CHASE - Volume Two (The CHASE Series Book Two)

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CHASE - Volume Two (The CHASE Series Book Two) Page 5

by Young, M. L.

  To say I was angered was an understatement. Why couldn’t she get it? Why did this have to be so difficult? Why didn’t I block her off when she tried to get inside earlier? I should’ve pushed her away and locked the door and then called the police. That was a huge mistake on my part.

  “I won’t let you leave. I’ll make sure they take you,” I said.

  “Oh, like what, a hostage? Yeah, that’ll go over real well,” she said.

  She was right, and I didn’t want to admit it. Would the cops really believe that some scantily dressed woman barged into my house and demanded I have sex with her? And that when I declined, she ran away, nowhere to be found? Not only that, but I had no proof she was ever here. I didn’t have my phone to take a picture and prove it, and I had no other camera with me. On the other hand, having sex with her to get her to go away was so far out of the question I wasn’t even remotely considering it. I guessed I could take her by force, pick her up and throw her out, but I wasn’t the aggressive type, and I didn’t need some assault charge to come up in the tabloids. I wasn’t famous, but damn, it wouldn’t look good for me.

  “So, what’ll it be? Sex, or arrest?” she asked, sitting up, smiling.

  Not too long after she asked, my anger fuming, the doorbell rang, which was just what I needed. I couldn’t deal with another visitor, especially when that person would see this hag lying on the ground like a baby. I didn’t want someone to think I was sleeping with her, of all people. I might’ve been known as a playboy, but even some people have to have standards.

  “Aren’t ya gonna get it?” she asked.

  I rolled my eyes, walked over to the door, and made the same mistake I made when Jasmine got here. I was so fed up, so angry, that my mind slipped and I realized my mistake just as I was cracking open the door. There she was, standing in front of me, frozen, and not in a good way.

  “A—Alexis,” I muttered.

  “Oh look, another girl,” Jasmine said.

  Alexis didn’t say a word for a minute, just standing there, staring. I couldn’t tell if she was angry, confused, sad, terrified, or a combination of the above. I was mortified that she saw me here, with Jasmine, thinking something happened when nothing did. She must believe me, though, she had to. I didn’t sleep with Jasmine. She barged in here just minutes ago. I’d never do something this stupid to wreck what we had going on.

  “So, are we gonna have that sex or what?” Jasmine asked.

  She laughed, cackled, sending chills up and down my spine. I couldn’t even yell at her, I couldn’t make myself. I just wanted Alexis to say something, anything. I saw her eyes well up, her cheeks get red, a look of distress and despair on her face.

  She wouldn’t say a word, though, not even a fuck you or a go to hell. She just stood there, like she was hit with a freeze ray, unable to move an inch. Why did I let Jasmine in? I should’ve pushed her away when I had the chance. I should’ve seen Alexis outside and not answered the door. I should’ve done everything, and now I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do anything. I didn’t know how I was going to break myself free of this mess.

  Chapter Eight


  My mind stopped, and not in a good way.

  There he was, standing there, a shocked look on his face, like I had caught his hand in the cookie jar just before dinner. I didn’t even know what to say, if I should say anything. I had never expected this from him, not after what we had been through. I thought he had changed, that he was a different man, but he wasn’t, clearly. He was the same old Chase, the man who must stick his dick in a dozen different women to get any satisfaction. He told me all of these things about how he’d changed, how it was great being around me, how things between us couldn’t be better. I listened to him, took it all in, down to the last belabored point, and believed him like my life was on the line. I knew I shouldn’t have. No matter how great our dates were, I should’ve never had listened to him or agreed to go out with him again.

  I saw her in there, a whore, a woman who looked like she had nothing going for her whatsoever. She was smiling, like she was happy, like she secretly knew who I was and that she was coming between us in the worst way possible. She had no remorse, I could see it. She was in some skanky dress, dressed like a complete slut, her shoes not even on. Chase was shirtless, only wearing pajama bottoms, like he had just gotten out of bed with her.

  Was this all because I didn’t sleep with him last night? Was he just saying it was fine that I didn’t want to, and that we’d wait? Did he secretly have another woman on the side because his urges were too strong to go without being fulfilled? It must’ve been that. The evidence was right in front of me, right in front of my face, able to get no closer.

  “How could you?” I asked, as he had a desperate look on his face.

  “I didn’t! I swear to you, I didn’t. She just came here,” he said.

  “So, she just appeared in your house half-dressed and sloppy? Can she teleport? Is that what she did?” I asked.

  “No, I went out with her once and—”

  “Oh, so you know her? So you just called her up and asked her to come over after I left? Because I wouldn’t sleep with you last night?” I asked, feeling my chest get tighter and tighter with each breath.

  I tried not to cry, not to start bawling and break down in front of not only him, but her. I knew that would get her off, that she would love to see me, the other woman, break down because she was there. The look on her face said it all.

  “No, that’s not it at all, Alexis. She just came here, just a few minutes ago, right before you got here. She won’t leave. I swear,” he said frantically.

  “Let’s say I do believe you, which I don’t. What do I do now? Worry every time I leave that some woman will just come over and throw herself at you? That doesn’t sound very logical, does it? I know you think you’re so hot and sexy and that every woman who has ever lived wants you, but that’s a little farfetched, even for you,” I said.

  “Please,” he said.

  “You know, I thought you had changed. I know I was crazy to believe that, considering both your history, as well as ours, but I had hope that I found a rough gem and was able to polish him into something very valuable. I thought you liked me, and that we’d get somewhere and be able to have a meaningful relationship. That you were different than all of the other guys I’ve known and dated before, but I was wrong. I was dead wrong,” I said, yanking my lanyard out of his hand and turning around.

  “Goodbye!” the woman inside yelled.

  I wanted to turn around, to rush past him and beat the shit out of her, but I didn’t. My cab was still there, I told him to wait for me, that I’d be back in a second. That was one long second.

  “Babe! I swear, it isn’t what it looks like. Why can’t you believe me?” Chase asked, grabbing my shoulder just before I got inside the cab.

  “Because,” I said, turning around, tears welling up my eyes. “You lost my trust when you decided to use me that one night. Why I gave you a second chance, I don’t know. What I do know now is that I’m done. Have fun with your fuck toy.”

  I ripped my shoulder from his hand, got in the cab, and slammed the door shut, before telling the driver to go quickly. He sped off. I sat and finally cried, and before I knew it, I had a broken heart.


  I sat in class unable to do so much as think. I didn’t know why I even bothered coming in today. Who cared if I didn’t have any more days to miss? I surely didn’t, at least not right now. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. Where did I go wrong? Was this my fault somehow? Should I just have slept with him last night? That girl wouldn’t be there right now if I had. It wasn’t like we hadn’t had sex before, so it wouldn’t be much different.

  No, I couldn’t blame myself for this. I couldn’t make myself seem like the bad person or the screw up. I’d done that too many times in the past, and I wouldn’t do it again. He should’ve known better, and maybe I should’ve known bet
ter than to give him another chance. I guessed he just wasn’t the type of guy that I should’ve been with. I thought it was a little sexy at first, having someone dominate me consensually, but those guys were no good, it seemed. I need a vanilla guy, one who acted and looked like the guys I could get dates with. They might not have a lot going for them, but they were loyal, and they’d never do this to me. Not only because of their morals, but because they weren’t attractive enough.

  My professor droned on and I scribbled on my notebook with no real direction. I was never called on, nobody really was. My professor was old and slightly senile, which was a change of pace from some of the others. The only thing that was recorded was attendance, when a sheet went around for us to sign, but other than that it was smooth sailing.

  I sat through the long, arduous class, my mind melting. By the time only a few minutes were left, the piece of paper in my notebook was covered in black scribbles, a red mark on my arm from leaning against the desk.

  “Well, that’s all for this week. See you all soon!”

  I perked up as the class was getting up, gathering their belongings, and scurrying out of the door. I sighed, stuffed my notebook and pen inside my bag, and got up, walking down the stairs of the auditorium-style classroom and into the hallway, where a new class was waiting to get in. I didn’t look at any of them, hoping I wouldn’t run into someone I knew, though I wasn’t sure anyone would want to approach me at this point. I could tell the look on my face was menacing, and I wasn’t even able to see it. I had that “talk to me and get shanked” look, which usually parted most people out of the way.

  I took my phone out of my purse, neglecting to check it during class, as I walked outside into the warm California sun. I had two texts from Chase

  “We need to talk. It isn’t what you think.”

  “Please, Alexis, call me when you see this. I know it looks bad, but it isn’t. Don’t throw this away. Don’t throw what we have away.”

  I let out a muted chuckle, shook my head, and put my phone back inside my purse. Don’t throw this away? You already did, buddy. You threw it away, stomped on it, burnt it, and shredded it with a garbage disposal. I didn’t throw anything away. Not at all.

  There wasn’t much else for me to do. I only had some homework and maybe a little studying to do, which I wasn’t sure was going to happen. I got home, the ride seeming to take longer than usual, but things seem to go in slow motion when you’re pissed off and sad. I got inside, tossed my stuff on the floor, and flung myself onto my bed, lying back, looking at the ceiling.

  Perhaps out of spite, or maybe because I was curious, I unlocked my phone and opened RandomMeetX. I hadn’t been on the app in a while, deciding to leave it behind as Chase and I began talking once again. There were some cute guys on there, and surprisingly, one hit like back to me. I smiled, mostly because my ego was being stroked, and then I knew I was still a hot commodity, even if Chase didn’t see it.

  He messaged me. His name was Travis, a slightly nerdy looking surfer boy, but in a good way. His hair was dirty blond, a little shaggy, and he wore a striped shirt and solid blue hoodie in his picture. He seemed nice, genuinely so, and I knew he was the type of guy you could just have a good time with. I didn’t know if I was ready to jump into dating, but I knew Travis would show me a good time and maybe cheer me up, which was what I guessed I really needed.

  “Hey, you’re cute. How come we haven’t met yet?” he messaged.

  “Maybe because you haven’t asked me out yet,” I replied.

  “Well, I think we might need to change that then. How about Monday? Are you free?” he asked.

  “I might be. Depends on where you’re taking me,” I said.

  “How about we go get some fish tacos, walk along the beach, and watch the sunset? I have a buddy who works at the pier and can hook us up with a primo spot, if you’re interested.”

  It wasn’t my typical type of date, but it intrigued me. He was obviously a nice guy, and I knew if nothing else I would get to flirt and have some good conversation. With not many friends to hang out with, I could definitely use a chance to vent some steam and just talk with someone.

  “Sounds good. Can’t wait,” I replied.

  I set my phone down, got up, and poured myself some cereal without any milk. I hadn’t eaten all day, my appetite quickly vanishing this morning, my stomach now rumbling and begging for nourishment.

  I chomped each sugary bit one at a time, popping them into my mouth, lying back, my legs crossed, my nerves settling. I quickly devoured the cereal, put the bowl onto my nightstand, and pulled the covers up over me, my chilly feet quickly becoming warm.

  With my body covered and my mind emotionally drained, I began to drift off to sleep, a much-needed nap in my immediate future. I didn’t know if Chase and I could recover from this, or if we should even try, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t be seeing the last of him, no matter how many times I told him to go away.

  But for now, all I wanted was sweet dreams.

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  About the Author

  M.L. Young is a New Adult Romance author currently residing in northern Illinois. When not writing, she enjoys horseback riding, sewing, and dreaming about the hot guys she writes about in her books.

  M.L. loves interacting with fans, so interact with her! You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and through e-mail!



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