Mate Night: An enemies to lovers shifter romance (Southern Shifters Book 2)

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Mate Night: An enemies to lovers shifter romance (Southern Shifters Book 2) Page 2

by Eliza Gayle

  “Why didn’t you just say so, dude? I’m more than happy to pass on her information. She was all over me earlier tonight.” When Kane made a move again towards him he raised his hands in resistance. “Whoa, hold on. It was the dance floor. We just danced. She your old lady or something?”

  “Or something.”

  “Well, you might want to have a chat with her, ’cause she was all over every man there. Flirting and rubbing up against them. Hard to resist such a fine, fine woman, you know?”

  Kane wondered if this idiot had any brain cells at all. It should have been obvious to anyone by now that he was holding onto control by a thread, yet the asshole kept babbling on about Lara in a way that incited him.

  “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. Last time I saw her was over at Junior’s before he kicked me out. Stupid bastard, I wasn’t even doing anything.

  “Yeah, I just bet you weren’t. Did she say anything at all to you?

  “Just that she wanted to fu—” The man’s few smarts must have finally kicked in, or maybe the warning snarl that had escaped Kane’s mouth unbidden woke him up.

  “What else?”

  “That’s it. Really, she wanted me to meet her at the Happy Hills Motel for some uhm—further discussion.”

  “Yeah, I’ll just bet she did.”

  Luckily Kane already knew where the motel was. It sat just a few miles outside the center of town secluded in the woods except for the blinking sign out on the roadside. Perfect.

  “Leave.” The man stood frozen to the spot, looking confused. “Leave now or die here.” Kane’s words finally sank in when the man shuffled past him and headed for the parking lot. Kane waited until he heard a car screeching before he dug into his jeans and pulled out his keys.

  He had a bitch to corral.

  Chapter Two

  Lara smiled to herself as the man stumbled to his car, wild fear evident on his face. His hands shook as he tried to fit his key into the lock, but instead he dropped them to the ground. He had no idea how lucky he was to be walking away from a confrontation with a black cougar. They weren’t exactly known for patience or respect for human life.

  She curled her upper lip at the sheer brutality of their ways and, even worse, how they followed orders blindly. Just thinking of them disgusted her, especially the one who hunted her. She wondered if he’d figured out yet that the hunter had become the prey.

  Tired of watching the nasty man who’d been one of many she had touched tonight in her effort to lure the cougar, she started up her car without the headlights. After a quick U-turn, Lara headed back to the motel to finish her final preparations. She imagined Kane had no trouble getting the information from the weak man and she wanted to be ready to welcome him when he arrived.

  She’d set the trap up days ago after leaving a trail into this nothing little mountain town, and Kane had shown up as expected. She was going to have such a good time tonight.

  Her chest tightened. If she wanted Kane dead, why in hell did she keep having pangs of regret when she thought about him too long? Not to mention the night sweats and aching arousal that left her panties wet every single day. There was no denying that danger and a dominant man got her going, but this was ridiculous. Normal people weren’t supposed to lust after someone they planned to kill. That would be twisted.

  Lara shook her head to rid herself of all the crazy thoughts. It was too late to turn back now. Kane was one of them and his turn was here...tonight.

  She barreled into the parking lot of the motel, killed her lights once again, and pulled around back. She spotted a black van to park next to and drove into the spot smoothly, listening to her baby rumble. No point in trying to hide, he had her scent and nothing within a fifty-mile radius could conceal her, if that. No, she had laid the trap and all that was left to do was spring it.

  She grabbed her shoulder bag and locked up the car before she headed to her room. Nestled in the corner underneath the stairs at the far end of the building, the room was chosen because of its privacy. There were only a few people staying here, so it was unlikely that anyone would interfere, but she did everything possible to avoid unnecessary chances. She had scoped out the town for three days before settling on the perfect location. She’d only get one chance at this, so it had to work. It was time for the cold and heartless cougars to cease existing.

  She hurried inside and swung the door closed, purposely leaving it an inch ajar. She threw her bag into the corner of the dingy room as she hustled to check on her supplies. He would be right behind her.

  She recited the spell she’d written in her head a few times to be sure she remembered every word, although she knew that wouldn’t be a problem. It was just an excuse to calm her nerves. While she didn’t believe in the legends involving the black cougars, she did know first hand how powerful they could be. Being called agents of death for centuries tended to keep people in line whether they could back it up or not. They were glorified killers, plain and simple. Innocent or not didn’t matter when it came to their victims. If the council ordered a kill, they killed.

  She looked over at the bowl holding the necessary ingredients to work the spell, and the picture of her beloved mother propped behind it. A glance in the mirror and she saw the spitting image of her. The same raven black hair that always fell in her eyes, the dimpled chin she used to poke at when she was a child, and the high cheek bones men called striking in her mother. She still missed her every single day.

  A slight creak of the railing outside her door alerted her to a presence. She jumped into place and quickly willed everything but him from her mind as she inhaled a slow, deep breath. Showtime.

  The door nudged open inch by inch as he moved slowly forward. She stood in the corner across the room, so he wouldn’t be able to see her until he actually stepped inside. She sucked in a deep breath and held it as he approached.

  One black-booted foot entered a few seconds before he peered around the door. When he didn’t see her he pushed inside a little bit more and took the final step into the room she needed. Without hesitation she started the chant. Quietly at first.

  When in the circle that is mine

  Safety’ gone and evil roams

  Hold this being from within

  So heed this call.

  She whispered the words again and again, stronger each time until her voice was loud and clear and Kane stood in the doorway staring at her.

  “What have you done?”

  She glanced down at his feet and stared. He followed her gaze and a stream of curses flew from his mouth as he realized he’d stepped right into her circle and she’d just bound him to it.

  “You bitch.”

  Her lips spread into a grin she hoped was as wicked as she felt. “Don’t try foreplay with me, you’ll find yourself neutered faster than you can say that word again.”

  “You can’t hold me here.”

  His arrogance wiped the smile from her face as her brow arched in his direction. “Hmm, let’s see. You’re stuck there and I’m roaming free. In my book that means I do whatever the hell I want and you can’t do a thing about it.”

  A low snarl sounded from his throat as sharp canines peeked from beneath a curled lip. “What do you want then? A chance to beg for your life?”

  It would be a cold day in hell before she begged for anything from him, but she thought about his other question. What did she want? Just him dead, right? She looked at him, really looked at him. It had been weeks since she’d seen him last, and unfortunately he looked even better than she remembered. His spiked, short hair had grown out since then and it was messier and in desperate need of a comb, or maybe her fingers running through it.

  His eyes, glaring at her, were dark, like coal in anger. She stood too far away to make out the flecks of gold she’d seen before. The grim line of his lips against the square, firm jaw made her want to laugh out loud. He was damned irresistible right now. It wasn’t right for him to look so—so sinful. He made her thi
nk of sex. Sex on the floor, sex on the wall, sex damn near any which way she could get it.

  She let out a slow, unsteady breath. She had to stop thinking about him like that; the time for fun was long gone.

  “I’m tired of playing with you, cat. It’s time to end this.”

  “What exactly is this?” His hands gestured around them. “You’re a criminal, Lara. One who now has a death sentence against her.”

  “I’m not the one who deserves to die.” Her anger fired hot and she practically spat at him. “You and yours are the only criminals as far as I’m concerned. You’re just afraid for someone to finally expose you for what you really are.” She turned away from him. What she felt when she looked at him and what she knew were at odds, and it drove her crazy. Nerve endings sizzled as desire warred with the facts her brain wouldn’t let her forget.

  “You aren’t making any sense. Make me understand what this is all about.”

  She whirled back around and stalked across the room, careful not to get too close to the circle, which could weaken.

  “Tell me something, Kane. Before you kill, do you even take the time to learn something about your victim?”

  “What the hell kind of question is that? I don’t take lives because I enjoy it. I do it because it has to be done, it’s a duty—a job. Without order and rules our secrets can’t be maintained. And then people like you start hunting us, wanting to kill all of us because of fear of the unknown. We aren’t evil, you know. Hell, I’m standing in a spell you created with black magic, talk about evil. You of all people should understand different. So what exactly is your damage?”

  “My damage?” She wanted to reach through the barrier holding him and slap the crap out of him, maybe knock some sense into that pretty boy head of his. What had she been thinking? “How can you be sure you aren’t killing the innocent? Do you ever question the validity and integrity of your precious council?”

  “Why should I? Every case is presented and voted on by unbiased members of our clan. It’s their duty to ensure everyone a fair trial and our system has worked well for a very long time.”

  “Like with me?” His blind faith burned in her gut worse than a wicked case of indigestion that wouldn’t go away no matter how many antacids you popped.

  “I witnessed your treachery with my own eyes. The evidence is pretty cut and dry.” His voice had lowered, and if she didn’t know better she could have sworn she detected a thread of sadness. In fact, now that she thought about it, he didn’t seem all that angry about being trapped. Did he not believe she would really kill him? Would she?

  “You’re nothing but a liar. An animal that wouldn’t see the truth if it bit him on the ass.” Power flared through her as the edge of her control frayed.

  “That’s right, honey. I’m an animal and right now I can smell just how full of shit you are. You think you can hide your wet little pussy from me? That I can’t sense arousal?”

  Lara ground her teeth at his gall. He was baiting her, messing with her head while he came up with a plan, or until she made a mistake and did something stupid. Neither of which would happen.

  She’d lived for years making these plans with not a shred of doubt, until she’d run into Kane. She met his gaze, searching for a sign of what she didn’t know. Tension filled the room as they both realized this discussion had nowhere to go. Neither believed in the other. Problem for her was she’d suffered doubts and did her best to overcome them. Now, with him here, her need to kill him had eroded and been replaced with something else. Something softer.

  She broke the showdown, unable to stay focused when he looked at her with equal parts—I’m going to kill you, I’m going to fuck you. Instead she watched the serene slash of his lips. He didn’t smile at her, but he quit frowning. Always the levelheaded brother, able to take things in stride and move on, or so she’d heard repeatedly.

  She imagined those full lips of his would be soft and patient when they pressed up against her skin. That image made her nipples tighten against her t-shirt, and she prayed he wouldn’t notice. He already knew too much. When her thoughts strayed to his neck and chest, the spots she wanted to lick the most, she thought she heard a noise not unlike a purr. A low rumble, so quiet she wondered if she was mistaken.

  She had to be. He had hunted her. He wanted— “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not safe.”

  “Like—like what?” Something had gone all wrong. Now that he was here, she felt her control slipping fast. Another rattling sound came from his chest, louder than before.

  Damn, he really is purring. Goosebumps rose along her flesh and a shiver trembled down the length of her body before she could stop it.

  “Like you want to eat me more than kill me.” He whispered the words so low she leaned in closer to hear them.

  His hand shot out and circled her waist, dragging her body against his. Her shock of utter surprise disappeared when he slanted his mouth over hers, swallowing her cries and taking advantage of her gasp to plunge his tongue past her lips and taste and devour every inch of her.

  Sensations exploded throughout her, including a hunger firing through her veins. He tasted so damn good. Warmth and spice flooded her as she struggled to comprehend what had happened. Hot hands roamed and clutched at her back and burned straight through to her skin. Arousal grabbed her body and fought for control. Moisture leaked onto her panties as common sense fled at the thought of him finally taking her like she’d dreamt. She had to have him.

  His raw kiss deepened and her hands pressed against his chest. The hard wall of muscle flexed underneath her fingers and she fought the unusual instinct to rip his clothes to shreds.

  No. No. No.

  They couldn’t do this. It was beyond wrong. She pushed against him, desperate now to force him away, but he didn’t budge even an inch. Instead his next purr rumbled straight through her belly to her clit; arousal beat a harsh rhythm in her system with nowhere to go. She pushed him again, harder, and this time he stumbled back, slamming into the wall. Something primal took over, an urge so basic she flung herself against him and kissed him back with lips, teeth, and tongue while her hands frantically clawed for skin. She connected with bare arms covered by a soft thin layer of hair that tickled as she stroked his bicep.

  She struggled not to moan as she once again fought for control. This had to stop before she did something crazy, like beg him to fuck her right here against the wall. She tried to pull from his embrace but he only tightened his arms around her. When she was certain he wasn’t going to just let go she did the only thing she could to bring them to their senses. She bit down on him with sharp and precise pressure, drawing blood along his tongue.

  He reared back and away, releasing her long enough for her to move away from him. “What the fuck?” His voice sounded funny as she imagined his tongue would be swelling already.

  She licked the few drops of blood she’d drawn and savored the rich, dark flavor. She might have gotten his attention, but she was still lost in a haze. She wanted to jump him right now, and it wasn’t so she could kill him.

  “Why the hell did you do that?” His loud, angry words penetrated her thoughts as she stared him down and considered her options. Her muscles twitched and burned while fighting the instinct to go to him. Her brain tried to process what options she had now, but in the end she kept circling back to how much trouble she was in.

  “How the hell did you do it?”

  “What? Break your circle?” The mocking tone of his questions grated on her nerves. “Did you really think it would be that easy? That I would just show up here and not be prepared?” When she said nothing he continued, “You have far too little faith in my abilities, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not your sweetheart.” She’d meant to yell at him, but instead her voice betrayed her with a husky whisper.

  “No, I guess in a literal sense that term doesn’t apply to you one bit now, does it?” Somehow when he insulted her in that southern drawl of his it almost didn’t
sound too bad. Almost.

  “But you were in the circle, and I know shapeshifters are not immune to the binding. I can still feel the power.”

  “Easy, I saw the circle coming in the door and I broke it.”

  Violent rage filled her. Oohh, she wanted to smack the smirk off his face so bad. She thought to walk away, to get farther away from him, but she couldn’t—she pulled back her arm and plowed her fist into his face with the full force of her body behind it. Pain exploded in her hand at the same time his head swung to the side from the punch. Spittle and blood flew from his mouth where she must have busted his lip. Adrenalin rushed through her now as she sprang back several feet with her fists up in front of her. Ready.

  His hand came up and touched his lip as he swiveled to look at her. The anger nearly glowed from his gaze. He glanced at the blood on his fingers before slowly licking them clean.

  “You’ve got nowhere to go, baby, you’re trapped.”

  Based on where she’d retreated, her options were limited. His big body blocked her path to the doorway and there were no windows on her side of the room. Her only choices were to fight her way through or give up. The kind of magic she wielded took time to prepare and he would have her trapped and maybe dead before she could even raise a breeze.

  “So, what now? Fuck me and kill me or just kill me?”

  “That was the plan.” He didn’t specify which one and she damn well didn’t want to know as either one involved her death. Something she wasn’t about to take lying down.

  Chapter Three

  Kane watched her fidget nervously. His patience had worn thin as she’d tried to toy with him. But damn, when he touched her his body lit up like a Christmas tree on overload, and every instinctive fiber in him had screamed to take her. If she hadn’t bitten him when she did, there was no telling where they’d be. He rolled his tongue against the roof of his mouth, gently stroking the spot she’d hurt. Funny, if he didn’t know better he’d swear she had some feline in her. She sure fought like one. Not to mention he’d about come in his jeans when she’d licked his blood from her lips.


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