When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle) Page 19

by Tabitha Black

  "Like I said, self-control," Trevor added. "You have to remain completely still... can you do that?"

  Almost frozen with both lust and fear, Silver nodded. "Y-yes, Master."

  When Travis once more produced the knife and laid it across her throat, she felt herself gush. They must have really studied my intake form, she thought irrationally. I think I underlined 'edge play', 'knife play' and 'breath play' three times, and even drew little stars around them.

  "Such pale, satiny skin," Travis was almost growling, his eyes blazing with intensity. "You'd better not move, Silver girl. I'd hate to cut you. Well," he chuckled, "unintentionally, anyway."

  As he began to draw the blade across her chest, she moaned at the sharp sting. Her nipples were so hard she was sure they could cut glass.

  "Does that feel good, baby?" Travis crooned, drawing lines of exquisite heat over her breasts and over her belly.

  Already incapable of coherent speech, Silver moaned, her fingers gripping the sides of the table so hard that her knuckles were white.

  "It's such a clever thing," he went on, "it feels like I'm slicing you open... but I promise you I'm not."

  Silver wasn't too sure whether it really mattered anymore. She trusted both men implicitly, but there were certainly worse ways to go.

  "And now for the test," Trevor said, and she felt his hand slide between her thighs. "I'm gonna make you come, Silver girl, and you are going to have to remain completely still throughout."

  An unearthly, guttural groan echoed around the stone walls of the dungeon, and she realised it had come from her, as Trevor's fingers found her straining, throbbing bud and began to caress it, lightly.

  "Don't you dare fucking move," Travis reminded her, the knife still trailing sharply across her lower belly. "I'm serious, Silver girl. If I wanted to cut you, I'd be using a scalpel and doing it properly."

  A shudder threatened to overcome her, and she realised she was biting her lip, hard. "Pl-please, Master, please may I cum?" she whimpered.

  "Can you do it without moving?" Trevor's fingers were insistent, ruthless, manipulating her clit with a precision she could never hope to emulate, not even herself.

  I don't care if he cuts me, I need to come! "Y-yes, Master, please..." she pleaded instead. She looked down and saw the gleam of Trav's knife tracing faint scarlet lines across her pale skin and then, beyond that, Trevor's dark eyes as he watched her intently. His delicious lips moved before she heard the word.


  Silver held her breath and tensed as her orgasm rippled through her with a force made even greater by her inability to move, her heart pounding, her bud jumping beneath her Master's fingers as he held her gaze, watching her obey his command.

  * * * * *

  Trevor was about ready to explode, and they'd barely even begun their session in the dungeon. He preferred to give, rather than receive, orgasm control, he thought ruefully, as his hard-on rubbed against its leather confines.

  Silver's paperwork had clearly stated that she enjoyed knife play, but even he hadn't anticipated quite what an effect his brother's glinting blade would have on her. Almost the moment he'd produced it, her eyes had glazed over, and Trevor could see the chain on her neck pulsing as her heart began to race.

  His eyes never left hers as he lifted his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean, savouring the taste of the extraordinary girl who was lying naked on the table, Trav's knife still scraping her flesh, her cunt still contracting from her climax.

  Christ, the things he wanted to do to her—he wasn't sure whether a lifetime would be long enough, let alone a couple more days. He wished he could bottle the expression in her eyes whenever she looked at him.

  "Enough," he said harshly, unable to take that look of hers for a single moment longer. "Let's get her up."

  Travis kissed Silver and whispered something to her, as Trevor moved to the center of the room and readied the cuffs.

  She stood, a little unsteadily, leaning on the table, her eyes huge in the torchlight, faint scratches all over her breasts, belly, arms and thighs.

  "More?" he asked.

  "More," she whispered, her hand moving to touch the collar around her neck. Their collar.

  "Come here."

  With practiced ease, the two men fastened the lined leather cuffs around her slender wrists, then secured them to the O-rings in the ceiling with rope. Her legs had been left free so she could try to kick away the pain—and for easy access.

  Trevor gripped her from behind, running his hands over her body, savouring her soft, soft skin and breathtaking curves. "We're gonna hurt you now, little Silver girl," he spoke in her ear. "Would you like that?"

  She began to pant, grinding her butt up against his crotch until he had to take a step back for fear of losing control.

  "Y-yes, Master. Please hurt me."

  Even though there were a range of toys available in the dungeon, the twins preferred to work with their own implements—they had better control and knowledge of the toys they used frequently. Trevor had already laid out the items he wished to use, and he picked up the heavy flogger first.


  Silver didn't make a sound, nor did she move as the leather falls thudded across her backside.

  Gritting his teeth, Trevor raised the flogger again. THWACK!

  Travis, who was standing in front of Silver, watching her face, caught his eye, and nodded.

  Trevor began to whip her in earnest, striking across her shoulders and buttocks over and over again, until at last he was able to draw a whimper from her.

  He paused, and Travis reached forward, slipping a hand between her spread thighs.

  "More?" Trevor asked.

  "More, please Master," she said, and gasped as Trav began to finger her.

  "You're so fucking wet," Travis said. "You like this, don't you little one? Being all tied up and helpless, completely at our mercy..."

  Silver moaned. "I-I do, Master."

  The flogger wasn't cutting it. She was so spaced out, she needed something sharp to bring her back. Trevor's gaze fell on the bundles of birch twigs, soaking in the bucket in the corner. As he went to retrieve one of them, he could hear Trav's fingers inside her, frigging her dripping cunt.

  "P-please may I cum, Master?" she begged, as soon as he had once more taken up his position behind her.

  "No," he said, and at his wink, Trav removed his hand.

  The sting of the birch, coming immediately after the deep thud of the flogger, had the desired effect. Silver went up on her toes and shrieked. "Ow!"

  "Ow is not a safeword," Travis said, as Trevor began to apply the whippy twigs to her naked backside hard and fast.

  "Ow, fuck!" she screeched, dancing now, frantically rotating her hips to avoid the birch.

  "Nor is fuck," Trav said, with a chuckle.

  "Five with the cane for every time you swear," Trevor said, calmly, applying the birch to her shoulders with lighter, swift strokes. "So that's five. Care to make it ten?"

  "N-no, Master!"

  "I thought not," he said, and swished the twigs across the backs of her thighs. "And stop stamping your feet, or we'll restrain your ankles as well."

  After a few more, hard strokes on her legs, he paused. "More?"

  She whimpered. "More, please Master."

  He glanced at Travis. "I think she needs a little something to cool her down." As his brother bent down and took her clit into his mouth, Silver went completely still.

  Trevor took the clover clamps from his pocket and fastened first one, then the other, to her straining rosebud nipples.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him, then, and he tugged the chain sharply. "Better stop, Travis," he said. "She's real close."

  Silver moaned the moment Trav's lips left her clit.

  Trevor was aching to kiss her, but feared that if he started, he'd never be able to stop. "More?" he asked instead, his voice gruff.

  "Yes, please, Master." Then, as Travis applied a dol
lop of toothpaste directly on that sensitive nub between her legs, she groaned. "Oh, God, please... what the fu-fudge is that?"

  "What's what?" Travis asked, innocently.

  Before she could reply, Trevor gave the chain between her breasts another quick tug, tightening the clamps even further. The paste on her clit would burn sharply for a moment, but then it would make the area even more sensitive. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the desire to make her want him as much as he wanted her—so much that it hurt.

  "Time for the cane, sweetheart," he said, picking up one of his thicker ones and moving to stand behind her once more. "Bend forward a little, as much as you can. Master Travis will help you."

  As Trav took hold of her nipple chain, drawing her down towards him, she cried out. Trevor could see the juice trickling down her inner thighs.

  "Five," he said. "You will count them."

  "Y-yes, Master."

  "And I'd advise you not to straighten up, or your pretty little nips will really suffer."

  "I understand, Master, thank you."

  She took all five strokes stoically, her buttocks trembling, but otherwise not moving at all, thanking him breathlessly for each one.

  Trevor could no longer stand it. Yanking open his pants, he gripped her hips and thrust himself inside her slipperiness, groaning aloud as her tight muscles gripped him. "You want to come, Silver girl?" he growled, thrusting hard.

  He caught his twin's eye, and Travis grinned, understanding fully what Trevor wanted him to do.

  "Oh God, please, yes please, Master, please may I cum?"

  "Now," he ordered, and felt her pussy clutch around him as Travis removed the clamps at the peak of her climax.

  She emitted a primal howl, and he almost spent himself, quickly withdrawing from her before he lost control. "More?"

  Her voice cracked as she replied. "More, please, Master."

  The men switched places and Trevor wrapped a hand around her throat as his mouth came down on hers, bruising her lips with his own.

  Silver let out a gasp, and he knew that Travis had slid a thickly lubed finger inside her puckered little coffee-bean, to prepare her for his cock.

  "We're gonna fuck you so hard it hurts, Silver girl," he said hoarsely, and lifted her hips, effortlessly sliding his throbbing cock back inside her pussy.

  She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her steady so Trav could enter her from behind.

  "You like this, don't you little one? Two big, hard dicks deep inside you at the same time, while you're hanging all helpless from the ceiling?"

  Her response was a torn whimper of assent.

  "Easy baby, bear down so I can get all the way in," Travis said, spreading her buttocks as he positioned the head of his cock at her tight entrance.

  "Look at me, Silver," Trevor said, his hand cupping her face. "Good girl... just relax... you can take it, you've done it before..."

  She gazed down at him, her lovely eyes wide as Travis entered her slowly, grunting at the feel of her around him.

  "There we go," he said, reaching around to cup her breasts.

  As her pussy grew tighter around his own shaft, Trevor could no longer hold back, and he and Trav soon found their rhythm, using her until she was crying out and begging for release, her soft body quivering between them.

  He refused her permission until he, too, was ready to spend, and Trav grunted his own climax—and as she screamed and contracted around him, he threw his head back and called out her name as he filled her, over and over again.

  * * * * *

  "Look at her, she's all tuckered out," Travis said, as the brothers watched the girl sleeping in Trevor's huge four-poster bed. "I think she'll be out for a while. Want to hit the dining room for a half-hour and see what Connie's got cooking tonight?"

  "No. I want to be here in case she wakes up," Trevor said. "I'd hate for her to wake up alone and not know where we are."

  "Okay, then how about I head down to the kitchens and charm them into giving me something to bring up here?"

  "Sounds good, thanks."

  Silver moaned and rolled over, her white-blonde hair tumbling over the navy blue pillow, her pale shoulder gleaming in the light from the lounge.

  "D'you think we broke her?" Travis said, quietly.

  Trevor shook his head. "Don't think we even came close. It might be easy to forget, but it takes a huge amount of inner strength to submit the way she does. I'm willing to bet she doesn't have any idea of just how strong she is."

  "It sure seems like she's been through a lot. And not just from her ex-husband, either."

  "Yeah, I get the impression that someone else did a lot more damage before Stephen even came along."

  They both grinned as Travis's belly rumbled loudly in the quiet room.

  "Okay, okay," Trevor said, "go get us some food. I'll get the plates and stuff. We can chat more in the den."

  Once Travis had left to charm the notoriously gruff Cook Connie, Trevor remained in his bedroom, watching Silver's chest rise and fall with her steady breathing.

  To look at, she was as delicate and enchanting as the cherry blossom trees he loved so much, but sometimes he was taken aback by the sheer, raw power she seemed able to conjure at will. Here was a young woman, not even thirty, who had gone through so much that it had left her emotionally scarred—and still her need to submit had been so strong that she had flown half-way around the world, on her own, into the great unknown, to put herself into the hands of a stranger.

  Taking a deep breath, he padded from the room and closed the door gently behind him.

  Travis soon returned, laden with an assortment of salads, warm bread, shrimp, crab and salmon. "Seafood night," he said, with a wink.

  "Fantastic. Did you bring enough for Silver?"

  "Of course I did. Like I'd forget!"

  As Trevor set out the food and put a little of everything onto two plates, Travis went to the fridge for a couple of beers.

  "You look like you could use this," he said, handing one to his brother.

  "Thanks." Trevor took a long swallow.

  They ate in silence for a few minutes.

  "So, did you make the arrangements with Marshall for tomorrow?" Travis said, eventually.

  "I did. He said he'd be happy to take care of it for us."

  "Were you surprised by her request?"

  Trevor tried unsuccessfully to ignore the sudden clenching in his gut. "A little. Then again, it's none of our business. And she's right in that it's something we couldn't possibly give her—not the way she described it, anyway."

  "I know. I still don't like the idea, though. Is that weird?" Travis asked.

  "Is what weird?"

  "That I can hardly stand the thought of her playing alone with any other man, even Marshall."

  Trevor lifted his eyebrow. "You feel that way?"

  "Don't you?"

  I do, Trev realized. It was like a knife in his gut. "I thought jealousy was a self-destructive emotion; it only hurts you yourself," he said instead.

  Travis managed a wry smile as his own philosophy was quoted back at him, verbatim. "That's what I always believed. The more the merrier and all that."

  "And now?"

  "Now I'm not so sure." He drained his beer.

  "It doesn't matter anyways," Trevor said, with a conviction he didn't feel. "Despite that chain around Silver's neck, she's not ours to command. She obviously feels that a session like the one she asked for will be beneficial to her in some way; for the experience, if nothing else. Christ, when you think about how much we've played around, we'd be the worst hypocrites if we denied her. And besides, it's not like Marshall's gonna make her suck his dick afterwards. He's devoted to Kaylee."

  "Yeah, I know." Travis ran a hand through his hair. "Still sucks, though. Man, did you see her reaction when I brought out the knife? I thought I was gonna ruin my pants."

  "Me too." Trev felt himself stir at the memory.

  "Was all I could do
to stop myself from just holding it to her throat and fucking her right there on the bench. Who the hell lets a girl like that get away?"

  "Someone who has no idea what an amazing woman looks like when he sees one," Trevor said, bitterly. "Probably some insensitive asshole who thinks girls like Silver grow on trees."

  "They don't."

  "No kidding."

  "I wonder if she's ever tried cutting. Did she list semi-permanent marks as a hard limit? Christ, if she reacts like that to scratches, just imagine what I could reduce her to with a scalpel."

  Trevor grinned. As obsessed as he was with fireplay, Travis loved knives and scalpels and anything sharp. Just our luck, to wind up having specific interests we barely ever get to indulge in because they require so much trust, and that's the only thing you can't always guarantee around here. "You'll have to ask her," he said. "At least if she hates the idea, we'll have something to threaten her with for the remainder of her stay."

  "That's the thing. She's so obedient. We don't need to threaten her with anything. She just lets us... well, do anything."

  "Aw, sorry, little brother," Trevor patted Trav's shoulder. "Is our girl not bratty enough for you?"

  "She could learn. I've seen glimmers of it—I think she's been on her best behavior so as not to displease us, though."

  "We know so little about her, really. It's pretty incredible when you think about it. Like; does she have a career? Why does she live in Australia? Does she want to stay there? Not to mention all the shitty stuff she's obviously been through."

  "And her real name," Travis said quietly. "We don't even know her real name."

  Both were silent for a while, absorbed in their thoughts. Then Travis grinned. "I scratched her up a bit, didn't I? Gotta make sure we get to watch her shower when she wakes up."

  Trevor smiled despite himself. "Yeah, she'll definitely feel the water hitting the lines you drew on that pale skin. But something tells me she'll savor it."

  "According to that sweet pussy of hers, she pretty much savors everything we do to her."

  Which is the only reason why I'm so fascinated by her, Trevor told himself, firmly. It's lust. That's it, and nothing else.


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