SpringFever Shifters in Love

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  Storm hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry. That should never happen to any woman.” He leaned back. “What did your dad do? I hoped he fired his ass.”

  “I never told him.”

  His chin tucked under. “Why?”

  Chey dragged her arms up his back and shrugged. “Can we not talk about this anymore? I want to make love with you. Okay?” She sounded a bit desperate, but it was because she needed him to wash away all the bad shit in her life.

  “Okay.” With incredible tenderness, he kissed her then nibbled on her lip, drawing it taut between his teeth. “I want you,” he whispered.

  If she believed in miracles, she would have claimed he sounded as if he almost loved her. A tear slid down her cheek. Storm was a man who would never hurt her. He was perfect in every way except one—he wasn’t hers.

  Damn. One minute they were enjoying some sexy fun time and the next everything had shifted and gotten too serious with talk about Chuck. She needed to lighten the mood back up again.

  Inspiration struck. Chey jumped to her bare feet and took off, running parallel to the stream, ignoring the sticks and pebbles grinding into her soles. She looked over her shoulder as laughter bubbled out of her. “Catch me if you can.”

  Where she was headed, she had no idea, but the freedom of running exhilarated her, making her forget about the past. Even though she remained in human form for obvious reasons, she was still fast. Because she had every intention of Storm catching her at some point, she didn’t go as quickly as she could have. However, she never expected his hands on her waist a few seconds later. He’d been a hell of a lot speedier than she’d anticipated.

  Storm spun her around and backed her up against a tree, the rough bark pressing into her tender skin, his gaze never leaving her face. His commanding attitude had her blood pounding. She wasn’t sure if he was mad or highly excited that she took off, but she hoped the latter. Since he looked as if he was about to take her, she didn’t care which it was. Her need for him was close to her breaking point.

  “Have you ever been spanked for disobedience?” he asked.

  “Maybe when I was eight.” She lifted her chin not sure where he was headed with this discussion. She hadn’t been that bad.

  “Do you think you’ve been good today?”

  If he knew what his sexy words did to her, it would give him too much power. Her pussy cramped and pulsed, and she feared her juices would drip down her leg. “What do you think?” She needed to shut up without sassing him.

  Without any warning, he bent her over, forcing her to grab the tree trunk in front of her for support. His palm came down on her ass fast and hard. For a second, she thought she’d shift. Anger did that to her as did excessive arousal. The sting only lasted a few seconds, and then pleasure shot down to her clit. “Whoa.”

  “You liked it didn’t you?” Storm twisted her around, grabbed her still stinging ass and lifted her up so they were within kissing range.

  She wrapped her legs around him, her pussy smashed against his rigid cock. “Can I get back to you on that?” She didn’t want to let him know how much she’d enjoyed that one slap. He might go overboard and not stop the next time.

  She waved the condom that was still in her hand. “What about this?”

  Storm reached out and took the foil package, his eyes never leaving hers. “You said you’re on the pill. I’d love to go bareback, but it’s your call. I want you to feel safe, comfortable, and protected with me.”

  Chey wanted to melt right there on the spot. When she looked into his eyes she could see he meant every word. She kept her gaze locked on his as she raised one eyebrow. Quick as she could, she snatched the condom back and dropped it to the ground, as she gave him the sexiest smile and nodded.

  Storm’s eyes filled with passion as he lowered her to a stand, then dropped to one knee and spread her legs wide. When his tongue swept a wide path across her wet pussy, all thoughts of the past disappeared. This was exactly where she needed to be. Grabbing the top of his head, she leaned back and inhaled the rich scent of the moss and the dampness of the earth.

  Storm dragged the pad of his thumb across her clit, forcing her to tighten her hold. Because she wanted to wait for Storm’s release, Chey had to work hard not to climax.

  When he slipped two fingers into her needy opening, she almost screamed. The birds had gone silent, and the sound of the rushing water over the rocks seemed to soften. She couldn’t take it any longer. “Please, Storm. Now!”

  He stood, brown earth and leaves clinging to his knee. He cupped her face again, and with the hunger of a desperate man, kissed her hard and deeply. Passion, pleasure, and ecstasy swamped her. She dragged her hands to his back and dug her nails into his skin, the need inside her about to burst. “Take me, damn it,” she demanded.

  He spun her around so that her back was to him, nudged her legs open with his foot, and grabbed her hips. “Be careful what you wish for, wild woman.”

  If only he knew. His cock pressed against her slick slit, and then he drove into her with one powerful thrust, banging against the back wall so hard, she saw stars. He slid his fingers up to her breasts and twirled her nipples, gently at first, and then with more intensity.

  He withdrew and entered her once more, only this time with more control. But Chey didn’t want caution. Longing to forget everything but this moment, she needed wild abandon. “Harder.”

  Storm draped his chest over her back and hugged her tightly. As he fucked her hard, his teeth dug into her skin, but not powerful enough to break the surface. She pressed her hips back, desperate for more, desiring all of him. Thought disappeared as her emotions took over. He pummeled her over and over again, and as his moans grew louder, his fingers worked faster.

  She clamped down on his cock to feel more of him, and his dick expanded, stretching her wide. Who came first, she didn’t know, but her orgasm swept her away. As his hot seed filled her, her chest constricted with the painful need for oxygen. Thoughts of being with him forever filled her but for a moment, because she quickly banished them. That kind of nonsense would only lead to heartache.

  “I don’t want to let you go,” he said.

  Storm was the dearest man. “As much as I love being in your arms, you must at some point.” Chey tried to sound upbeat.

  He disengaged and turned her to face him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being wonderful, fun, exciting, and a million other things.”

  She laughed. She would have said the same thing back, but some things were best left for later. “Want a quick dip in the water to rinse off?”

  “It’ll be cold.”

  “Come on. It’ll help shrink your dick. You chicken?”

  He just shook his head and laughed.


  Chey didn’t ever want to leave their secluded spot, but they had to at some point. When they rounded the corner of the barn, her worse nightmare appeared—Chuck Lord.

  “Please don’t do this, Chuck.”

  He didn’t respond to her mental message. Instead, he strode toward them.

  Storm pulled along side her. “Cheyenne, what’s going on?”

  “Just get down from the horse. I’ll deal with him.”

  They both dismounted, and Storm remained by her side. She patted both horses’ rumps, and they trotted inside the barn.

  Chuck puffed out his chest acting like his five-foot six frame was a match against Storm. In a man-to-man fight, she had her money on her lover. Too bad, Chuck would never play fair. He’d shift, and that would be the end of the man she was falling in love with.

  There. She’d said it. As impossible as it sounded, Storm Durant was the man for her—at least for as long as she could have him. Sadly, she’d never be the woman for him—or rather the shifter woman for him.

  Chuck clasped her arm and drew her close. His cold grip hurt, but she wouldn’t give him the satis
faction of wincing. She wanted to pull away, scream, shift, and bite his pecker off, but she wouldn’t do that in front of Storm.

  “Let her go,” Storm’s voice could have cut steel.

  Chuck released her, but she didn’t move, fearful of what he’d do if she did.

  “I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Chuck Lord, Chey’s fiancé.” The jerk just had to emphasize the last word.

  If a sinkhole could have miraculously appeared next to her, she’d have jumped in. Storm’s face turned a dark red, but he was controlling himself well. “She’s your fiancée?” He shifted his gaze between them and then lasered her with a stare. “Isn’t he the man who—”

  A hard lump formed in her throat. She had to cut him off. “Yes, but I can explain.” She rushed up to Storm, her pulse going crazy. “It’s not really true. Not if I can help it.”

  “What do you mean?” he said between gritted teeth.

  Chuck chuckled. “Go ahead and tell him, sweetheart. Tell him how your dad is planning to step down as Alpha and has chosen me to marry you.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest so hard, the pain made it difficult to breathe. “It’s not what you think.” Chey reached out to touch him, but Storm jerked away.

  “You’re a shifter? And you’re getting married? Did you think so little of me that you forgot to mention those two facts? Which by the way are very important to me.”

  She didn’t know how to explain that she partially picked him to go out with because she knew he’d never really want her—and that what had started out as a little diversion had turned into so much more. Before she could formulate the words, Storm kissed her forehead, but it wasn’t with tenderness.

  “Goodbye, Cheyenne. I hope you’ll be happy.”

  As much as she needed to go after him and tell Storm she wanted him, her feet had frozen to the ground. A tight band squeezed her chest so hard tears flowed down her cheeks. She hiccupped and dropped to her knees.

  Chuck stood over her. “You’re pathetic.”

  Chey looked up at him. “You’re a bastard. I hope a wolf rips out your throat.”

  The slap came hard and fast across her face. She didn’t flinch, because she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. She’d rather sew up her pussy than marry a jerk like him.

  Chapter Seven

  Chey was so mad at the world that she didn’t dare go home. One look at her sofa where she and Storm had made love, and she’d crumble. His scent, though faint, would still be lingering in her house, on her sheets, in her mind. Damn Chuck Lord.

  She pressed hard on the accelerator, tears blurring her vision. She had to make Storm understand what he meant to her. A horn blared and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest, causing her to slam on her brakes and pull over to the side. Holy shit. She’d just crossed an intersection without stopping. She had to calm down.

  Nabbing a tissue from her purse, she dabbed her eyes and blew her nose. When her pulse slowed, she looked behind her before getting back on the road.

  Whether it was planned or not, she ended up going toward Autumn Avenue where Tasha lived. Her friend worked Saturday until noon and would hopefully be home by now. When Chey spotted Tasha’s car in the drive, a bit of the tension in her shoulders eased. Chey probably should drive to the mountains and go for a run, but talking it out with clear-thinking Tasha would help her get through this fucking mess a lot better.

  She didn’t even have to knock, because Tasha threw open the front door. “Come in. I’m sorry.”

  She stepped in. “You heard?” Only minutes had passed.

  “Yeah. You know the shifter grapevine. Chuck bragged about it on Facebook.”

  A hot knife pierced her heart, and it was an imaginary Chuck who was grinning down at her twisting the handle. “That fucker.”

  “Sit down, and I’ll get us some wine.”

  “I’d rather have coffee.”

  Tasha’s brows rose. “I’ll put on a pot.”

  Chey wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to show her face in town again. Everyone would think she was either a slut or a cheat. Christ, this was bad. She checked her phone expecting a text from Dad, but so far he hadn’t contacted her. She was sure he’d ask for a full apology in front of the whole Clan, but if she did that, some of the women might demand her isolation, or worse, take a swipe at her. Chey shivered.

  “Here ya go, sweetie. This will warm you up.”

  “Thanks.” Chey grabbed the cup but it was still steaming hot—just like her.

  Tasha sat across from her. “Tell me what happened.”

  Chey detailed the horse ride, the picnic, and the hot sex.

  “Sounds like Storm is amazing.”

  She sighed. “Yes, he is. The problem is that I’m falling in love with him.”

  Her friend stilled. “Oh, Chey, that wasn’t part of the plan.”

  She leaned back. “I know. After what Chuck did, I doubly know nothing can come of it. It’s not like I’m officially engaged since Dad gave me till August to find someone, but Chuck’s pronouncement will kill any chance of me finding someone else.” Her chin wobbled.

  Tasha set down her cup, came over to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “You need to talk with him.”

  “Storm or Chuck?”

  “Storm, of course, but give him a few hours to stew. There is one positive in all of this.”

  That almost made her laugh. “Pray, tell me what.”

  “He cares. A lot. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have kissed your forehead and wished you the best.”

  “He did wish me the best, but he said it sarcastically.” Perhaps her thoughts had been colored by her humiliation.

  Tasha rolled her eyes. “Finish your coffee then go home, shower, and put on your sexiest outfit. Then go to Storm. ”

  Chey tucked in her chin. “You think he’ll ever have sex with me again? Hell, I doubt he’ll even speak with me.”

  “Sweetie, Storm is a man. From what you’ve told me, he can’t resist you, so go make yourself irresistible.”

  “I suppose I could shift into a cheetah and stalk him like the nasty cat I am.”

  “Don’t be like that. He’s upset, as well as he should be. What would you have done if his fiancée had walked up to you both and flashed her ring in your face?”

  An ugly sludge filled her veins. “I might have shifted and clawed her eyes out.” That sounded bad. “But only after I listened to what Storm had to say about her claim.”

  Tasha laughed. “You are so full of shit. When have you ever listened first? You just react.”

  Chey puffed out her chest. “That was the old me.”

  Tasha removed the cup from Chey’s tight grip and set it down. “You need a shower and a nap.”

  Chey sniffed. “I smell?”

  “A little.”

  That broke the wave of her severe depression. “All right.” She stiffened. “Fuck. I don’t know where he lives.”

  “You could always go to his office.”

  “And wait until Monday? No one will marry me because I’ll be dead by then, and acid will have eaten through my stomach and reached my heart.”

  “It’s not that bad. We’ve both survived shitty breakups before.”

  “This isn’t a shitty breakup. It’s more than that. My whole future’s at stake.” She might sound dramatic, but it was true.

  Tasha took her hand. “Let’s suppose Storm forgives you. Then what? Do you see him asking you to marry him within your four-month window? I’m basing this question on the assumption that he is your true mate and that you can turn him.”

  She hadn’t given that idea much thought because it seemed too farfetched. Could he be her twin flame—the one that was meant for her?

  Chey dropped her head back against the sofa and sighed. “No, it’s hopeless. And don’t say I should bite him just to see if he’s my mate. If he were, don’t you think someone as successful and self-confide
nt as Storm might be a bit pissed if he woke up and could suddenly shift?”

  “You won’t know if you don’t try. It’s not like it’s a death sentence. Being able to shift is an enhancement to our lives, not a detriment.”

  “You might be right.” She patted her thighs and stood. “You’ve given me lots to think about.”

  They hugged. “Love you,” Tasha said. “Try to listen to his concerns. Men just want to be understood.”

  “I’ll try.”


  Storm rode his bike hard all the way into town. He was angry, confused, and quite despondent. He didn’t understand how someone as wonderful as Cheyenne could have been such a liar. Here, he thought they had something special between them. Not only was she sassy and aggressive, sensitive and amazing, he’d never been with a woman who turned him on so much. Now, he could see it had been a sham. He wished he could figure out her purpose in drawing him in and then spitting him out. Perhaps her father had asked her to drive out the newcomer, though that didn’t make any more sense either.

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t ready to go home, and it was too early for a drink. Working always brought him comfort, so Storm pulled in front of his closed office and went in. The place smelled a bit musty with a hint of antiseptic. He needed to ask Martha to hire a cleaning crew to give the place a thorough disinfecting. Storm didn’t want his patients to think he didn’t take cleanliness seriously.

  Who was he kidding? Monday would come and his waiting room might remain empty. It didn’t matter there were appointments scheduled. They’d been made before Dr. Rapello announced his retirement.

  After unlocking his office door, Storm stepped in. He knew what he was about to do was probably stupid, but he located Cheyenne’s medical file. Not that he expected to see she had a brain tumor, but he wanted to spot something that might explain her erratic behavior. There had to be a reason why she’d gotten under his skin so fast. From her perspective, it was probably her mating urges.

  Storm slid onto his desk chair, opened the file, and scanned the contents—all twenty-nine years of them. Other than the usual illnesses, nothing stood out. Her shifter status withstanding, Cheyenne was like any other woman.


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