Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind Page 4

by Johnny Stone

  “It’s true, Captain; I assess the threat to be minimal at this time. None of the weapons systems are currently powered up and are in a hold status,” Alex chimed in confirming Nathan’s statement.

  We continued to climb skyward, an easy target for even the most rudimentary air defense platform, but nothing streaked up at us from below: no missiles; no particle beams or lasers; no mass driver cannons; nothing. We slowly began returning to the course sent to us by Port Navigation.

  “Then why the fuck didn’t you tell me that sooner,” I screamed.

  Damn, playtime’s over…

  My hands slowly left the stick, trembling, and my bottom lip wasn’t much better. My whole body was trembling, actually, like I had an electric current resonating through every cell. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never yelled at Nathan like that before. I haven’t lost my cool this bad since…I was nothing short of a mess at the moment, and nearly jumped out of my seat when Nathan’s hand gently came to rest on my shoulder.

  “Why don’t you go and take a hot shower, hon. Relax and unwind a bit. Alex and I can handle this and we’ll take it nice and easy on the way up. Besides, we’ll be nearing planet breakaway soon and it’s all smooth sailing after that.”

  I nodded, jerky and over exaggerated, and unbuckled my harness standing on shaky legs. My visor retracted revealing a sweat soaked face.

  “Go on, I’ll be fine. Are you feeling all right? You don’t look well.”

  No, no I wasn’t. The unexpected near death experience left me feeling like a wound up top ready to spin out of control. I wanted to throw up, but of course, I nodded again and forced a weak smile for Nathan’s sake. I did manage to give his hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance, before making my way down the corridor towards the shower.


  Nathan leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes in an effort to calm down after the heart pounding rush of low level flight.

  “Been a few years,” he chuckled softly. “Margo can definitely fly a boat, that’s for damn sure.”

  “She is rather excitable, Mr. Burke. Are you sure it’s wise to let her pilot my controls? The Captain’s current condition combined with her combat experience may lead to a very unstable combination in her mental state. I’ve heard such things can affect the human psyche, and human females are 69.8 percent more likely to react emotionally due to standard hormone levels. I might add that the Captain’s are currently three hundred and eighty six percent above that norm.”

  “Alex, what are you talking about?” Nathan asked, growing annoyed. “I trust her with my life; I have in the past while we served in Fleet together. She’s an excellent pilot and reacted according to her training, nothing more, just as I would in a given situation.”

  “I understand that, Mr. Burke, but given her current condition—”

  “What condition?”

  “The Captain is pregnant. Didn’t you know?”

  “What? No, I didn’t know!” Nathan bolted upright in his seat, sputtering. “That isn’t possible, Alex, she’s sterile. Are you sure? How? When?”

  “Mr. Burke, I have already done several detailed scans of the Captain, she is pregnant with a 100% probability. I place the estimated time of conception at 16 days 27 minutes and 15 seconds ago, plus or minus 10 seconds. As to the ‘how’, Mr. Burke, if you don’t know then that is a matter I suggest you discuss with the Captain in private, if I understand your relationship correctly.”

  Nathan’s demeanor and tone changed to match his widening smile.

  “She hasn’t said anything to me about it. Do you think she knows? I can’t believe I’m going to be a father! Do you know the gender? Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “I am not in a position to answer your first question, but if I were to make an assumption based on my limited contact with her, I would say she is unaware of her condition. Her menstrual cycle was due to begin in 6 days 53 minutes and 5 seconds plus or minus 1 minute. To answer your second question the fetuses, if they could even be called that at this stage of cellular development, are both female.”

  “Both! She’s having twins?”

  “That is correct, Mr. Burke. If you have the Captain submit a DNA sample I can display a progressive image of your daughter’s appearance throughout their developmental cycle. The Captain has just entered the shower-would you like me to gather a sample before the waste water reaches the purifier and ship replicator?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  Burke leaned back in his seat, thinking. He was a pragmatic man, knowing his strengths and weakness better than anyone; he’d been a trigger-puller and a combat leader during his career in the Corps. His job had been command troops in combat – to take and hold ground – to close in with the enemy, any enemy, and destroy them by any and all means possible. He’d always known that he would need help with this mission, a few extra team members to pick up the slack where his expertise left off, and now that the world had suddenly taken an abrupt turn for the surreal… He couldn’t take the chance that Margo would be put in harm’s way at this point; a pregnant woman breaking into a Cartel stronghold? Crazy… And he also knew there was no way in hell she would change her mind and back down from this, so it looked like it was time to stack the cards as heavily in their favor as possible.

  “Alex, display my old personnel roster for the 501st Strike Regiment during the Seth’Kelain War, and cross reference it with the Federation Census bureau database, eliminating all members listed as deceased or currently hospitalized for service related disabilities.”

  The fading light of Slave World suddenly turned opaque in the cockpit view screen, replaced by the armored canopy and a downward scrolling list of names. Burke tapped absentmindedly at his chair armrest sadly shaking his head, there weren’t nearly as many names to go through as he’d hoped. His expression of growing worry was slowly replaced by a sly grin.

  Like any good leader, Burke had learned to rely on the men and women under his command and this mission would be no different, it was a simple matter of utilizing the assets available in the most efficient manner possible. He reached up and touched two of the displayed names, highlighting them, and their personal data magnified, scrolling downward along with two holographic photo images. One was of a man with shortly cropped graying hair and a scoundrel’s demeanor, and the other a young woman with a permanent scowl on her face.

  “Prepare to a send messages to each of the selected individuals, priority one, encryption level four.”

  “Yes, Mr. Burke. Visual and voice recording?”

  “Yes, both. You know something, Alex? I almost pity those bastards we’re going after, I really do.”

  “Mr. Burke, based on my assessment of your personality during the time that I have served you that is a false statement.”

  Nathan grinned in reply, a visage of death itself.

  “You’re right, that is a false statement. Begin recording message on my mark.”


  An old, outwardly dilapidated light-bulk freighter passed through Slave World’s upper stratosphere at maximum acceleration, entering the darkness of space. Despite its appearance, the ship known as The Space Tramp was heavily upgraded with some of the latest technology that money could buy. One of those systems happened to be its cloaking and ECM software.

  When the pilot activated it, the Tramp seemed to vanish within a shimmering, hazy cloud of muted gray that reflect the stars around it. There was now a newly created dead span in space, mimicking the emptiness, void of emissions, mass, and motion. This was how he had moved unhindered throughout the Outer Rim and Federations space over the last year, delivering his illegal cargo, covertly searching, seeking… until now. He was close, closer then he’d ever been before. If the information he’d received from the local he’d hired was as credible as he believed it to be, the fake message from Carlos Mandolin had been delivered to the right woman, and she’d taken the bait. His search was finally over, it had to be her.

  A few
minor adjustments to the navigational computer and a slight increase in velocity brought the Tramp on a parallel heading 30, 000 kilometers behind the shuttle, and its unwitting slave owner, Nathan Burke.

  The pilot smiled, leaning back in his seat with a satisfied grin. Everything was going according to plan, and now it was just a matter of waiting for the shuttle to reach its destination, and he could make his move.

  Chapter Three

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting the hot jet of water beat against my face. God it felt good, the tension just seemed to flow out of me in a wave of relief down the drain. The multiple smaller jets oriented around the shower cubicle followed suit, pelting my body with a soapy mist. It had a neutral smell to it though – very mannish – it wasn’t even close to my normal fragrance. No big deal, I’ll just reprogram it later with something a bit more female friendly, something light and flowery. I’m sure Nathan will love that.

  Nathan… I was going to have to do some serious butt kissing to make up for that outburst. I still don’t know what happened, one minute I was happy as hell to be flying again, looking forward to getting laid, and the next I was back in the cockpit of my Hornet 3 Interceptor evading fire. Things really got ugly after I returned to reality; I can’t believe I snapped at him like that.

  The main jet of water dropped suddenly and I opened my eyes only to receive a blast in the face as it switched directions again, spraying up and over my head. I shrieked, covering my face with my hands when the other jets went crazy, attacking me. The main jet returned to a normal flow just as unexpectedly, and I stepped to the side eyeing it warily from between my fingers.

  “Piece of crap,” I muttered. We must have just cleared Slave World’s atmosphere and entered open space, and it always took a few moments for the artificial gravity to kick in and get the thing right again. Water on board ship was one thing that still never acted quite right; it would do strange things at times, moving this way or that, not sure which way to go. I seemed to have forgotten that little piece of information during my extended planet-side vacation.

  Now that’s over… I took my place in the middle of the shower cubicle again, letting the steamy water blast my skin back into a rosy glow while I soaped up. It was therapeutic for me in a way, lathering up my tail, before moving on to my shoulder-length mane. After that, came my wonderful ears. I always washed in the same order, always. Not sure why, other than I did, like a simplistic ritual of compulsive leisure. And of course, once the more mundane parts were done it allowed me to move on to other areas, the parts I enjoyed washing more thoroughly than they really need most times. Since the first time I discovered sex as a young woman, I’d loved playing with myself, but after becoming a pony… My skin felt so soft and silky now, just like a baby’s butt, but everywhere. I’ll admit that enhanced collagen levels were an added bonus from my augmentation that I didn’t mind in the least.

  Gentle, plump breast were the first to fall prey to my roving hands, and I pushed them together, enhancing my generous cleavage even more, while thinking about the last time Nathan tit fucked me. His dark pink cockhead thrusting up between them… his hand on my head, a fistful of hair, pulling my head forward… I opened my mouth… the warm splash of Master’s cum dribbling down my chin… I’d never been tit fucked before coming to Slave World – having a small chest kind of puts a damper on things like that.

  The more I washed, with my hands gliding over flushed, slippery skin, the more I realized just how horny I was. My hunger for Nathan hadn’t gone away in the least with all the recent excitement, if anything, it had grown stronger. My nipples felt bloated with sensitivity, no different than my swollen clit. I gasped with an erotic shudder, as I leaned back against the shower wall, one leg cocked up and a hand between them. My pussy was in my palm, massaging my clit, seconds away from cumming on the two fingers that were knuckle deep within it. I was playing with myself again and didn’t even realize it.

  I quickly pulled them out, nervously looking around, and took a deep breath trying to calm down while I finished rinsing. Good luck with that; my heart was pounding and my body felt like it was on fire. It didn’t take long; I was in a hurry, and I silently hoped Nathan wasn’t already in the bedroom waiting on me.

  The dryer came next, buffeting me with warm gusts of air, and I ran my hands through my hair and tail to help the process along. I did sneak one last exploratory finger through my slit, smiling at how slick I still was. The shimmering finger vanished in my mouth with a heavenly moan. Mmmm… Sticky sweet sex candy, another wonderful result of my augmentation. Is it wrong to enjoy the taste of yourself? If it is, then I never want to be right.

  I almost reached for my flight suit hanging on the wall when I stepped out of the shower.

  “Won’t be needing that, now will I?”

  With a quick stop in front of the mirror to put my hair up in a ponytail and rewrap the base of my tail, I was about ready. I waited on Nathan, not the other way around, and thus far I’d managed to stay a step ahead of him most times, despite having to prepare myself for presentation.

  I peeked around the corner with an evil grin and my best impersonation of a world class spy. I felt like a little kid about to spring a prank on an unsuspecting adult. Good… Nathan was still in the cockpit, and it would take me some time to gear up. I did pause for a moment when I tip-toed into the corridor, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, gripping at the carpet with my toes. Nice. I’d always had sensitive feet, one of my ‘real’ erogenous zones, and I hadn’t noticed how plush the carpet was with my boots on, it was like walking on marshmallows.

  Everything was going to be perfect when Master finally arrived, and I couldn’t stop myself from doing an excited, shivery little dance around the bedroom, giggling. All the pieces of my pony gear and a few other things he would need were quickly laid out on the bed. It was almost awe inspiring staring down at everything, it represented what I was, embodying what it meant to be a pony girl, and a slave. In essence, those pieces of skimpy leather were me.

  I knelt gracefully at the foot of the bed, lowering my forehead, and it took some effort on my part to concentrate, silently praying. It was a little something that I’d come up with on my own, what it meant to me to be Nathan’s slave, and what I strove to be at all times. It wasn’t perfect, but nothing ever is when it comes from the heart.

  Grant me the ability to understand His wants

  Grant me the insight to recognize His needs

  Grant me the strength to follow His lead

  Grant me the wisdom to accept His rules

  Permit me to give myself to Him absolutely

  Permit me to always show Him respect

  Permit me to gracefully accept His comfort

  Permit me to love him unconditionally

  Like with any prayer it gave me the focus I needed, cleansing to my soul no different than the shower did to my body. It reminded me exactly of who and what I am: A slave, an instrument of my Master’s will and desire.

  It wasn’t long before I stood in the middle of the cabin, inspecting myself to make sure everything was in order. It had taken some practice, but I could finally gear up by myself with only minimal cursing in the process. The pink leather harness, now worn smooth and soft with use, felt euphoric against my skin, while my bridle with head harness fit snuggly on my head. I was already starting to salivate around the bit, and my reins hung down teasingly between my breasts. The only thing missing was the leather arm mittens still lying on the bed; Master would have to put those on. I might be good at this, but unless I grew an extra set of arms out of my back… I took a few tentative steps in my hoofed boots, and a familiar clip clop resonated off the hard wood floor. Just the sound of it made me shake with pent up sexuality. Lastly came my collar and cuffs, they were the same ones I’d worn since arriving on Slave World. Maybe one day Master would grace me with new ones, something personal, and something just from him.

  My remote sat on the bed and I eyed
it apprehensively, chewing absentmindedly on my bit.

  Do it, you know you want to. Stop fucking around, I want to live again!

  I finally worked up the nerve to reach for it. Nathan never let me touch the remote when I was by myself… I turned it on, letting out a soft gasp, the pleasure setting wasn’t even active yet and I felt a wash of ecstasy course through my body. My breathing grew deep and rhythmic with the first sensations of euphoric surrender. Just a little bit, Master, for you; I want to suffer until you arrive. Even with the pleasure setting on the lowest level, I could feel my thoughts growing distant, becoming something different, like an object purely for his pleasure and nothing else. Oh how I’ve missed it…I turned the remote up, just a bit.

  Yes…so close… just a little more.

  I whinnied softly, sensual in a pony sort of way, and a bead of moisture crept lazily down the inside of my left thigh. It had been days since I last felt so helpless, so needy in my desire to serve, to be used. I bumped it up again before setting it back on the bed next to Master’s crop, armband controller, and electronic leash baton, kneeling in the middle of the room. My nipples ached, and the steamy dampness between my thighs continued to spread, dripping shimmering spider webs off my engorged lips. I’m not sure how long I waited like that, but it was maddening. Please, don’t take too long, Master.

  Take all the time you want, Nathan, because it only makes me stronger, a dark voice chuckled evilly inside my head, making me shiver for more reasons than one. Soon, we won’t be having this discussion any longer, will we, Margo?


  My mouth was partially open, panting in sharp, erratic breaths, while my body glistened with a fine sheen of sexually induced sweat. I was shaking lightly, and my eyes had taken on a glazed, wild look some time ago. The smell of sex drifting under my nose was thick and desperate. It had been filling the room for the last forty-five minutes, while I suffered in that oh so wonderful place bordering on the brink of restrained release.


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