When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle) Page 42

by Tabitha Black

  "Let's go over a few things before we begin," Grant said. "You need to pay attention, little one, as the rules are very important. Do you understand?" When she merely nodded, her eyes closed, the black mascara of her lashes prominent against her cheeks, he shook his head. Moving one hand to her chin, he held it gently as he turned her face up to his. "Open your eyes, honey. I want you to look at me when I'm speaking."

  Rosa reluctantly forced her eyes open, her teeth catching her bottom lip as she obeyed.

  "Good girl," Grant said, bending to kiss the top of her head. "There aren't a lot of rules, but you do need to understand them. Are you ready to listen?"

  "Yes, Gra… um, sir."

  "Okay, let's get addresses out of the way first. I am to be addressed as Daddy or Sir, and you will address Valerie as Mommy or Ma'am. Little girls do not address adults by their Christian names, and if you don't want to have your bottom smacked, I suggest you remember that. Understood?" At her silent nod, her teeth once more chewing her lip, he grinned. God, she was just adorable. "As for you, you'll find we have plenty of names for such a precious girl. We'll call you Rosie, sweetie, honey, little one, darling and other such endearments." Her shy smile showed her pleasure at any of those choices.

  "What… what will you call me if I'm naughty?" Rosa asked, and then turned to bury her face again, not believing she had actually just reminded him that she had already been naughty. His deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, easily heard as her ear was pressed tightly to him.

  "I'm sure naughty little Rosie will be used, as well as other names. Baby, I promise you you'll know we are talking to you whenever you misbehave. Now, open your eyes and pay attention. Your Mommy and I want to go over your form, just to make sure we understand everything on it."

  Rosa felt a wave of gratitude at his words. She hadn't been expecting anyone who won her to take the time to actually go over her form. Pushing herself up, she clasped her hands in her lap, her curls bouncing as she nodded her head.

  "Yes, Daddy." Hearing those words for the first time had her body infusing with warmth that she didn't care would color her pale skin. She lifted her eyes a bit more and looked at the woman sitting in front of her. "Thank you, Mommy."

  "You're welcome, Rosie," Valerie said, bending forward to press a kiss to Rosie's cheek.

  A flash of unexpected pleasure surged through Rosa, the flying monkeys leaving her tummy to leave a feeling of anticipation in their place. She unconsciously lifted her hand to take one of her Mommy's, suddenly feeling like she was where she belonged.

  They discussed her form, both noting her squirming when implements were covered, and her eyes growing huge when Grant informed her that she would feel his belt when she was very naughty, and that her Mommy wielded a mean switch. She relaxed when Grant promised they would never take a whip of any sort to her bottom.

  "Have no fear, little Rosie," Grant said, concealing his surprise that her list of 'no's had not included the cane. He personally adored seeing wheals appearing instantly on a lifted bottom the moment the stroke had been given and accepted. "This little bottom of yours will indeed be aching, and very red and hot by the time you are allowed off our laps, but I promise that can be accomplished without the harsher implements you've noted as a hard limit."

  "Thank you," Rosie whispered, hoping that he couldn't feel the way her bottom was clenching and unclenching as he had gone through every item. His casual words, as he promised her a hot, tender bottom, caused moisture to gather between her tightly closed thighs.

  Flipping the page, Grant slowly read her sexual preferences as though he and Valerie had not already gone over the list. They had been thrilled to discover she had very few limits, and those she had listed held no interest for them either. "I see that you stated you are on birth control. Do we need to remind you to take a pill every day?"

  "No, Daddy." Her lips curved as she addressed him. "I, um, I get the shot, even though I hate needles."

  "I'm proud to hear that you can be so brave and responsible," Valerie said, her hand moving to cover Rosie's own. "I used to get the shots as well."

  "We want you to understand that we brought copies of our last medical records for you to see," Grant informed her, giving Valerie a nod. She rose and picked up some papers off the table, passing them to him. "We're both clean, and while I will use condoms if you wish, I'd much prefer not to. There is no fear of unwanted pregnancy, as I've had a vasectomy. Regardless of that fact, I want to feel every inch of you when I slide into your sweet little body."

  Rosa's breath left her, and she grew suddenly conscious of the hard length she now felt pressing against her bottom. Blushing furiously at the thought of it pushing into her, her eyes flicked to Valerie before sliding away.

  "It's okay, sweetie," Valerie assured her. "Daddy brought condoms if you'd feel more comfortable. This choice is yours to make."

  Though she hadn't specifically said it, Rosa understood that, while this one choice might be hers, there were likely little, if any, additional choices being given. "It's okay, um, you don't have to wear… um… those things."

  "Thank you," Grant said, enchanted that she seemed embarrassed to be discussing something as simple as a condom. His cock swelled even more, the delightful feel of her bottom squirming against him telling of both her embarrassment as well as her desire. He made sure to go over the medical forms with her before adding them to the stack of her own papers. Dropping a kiss on her head, he handed the papers to Valerie, who rose to place them on the table.

  Valerie returned with something in her hand. Grant lifted Rosie's chin to meet her eyes. "Before we begin, we need to make sure you're ready to submit." His finger moved to the ribbon around her throat. "I'd like to remove your ribbon, and then Valerie would love to put on the one that makes you ours. Would you like that, Rosie?"

  "Yes, please." Rosa felt a rush of pleasure wash through her at his smile. She bent her head, giving him easier access to the tie of the black ribbon, feeling it fall away as it was undone. Her body quivered slightly when she felt another ribbon slide around her throat, and heard a distinct click as the catch was engaged. Lifting her hand, she stroked around the pink velvet that now encircled her neck. Feeling a tiny charm hanging from a loop in the center, she attempted to look down. Both Grant and Valerie laughed.

  "I'm sorry, sweetie. I should have shown it to you before I put it on. Don't worry, you can see it in the mirror in a moment, when we're done here," Valerie promised. With her words, Rosa understood that it was time. Suddenly remembering that she had been told to expect a spanking—no, make that two spankings—she again buried her face in her Daddy's neck, her small hand clutching the lapel of his suit.

  Valerie thought she looked absolutely adorable, but it was time to get down to business. Giving Grant a smile, she reached out and gently eased Rosie's fingers from their hold. "All right, sweetheart, let's get your spankings out of the way. The fireworks should be starting soon, and I know you don't want to miss them."

  Rosa allowed herself to be guided off Grant's lap. Her hands twisted in the fabric of her gown, pulling against it as if to tug it even lower.

  Grant stood and began to remove his suit coat, loving the sound of Rosie's soft moan as he undid his cufflinks and slowly rolled his shirt sleeves up to his elbows. "Come, sweetie, Mommy is going to help you this first time, okay?"

  Rosa could only nod at the words, her heart in her throat as she watched Grant take his seat again, albeit sitting forward this time so that a naughty girl could be tipped across his strong thighs. Clutching Valerie's—no, her Mommy's—hand tightly, she was led to stand at Grant's right side, her knees threatening to buckle again.

  Chapter Five

  "Tell Daddy why he needs to give you a spanking, Rosie," Valerie softly prompted. "Tell him what naughty thing his sweet girl did so that he has to redden her little bottom."

  The words and the tone in which they were spoken went straight to Rosa's sex. Her pulse raced and her heart pounded as
she looked up to see her Mommy smiling down at her.

  "Please, Mommy, I… I don't want a sp-span-spanking."

  Valerie was enchanted at the slight stutter, and the look in Rosie's eyes. She bent down until their eyes were level, lifting a finger to stroke her soft cheek.

  "I know you don't, little one, but you were a naughty girl weren't you?" Seeing Rosie swallow hard but nod her head, her cheeks flushing prettily, Valerie continued. "And what happens when our precious girl is naughty?" As Rosie's eyes fluttered closed, she smiled and spoke again. "Answer Mommy, Rosie. What happens to naughty little girls? Hmmm?"

  "They… they get spanked…"

  "Excuse me?" The question and sharper tone had Rosa opening her eyes, staring directly into Valerie's green ones, shocked when that one look had her nipples tightening under the bodice of her gown.

  "I mean, they get spanked, Mom… Mommy."

  The green eyes softened, showing Valerie's pleasure at the correct address. "That's right, they get spanked. Now, look at Daddy and tell him why he needs to turn you over his knees and spank your little hiney."

  Turning her head slowly, she found another set of eyes watching her intently. Shuffling her feet, clenching her thighs together, Rosie made her first confession. "Daddy, I-I was naughty." When his only response was to lift a single eyebrow, her stomach flipped. "I… I showed my-my bottom to… to strangers." She had absolutely no doubt that her face was red. In fact, her entire body temperature seemed to have increased by several degrees.

  "I see," Grant said, shaking his head. "That is indeed a very naughty thing to do, young lady. Is it proper to show your bare bottom to people who—"

  "It wasn't bare!" Rosa practically shouted, her face going crimson.

  "Rosie, it is naughty to shout and interrupt your Daddy when he is speaking," Valerie said, the first swat to Rosa's bottom coming from an unexpected source. "Apologize immediately or else you'll be going from your Mommy to your Daddy's lap several times this evening."

  "I'm sorry, Daddy." Rosie's free hand went back to cover her bum. "I-I didn't mean to interrupt, but I wasn't bare. I have panties on."

  Grant looked like he was struggling not to laugh. Rosa wondered if it was that obvious that she had not been under anyone's strict discipline or over anyone's knees in quite some time. She flushed at how she had yelped as if she'd been cropped when Valerie had merely popped her on her bottom.

  Grant spoke again. "It was still a very naughty thing to do. I promise every person in the room was picturing pulling down those adorable panties to bare your bottom. You will learn that only Mommy and I have that honor. I'm going to give you a good, hard spanking, and then Mommy is going to make sure you understand she doesn't approve of such behavior either. Mommy, would you please bare our little girl's bottom so she can have her first spanking?"

  Rosa moaned as she heard Mommy answer that she would love to. Slamming her eyes shut, she felt her hand being dropped as Valerie stepped behind her just long enough to slide her hands under the soft pink gown, running a palm across the row of ruffles before slipping her fingers into the waistband of Rosie's panties. Feeling the fabric being slowly tugged down, Rosa moaned again. There would be no hiding the fact that her panties were moist; all she could hope for was that Mommy wouldn't notice—or, if she did, she wouldn't say a word about it. As the cute undies were drawn over her rounded buttocks, that prayer went unanswered.

  "Rosie, your panties are very, very wet." Valerie exclaimed.

  Glancing between her new parents, seeing Valerie smile and nod at Grant, Rosa couldn't respond, her heart hammering in her chest at the realization that both of them knew exactly how much this play was already affecting her. All the squirming around on Grant's lap, the feel of his cock beneath her bottom as he discussed implements and talked about her naughtiness had ensured that the gusset of her precious ruffled panties was absolutely soaked. As Valerie pulled the panties down to her knees, Rosa realized she could smell her own arousal, her sex pulsing yet again when Valerie gave her a sly grin.

  "Grant, I have to say, our Little's soaked undies and her lovely aroma are having a definite effect on my own panties." A soft laugh accompanied her statement as she began to guide Rosie across Grant's lap.

  Rosa felt her knees almost buckle at Valerie's blatant disclosure. She'd never in her life considered hearing another woman speak so openly about such intimate things. She blushed hotly, practically tearing her arm out of Valerie's hold as she launched herself over Grant's knees in an effort to hide her face from the two.

  Feeling a huge hand rubbing her bottom, she held her breath. In had been ages since anyone had spanked her—well, not counting those three swats in Master Marshall's office. She couldn't say she had gone without getting her butt smacked during the year she had worked at the Castle—it was rare for any employee to be able to make that claim unless they held a position of power—but she honestly couldn't remember the last time she'd been in this position.

  The only man she had trusted enough to ask, after dating for six months, had been disgusted when she had shyly suggested he give her a spanking. That breakup had been the impetus that had led her to seek a position far away from him, as well as one where she wouldn't feel like a social degenerate. Her thoughts and her breath were driven from her as that hand lifted, only to descend with a loud smack against her backside.

  "Oh! Owww… Daddy… no…"

  Her pleas were ignored as the hand continued to lift, only to smack again and again against her bottom until it was churning, her little legs kicking and her hands moving behind her, only to have one tucked tightly between her hip and his stomach, the other held at the small of her back. "The only people to see this beautiful hiney are Mommy and I," Grant said, landing another terrific smack, the sight of her buttocks jiggling and turning pink making his cock twitch. "This bottom is a private thing, little girl. It is not to be shown to strangers. It is very naughty to lift up your nightgown and wiggle your little ass in front of hundreds of people. I promise, there is no need for you to display yourself so shamelessly. All you need do is come ask Mommy or Daddy to lift up your gown and take down your panties if you want attention. All that your naughtiness earned you is a very, very hot little hiney."

  Rosa's mind was churning as well as her body. His words, the way he said them, the pictures they instantly drew in her mind, had her worrying that his pants would be soaked if he ever let her off his lap. The sharp crack of his hand every time it landed against one of her cheeks had her body jerking; the heat of that smack had her wriggling for all she was worth.

  "I'm sorry!" she finally cried out, praying an apology would stop the endless smacking. "I won't do it again, Daddy, I—owww, no more, Daddy, please!" After another three, very hard smacks that seemed to cover the entirety of her ass, she felt the hand cease spanking and start rubbing. Gasping as she tried to take in enough oxygen, she stopped her struggles, so glad it was over. She had forgotten just how much a simple hand spanking could make her ass burn.

  "Okay, you may get up and go to Mommy," Grant said, smiling as he gave her bottom another pat. Though he was sure Rosie felt her butt was crimson, in truth it was barely even pink. He knew that soon enough he would have the opportunity, and pleasure, to turn it a much darker hue, but she still had another spanking coming. Lifting her off his knees as easily as if she were six instead of twenty-six, he stood her between his legs for a moment. "You did well, Rosie. I expect you to behave just as well for Mommy. If you don't, you'll find yourself right back over my lap, and I guarantee you won't get up until your little bottom is so tender you'll find it very uncomfortable to sit down. Do you understand?"

  "Ye-yes, Da-Daddy," Rosa stammered, the tears she had managed to keep at bay welling in her eyes. Even though she had been told, repeatedly, that she would be spanked by both of her parents, she had completely forgotten that fact. She had been very proud of herself for not breaking under his palm, but now… she knew there was no way she could keep from crying if
her Mommy spanked with anything near the force of her Daddy.

  It was obviously time to find out as Grant stood and Valerie took his place. Rosa squealed as her Daddy picked her up and laid her face down over the firm, feminine thighs for the first time. After giving her bottom a pat, he bent down and kissed her cheek.

  "Remember, be a good girl for Mommy, okay?" He smiled at her nod, the look in her eyes one he would remember forever. It was a mixture of shame and desire, a swirl of lust and wonder. It was the most adorable look he'd ever seen as she lowered her hands to the floor to brace herself for her next spanking.

  Her prediction of real tears came true a whole lot faster than she had thought. Her Mommy's hand might be much smaller, the skin softer, but the swats seemed faster, stinging like a thousand hornets at once. Rosie began to kick up her legs in an effort to cover her bottom or to deflect the hand that never seemed to pause.

  "Mommy!" she wailed, "No, I'm sorry—owww!"

  "Keep your legs down, young lady," Valerie said, her hand continuing to connect again and again with the delightfully churning bottom over her knees. She loved watching the flesh jiggle and bounce beneath each firm swat. When Rosie's legs again flew up, she sighed.

  "Honey, perhaps you could hold her legs for me? I'm afraid this dress restricts my own legs." They exchanged a grin, both knowing that was a lie, but one Grant certainly didn't mind hearing. He moved to squat behind Rosie, taking a flailing leg in each hand, his fingers easily encircling the small woman's ankles. He chuckled as the ears on her slippers continued to flop about, his chuckle turning into a suppressed moan as he held her legs, spreading them wide enough to give him quite the delicious view of Rosie's little pussy. His eyes lifted to his wife's, his slow grin telling her they had found the perfect Little submissive.

  As Valerie continued to spank the rapidly reddening cheeks of the small beauty, Grant continued to watch the cream of Rosie's arousal pool in her sex and drip down onto her Mommy's lap. He felt an almost uncontrollable urge to lean forward and lap at that very nectar, certain she would taste like sweet honey on his tongue.


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