her on.

  The spontaneous visit to his office had been a really good idea.

  “Well,” she drawled sensually, hoping she looked relatively sexy and attractive, even though her hair was mussed by the wind and her makeup had worn off since this morning. “It won’t involve any cuddling.”

  After she spoke, she waited for a sign of acquiescence from Seth. She was already hot and a little breathless, and she became more so when she saw Seth grip the arms of his chair and look down at her with a heated, possessive gaze. “In that case.”

  Feeling more exhilarated than she would have expected—preparing to go down on him in his office in the middle of the day—Erin slowly unfastened his belt. Then slowly undid the top button of his pants. Then slowly pulled down the zipper, making a familiar metallic noise in the thick, sultry silence of the room.

  Erin pushed his legs apart a little more so she could position herself more comfortably between them. Then she pulled back the fabric of his trousers and underwear, pushing them down until she’d gained access to his cock.

  He was already partially hard, evidently from anticipation alone.

  Glancing back up at his face, she almost gasped at the hungry desire in his eyes as he watched her. She was becoming aroused too—a warm pressure developing between her legs.

  But she didn’t want him
to do anything to her. She wanted to do this to him.

  So she focused away from her own physical response and back to Seth’s tightening body.

  She caressed his lower belly, following the caress with a trail of kisses that she pressed into the warm skin there. Then she lifted his semi-erection and brushed her fingers up and down the length of it.

  Heard Seth suck in another breath. Heard the sound of a phone ringing somewhere outside his office door.

  With a slanting look up at his slightly flushed face, Erin lowered her head and took his cock in her mouth. Gave it brief, sudden suction.

  Seth grunted softly and tightened his hands on the arms of the chair. Then Erin relaxed her mouth and let his hardening cock slip wetly out of her lips. She paused for a moment, during which he shifted restlessly in his chair, before she held him in position with one hand while she licked a line up the underside of his shaft.

  Seth took another harsh inhalation of air, and she felt his thighs tense up on either side of her body.

  It felt like Erin was intensely aware of each of his physical responses—no matter how minor or imperceptible. It seemed like she could hear his heart pounding, feel his skin heating up, sense the rush of the blood in his veins.

  She felt powerful, felt thrilled, felt a little bit raunchy. And she was almost intoxicated by the visceral combination.

  Fluttering her tongue over the tip of his cock, she earned another stifled grunt and a small jerk of Seth's pelvis.

  She stroked his damp flesh with her fingers and loved how his cock twitched under her touch. Stroked him again. Felt him twitch again.

  Shifted on her knees so she could rub her thighs together over the growing ache at her center.

  “Erin, not that I’m complaining, but I have a meeting in twenty minutes.”

  She chuckled irrepressibly, just as she slid his still growing erection back into her mouth.

  Apparently, the vibrations from her laughter were effective. Seth gritted out, “Fuck,” and his right leg jerked spasmodically.

  Erin wanted to make sure this was good for him, but she also didn’t want to make him late for his meeting. So she closed one of her hands around the base of his cock and took the rest of it into her mouth.

  As she swirled her tongue and slid her lips slickly up and down, she made a pleased noise in her throat as she felt him grow, stiffen, harden all the way in her mouth, until he was fully erect.

  When he was hard and hot in her mouth, she repositioned herself to get better leverage.

  Hollowed out her cheeks and tried to coordinate the suction with the pumping of her hand.

  Then moved her second hand from his thigh until she could reach his balls. Squeezed them gently.

  Seth made a hissing noise that caused a throb of pleasure in Erin’s already wet arousal.

  She started sucking him steadily, working him over with both her hands and her mouth. But, enthralled by the hissing noise he’d made, she focused her eyes back up on his face.

  He hissed again as she watched, and she heard herself moan helplessly, low in her throat, at the sight of him. His face was contorted in pleasure and concentration, and he was baring his teeth, sucking in air with a wet, breathless sound as he visibly suppressed his need to thrust up into her mouth.

  “Yes,” he rasped thickly, clenching the fingers of one hand around the armrest and moving the other to the back of her head. He tangled his fingers through her hair, curving them around the line of her skull. Pressed her head toward him gently, guiding her motion with a series of little pushes.

  It actually helped her, so she could more clearly find the rhythm he needed. Following his lead, she accelerated the speed of her sucking and the pumping of her hand.

  “Fuck,” he gritted out, his whole body beginning to coil up. He moved his head restlessly and started to buck his pelvis up very slightly, as if he could no longer completely hold himself back.

  Erin had to concentrate on her coordination, but even so she was almost swept away by the pure, visceral power of his reactions to her. It felt like his whole body was throbbing, like the pulsing pressure in his cock was mirrored in the tightening of his fingers on her scalp, in the jerking of his hips, in the spasming of the muscles she could see in his jaw and his temple.

  Someone laughed outside the office, not very far from the door, reminding Erin exactly where they were.

  Seth felt out of control, like he was on the verge of implosion. She moved one of her hands and grabbed his hip to get some sort of stability as she felt his cock starting to reach the back of her throat.

  “Erin,” Seth gasped, sucking in another gulp of air through his clenched teeth. His hand fisted in her hair, and his back arched involuntarily against the chair.

  Watching him with hot, ravenous eyes as she continued to work him over, Erin wondered if it was possible for her to come just from this. The pressure in her pussy was swelling up unbearably. And, if she hadn’t needed to focus so much on what she was doing, she would have brought a hand down between her legs to rub herself off.

  But she didn’t. Instead, she intensified her ministrations until Seth’s knuckles whitened on the armrest of the chair. He was making an erratic series of half-pants, half-grunts, and he sounded primal, inexpressibly hot.

  His face was so twisted now he appeared to be in agony, and a sheen of sweat had broken out on his face.

  For a moment, Erin wasn’t sure what to do to push him over the edge. The tension in his body grew tighter and tighter, but couldn’t seem to find its release.

  Then she moved her hand from his hip to his leg. Slid it up to the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

  Dug her fingernails hard into his flesh as she hollowed out her cheeks one last time.

  Seth came. Released all the pressure in his body in hot waves of spasming energy. He let out an involuntary roar of pleasure that he stifled as best he could. His eyes were opened the whole time—staring down at her—and she saw them blaze with a kind of primitive satisfaction.

  His cock throbbed with his climax, and he came into her mouth in short spurts which she swallowed instinctively, trying not to make a face as she did so.

  She choked a little as she swallowed the last time, causing her to release his cock from her mouth abruptly so she could cough a couple of times.

  Unfortunately ending with a bit of a flop what would have otherwise been a very good blow job.

  She sank onto her knees, clearing her throat and pushing her hair back behind her ears.

  Seth had collapsed back in his chair, slouched and limp as he gasped and tried to recover himself. “Okay?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Yeah. Good. You?” She looked up at him, immediately getting over her small failure as she was washed with a pleased, proud possessiveness at the sight of his sated face and sprawled body.

  Seth managed to cock an eyebrow. “A little more than good.”

  She grinned up at him, and he grinned down at her. And Erin felt hot, and aroused, and kind of stupid on the floor of his office. But happy nonetheless.

  Finally, she managed to heave herself up to her feet. Glanced at her watch. “Six minutes until the meeting,” she remarked, shifting uncomfortably because of the wet pulsing between her thighs.

  Seth had been fastening his pants and belt, but at her words he reached an arm out for her. “Maybe that will give me time to take care of you too.”

  Erin eluded his grasp. “Huh uh. Not today. You don’t have time, and you probably should take a minute or two to regroup.”

  Seth frowned at her. “But what about you? You’re turned on. I can tell.”

  Brushing a few strands of hair off of her flushed cheeks, Erin admitted, “Yes. I am. But I’m a big girl. It won’t kill me. And this was supposed to be for you.”

  He was still frowning as he stood up. Looked like he was about to object again.

  So Erin added, “You can do me later. Maybe tonight, if we get the chance.”

  “Don’t think I’m go
ing to forget.” He gave her a sudden half-smile. “Thanks, by the way.”

  Erin beamed at him. “You’re welcome.” Eying him fondly, she took in his rumpled state—flushed cheeks, half-untucked shirt, wrinkled pants, and slightly askew tie. Chuckling, she reached over and started to push his shirttail back into his trousers. “You’re a mess. Disgraceful. Opposing counsel will be horribly shocked.”

  Seth didn’t appear to appreciate her trying to tidy him up, but together they managed to pull his appearance back together—so that he only looked a little less slick than usual, a little more relaxed, and a little bit warmer.

  Patting him on the chest as Seth buttoned his suit jacket again, Erin said, “I better get going. My lunch break has lasted way too long. You remember Mackenzie and I are having dinner with my dad this evening?”

  “Yes. I have to work through dinner anyway. I’ll try to stop by just before you put Mackenzie to bed though, if that’s all right.”

  “Sounds good.” Erin looked back at the pile of work on Seth’s desk. “Except you shouldn’t work through dinner. Did you eat lunch?”

  Seth shook his head. “I didn’t think about it.”

  “That’s crazy. You have to eat something. Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have wasted your time just now if you should have been eat—”

  “Erin,” Seth interrupted curtly. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I miss lunch all the time.”

  She scowled at him. “And I suppose it’s all right for you to miss dinner too? To go a whole day without eating?”

  Seth was glaring at her coldly, but she ignored it—trying to think through the best solution to this problem. She glanced at the closed door of the office. “If I tell your assistant to order you something to eat, will you eat it after you get done with your meeting?”

  “Erin,” Seth said in frustration. “I told you—”

  “Will you eat it?”

  He still looked a little grumpy. “I’ll try to get to it. Now, I’m going to be late—”

  Crossing her arms on her chest, Erin blocked the doorway. “Promise me.”

  For a moment, Seth looked like he was going to argue some more. Then he obviously decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. “Fine. I promise I’ll eat it. Now will you go?’


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