Cold Comfort

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Cold Comfort Page 21

by Isobel Hart

  “Don’t you worry yourself about it. It’s no bother at all. I didn’t like to see you being overwhelmed like that, and I was happy to help. You’ll have done wonders for my reputation,” she said, laughing. “Now get yourself home to your man. He must be worried.”

  “I am,” I heard Cat say through the phone I still had pressed to my ear. “Stay on the line until you’re in the car,” he insisted when I suggested I should disconnect.

  “When you’re ready,” our escort told us.

  I took a deep breath. “Okay, now,” I said, steeling myself for the noise. The presence of security made all the difference as we were led towards the car.

  “You okay?” Cat asked through the phone.

  “Yeah, fine. Nearly there,” I assured him. As we approached the two parked vehicles, the door of the Mercedes swung open and a familiar figure stepped out in front of me. I gasped and stood frozen as Eddy and the security guy tried to keep me moving forward.

  “What’s the matter? What’s happening?” I heard Cat say.

  I just stared at the man in front of me.

  “Hello, Delilah,” he finally said.

  “Hardy,” I breathed, to everyone and no one.

  “Get the fuck out of there, Delilah,” Cat screamed down the phone at me. I looked down at my hand which had dropped to my waist, the phone still held within it. His shout was loud enough that Eddy and the security guy must have heard him.

  “We need to talk,” Hardy said quietly, ignoring everything going on around us, his eyes never leaving mine. He looked the same, just a little older. The same warm chocolate brown gaze that I had thought I knew stayed fixed upon me. The security guy’s phone rang and I heard him answer, his eyes flicking to Hardy before his face hardened.

  “Out of the way, sir,” he said, pushing Hardy aside roughly before virtually picking me up and throwing me into the back of the SUV. In seconds Eddy was scrambling in beside me and the doors were closed. Moments after, we were pulling away. My head swivelled. Hardy was standing on the pavement looking after us, stock still like a statue in the midst of the mass of people teeming all around him. I watched until he became a speck in the distance and finally disappeared from sight before I turned back to Eddy.

  “So, that was Hardy, was it?”

  “Yeah, that was Hardy.”

  “Not bad-looking, is he? Any chance he’s gay?”

  “I don’t think so, but who knows?” I said with a smile, appreciating the way Eddy managed to diffuse some of the tension.

  “I’m not sure Cat would like him,” Eddy said.

  I grimaced. “You think?”

  “Just a guess. He looked like a fairly normal outstandingly handsome guy.”

  “That’s what I always thought. Appearances can be deceiving.”

  “I guess so. And I guess he found you.”

  “It was always only a matter of time, especially with all the press interest we’ve had. I wasn’t expecting it today, though.”

  “How do you feel after seeing him?”

  “I don’t know. Shocked, scared… a little sad. Does that make me sound mad after what he and his family did?”

  “Not at all. You had strong feelings for him. He was your first love – I think it’s understandable. I’m not sure he’ll want to hear that, though,” he said, nodding towards Cat who was standing on the doorstep, ignoring a crowd of groupies who were clamouring at him from beyond a couple of security guys. As the car pulled up he ran to my door, opened it and pulled me straight into his arms.

  “Fucking hell, Delilah, are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “No, I’m fine. He didn’t do anything. He just said he wanted to talk. That’s all.” Cat was already marching me back inside the house.

  “I’m fine too, Cat, thanks for asking,” Eddy called from behind us. “I’ve got your shopping, Delilah,” he shouted as Cat swept me up the stairs.

  “Really, I’m fine,” I tried to reassure him, but he didn’t stop until we were in the bedroom. He closed the door and then hugged me really tight.

  “I can’t let you out my sight,” he breathed into my neck. “I should have known better.”

  “That’s silly. We both have to live our own lives. You couldn’t have known he would turn up, or that anyone would be at all interested in my shopping trip.”

  “I should have known people would be interested in you because of your association with me. I should have taken better care of you.”

  “You have taken wonderful care of me, I promise. We’ll know to be more careful in the future until the attention chills out a bit.”

  “He won’t get near you again.”


  “I’m serious. He won’t get near you again. If he tries I’ll get a restraining order like I said before. He needs to get the message, fast.”

  “He’s rich. The rules don’t apply to him like they do to regular people.”

  “I’m richer.”

  “Seriously, what can he do? I’m with you now,” I said, stroking his face with the tips of my fingers. He closed his eyes and pressed his cheek into my palm. I could see he was genuinely upset by all this. When his eyes opened he fixed me with his intense blue gaze.

  “He missed his chance with you, Delilah, more fool him. I don’t intend to make the same mistake. Now get yourself naked and let me remind you of one of the many reasons we’re good together.”


  “You need to let her have a shower. The cars will be here in twenty minutes,” Eddy bellowed through the door. Cat grumbled from beside me.

  “Do we have to go?” I asked. I really didn’t know if I wanted any more exposure if my first experiences were anything to go by. Besides, I was happy where we were. Cat had spent the last two hours sexing me boneless.

  “It’s the job. We just have to suck it up, smile and sing. It’ll be over before you know it. Anyway, I like singing that song with you.”

  “I like singing it with you too. I could just do without all the rest of it.”

  “Yeah, well, that horse has already bolted.” He stood and pulled me upright. “Come shower with me, unless you want to go to the show smelling of sex. I think it’s kind of hot, but others might not see it that way.”

  “Don’t be gross.” I giggled, squealing as he slapped my behind.

  We were late leaving in the end. Clutching a bag containing my change of clothes and some make-up, I was a nervous wreck by the time we reached the studio, despite Eddy’s best efforts to keep me calm. The guys spent the bulk of the time after we arrived setting up and doing a sound check while I watched, only stepping in to help them get the levels right on my own mic. I envied them their busyness, while I just sat chewing my fingernails. I hated the feel of eyes on me – it was starting to make me paranoid. Then, after they’d finally got everything as they wanted it, we still had a couple of hours to kill before the show was recorded in front of the live audience.

  Security was much more obvious than before, which was getting up the other band members’ noses as they struggled to get to some of their groupie admirers – their go-to time-wasting occupation I was quickly learning. The girls were not held back for long, though, the dressing room becoming fuller than felt comfortable as each of the band soon gained a female appendage. There was an extra who made it clear she was there just in case Cat tired of me. One of the regulars. I was beginning to recognise the usual girls who turned up at everything the boys did everywhere they did it, although I wondered continually how the hell they supported themselves. She was casting daggers in my direction every chance she got. It got old quick. Eventually I excused myself as the entertainment started to become a little more adult, and went to find myself a quieter room to get ready in.

  About half an hour before the show was due to start I had changed and finished having my make-up done. Professional make-up artists had been a revelation. When I walked back into our dressing room having had my hair done – the lady had plaited it around the front, which I t
hought made me look like an extra from ‘Frozen’ but was still kind of sweet – I removed the robe that had been protecting my outfit from getting anything on it. Cat’s eyes ran down the length of me, his expression heated, and I watched him swallow. “Fucking hell, Delilah, you’re going to kill me if you keep doing this.”

  The rest of the band were silent behind him, until Henry piped up; “You are a lucky fucker.” His eyes were running over me much like Cat’s had, the girl astride his lap forgotten.

  “Eyes off,” Cat growled. “Babe, have you got any different trousers? When you said you had trousers and a top, I thought…” He trailed off.

  “Don’t you like it?” I asked, my confidence dipping.

  “You look like a freaking supermodel, Delilah. That’s the only problem,” Matt supplied helpfully, shrugging his own clingon off as he stood and came over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled gratefully at him and took a couple of steps towards Cat.

  “Do you like what you see?” I asked him.

  He swallowed again. “So fucking much.” His voice was a whisper, the words just for me.

  “Good, well, that’s all that matters.” I smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips, being careful not to spoil my lipstick.

  A knock at the door announced that it was time for us to go and sit in the waiting area with the other guests on the show. The girls were herded out of the backstage area, the band making vague promises about seeing them soon, as we were led in a different direction.

  In the waiting area there was a comedian I’d always liked to watch and a big Hollywood movie star Mama had always had a thing for, who I knew was going to be accompanied by the co-star of his new film, an up-and-coming talent if the papers were to be believed. The conversation was polite, but given that Cat had positioned me beside him at the far end of the row of seats, making it difficult for me to speak to anyone at all, I mostly sat there in silence, my nerves escalating with every passing minute. When the other actor finally arrived he ignored the unfriendly glare Cat was giving him and instead plonked himself down beside me at the end of the row, sticking out his hand with a friendly smile on his handsome face.

  “Hi. I’m Richard.”

  I smiled back. “Delilah.”

  “Are you singing with Cold Comfort tonight?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled over at Cat, who was now scowling at Richard from his seat beside me. I elbowed him. “I heard your new film is amazing,” I said, trying to make conversation and looking for anything to say that would distract from the daggers Cat was currently throwing in his direction.

  “Really?” Richard asked, seeming genuinely unsure of himself.

  “Really. From real people, not the ones who get paid to blow smoke up your arse.” My nerves and worry about Cat clearly meant my verbal filter had been temporarily removed. Fortunately my honesty made Richard laugh loudly. I blushed. I think I heard Cat actually growl at that point.

  “Thank you. My Mum liked it, but then I think that was because Arthur was in it,” he said, nodding towards the older actor who was chatting at the other end with the comedian and Matt.

  “My Mama adores him too. She’ll die when she finds out I was on the same show as him.” I laughed at the thought.

  “I swear, he has more groupies than Cold Comfort… or maybe not,” he joked, before calling over to the older actor. “Arthur, do me a favour and give this lovely lady your autograph. I hoped to impress her, but it seems an autograph from you for her Mother would be more welcome than anything I could offer.”

  Arthur laughed, clearly delighted by the continued appreciation of his fans. He took time to check the spelling of Mama’s name and wrote her a lovely message. By the time he’d finished they were giving a five-minute warning for the first guests.

  Arthur and Richard were the main focus for the show, so they went out first. “Break a leg,” Richard whispered to me as he stood to go, giving me a wink. Once they’d gone, the room was a much quieter place as we all waited for our turn. Cat sat in brooding silence, seemingly refusing to make any conversation with me despite my best efforts. Instead I focused on the small monitor that showed us what was happening on the stage.

  The format of the show involved regular cutaways to those of us still sitting behind the scenes, so we were on continual edge in case they suddenly turned the cameras on us, but the presenter was masterful, quickly putting the guests at ease with his funny witticisms. Unfortunately Cat looked to be in a hideous mood every time the camera found him, which was often. A couple of times the presenter made jokes about his ill humour, which just made matters worse.

  “Chill the fuck out,” Henry hissed over at him at one point, when he’d scowled at something the presenter said. “What the hell’s gotten into you?” His eyes flickered over at me.

  “Keep your eyes to yourself,” Cat growled immediately.

  “Cat,” I said, frustrated by his insane jealousy, “you need to calm down. You’re acting like a crazy man.” I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him towards me, kissing him ferociously until finally I felt him relax into me. It was only when the voice of the assistant broke into the room, telling us we needed to get into our places, that we broke apart, both breathing heavily.

  “Thank you,” he said, pressing his head against mine, “I needed that.” He took hold of my hand as we stood and walked together onto the stage. His presence was comforting and familiar, but despite the earlier rehearsal I felt my mouth go dry as I took in the stage and lights. We took our places, still in darkness, while the guests on the couch continued to chat. I perched on my stool opposite Cat, and he reached over and gave my leg a squeeze.

  “Sing to me again,” he whispered, just as the presenter introduced us and the lights suddenly blazed to life. For a moment I was blinded, unable to see anything but the band on stage with me. It was a relief. Then the music began and Cat started singing. Just like before, when it came to my part I couldn’t have stopped myself from joining him. Our voices blended, his words enriched by the emotions I saw in his eyes. The lights meant I could see little but what was in front of me, but his gaze held me transfixed anyway.

  I was disappointed when the song came to its finish. I wanted to carry on; I loved the feeling of the performance, using my voice as my instrument. As the final chord faded, the crowd exploded into rapturous applause, jolting me back into reality. I remembered where I was and what I had just accomplished. I peered into the darkness to see people were on their feet. Behind us I could hear the presenter raving about the song as he brought the show to a close. But no one was looking at him – they were all staring at us. Wanting more. It was euphoric.

  The band formed a line and pulled me into the middle to take a bow, big smiles on all our faces as we bent at the waist. It was as I rose that I saw him, and then only because we had moved to the very front of the stage, beyond the spotlights. He was sitting front and centre, right in my direct line of view, his eyes fixed upon me. Hardy.

  Chapter 23

  He was motionless in the midst of all the applause. Our eyes met, and I was immediately frozen. Cat felt the change, looking at me to see what was wrong and then following my gaze into the audience. It wasn’t hard for him to find Hardy. He must have guessed who it was from my reaction. I felt the tension shiver through his body, and then he grabbed me and kissed me, the audience whooping with delight at being part of this overt display of emotion from the notorious womaniser.

  When he finally released me I immediately looked back at Hardy, whose expression was terrifying. This time he was focused on Cat and not me. Cat smiled, having achieved the effect he was after, then waved at the crowd one last time before grabbing my hand again and leading me off the stage.

  He was completely casual and normal until we walked out of line of the camera. Then he sprang into action. “Get some fucking security here now,” he bellowed. “Wayne, get my fucking lawyer on the line.” Everyone stared at him as he walked like a steam train through all the people who were wait
ing to congratulate us, pulling me along in his wake, his grip like iron around my wrist.

  “Delilah, that was incredible,” Richard gushed, trotting along beside me.

  “Not now, dickhead. I’m not in the mood,” Cat said in a voice like ice. Richard raised his hands in mock surrender, and I mouthed an apology as Cat dragged me into our changing room. The girls from earlier were back. God only knew what they’d had to do to talk their way in. “Get the fuck out, now,” he bellowed. They scattered.

  “Cat, what the fuck is going on? Why are you being more of an arse than usual? It went well! They loved it,” Matt said. The others were hovering behind him, expressions ranging from completely confused to pissed off.

  “Delilah’s ex was in the audience. The guy is stalking her. I need to get her away from here now, and I need to get a restraining order placed on him.”

  “When do you guys want to do the VIP meet-and-greets?” one of the stage assistants interrupted, having totally missed the tense atmosphere in the room. I froze again. I had no doubt Hardy would be among the VIPs.

  “No fucking way,” Cat hissed, his chest puffing out. “We’re leaving.”

  “You can’t leave,” the assistant squealed. “They want to meet the band. It was in your contract.”

  Matt stepped in smoothly. “And they will meet the band. Well, three quarters of it. Cat, you take Delilah and go back to the house. We’ll deal with this.” Cat nodded at him.

  “But one of them wants to meet her particularly,” the girl whined, agitated now.

  “I don’t think that was in any contract we signed,” Matt replied. It wouldn’t have been – there had been little interest in me initially. “Delilah has another commitment to attend to, so she needs to leave now. If you introduce me to the gentleman concerned, I’ll make sure he understands the situation.”

  “Thanks, man,” Cat said, giving him a one-armed hug before grabbing hold of my hand again and pulling me towards the door. “We’ll be in Cambridgeshire,” he said as we left, a couple of burly security men immediately falling in and closing ranks around us as we were hurried towards the car.


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