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TherianPromise Page 12

by Cyndi Friberg

  “Is that what Milliner was talking about when he said alpha males from all over the State had showed up at the cat sanctuary?” A million details were waiting to be filled in, but she hadn’t learned anything new and she wasn’t sure how long the drugs’ effect would last.

  “Carissa has been defined. I don’t know if the attempt was successful, but Ava is my only hope now.”

  “How did Willona die?”

  “Car accident. I think it was arranged, but I haven’t been able to prove it.”

  He had admitted to murder without batting an eye. Maybe her questions should be more direct. “Is it your intention to betray the backers?”

  “I serve Zophiel. I cannot betray those who do not hold my allegiance.”

  Well, this was interesting. She wondered if the backers would share his rationalization. “Who is Zophiel?”

  “Spy of God. Angel of Devine Justice. Mistress of this unworthy slave.”

  Mistress? Angels tended to be asexual or male, but this was clearly no ordinary angel. “Does Zophiel go by any other name?”

  “That is not for you to know. Before you are worthy to bask in her light, you must be cleansed by fire.”

  That didn’t sound like fun. “What does she look like? I don’t want to offend her if I happen upon her someday.”

  “She has beauty beyond compare. Flowing blonde hair so light it is nearly silver and crystal-blue eyes that shimmer like stars. Her features are nothing short of perfection and her shape knows no equal. If you wandered into her presence, you would tremble at the sight.”

  The drugs were supposed to make it all but impossible to lie, so Zophiel had to be imaginary. Didn’t she? “When did you last see your Mistress in person?”

  “Unbeliever! May Zophiel have mercy on your soul.” He folded his knees beneath him and pressed his palms together as he rocked back and forth, chanting in a soft, singsong language.

  Apparently Zophiel’s influence had overridden the drugs’ effect. Roberto had warned her that she would have approximately half an hour before Osric was overcome by the need for sleep. She’d learned more than she ever hoped, so she decided not to push her luck.

  She moved in front of him and pressed his face into the valley between her breasts. “Let’s go to bed.” He remained stiff and unresponsive for a long time then one of his hands skimmed up the back of her leg and squeezed her bare behind.

  Chapter Six

  Something soft brushed against Ava’s cheek, drawing her back from the most decadent dream of her life. She’d been making love with Kyle, exploring his amazing body with her hands and her lips. And he’d returned every caress, mirrored every lick and nibble. The images were so appealing she didn’t want to open her eyes.

  The featherlight caress danced along her jaw then teased her upper lip. A rich, sweat scent filled her nose and she sighed. Rose.

  She opened her eyes and found Kyle sitting on the edge of the bed, brandishing a long-stemmed rose like a paint brush. “Good afternoon.” Startled by the implication, she looked at the blind-covered window and he chuckled. “We were beginning to wonder if you’d ever wake up.”

  “What time is it?” She pulled the sheet up and tucked it under her arms. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, which made her feel more naked somehow.

  “A little after one.” He stroked her shoulder with the rose then ran the bloom down her arm and slipped the thorn-less stem into her hand. “I hope you’re hungry.” She closed her fingers around the stem and raised the flower to her nose, enjoying the fragrance as he set a large wooden tray across her lap. “I wasn’t sure what you liked so we made a bit of everything.”


  “Enya was my sous chef. She knows the kitchen better than I do.” He lifted the plate cover and set it aside.

  Ava looked at the generous array of breakfast selections and groaned. “You don’t expect me to eat all of this, do you?” Cheese melted into a mound of scrambled eggs. French toast had been arranged beside a stack of pancakes while bacon and sausage balanced out the plate.

  “You saved my life. This is the least I could do.” His eyes appeared particularly green as he poured her a cup of coffee. “How do you feel? My control was pretty lacking last night.”

  She spotted the empty vase and returned the rose to the container. “You didn’t hurt me.” He held out the coffee mug and she was glad for the distraction. His gaze was too perceptive, too penetrating. “I never knew…never imagined that sex could be like that.”

  Her confession seemed to please him, but his gaze was still guarded as he looked into her eyes. “I know Enya told you that our bodies are in sync. Do you understand what that means?”

  Setting down the coffee mug, Ava picked up her fork and started with the scrambled eggs. “I’m pretty sure I experienced the difference, but I’m not sure I understand the details. Jake and Enya tried to explain it to me, but I was pretty distracted last night.”

  “I didn’t intentionally trigger the change, but I’m afraid I am to blame. Our energy melded when I healed you and then again when I fed from you on the mountain. The combination confused our bodies, made our animals think we were trying to mate.”

  Heat spread across her face and she was certain her cheeks were bright red. “I understand how that could be confusing.”

  “We didn’t form a mating bond, so this synchronization isn’t permanent.”

  For just an instant disappointment crept across her mind then logic kick started her brain. Did she want the connection to be permanent? She barely knew this man. “How long will we feel like this?”

  “About three months. But it’s important that you understand this doesn’t happen unless a couple is attracted to each other in the first place. Our responses are amplified, our needs more intense, but the basic appeal is natural.”

  Her nipples tightened beneath the sheet and tension built between her thighs as memories of the night before scrolled through her mind. “Can we talk about something else?”

  “Of course.” His smile was a little too knowing and his gaze caressed her face. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  She returned his smile then busied herself with breakfast. “How long will it take to reach the cat sanctuary? I can’t wait to see Carissa again.”

  “They’re coming here instead.”

  “Why the change of plans?” She didn’t really care where the reunion took place as long as she saw her sister face-to-face. Her visions were becoming more detailed and more frequent, but she wouldn’t be completely convinced Carissa was safe and happy until they were in the same room.

  “Your spontaneous teleportation.”

  “What about it? You freaked me out and I overreacted.”

  “Jake is convinced it was no random flash and I’m starting to agree with him. Therian abilities tend to be specific. Like your visions. You didn’t understand what you saw, but the images were detailed. Right?”

  “I suppose.” She didn’t want to seem like a coward, but she’d been looking forward to a place far away from danger, secluded and secure. “I have no idea where we were. Does Jake?”

  “He’s established a likely radius. We’re hoping Ian can search the area and figure out where the guards came from.”

  “Ian’s the raptor?” It was hard to imagine a bird with human—no Therian intelligence, but that’s what Kyle’s suggestion implied. “How much of you remains intact when you shift? How will a bird be able to search for a covert facility?”

  “Instincts are stronger, thoughts less cluttered by minor details, but I’m still me. Ian will have no trouble remembering his mission once he shifts into an eagle.”

  She nodded and wrapped her hands around the warm enameled mug. Her appetite had gradually faded as she realized the fight was far from over. The past twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind of crisis and emotions. She’d never felt so helpless and yet so protected at the same time. These Therian males possessed the most intriguing combination of ferocity and ten
derness. It felt wonderful to have someone at her back for a change.

  “Are you done?” After quickly refilling her coffee mug, she raised her arms so he could remove the tray. “You look sort of spooked. That wasn’t my intention.” He scooted closer and reached for her free hand. “You don’t need to be afraid, Ava. You’re not alone. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  His fingers were warm and strong, his grip firm yet careful. “I feel like I’ve been running my entire life. Even after we settled in Breckenridge, I never felt safe. I knew someone was out there, watching me, waiting for some sort of signal I didn’t understand.”

  “Knowledge is power. I won’t pretend the danger is gone, but you know who’s behind it and you’re much more prepared to deal with it now.” His thumb caressed her knuckles and awareness arced between them, making the air sizzle with anticipation.

  He took the mug from her hand and leaned in to kiss her when hurried footfalls sounded on the stairs. They turned to the half-open doorway as Enya stepped into the room.

  “We’ve got big trouble. Throw yourself together and get downstairs.” With no further explanation, she handed Kyle a stack of clothes and hustled back the way she’d come.

  Ava threw back the sheet and crawled out of bed. Kyle handed her the clean clothes and said, “I’ll find out what’s going on. Take the fastest shower of your life then join us downstairs.”

  Accepting the bundle, she nodded and headed for the bathroom. Ava quickly showered and dressed. She ran a comb through her hair and rinsed out her mouth with toothpaste then rushed downstairs. Jake was pacing the floor in the railed entryway between the bar and restaurant. His expression was thunderous as he talked to someone on a cell phone. Enya and Kyle stood off to one side, watching Jake with obvious concern.

  “What’s going on?” Ava whispered as she pressed in close to Kyle.

  “Someone snatched three of our females,” Enya replied. “One’s our sister. The two little ones are our nieces.”

  Jake ended the call and shoved the phone into one of his pockets as he pulled keys out of another. He looked at his sister as he said, “They’ve been gone for hours. They could be anywhere by now.”

  “Why did Liz wait so long to call us?” Enya crossed her arms over her chest, looking every bit as upset as Jake.

  “She didn’t. Cheyenne agreed to take the girls so Liz and David could have a night to themselves. Liz went to Cheyenne’s about an hour ago to pick up the girls and found an empty apartment. All three of them were gone. Chey’s pretty sure they were taken some time last night, but she has no idea who or why.”

  Apparently Liz and Cheyenne were two of Jake’s sisters and the “little ones” belonged to Liz. “What can we do?” Ava asked.

  “We can’t be sure this isn’t a ploy to scatter our forces,” Jake warned. He looked at Kyle as he went on. “Take Ava to my place. Have Ian meet you there. I’ll organize the search while you and Ian investigate our theory about the teleportation.”

  Kyle caught the keys Jake tossed him and said, “Got it.”

  “What about me?” Enya asked. “Do you want me to join the hunt?”

  Jake shook his head. “You need to go calm down Liz. She might be able to sense the girls if she can get her emotions under control.”

  “I’m on it.” Enya departed without a backward glance.

  “Be careful,” Jake stressed. “This has trap written all over it.”

  * * * * *

  While Osric was sleeping soundly in her bed, Carly rushed to the conference room and called the backers. She’d been thrilled when she was given the security code to the conference room. It was the only room in the complex from which outgoing calls were possible. Her excitement fizzled soon after as she realized she had no one in the outside world who gave a damn about her. She’d always been an outcast, isolated by her ambition and intelligence. Her lack of family and friends was likely one of the reasons she’d been recruited for this project.

  Any one of the three backers could respond to her page. Tonight Roberto came online. He wore a silk robe and his dark hair was tousled as if he’d just crawled out of bed.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, sir.” If he lived in Italy, as she suspected, it was likely about nine o’clock at night. “I just finished questioning Osric.”

  “Were the drugs helpful?” The wall behind his desk was wainscoted in rich reddish-brown wood and the edge of a large gilt-framed painting was barely visible. He’d obviously positioned his desk so that few clues to his location were evident.

  “Very. It took a bit longer for him to go under than I would have liked, but once the drugs kicked in, he was extremely cooperative.” She hesitated, unsure if indulging her curiosity was worth the risk of annoying her boss. “May I ask a question, sir?”

  “Of course and stop calling me sir. Milliner might need his ego stroked on a regular basis. I prefer candid honesty.”

  “All right. I couldn’t help wondering why you hadn’t used the drugs on Osric before now.”

  “We discussed it, several times in fact. But the memory loss isn’t complete. If we’d strapped him to a chair and interrogated him, he would have known we didn’t trust him. This way he’ll wake up in bed with jumbled flashes of a night spent with his lover.”

  She nodded, fervently hoping that was all he remembered.

  “What did you learn?”

  She’d learned that Milliner was more of a bastard than she’d thought—if that were possible. And the project had been going on far longer than she realized. “Most of what he told me was not new. Osric likes to brag. But I asked him if he had plans to betray the backers and he told me he couldn’t betray someone unless he’d sworn allegiance to them first.”

  “Did he tell you who held his allegiance?”

  “He said he served someone named Zophiel.”

  “Zophiel?” His dark brows drew together over his aquiline nose. “Surely that isn’t a real name.”

  “According to Osric she is God’s spy and the angel of Divine Justice.”

  “A female angel?” He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “This gets better and better.”

  “I pushed for more details and he went into some sort of trance. He rocked back and forth and chanted in a language I’d never heard before.”

  “We all sensed that he was up to something. We never dreamed it was this creative.”

  “She’s likely a figment of his imagination. He was abandoned by his mate and ostracized by his people. Then he was captured by Milliner and treated like a guinea pig. That’s enough to make anyone create a loving mistress who values and adores him.”

  “If that’s all she is.” He was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes narrowed and intent. Then his expression reset and he smiled at her. “As usual, you’ve performed extremely well.”

  “Then will I be able to leave the complex?” Her heart thudded and her belly clenched. The promise of freedom is what kept her going, allowed her to survive Osric’s cruel treatment.

  “We need to determine if this Zophiel is a legitimate threat or simply an imagined companion.” His eyes turned cold and unapproachable. “We haven’t forgotten our promise, nor do we intend to renege. We just need more time.”

  Suspicion dropped into the pit of her stomach, but she managed to nod. “If he tells me any more, I’ll let you know.”

  Roberto nodded and the screen went blank.

  * * * * *

  Carissa flew across the living room and wrapped her arms around Ava. Both women cried out with happy enthusiasm and Kyle couldn’t help but smile. He glanced at Quinn and found a similar smile softened the perpetually somber expression of his best friend. It had been a very long time since Kyle had seen Quinn so relaxed.

  “I know it’s only been a week,” Carissa said, “but this has been the longest week of my life!” She gave Ava another hug before stepping back and inspecting her sister from head to foot. “You’re really all right?”

  “I’m fine.” A
va laughed. “You’re the one who managed to rearrange your entire life while we were separated.” She blinked back tears and motioned toward Quinn. “Introduce us.”

  “Quinn, this is my sister Ava.” She made a sweeping motion toward her sister then reversed direction and said, “Ava, meet Quinn.”

  Ava crossed to Quinn and shook his hand. “You make her unhappy for any reason and I’ll come after you.”

  Quinn chuckled and his smile widened. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Why don’t we give them a few minutes to catch up?” Erin suggested. She stood next to Ian, not far from the front door. The imposing raptor-shifter observed the scene in silence, his gold-veined blue eyes ever watchful.

  Ava and Carissa sat on the sofa and immediately began a lively conversation. Kyle led his mother, Ian and Quinn through the sunny kitchen and out onto the wide, multi-level deck. Jake’s house was large and orderly, but the expensive furnishings and stylish décor reveled nothing about the sole inhabitant. Jake might sleep beneath this roof, but he lived at Toulouse Tavern.

  “Where’s Jake?” Ian asked as Kyle slide the glass door shut behind them. Afternoon sunlight bathed the backyard, yet the breeze was surprisingly cool. Jagged peaks surrounded them, the Aspen Mountain visible in the distance. It was easy to understand why so many flocked to this area. The setting had just the right balance of grandeur and tranquility.

  Dragging his gaze away from his surroundings, Kyle answered Ian’s question. “Cheyenne and Liz’s daughters were taken from Cheyenne’s apartment sometime last night. There were signs of a struggle, but Liz has no idea who would take them or why.”

  “Oh my God. Jake and Enya must be frantic.” Erin shook her head, worry and compassion obvious in her bright green eyes.

  “Abolitionists?” Quinn’s expression instantly hardened taking on a lethal edge.

  Kyle shrugged, the gesture born of frustration not apathy. “I can’t imagine anyone else who would dare such a thing, but they haven’t been this aggressive in years.”

  “Unless you count Gage trying to kill me and Ian.” Quinn arched his brow, challenging Kyle to contradict the point.


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