Time is an Illusion: The Ptolemy Expedition (Carina Book 1)

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Time is an Illusion: The Ptolemy Expedition (Carina Book 1) Page 15

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  “I want your promise to let me join your crew when the time is right. I figure a year at most. Then we meet up and I join your merry band of adventurers.”


  The three stood, Corb and Lucinda shook Brando’s hand, sealing the agreement.

  “We told everyone we would announce our decisions after the evening meal.”

  “Thanks, Lucinda, see you then.”

  Brando walked away, happy and content.

  “Corb, do you think we are being reasonable to everyone? Are we being too autocratic?”

  “Lucinda, with leadership comes hard decisions. We talked about this, you know what we need to do.”

  Lucinda and Corb walked to their respective rooms.

  “Michelle, are you sure you want to continue as part of the crew? We may never return to Earth.”

  “The place for me, Corb, is with you. Wherever you are, today, tomorrow, forever.”

  “Okay then, I’ll stop worrying.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  “NT, am I making the right decisions? These are some big decisions and I feel unprepared. Who am I to decide people’s fate?”

  “Lucinda, you are as prepared as any human could be for the decisions you are making. Everyone trusts your judgement and decisions. I trust you.”

  “Yes, I know all that, but still.”

  “But nothing. I go where you go. You go to Earth, okay. We join Corb and fly away to the unknown, okay. We were thrust together, back in Texas and I do not regret one minute since we met. We go home, or we go on an adventure. Either way, life with you is a good life.”

  “Stop it, Bozo. You are far too manly. You can’t be manly and a romantic too.”

  “Nick, if I join you, and the rest of the crew, I want you to know something.”

  “What is that, dove.”

  “That! That, right there! I want you to agree to two rules.”

  “Oh no, the beginning of the end. Rules.”

  “I am serious. You have to agree, or I am going to Earth on the freighter.”

  “Okay. Okay. Tell me what’s bugging you.”

  “Rule one, in public, and somewhat less in private, I want you to stop using Dove, Poppet, Honey, and all the other sweet, soppy British terms of endearment. I know you love me. Toughen up, would ya?”

  Nick smiled at Janish and tossed a perfect zinger of acceptance.

  “It’s all wonky and nutter, but for you, I am chuffed to agree to rule one.”

  “You’re lucky it’s me, I’m the only one here who could decipher and translate that sentence.”

  Leaning over, Janish pecked Nick on the cheek.

  “Rule two. If we are on the ship, in a small confined area, for months at a time, I want you to respect my space. In fact, I might insist we take difference duty shifts. I want our time together to remain fresh and not go stagnant.”

  “Janish, your premise is well reasoned and acceptable. I will abide by your rules if you agree to my one rule.”

  “Oh, so now we are negotiating?”

  “Isn’t every relationship a negotiation?”

  “I suppose so… Okay, what is your request.”

  “With all your new powers and abilities, when you become weary with me, please let me know. Don’t drag it out to not hurt my feelings. Get it over and we can remain friends.”

  “No deal.”


  “Nick, unless you start drooling and peeing your pants on purpose, I am never leaving you. I need you to help me understand these new abilities. Are you so dense you have not noticed how deeply I rely on you?”

  “I noticed but I did not want to presume. Janish, I will help you for as long as you will let me. How do you know we will be asked to join Corb’s new crew?”

  “I don’t know but it is logical. Corb knows my abilities are strong and may be needed on the adventure. Corb and Lucinda also know you make me happy, so they’ll invite you too.”

  “What? Oh, that’s just great. I am the third wheel. Better a third wheel on the inside than a wanker on the outside. Besides, I have skills too.”

  “Nick, you have many skills.”

  Janish reached over and began pulling nick’s jumper over his head.

  “Cass, I don’t know what to do.”

  “What are you talking about, Ragnar?”

  “The small hauler is too small. I mean, if Corb and Lucinda chose the same crew I would chose… I mean, there are not enough rooms.”

  “You mean berths. On a ship, the sleeping rooms are called berths.”

  “Whatever, there are not enough. It will be like on a sub. One berth for two people. I saw it in a documentary once, they call it hot bunk living. I don’t want to climb into a bed still warm from farts by Nick or the Chief.”

  When Cassandra stopped laughing, which thoroughly annoyed Ragnar, she responded.

  “Ragnar, what if you shared the berth with me?”

  “What? Um? Okay? What? Okay. I think…”

  To get Ragnar to stop mumbling, Cassandra kissed him on the lips.

  “Everyone, Corb and I have discussed our options. Ultimately, as Captain, the crew of the Jeanette are under my command. I have made some hard decisions. Before I begin, does anyone have anything they would like to say?”

  The crew of the Jeanette and a dozen of the K’an based humans where seated in the lobby. The evening meal was complete, everyone was waiting for the decision. Of course, Doctor Wolmarans asked a caustic question.

  “Miss. Raitt, what gives you the authority to decide who stays and who goes? We are not under your authority. We can choose to go back to Earth.”

  “No, Doctor Wolmarans, you are not free to choose. You gave up your freedom when you betrayed us. By we, I presume you refer to Mrs. Treacher. Neither you nor Mrs. Treacher will be permitted to leave K’an.”

  Wolmarans began to interrupt but was stopped, apparently choking, before he could spew verbal venom. Lucinda, continued.

  “If you are wondering, it was me who cut off your verbal tirade before it started. Do not underestimate us, Doctor Wolmarans. Nor you, Mrs. Treacher, do not underestimate our abilities.

  As I was saying, if there are no questions? No? Okay. I will start again.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Slip the surly bonds of K’an.

  “Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.” – Brian Greene

  “Correct Himari, Tunellish has confirmed, Doctor Wolmarans and Mrs. Treacher are not permitted to leave K’an.”

  Lucinda had been outlining the plan for more than an hour. Less a lecture, and more of an interactive dialog, the room was alive with the anticipation of an unknown future.

  “It is also correct, none of the humans, living on K’an, have chosen to return to Earth.

  Finally, I will address the elephant in the room, the decision for which you have all been waiting. I want you all to know, this was not an easy decision. I received input from all of you, from Corb, Tunellish, Tarmish, and from Tarunik.

  “Lucinda, one moment please.”

  “Yes, Corb?”

  “Everyone, there is one other item to consider before we announce the plan and assignments. The Ch’en leadership’s gift of the two spacecraft has a prerequisite.

  To receive the gift of the spacecraft, I agreed to assume the role of Earth’s ambassador to K’an.

  The Ch’en believe I can speak for our species. I am to speak for Earth’s humans. The role of Ambassador is not something I accepted easily. Initially, I declined to accept the role. The Ch’en leadership viewed me turning down the Ambassador offer as a negotiating position. Negotiating was not my intent, because I didn’t know negotiating was acceptable to the Ch’en. The Ch’en upped the offer to a second spacecraft. The value of the spacecraft for Earth was too great, so I accepted.

  Before you ask, Earth’s leaders have not been appreciative of my assuming the role. President Sanderson, NATO, and I have developed a strategy to ensure acce
ptance of me assuming the role of Ambassador. Brando will brief the crew of the freighter. In my absence, Davinder Khatter will speak for me on all matters related to K’an and the Ch’en.”

  The Jeanette’s crew all turned to look at Brando and began an applause. Everyone applauded except Commander Moody. When the applause waned, Lucinda resumed her briefing.

  “No more delays. The smaller spacecraft was a light hauler and, now, is correctly classified as a scout ship. Before we get to the assignments, there are two other important factors I want you all to know. First, we will need competent leadership to command the hauler back to Earth. Therefore, we need to split the crew of the Jeanette. Second, the scout ship will support a crew of ten to fourteen humans. It will be a physical and psychological stretch for fourteen humans sharing seven berths.”

  Audible groans and gasps of disgust followed Lucinda’s revelation about the limited living quarters on the scout ship.

  “Hold on. Hold on. Apparently, it is not uncommon for crews to alternate the use of berths, sharing berths is routine for submarine crews on Earth. We have planned for the inconvenience.

  The freighter will be commanded by Captain Evans. The First Officer will be Captain Turner. Lieutenant Nguyen will continue in the role of Navigation Officer. We will ensure Brando, Turder, and Eggy, are promoted into a rank commensurate with being part of command staff for a star ship. Captain Moody’s confinement will continue.”

  Again, spontaneous applause from the assembly. The command staff for the freighter nodding and waving politely.

  “Continuing, the scout craft’s crew is, obviously, the remaining crew of the Jeanette. I will command the vessel with Himari filling the First Officer’s position. Ragnar and Nick will share the piloting and navigation duties. The Chief will keep everything running smoothly.

  Corb and Janish will function as advisors and be responsible for ‘First Contact Protocols’. NT, Michelle, and Cassandra will function in support roles under the Chief’s direction.

  As you can see, we have thought this through and believe this is the best choice for both vessels.”

  “The math does not work.”

  “What is that Mrs. Treacher?”

  “The math, it does not work. You said, ‘fourteen humans sharing seven berths.’ Assuming the logical pairings and co-habitation, the chief will have a berth. There is an open berth.”

  “That is correct Mrs. Treacher, there is an open berth. Captain Evans, Brando, will be joining the crew of the scout ship at some point in the future. When offered the position on the scout ship, in exchange for captaining the freighter to Earth, Brando accepted. When Brando will join the crew is not finalized.”

  More applause from everyone accept Doctor Wolmarans and Mrs. Treacher. Brando just nodded and mouthed thank you to anyone looking in his direction.

  “Corb, please continue to the briefing.”

  “Thank you, Lucinda. We are unprepared to fly the advanced spacecraft. I have asked for, and been granted, assistance from the Ch’en. Tarunik has assigned a teacher to each ship. For the freighter, the teacher will remain with the ship until it reaches Earth. When the ship reaches Earth, the Ch’en teacher will use a portal and return to K’an.

  The scout ship will fly to a planet with a portal, although I have not yet learned which planet we will visit.

  Based on what Lucinda has decided, and your personal desires, are there any other questions before we close this meeting and begin the planning to depart K’an.”

  Corb and Lucinda waited but there were no additional questions.

  “For those going back to Earth, you will be welcomed and will not face any military inquiries. I have assurances our actions regarding Commander Moody have been justified. Brando will brief the freighter crew on the return trip.

  One last and final question, directed to the crew of the scout ship. I want you to seriously consider a question. Ask yourself: Am I up to the possibility of never seeing Earth again? Ask yourself that question and be truthful with yourself. You have until mid-day tomorrow to change your mind.

  Any other questions? Yes, Nick?”

  “The spacecraft, what are going to name them?”

  NT sat up and jumped in with a suggestion.

  “The Ch’en are going to destroy the Jeanette. I suggested we name the scout ship the Jeanette Two. Officially, we title it the Jeanette Two, but we will call it the Jenny.”

  “You know, Lucinda, Jeanette hated being called Jenny.”

  “Yes, Ragnar, I am aware Jeanette did not like to be called Jenny. She thought Jenny was a child’s name. Nevertheless, Jeanette would appreciate our nickname for the small, spunky, spacecraft. I like the name and I am sure Jeanette would fake disgust but would be privately proud of the honor.”

  Applause confirmed NT’s suggestion and choked up those who were present when Jeanette was killed. Lucinda confirmed the suggestion.

  “Any objections? Good, Jeannette Two, and we will call it Jenny. Okay. Brando, speak with your crew, we need a name for the freighter.”

  “Will do, you will have a name by noon tomorrow.”

  NT spoke before the assembly disbanded.

  “I have a suggestion for the name of the freighter also. Corb, this is for you. I suggest we name the freight the Marissa.”

  Few of the assembly knew the significance of the name Marissa. Corb sat stone faced and waited. NT, realizing the confusion in the room, explained the name’s substance.

  “All, for those new to our Coterie, Marissa was a kind person who agreed to do bad things. Mrs. Treacher took advantage of Marissa’s beliefs and naiveté to coerce her into committing murder in the name of religion.”

  Not wanted to hear the rest, Mrs. Treacher stood, huffed, and marched out of the lobby. Doctor Wolmarans, shrugged and followed Mrs. Treacher from the room. When the wall, turned door, closed behind Wolmarans and Treacher, NT continued.

  “Corb was forced to kill Marissa to save Michelle and probably others. Mrs. Treacher abused the power she held over her congregation. Marissa did not deserve to become a pawn in Mrs. Treacher’s game.”

  The room was silent, waiting, Corb spoke through a thick, emotionally blocked, throat.

  “We can honor Marissa in this small way but let us not forget the evil masked as the light. Mrs. Treacher is incapable of kindness.”

  Before tears erupted, Lucinda jumped in and refocused the assembly.

  “There it is! The Jenny and the Marissa. Captain Evens, I suggest you make ready to depart.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Karma can be a bitch.

  “Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder.” – Paul Valery

  “There has been a change in plans. Everyone, please stand fast. Is that the correct term Chief?”

  “Stand fast is the correct term if we were on a ship, on the ocean, or flying through space. On land, I would use sit down and shut up.”

  Everyone was in the lobby, milling around and chatting with excitement, the breakfast buffet was barren. The Chief’s sharp tone got everyone’s attention. Lucinda waited, when everyone was seated, and focused on the standing Lucinda, she continued her briefing.

  “As I was saying, Corb and Others have suggested we fly both ships to Earth. Apparently, they feel the scout ship, the Jenny, will be of use when we arrive at Earth. I have been instructed, the Jenny will arrive twelve weeks before the Marissa.

  Corb and Janish have been to Earth several times over the past few days. There is quite a large uprising. NATO is at DEFCON 1. That means NATO considers the Defense Condition Category One. The most serious category and the threat of war is imminent. Nuclear war. Earth has never been this close to nuclear war. The crew assignments, for the Jenny and the Marissa, will change slightly. NT, you will be assigned to the Marissa as the communications officer. That puts you with Brandon, Josh, and Justin. The four of you and the Ch’en pilot.

  After we get to Earth in the J
enny, when the Marissa arrives, we will reassign the crews. The crew of the Jenny will assess the situation on Earth and hopefully ease the tensions. The Jenny will depart today, at nineteen-hundred hours. The Marissa will depart at zero-eight-hundred hours, tomorrow morning. Questions?”

  “Thank you, Lucinda. Corb, has war started?”

  “No, Cassandra. But no one seems to be backing down. NATO told me they are one order away from opening the silo doors.”

  “Whoa. That’s not good. It is the Cuban missile crisis all over again.”

  “No, Chief, it is not good. But we can stop it. The pilot Tunellish assigned to the Jenny, Taknish, says we can make the return trip, to Earth, in about six weeks.”

  “Six weeks? Tickety Boo! It took us six months to reach to the outer rim of this system!”

  “Nick, your command of the obvious never ceases to amaze. Six weeks to achieve orbit over Earth, in the Jenny. The Marissa will require about eighteen weeks. Before you ask, I do not know how to make the trip quicker for the Marissa. Even in the dark matter void, there are laws. Overcoming mass with velocity is hard everywhere. Any more questions?”

  “One question, Corb.”

  “Yes, Himari?”

  “What are you going to do when we arrive?”

  Corb stood still and silent for an uncomfortable time before responding.

  “Everyone, I do not know what we will do when we arrive. But I know this, with the Jenny, we have the ability to prevent nuclear war.”

  Corb did not wait for follow up questions, he teleported to his quarters, tossed his hat to the side of the bed, laid down, and waited for Michelle.

  “Room, close and seal all doors. Discontinue all communications until further notice.”

  The room issued a digital tone of confirmation telling Michelle she and Corb were alone in their room.

  “Corb, what will you do when we get home?”


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