Renwick, Lt. J.: commands Marigold, 91
Robb, Air Vice-Marshal J. M.: A.O.C. 15 Group, 51–2
Robson, Cdr. W. G. A.: captain of Kandahar, 33
Rochester, H.M.S.: escort for OB.318, 59, 69, 77; in attack on U.94, 86–94
Roper, Lt.-Cdr. N. E. G.: commands Amazon, 86; in attack by U.94, 88–94; in charge of convoy, 122; in attack by U.201, 122–133; collects survivors and prisoners, 127; reports on complaint by merchant navy, 128
Rowley, S/Lt. J.: in capture of Perla, 43; decorated, 43
Royal Air Force aircraft: attack Galilei, 32–4; attack U.570, 37–8; bases in Iceland, 50; escort OB.318, 68–9, 99
Royal Air Force Coastal Command: No. 15 Group in Iceland, 50; provides air escort for OB.318, 61, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 99
St. Apollo, H.M.S.: in 3rd E.G., 85; joins OB.318, 98; in attack by U.201, 122–133; sunk, 133
Scharnhorst, German battle cruiser: 56
Scheer, German pocket battleship: 56
Schepke, Kap. Leutnant: captain of U.100, 51 (f.n.), 102
Schnee, Oberleutnant A.: commands U.201, 105; attacks OB.318, 123–133; damage received, 129–131
Scott, R.-Adm. R.J. R.: in Iceland, 84 Seaham, H.M.S.: 45
Seal, H.M.S.: capture by Germans, 23–30
Shark, H.M.S.: sinking of, 31–2
Sheen, Sub.-Lt. B. C.: in Aubrietia, 113
Shoreham, H.M.S.: in hunt for Galilei, 33
Smith, Lt.-Cdr. V. F.: commands Aubrietia, 82; joins OB.318, 98; in attackon U.110, 108–112; decorated, 153; see also under Aubrietia
Taylor, Lt.-Cdr. T.: commands Broadway, 86; in attack by U.94, 86–94; commands escort, 98–99; in attacks by U.110, 106–112; rams U.110, in; decorated, 153; see also under Broadway
Terje Viken, s.s.: sinking of, 77
Thompson, Sqdn.-Ldr. J. H.: attacks U.570, 37
Torricelli, Italian Submarine: sinking of, 35
Tovey, Admiral Sir John: interviews Baker-Cresswell, 153; sinks Bismarck, 156
U-boats, general: tactics against and capture of, 20–1; Type VII C Atlantic, 36; rate of completion in 1941, 49; extension of patrols in 1941, 49, 56; “ wolf-pack ” tactics, 51; loss of “ aces ” 1941, 51; numbers in Atlantic, 72; gridded Atlantic charts, 73–4; “ E-bar ” messages, 78; Type IX B, 101–2
U.94: in Atlantic, commanded by Kuppisch, 72, 75, 100; attacks OB.318, 92–4; commended by Dönitz, 94
U.110: capture of, 36, 46; secret of capture, 46–7; in Atlantic, 72; arrives south of Iceland, 100; particulars of, 101–2; meets U.201, 105; capture and search of, 108–120; taken in tow by Bulldog, 136–140; sinks in tow, 151; value gained from, 152–3
U.201: in Atlantic, 72, 75, 100: meets U.110, 105, 115; attacks OB.318, 123–133; damage received, 129–131
U.505: capture by U.S. Navy, 45–7; incorrect claims regarding, 46–7
U.556: in Atlantic, 72, 75, 100, 105; attacks OB.318, 142–6; sinks Empire Caribou, 146; sinks Gand; sunk, 147–8
U.570: commissioning, service and capture of, 36–40; renamed H.M.S. Graph, 40
UJ.128: in hunt for Seal, 25–6
U-boats mentioned: U.20, 72 (f.n.); U.30 sinks Athenia, 100–1; U.38 sinks Berhala, 148; U.43, 75; U.47 sinks Royal Oak, 51; U.74, 75; U.75, 72; U.93, 75, 100; U.95, 76, 78: U.96, 105; U.97, 75, 100; U.98, 75, 100; U.99, sinking of, 102; U.100, sinking of, 51 (f.n.), 100; U.107 sinks Colonial, 148; U.109, 75; U.111, 72, 75; U.141, attacked by Hudson, 69–70; U.147, 70; U.501, boarded and sunk, 47; U.553, 105; U.744 boarded and sunk, 47–8; U.1024 boarded and sunk, 48
Vanity, H.M.S.: 59
Ventura, Temente G.: captain of Perla, 44
Wastwater, H.M.S.: in capture of U.570, 39
Wehrhofer, Leutnant U.: in U.30 and U.110, 102–3; death of, 115
Westcott, H.M.S.: senior officer’s ship 7th E.G., 60, 68–9, 77, 79, 86
Windermere, H.M.S.: in capture of U.570, 39
Wohlfarth, Kap. leutnant H.: commands U.556, 105; attacks OB.318, 142–5; sinks Empire Caribou, 146; sinks Gand, 147; captured, 147–8
Zwarte Zee, Dutch tug: in OB.318, 77; tows Aelybryn, 146
The Secret Capture Page 17