Kiss My Ash

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Kiss My Ash Page 27

by Leddy Harper

  “It’s nice to see you again, Kristy.” Oddly enough, Dad didn’t appear the least bit fazed by her presence…or my introduction. I’d expected worse, especially after hearing what all he’d said to Kristy a few weeks ago. Then again, from the way she’d explained it, there was a chance he hadn’t meant to talk her out of a relationship with me.

  Only time would tell.

  “It’s very nice to meet you.” Mom smiled, unable to climb out of the booth and introduce herself. But that didn’t stop her from extending her hand across the table once we took our seats on the bench opposite my parents. Flashing her eyes between the two of us, Mom beamed, adding, “It’s good to see Asher hasn’t outgrown his affinity for older women.”

  Kristy laughed under her breath. “He actually told me that story. I found it rather amusing.”

  “So…” I met my father’s gaze, and then my mom’s. “You two are okay with this?”

  Mom had opened her mouth, yet it was Dad who said, “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  “Just making sure.” I cleared my throat. “Now, would someone like to tell me what in the world is going on with you two?”

  They faced each other with wide eyes, then their lips curled. Mom giggled while Dad said, “Absolutely nothing. We’re just catching up on each other’s lives. We’ve missed a lot.”

  I’d seen those eyes before, those smiles. They looked much like the ones Kristy and I had shared for nine months. Cryptic. Exhilarating. The kind that holds explosive secrets—but the good kind that starts as a spark, and without realizing it, it burns into the kind of passion you can’t live without.

  I recognized it because I saw it in Kristy’s eyes every time she looked at me.




  “Have you seen Ash?” I peeked my head into the dining room where Emma set the table.

  “No. Why? You can’t find him? I guess that’s what you get for building a place this big.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked away. She was right—there was absolutely no need for all this space, but Ash had refused to listen to me while working with the architect. He’d taken every single thing I’d said and put it into one house. It was insane…yet I loved him that much more for it.

  He’d spent a year updating my first home, getting it ready to sell so that I could make top dollar on it. It’d given him plenty of practice, and by the time he’d finished, he was ready to take the exam and become a licensed carpenter.

  In the meantime, he’d worked on building our dream home, full of everything either of us could’ve possibly wanted in a house. His primary goal had been to give me something I wouldn’t have to fix up. And during our vows on what would’ve been the two-year anniversary of when we first met, I had promised to let him make any and all repairs from that moment forward.

  The last place I checked was the garage—although, it should’ve been the first. Had it not been the farthest from the kitchen, I might’ve checked there before every other room on the way from the turkey on the stove to what had become his new workstation.

  He still had the warehouse, though it served as more of a showroom, leaving him to do most of his work in the garage. And as I stepped outside, I wasn’t surprised to find him bent over the table with a tool in his hand and goggles covering his eyes. This was what he did best—carving wood to create something one of a kind. However, I had no idea what he was in the middle of now.

  Catching me move toward him, he shut off the spinning wheel and put down the carving tool. “Hey, babe. Is the turkey ready?”

  I nodded, taking in what appeared to be a spindle in the making. “I thought you took the holiday off. What are you doing out here?”

  He came around the table to stand behind me, placing his hands on my round stomach. His chin rested on my shoulder at the same time a gasp flooded my chest, the sight in front of me taking my breath away.

  “You made that?” I pointed to the crib that now held my focus without his body standing in the way.

  “Making it…yes. You didn’t think I would let you put my son to sleep in some cheaply made piece of crap you bought at a store, did you?”

  I shook my head and turned in his arms. “Were you planning to tell me? Or did you plan to just let me buy something and then expect me not to notice when you swapped it out?”

  “We still have a couple more months to go…I was hoping to surprise you with it.”

  Threading my fingers through his hair, I pulled his lips to mine. “I love you, Asher Jenkins.”

  “I love you, too, Kristy Jenkins.”

  His smile had always done something to me, and now, I had proof. Anytime he turned those curled lips my way, our son did backflips or kicked me, likely a reaction to my excitement. Which was what he did now—granted, it could’ve been his clue that he was hungry. “Come on, Ash. Your Thanksgiving feast awaits, and if we leave your mother in there with Emma much longer, there’s a good chance she’ll end up changing her majors. Again.”

  He groaned yet followed anyway. “She’s really milking this college thing, isn’t she? Kinda makes me wish I had gone…just to live a few more years on my dad’s dime while I ‘found myself.’ Seriously, babe, if she spends any more time looking for herself, I’ll spend her tuition money on a damn mirror.”

  Unable to hold my laughter in, I playfully backhanded him in his hard abs.

  Just then, Emma came out of the dining room. “Oh, look. You finally found the woodchuck. Let’s hope the food’s not cold by now.”

  “Hey, Em,” he called out, causing her to pause and look at him. “Kiss my Ash.”

  She furrowed her brow, her nose scrunching and top lip curling in disgust. “If it looks likes Ash and smells like Ash…there’s a good chance it’s a steaming pile of Ash.”

  “Good one, Kris,” he deadpanned, staring right at me as Emma walked away with her laughter echoing down the hall.

  “Me? She’s the one who said it.”

  “That sounds like something you’d say. It’s got you written all over it.”

  I held up my hands in surrender. “She added ‘steaming pile.’ That wasn’t me.”

  He pulled me to him and kissed me madly. “Let’s go give thanks.”

  “So you can tell your mom and my daughter how thankful you are for me?”

  “No…so you can tell them how thankful you are that I pressed play.”

  That was true. I was very thankful that he had come along when he did, lied to me about his age, and unlocked the side of me that had been made just for him. He pressed play—for us both. And ever since, we hadn’t stopped.

  Leddy’s Notes

  Once upon a time, I wrote a novella for an anthology. The theme was taboo, so I went with the whole age concept. Except I was knee-deep in binging on Cougartown (LOVE Courtney Cox!!) so I wanted to do it with a twist. Only problem was…everyone who read it wanted a full story for these two.

  I tried and tried. Oh boy did I try! Nothing was working. I hit wall after wall (right, Heidi?!) and finally, I gave up. I said: These two won’t have a book until they can get their shit straight.

  Then one day a couple of years later, Kristie suggested I put that novella up on Wattpad. I thought…genius! But as I read through the first chapter to make sure I had the right document (I seriously need to clean out my files!!) I fell in love with their story all over again. I said: This time I can do it. And I did.

  Or so I thought.

  I got about 75% into it, and my publicist told me Kristy was a whiney bitch and she wanted to smack her. Mind you…this was only after the first three chapters. I said: Oh hell no!

  Then Amanda suggested I “tweak” part of the plot. Tweaking is great. Everyone loves a little tweaking here and there. I said to myself: I can do this.

  Or so I thought.

  You wouldn’t believe it, but I ended up rewriting the entire thing from scratch. It’s a good thing I don’t require much sleep, but I didn’t get any!! But I mu
st say, the end result is something I’m BEYOND proud of!

  So really…this book started out as one thing, took a few tours down some beaten paths, came back, changed into something else, and then was thrown into the garbage while I recreated something better.

  Let’s hope people actually like this. If not…I’m not rewriting it again! HAHA!

  Hey You!!

  First and foremost, I must give credit where credit’s due. And that’s to Amanda. My Biffle. Without you, this book wouldn’t be half as amazing. In fact, I doubt I would’ve finished it, and then you would’ve had to pick me up off the floor, clean off my drool, and convince my kids that mommy just needed a nap. So really, you should be thanking me. HAHA! Shluv you the mostest!

  Without the love and support from my family, I never would’ve gotten through this year. I love you, babe. Your support means everything to me.

  Stephie, my whore, the other half of my brain. You came to my rescue when I needed you the most, and for that, you’re welcome. You didn’t let me fail, nor fall on my face…because you’re you, and I’m awesome. You’ve taught me how to be modest, and for that, I’ll always and forever be eternally great. I really can’t imagine my life without you, because if I try, I’d be blinded by my inner light that shines brighter than the sun. Thank you…for making me a better person. I didn’t think it was possible to get better than perfect, but somehow, you proved me wrong.

  Kristie Leigh, thank you for lending me your name…and your kid’s…and your looks…I basically stole all of you and made your a cougar. You’re welcome.

  Heidi. Can you believe it?? Ash and Kristy have a story?! Didn’t think this day would ever come. The faith you have in me makes me keep going. You’re amazing. Thank you for being you…and for marrying my fictional heroes.

  Emily, thank you for not firing me. I bet you’re probably looking back on the last few years asking yourself, “Why do I continue to put up with her?” The answer is: you’re just as crazy as I am.

  Stevie…I’ve always known you were a kickass chick. I knew that if I continued to stalk you, text you, remind you that I’m alive, you’d eventually realize we’d make great friends. Either that, or you’d just give up and accept all of me…silver you know whats and all!

  Crystal, Best Friend, thank you for inspiring some of the scenes in here, and for always supporting me. You’ve always believed in me (I’m not going to mention how many years, because there’s no need to remind ourselves of how old we are). Thank you for everything!

  Kristie Verdurmen. Thank you for cleaning up your house while I sit on your patio and write this. We’re going to pretend the mess you’re cleaning up isn’t mine or my kids’. All right?!

  Angela!! You rock! I can’t even begin to put into words how much easier you make my life!! Love you, girlie!

  To my readers: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a chance on me! I am beyond amazed every time I learn I have a new one. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine anyone would read my words, let alone enjoy them…so the fact that I have more than one blows my mind! Thank you all!!!

  Bloggers: Thank you all for your support, the new ones and old, small ones and big. I couldn’t do this without each and every one of you!

  All About Leddy

  Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.

  She is now a mother of three girls, leaving her husband as the only man in a house full of females. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what you do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.

  Also by Leddy Harper

  Home No More

  My Biggest Mistake

  Falling to Pieces

  Take Your Time

  Beautiful Boy

  Eminent Love

  Resuscitate Me




  I Do(n’t)

  The Roommate ‘dis’Agreement

  Love Rerouted




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