Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind Page 17

by Johnny Stone

“Well, out of the ten test subjects we were studying, eight of them went insane in matter of weeks. It was sad really; kind of hard to imagine we weren’t dealing with a real person as time went by. We had to bring in a whole team of physiatrist’s and counselors to deal with them by the end of it. Their insanity ranged anywhere from a total shutdown in a near catatonic state, to megalomania and schizophrenia. They just couldn’t deal with all the new emotions and free thoughts bombarding them so suddenly, and many lashed out violently because of it, throwing a temper tantrum if you will. Imagine having a genius with the emotional stability of a two year old, that’s what it’s like for them until they ‘age’, coming to grips with reality. All the morals and values that we were taught growing up, the difference between right and wrong, all of it they have to learn on their own in one big crash course. That is, if they even make it that far and don’t crack under the strain.”

  “Great, that makes me feel all kinds of better, Jimmy. Margo is someplace out there with a crazy AI and now he has a body?” Nathan brought his hands to his face, slowly rubbing his aching, healing eyes.

  “Sorry, just thought you should know the score is all. Trust me when I say things are going to get worse before they get better. We’re making them too human-like, too advanced for our own good in my opinion. This sort of thing was rare a hundred years ago, but it’s getting worse every day, becoming a growing concern for the Federation Council from what I’ve heard. They’re evolving, Colonel, changing much faster than even we can keep track of with or without the personality blocks in place. That’s the problem when you use living brain tissue as a catalyst for their intelligence; it can learn and grow on its own, regardless. You mark my words, one day it’s going to come down to a shooting match between us and them, and I’m not sure if we’re ready to deal with it.”

  “You’re full of all kinds of good news, aren’t you?”

  “Hey, don’t hate the player, hate the game; we have no one to blame but ourselves for this happening. Another thing, based on the questions you said he asked before dumping you, I think I know why he wanted the body and the female droid.”

  “You think I haven’t figured that one out yet on my own?”

  “I know this is hard for you, but there is something else about AI’s that surfaced in the research. They are very susceptible to any new or strange behavior they may observe after awakening. They’re still trying to learn as much as they can about the world around them and certain things can have a very strong influence on them for some reason, and sexually related content is one of them. Did he happen to see the two of you together, being intimate? Did he see her naked?”

  Nathan blinked several times as if coming out of a trance. “I guess he did come to think of it. Why, do you think that had something to do with it?”

  “Oh yeah, most definitely. One of our test subjects was exposed to pornography on a regular basis and before you knew it we had a raging nympho on our hands. He had almost the same idea as your AI, he begged us to put him in a droid body so he could experience it with one of our female techs he’d become infatuated with. I shit you not; he wanted a piece of her ass so bad I actually felt sorry for him.”

  The blood vessels of Burke’s forehead begin to pulse in silent anger.

  “As usual you have the social grace and tact of a fucking rhino, Jimmy.”

  “I would be feeling the same thing if I were you and that was my woman up there.” Wroth took another sip of his watered down coffee, before pulling out a pack of smokes and an everflame, sliding them across the table. He could only imagine the thoughts going through his friend’s head right now.

  “If I were to guess, I would say your Alex has probably been self aware for some time, but something set him off, made him finally go off the deep end.”

  “Seeing Margo and I together?”

  “A good chance, or possibly just her in general, hard to say. You ever have any other women on your shuttle? Was he ever exposed to any other women but her?”

  “No,” Burke spit out bitterly. “She would have been the first.”

  Burke thought of Margo in the shower, and as she waited for him geared up in their bedroom, then later when she’d attacked him in bed. Alex had seen it all, studied her naked on the auto doc for hours. Alex had found her fascinating as he put it; he should have seen it, the signs were all there and it all made perfect sense now.

  “I think you have your answer, then.”

  “What about the other two test subjects?”

  “Turned out just fine, better than fine, actually. They were like a cross between a highly intelligent Boy Scout and Mother Superior. It’s all a matter of what they are exposed to after becoming self-aware.”

  Burke shook his head looking down at the table.

  “It’s all my fault. I should never have brought her with me in the first place.”

  “If hindsight was 20/20, right? Oh, one other thing. Another common trait that popped up was that they all seemed certain there were others like themselves and wanted to find them. We don’t know why for sure, some sort of pack mentality or social glitch, maybe? I personally think it was simply a desire to feel accepted by others like themselves, possibly for companionship. If I were to guess, I’d say that’s where he’s headed right now. You said you had a goofy fix on the shuttle tracking beacon, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. It’s currently in jump space in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I’ll have to check the charts once he comes out of the tunnel, because there’s nothing out that far from Fed space that I know of. It’s wilderness country.”

  “That may have been his plan all along, Colonel; he’s trying to run and hide somewhere. He must know what will happen if anyone ever catches him.”

  “I couldn’t care less if Alex disappears forever, except he has Margo. I don’t care how long it takes, Jimmy, I’m going to find her. As for you and Snake, well… the original mission is scrubbed and this isn’t your fight any longer. You don’t have to come with me.”

  “That’s a shitty thing to say, after all we’ve been through together. Besides, you need me and I don’t plan on bailing out anytime soon.”

  “I appreciate that, really, but I just wanted to make things clear. What about Snake? She’s here for the money, and I do have limits. This could take a long time and I’m not sure what we’ll run up against once we find him.”

  Wroth leaned back with a sly, knowing grin.

  “Don’t you worry about Snake; I’ll take care of her. She’s in for the long haul, trust me.”

  “Really? I guess you know something about her that I don’t then.”

  “Sure do; she’s a natural red head and has a soft spot for old Sergeant Majors.”

  Burke watched his friend for a moment, digesting the implied meaning of his short, but blunt statement. He still found it hard to believe that Snake of all people would fall prey to a womanizer’s charms. Wroth’s face suddenly grew somber, and his voice dipped.

  “I know it’s none of my business, but this Margo girl, she’s your wife or…?”

  “Girlfriend,” Nathan mumbled with a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it while blowing out a thick coil of smoke that filled the air above his head.

  “I’m going to ask her to marry me when this is all over with. I would have already but… I don’t know, I guess I just had the jitters about commitment like that. When I do, I want you to be my best man if that’s all right with you?”

  “Hell yeah, it’s all right! It’s not like you didn’t suffer through three of mine. Just hope you have better luck than I did. She must be one hell of a woman to finally get the ball and chain clamped around your leg. I never thought I would see the day, Colonel Nathan Burke getting married. What a hoot!”

  “She is. Actually you might remember her; she was a pilot with the 340th on the Intrepid, Captain Margo Winters.”

  “Venom,” Wroth gasped, nearly choking on his coffee. “You’re fucking kidding me! I knew some guys with second battalion that used to
party with her and...”

  “Careful, Jimmy,” Burke’s voice took on the tone of a growling dog. “You’re talking about the woman I love.”

  “But Venom, seriously? I know she was one hell of a pilot, but damn, you can do better than her. She was one of the biggest whor—”

  “Don’t say it, I’m warning you. She was pretty messed up back then, had a lot of problems, but she changed, she’s not like that anymore.”

  Wroth shook his head with a grim chuckle.

  “It’s just a surprise is all; she’s not exactly your type from what I remember. I thought you went for the tall pretty ones, you know, proper society debutantes and all that.” He held his coffee cup in front of him, pinky finger extended.

  “And where did that get me? Look, it’s no different than you and Snake hooking up, you want to talk about two opposites, then there you go. Christ, you’re old enough to be her great grandfather. You’ve had what, two full body rejuv’s?”

  “Keep your voice down, dammit,” Wroth whispered under his breath, looking nervously over his shoulder. “What the hell should that matter, anyway?”

  “It might matter to her; she may be a purist for all you know. I take it she doesn’t know how old you really are, then?”

  “I don’t think so, I’ll tell her when the time is right. Besides, she’s not that young, she has to be in her mid thirties by now. You make it sound like I’m robbing the cradle or something.”

  “Anything under the age of retirement is jail bait for you, Jimmy.”

  “You know, you’re just lucky that you’re in such piss poor shape right now, or I’d give you a dose of some old school wall to wall counseling to fix that attitude problem of yours.”

  An infectious moment of laughter overcame the both of them as the mood lightened, drawing Burke’s dark thoughts away from Alex and Margo for the moment.

  “You’re playing with fire, messing around with Snake. You know that, right?

  “Who said I’m messing around? Look, Sandy’s not that bad; she’s just misunderstood is all, and age has nothing to do with it. She’s a decent kid despite what everyone thinks about her.”

  Burke’s smile turned into a wide, toothy grin, he knew his friend well enough to know that he liked the small, ex-marine much more than he let on. And if that was the case… Now he understood why Snake was going nowhere, anytime soon. Wroth could eventually talk a devout nun out of her panties and into bed if inclined to do so.

  “She’s liable to cut your balls off if you go screwing around on her like the others.”

  “Hey, my balls aren’t going anywhere in the near future, thank you very much.”

  Wroth’s laughter seemed a bit more strained this time.

  “I’m serious, Jimmy. I’ve seen her psych eval and she isn’t one to forgive and forget very easily. You better be sure about this before getting too serious with her.”

  “I know exactly what I’m doing, there’s a side to her that people don’t know about and I like it. Yeah, you caught me; I like her and have no plans of messing this one up, trust me. Besides, we get along like Mutt and Jeff, can’t you tell?”

  “Right, like how could I fail to see that.”

  “I’m serious! How many other girls do you know that have a mouth as foul as mine and don’t break down babbling like a baby the moment the shit hits the fan? Sandy is about as rock solid as they come, tough as nails, and she has a good head on her shoulders.”

  “You have a point; I may not like her and I know the feeling is mutual, but I can’t think of another person I’d rather have at my side in a firefight, than her.”

  “There you go, I rest my case. But enough of this girl talk, so what’s the plan, why are we going to Paradise Falls? There’s nothing there but a bunch of retired old rich fuckers.”

  “All my gear was on the shuttle and its gone now, everything for the original mission is history. I don’t imagine you or Snake have a full combat load on hand, do you?”

  “No, just personal side arms and tech gear for me. I know Sandy has her stuff, but no heavy weapons or special equipment. Why?”

  “That’s why where going there, I have a condo that I use on occasion and keep it stocked in case of emergencies.”

  “Remember that Fleet is still looking for you. They think it was you on the shuttle and they’re pissed as hell about what happened back on Tallin. Whatever you’re planning, it better be low profile.”

  “Have a little faith, my friend; when have I ever done anything to draw unwanted attention to myself?”

  “Well, that settles it,” Wroth groaned. “We’re fucked for sure, and prison orange has never been my color.”

  “I don’t think I feel like being arrested any time in the near future, Jimmy. Don’t worry, the condo is listed as property under Burke Industries and supposedly used for business client entertainment. We’ll be going in on a private landing grid and I have an authorization code that allows me unrestricted travel if need be. Don’t worry; we’ll be bypassing immigrations all together.”

  Burke stood, wincing as he did so when the wound in his side reopened. He dropped his smoldering cigarette in Wroth’s half-full coffee cup with a hiss, followed by a scowl from his friend.

  Wroth stared into his cup of ash-laden coffee with a butt floating in the middle of it, pushing it away.

  “Damn heathen, that’s sacrilege.”

  “Just doing you a favor- I remember how it makes you piss. You always did have an overactive bladder.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “I’m going to grab some sleep. Wake me when we hit the jump point, I have a call to make.”

  “Calling in the cavalry?”

  “No, someone much more powerful; my brother, Don.”


  Sandy was gone now, replaced by Snake, and Snake had learned long ago how to move without being heard and in some cases seen, even by sensitive surveillance gear. With the Colonel still fully augment she treated her covert eavesdropping mission no different than infiltrating an enemy perimeter – silent and deadly, with the grace of a cat stalking its kill. It was a skill she’d perfected under the most extreme situations and when it mattered the most, when her life depended on it.

  She reentered the cockpit and eased back into her seat moments before Burke stepped into the corridor, then into the small cabin that held the shuttle’s only bunks, closing the door behind him. Soon after, she heard James’ footfall heading for the shower, followed by the sound of running water and muffled, yet obnoxious singing.

  “I’m thirty three, if anyone cares,” she said softly to the silence of open space.

  When she first heard them talking, it reminded her of the way it was before, they all thought she was a crazy, coldhearted bitch. Burke still hinted at it to this day. No one had ever had balls to say it to her face, because it meant a one way trip to the infirmary. Maybe the Colonel did, he had a set of brass balls; she’d give him that much despite her personal feelings towards his family. Well… James did too, she mused with a faint smile, but it was only because he was crazy.

  Sandy was glad now that she hadn’t burst into the middle of their conversation as originally planned. The way James had spoken about her, defending her in front of Burke, had made her stomach explode with giddy butterflies. Despite his reputation with women, and her initial fears that he was just adding one more notch in his long belt of women that he’d screwed over the years, James actually liked her. It was such a relief to know that she’d been wrong about him.

  Maybe Burke was right, though, her entire life had been an emotionless mask up until a few hours ago, like a buffer of indifferent hostility between her and the rest of the world. Maybe at first it had been honest rage and hate directed at the Federation machine and the aristocracy that dominated it, but that persona had served its purpose and run its course. Maybe it was time to start thinking of giving it up, there was really no reason for it any longer, with James entering the picture.

  Sandy lea
ned back in her seat and closed her eyes with a wide smile, simple joy was a pale word to describe their time together. He made her laugh; he made her feel like a woman again, but more importantly he made her feel good in so many ways after years of not feeling anything at all. So what if he’s old? He’s probably well over a hundred, if not more, if he’s had two rejuvs. She would give him the time needed until he was ready to come forward confessing his secret, and maybe one day she would confess her dark past in turn. Maybe… The more she thought about it, it really didn’t matter one way or another if he ever did, all that mattered was the here and now, and possibly the future.

  With a fresh outlook on life, Sandy sprang from her seat and headed down the corridor towards the shower, stripping as she went with a trail of clothes spreading out behind her. Who cares if Burke knew they were sleeping together? It was time for Sandy to start living again, and let Snake’s painful and brutal past fall to the wayside where it belonged.

  Silent as a ghost, she entered the small shower cubicle, watching James wash and bellow away with some incomprehensible excuse for a song. He turned suddenly and jumped, obviously startled.

  “Damn, girl, what are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?”

  “You sing like shit; I just wanted to make sure whatever poor animal was being slaughtered in here, had a fighting chance. Mind if I join you?” The soft, unsure tone of her closing question still sounded strange in her ears.

  “I can always make room for a pretty girl to bump cheeks with.”

  “Yeah, me too… I mean, not a girl but… I can always make room for you, too.”

  “I knew what you meant,” he grinned stepping to the side. “C’mon in. Watch yourself; the water’s a bit hot.”

  Sandy eased into place in front of him, gliding across his slick, naked body. The swelling firmness of his cock pressed warmly into her stomach, and she went to her tiptoes, looping her arms around his neck, whispering in his mouth.

  “Works for me, hot is the only way I like it from now on.”

  James’ soapy hands slid comfortably across her hips and up her back, pulling her tighter against him


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