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The Boss's Orders: Alpha Male Billionaire Office Romance

Page 4

by Cat Carmine

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the cameras, Claire, but we’ve had so many temps in over the past few months that we had to take some extra precautions.”

  He looks at me as if he’s waiting for me to say something, so I force myself to say, “I understand.”

  “Thank you, Claire. I hope you understand, also, that it is quite inappropriate to take your panties off at work.”

  I seriously want to bawl my eyes out. I have never been so humiliated in my entire life.

  “I do, Mr. Godrich. Sir. I’m so sorry. It will never happen again.”

  “Thank you, Claire. That’s good to hear. However, you will still need to be punished. I already gave you one warning. This is your second infraction, and it’s … a most serious one.”

  I nod meekly. “Of course.” I imagine I’m going to end up with a note in my HR file, if not worse.

  “Stand up, please.”

  I do as he says, not understanding. He stands up too.

  “Bend over,” he says, pointing to his desk.

  “I’m sorry?”

  He grins. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him smile, and I feel more terrified than ever. It’s a truly wicked grin.

  “No, but you will be,” he says. “Now bend the fuck over.”



  “Now bend the fuck over,” I tell her.

  She looks at me with fear and confusion on her face. It’s a delicious combination.

  “Sir?” she says questioningly. I know she has no idea what the word does to me, because otherwise she wouldn’t be using it right now. Not right before I punish her.

  She steps nervously over towards me. I don’t have any more patience to show so I grab the back of her neck and force her to bend over my desk. Her breasts are smashed against the mahogany wood, while her ass is straight up in the air. Just the way I like it.

  I lift up the skirt of that fucking sexy red dress she’s wearing and see that sweet creamy panty-less ass.

  Oh, I chose well with you, Claire, I think to myself.

  I can feel her sharp intake of breath as I put one hand on her back to steady her.

  I bring my other hand down and smack her on the ass. Hard. She whimpers but doesn’t protest.

  I do it again. And again. And again.

  Each time gets harder, and so do I. Blood is coursing to my dick so fast I feel almost lightheaded. As I slap her, I think about stopping to run my finger down the crack of her ass, right where it leads to her slick pussy. I think about thrusting my fingers up inside of her, finger fucking her right here on my desk, shattering her into a thousand pieces.

  Instead, I slap her again, so hard I can see the red hand print forming on her smooth white ass cheek.

  “Oh! Oh, sir!” she cries out. My dick is raging, desperate to fuck her. I wonder if she’s ever been spanked before. I’m surprised to find the thought of another man spanking her sends me into a funnel of rage. I slap her again, harder, to make her pay for that.

  “Please sir,” she says. Her voice is shaking but I’ve done this enough times to know it isn’t fear making it quake — not really. It’s the pleasure that comes with being on the brink of fear.

  And it’s what I live for.

  “Claire, not wearing panties at work is not appropriate. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she says.

  “But given that you seem to enjoy being so naughty, I’m going to make sure the punishment fits the crime. For the rest of the week, you will be forbidden from wearing panties in this office.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I slap her again, and again, and again. Each time, her body is pressed harder against the desk. I spank her one more time and a cry escapes her lips. I watch as her whole body tenses, shudders, softens. I see the telltale flush of pink covering her milk white skin.

  Holy fuck. I think she just came on my desk. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. This girl is something else.

  “Did you enjoy that, Claire?”

  “Yes, sir.” Her voice is muffled and soft, and I can tell she’s embarrassed.

  Her sweetness nearly pushes me over the edge. I grab her arm and yank her to her feet.

  “Good. Now get out of my office.” If I don’t get her out now, I’m going to have no choice to fuck her, and there’ll be no going back once that happens. I can’t afford to let myself go like that. Not now. Not yet.

  She stands there, stunned and trying to collect herself. She glances towards the door and then back at me. I keep my gaze as steely as possible even though what I really want to do is bend her over and plow my rock hard dick into her.

  She finally looks down at the ground. “Yes, sir,” she mumbles, as she leaves my office.

  Once my door is closed, I let out a deep breath. That woman just might be the death of me. That look on her face as she left my office …


  Fear and pleasure and pain all rolled into one … and then disappointment when I stopped it.

  Damn, she’s hot.

  I want to jerk myself off so bad right now that it physically hurts, but I don’t want to give myself the satisfaction right now. I’m saving this for Claire.

  Because when I do finally take her, I intend to give her everything.



  I walk out of my boss’s office in stunned silence.

  Did that really just happen? Did he really just turn me over his desk and spank my bare ass? Did I really just have an orgasm — a mind-blowing orgasm, at that — while getting spanked?

  My face burns with shame — and something else. I sit down behind my desk while I try to collect myself. As soon as I sit, a shock of pain hits me. My ass is still smarting from his beatings, but I wriggle down into it, enjoying the visceral memory it brings back.

  I have no idea what to do right now.

  Any other person would probably run screaming to HR right now. Or even to a lawyer. Hell, if I was smart, that’s what I would be doing.

  But I already know there’s no way in hell I’m going to do that.

  Because if I did, there’d be no chance of this, or anything else, ever happening again.

  And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I definitely do want this to happen again.

  No one has ever spanked me before. And certainly no one like Mr. Godrich. That face, that body … those hands.

  And even though his words were harsh, I knew he had enjoyed our encounter too. When he leaned up against me I could feel his hard dick pressing against my ass through this suit pants.

  That dick.

  My pussy is on fire right now. It’s so wet that I’m afraid I’m going to end up with a damp spot on the back of my dress. I was so sure he was going to fuck me in there, I couldn’t believe it when he stood me up and told me to leave.

  I can hear him in there now, pacing around. The sound reminds me of a caged lion.

  I can’t help but wonder … what have I gotten myself into?

  I spend the whole weekend going back and forth about the whole situation. Every morning I wake up with resolve — this is crazy, and first thing Monday morning, I’m going to tell Mr. Godrich exactly that.

  Then the day goes on and by evening (and a glass of wine or two) I’ve gone back the other way. I can’t say no to him. I want to see this through.

  I have to see this through.

  On Sunday night, I toss and turn until morning, but I finally wake up with a new determination.

  This is crazy. Whatever this is, whatever William wants, is crazy, and I can’t participate. I’m putting my foot down.

  Despite his ridiculous orders that I go to work without panties today, I intend to do the exact opposite. I rummage through my drawer and find the biggest, unsexiest, granniest panties I own. White cotton briefs that go up past my belly button. He would hate these.

  That almost makes me smile, before I force the thought out of my head. He won’t be seeing these
. That’s the entire point.

  When I get to the office and find William not there yet, I’m both relieved and disappointed. Part of me had wanted to have this conversation right away, so that we could start this week on the right foot. But part of me is grateful to be able to put it off for another little while.

  I sit at my desk and get to work. My filing project is mostly finished by now, so I start putting together a list of contracts that need to be scanned and digitized.

  Hours tick by and still no William. By mid-afternoon, I’m actually starting to worry a little. He’s always been by the office at least some point during the day, and if he’s going to be out all day he usually lets me know.

  But soon I hear his growling voice coming down the hall. It sounds like he’s in a bad mood. I can hear him barking out orders to people as he makes his way towards his office — and no doubt they’re all scrambling in his wake, trying to do whatever impossible task he’s asked of them. I’ve only been here a couple of weeks and I’ve already noticed that every single person in the company jumps the second he even glances their way.

  And here was I, disobeying a direct order.

  When he comes in to the office he glares at me. His steely gaze bores right into me and already I’m doubting my plan to end this.

  “In my office. Now.”

  “Mr. Godrich, I …”

  “Goddammit, I said now, Claire.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  There is something about Mr. Godrich when he gets like this … something that just drives me to obey him. It’s like I can’t say no.

  And despite my earlier intentions, I’m not sure I want to.

  I follow my boss into his office. He slams the door closed behind us and I jump.

  “Take off your dress.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Take off your dress.”

  Somewhere in my head is a voice of reason. That voice is still insisting that this is crazy. My boss just told me to take off my dress. Is there any part of me that thinks this is a good idea?

  There must be. Because my hands are already moving of their own accord, reaching down to the hem of my dress and lifting it slowly, pulling it up over my head. The way he’s looking at me, with that scorching intensity, makes me feel like a match about to be struck.

  Not until too late do I remember those goddamned granny panties.

  “What are those?” William barks. He sounds pissed.

  I look down at the ground and don’t say anything.

  “Did I not tell you on Friday that you are expected to come to work with no panties on?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you purposefully disobeyed me?”

  I can’t meet his eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  Mr. Godrich moves behind his desk and opens a drawer. He rummages around for something and then pulls out a huge pair of metal scissors. They gleam in the late afternoon sunlight that’s streaming into his office. I swallow.

  Mr. Godrich approaches me slowly, twirling the shears in his hands.

  “You really don’t leave me any choice here, Claire.”

  “Yes, sir.” Those seem to be the only words I can get out of my mouth.

  Mr. Godrich is standing so close to me I can feel his hot breath on my neck…and then the cold metal of the scissors against my belly.

  I gasp at the shock of it, and at the primal fear that kicks in when a blade is resting against your skin. Mr. Godrich points the shears downwards and starts cutting, making his way through the thin fabric of those stupid panties.

  As he cuts lower, the safe edge of the metal blade presses against the sensitive skin of my mound, and then lower still, until I feel it nudge against my clit.

  I cry out but I’m terrified too move, in case I cause him to accidentally cut me.

  He keeps cutting down, until the whole front half of the panties are shorn in half. Then he moves around behind me and does the same to the back. I can feel the cold metal of the scissors pressing against my ass, and then moving lower down, until his cutting meets up with where he’d cut the front.

  Mr. Godrich gives a gentle tug, and my panties come apart and fall to the floor.

  He takes a step backwards and looks me up and down. I’m still wearing my bra, but my lower half is completely naked.

  Mr. Godrich steps towards me again. I hold my breath, waiting to see what he’ll do. Just to be spiteful, he slides the blades of the scissors up through the middle of my bra. He snips, the bra springs open, exposing my breasts.

  He slides the ruined bra off my shoulders and leaves me standing there naked in front of him.

  “Thank you, Claire. You may put your dress back on now.”

  Part of me is relieved, but the other part of me is let down. I try to burrow my mind into Mr. Godrich’s, to try to understand what he’s thinking, but he’s already sitting down at his desk, flicking through a sheaf of papers and booting up his computer. Whatever he’s thinking, it’s not about me.

  My legs are shaking as I reach down to pick up my dress. I pull it on over my naked body, leaving my destroyed bra and panties on the floor. I start to walk out the door.

  “Claire.” His voice stops me in my tracks.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “No panties tomorrow. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”



  The next morning when I get dressed, I choose a simple black pencil skirt. A blue silk top. A white lacy bra. And no panties.

  Per my boss’s orders.

  Through the whole commute in to work, my legs shake. It feels so strange to be riding the train with no panties on. My skirt is long enough that I’m not worried about anyone else seeing, but it’s enough that I know. There is nothing separating my bare pussy from the world, nothing to stop me from spreading my legs and letting my hand wander to my hot core…

  Even though no one can see up my skirt, I’m afraid they’ll be able to tell just by looking at my face how turned on I am. I concentrate on looking out the window and thinking about Mr. Godrich.

  When I get to work, he’s already there. He summons me in to his office immediately.

  When he closes the door behind me, my legs start to shake again.

  “Claire, have you complied with your punishment today?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll have to check for myself, you know.”

  I swallow. “Yes, sir.”

  He stands beside me and trails his hand up my thigh, moving my skirt up as he does. When his hand touches my bare hip, I gasp. He is standing so close to me, studying my face, as his hand moves along my hip. When it comes around to the front, he splays his fingers across my belly and then slides his hand downwards. One finger slips down between my folds and I shudder.

  His touch is nearly enough to put me over the edge, after everything else he’s put me through. My legs don’t want to support me anymore and I sag against him.

  A ghost of a smile crosses his lips and he dips his hand lower, letting his fingers track through my slick wet heat. My body blazes under his touch.

  Then he takes his hand away.

  I almost cry out. I want so badly for him to keep touching me. Instead he takes a step backwards.

  “Very good, Claire. But tomorrow you will wear a shorter skirt.”

  The next day I dress with Mr. Godrich’s orders in mind. Silk blouse. Lacy bra. And a skirt that goes to mid thigh. It’s not an inappropriate length — I’ve worn it to work before — but it feels much more scandalous without panties on.

  When I get to the office, Mr. Godrich once again beckons me into his office and closes the door.

  He comes over to inspect my attire.

  “Lift your skirt,” he barks. I slowly move the fabric up over my hips until my naked ass and pussy are exposed. I wait for him to touch me, but this time he doesn’t. He just nods his approval.

  “Tomorrow you will wear an even shorter skirt.”

  “Yes, si

  The next day I dig in my closet and find a short black skirt that I sometimes wear to go clubbing. It’s tight and stretchy, and comes down only about three inches below my ass. It covers just enough to be decent when I’m standing still, but with every step I can feel the threat of it riding up. I walk slowly and stand very still while I’m on the train, keeping my legs pressed together as much as I can. I feel as if every man on the train — and some of the women — are all staring at me.

  At work, Mr. Godrich calls me in to his office. He’s seated behind his desk, working on some files that are spread out in front of him. He nods in approval at the skirt.

  “Turn around.”

  I turn around wordlessly, so that my back is facing him.

  “Bend over.”

  I hesitate. I know full well that bending over is going to put everything on full display for him.

  “Claire! Don’t make me have to get up.”

  “Yes, sir.” I bend over slowly. I’m so ashamed of myself for giving in to his orders … and ashamed of how much they turn me on. Once I’ve bent over I wait for his approval but he doesn’t say anything.

  I stay in that position, bent over, with my naked ass and pussy visible to him. I can’t see him but I can hear him scribbling on the papers he was working on. Am I supposed to stand up now?

  I start to rise but he barks out my name again. “Did I say you could stand up?”

  I look over my shoulder at him. “No.”

  “Then bend the fuck over. And spread those legs.”

  I do as he says. I bend over and spread my legs even wider. He makes me stay like that for a whole minute, two minutes, three minutes. My pussy is so wet that I can feel it starting to dampen the insides of my thighs. I imagine him coming up behind me and plunging his finger inside of me from behind. Or even better, his cock.

  But he just stays behind his desk, working.

  After close to ten minutes, my legs are shaking and my pussy is quivering with red hot longing.


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