Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 1: The Nexis Secret: A Young Adult Urban Fantasy Academy Novel

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Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 1: The Nexis Secret: A Young Adult Urban Fantasy Academy Novel Page 32

by Barbara Hartzler

  My heart pounded with new speed, and suddenly I could see. All the visions of St. Lucia I’d ever envisioned lined up one after another—like a playlist of terror.

  St. Lucia appeared before me with creepy jeweled eyes of diamond and topaz, her long hair blowing behind her as she stretched a pale hand toward me. My pulse kicked into high gear as I tried to blink the image away.

  But the image didn’t go away. St. Lucia morphed into the version of her I’d seen in the Nexis book, with hollowed eyes. Her face contorted as if to warn me. All my breath seized in my lungs. Would I share the same fate, and have my eyes gouged out by the Watchers?

  I shut my eyes against the horror as my stomach curdled. The darkness faded into light, as a new vision of St. Lucia emerged from the shadows. This time she had eyes of light surrounded by the rays of heaven. A warm, peaceful feeling enveloped me, washing away all remnants of terror. St. Lucia stretched out her arm again, this time to beckon me closer. I shook my head. I didn’t want to hear her warning, whatever it was. With my refusal, she faded into nothingness.

  My vision cleared, and the world righted itself. I was back in Bryan’s sedan, stopped in a line of parade traffic.

  I turned to him. “Can we get out of here already? Doesn’t this hunk of junk have four-wheel drive or something?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get us out of here. Right now.” Bryan’s jaw hardened into a stony line as he spun the wheel hard to the right to escape the traffic jam.

  The tires slipped in the slush and the car fishtailed as he peeled out. I wrapped my fingers around the seat and held on tight, my stomach churning even as I silently urged him to go faster. With a few deft maneuvers, he righted the car and slid onto a desolate two-lane highway. Soon we were headed in the right direction. Away from this sick celebration.

  I didn’t care where this country road took us. At least I could breathe again.

  Bryan’s palm encircled my scarred wrist. “I’ll never let something like that happen to you again.”

  “I know.” The trembling stilled, my heartbeats slowed.

  “I’m not just a Guardian,” his fingers laced through mine, “I’m your Guardian now. I’ll do anything to protect you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. Leaning over, I planted a kiss on his cheek.

  His body went rigid, except for a lone muscle twitching in his cheek. And that’s when it hit me. He was just as scared as I was. Only he was afraid for me.

  My heart curled in on itself. Angling my face to the window, I watched as pines blanketed in white buzzed past the window. I never wanted this. Never asked to be the Seer. The gift could’ve been given to many more worthy people, like my brother James. This so-called power was taking over my life and hurting the people I loved. Being the Seer felt more like a prison than a privilege. Even so, I would never trap anyone else in this prison.

  So, I pasted a smile on my face and let three empty words tumble from my mouth. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” He didn’t look at me, just flicked on his blinker and turned his car onto a snow-packed road that coiled like a slinky through the forest, winding and curving for miles.

  “I’m hardly ever sure of anything.” Except one thing. I couldn’t put this burden on anyone else’s shoulders. It was my cross to bear. I needed to learn to be the Seer and figure out how to use that gift. Bryan said his family would train me. Now more than ever, I hoped he was right.

  “I’m not naive.” Gulping in a major breath, I clenched my fists. “I know you can’t protect me from everything. That’s why I’m here. To learn how to fight. To stand up for myself. So bring on the Seer training. I’m ready for it.”

  “That’s my girl.” He squeezed my hand. “You’ll be awesome at this.”

  I closed my eyes against the whiteness, but the truth still smacked me in the face. It iced the breath in my lungs. I wasn’t even close to ready for this.

  Who-knows-how-many miles outside of Harrisburg, Bryan turned onto a deserted road that wound through luscious fir trees. His shiny sedan plowed her way through inches-deep snow, then angled down a winding driveway that dead-ended in front of a house large enough to be a lodge.

  “This is where you live? It’s breathtaking.” If I snapped a photo right now, of this lodge nestled among the evergreens, it’d make the perfect Christmas card.

  “It better be.” He shut off the car as two bundled-up figures trudged through the snow toward us. A golden retriever lolloped along behind. “The Guardians lorded over every detail of this place, from design to construction.”

  “The Guardians?” I cocked my head at him, unsure if I’d heard him right.

  “Incoming,” he pointed at the passenger side window. Subtle.

  As soon as I opened my car door, Bryan’s mom wrapped me in a giant hug. “I’m Cindy. It’s so good to finally meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Coo—, uh, Cindy.” I hugged her back.

  “Brooke has been talking about you non-stop. Ever since she got home with Abby.” She put her arm around me and led me down the driveway. “You’ve been so good for her, helping her come out of her shell. We’re so grateful.”

  The golden retriever jumped up, its paws landing near my shoulders. Foul breath assaulted my frozen nose as I dodged its lolling tongue.

  “Down, Ginger.” Cindy patted the dog’s golden fur. Ginger landed on all fours and followed Cindy to the front door. At the porch, she called back. “Mark, don’t forget the bags.”

  Mark towered over me, offering a lanky arm. “Hi, Lucy, nice to meet you. That’s my cue.” Hard to guess where Bryan got his broad shoulders.

  I plowed through the snow after Cindy, leaving the guys to their luggage duty. She ushered me into the foyer where I shook off snowflakes under a vaulted ceiling.

  As I hung my parka on the coat rack, Brooke rushed up to me. “Lucy, I’m so glad you’re here.” She squeezed me tight around the waist.

  A lanky girl hovered behind Brooke, unable to hide because she stood a good six inches taller. She fidgeted with her long blonde hair, twirling it around her index finger.

  “Don’t be shy.” Brooke motioned the girl over. “This is my older sister, Abby.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Abby’s face broke into a smile as warm as her mom’s. “You look so much like your brother.”

  “Hello, she’s a girl. That’s not very nice,” Brooke scrunched her forehead at her sister.

  “Oh, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. It’s just with the dark hair and those big brown eyes. Just like James . . .” Abby’s blue eyes darted from Brooke back to me as she resumed her hair twirling.

  “Don’t worry about it. I actually think that’s a compliment, especially now.” I shrugged it off as my brother’s goofy grin flashed in my mind. I wish James was in Europe somewhere, having the time of his life no doubt. Yeah, right. I wish. More like running from Nexis, no doubt. Pressure built behind my eyes at all the what-ifs whirring in my brain. But I couldn’t go there. Not right now.

  “I’m sure you miss him a lot.” Abby grabbed my hand, just like Bryan would if he was here. “I know just the thing to cheer you up. You wanna see your room?”

  Without waiting for answer, she gripped my hand and tugged me across the fluffy entry rug, then down a hardwood-lined hallway.

  “Here we are.” She gestured to the perfect little white and oak room. “Maybe later we can talk about your brother, if you’re up for it.”

  “I’d like that.” I couldn’t help but smile at that. “I love talking with people who knew James.”

  “Great. Maybe tonight after dinner.” She offered me a James-like grin. Then she slipped out of the room, her long blond hair swishing in waves behind her.

  The guest room was small but comfortable room, complete with soft white carpet, a white quilted bedspread, and matching oak furniture. I padded over to the window, taking in the snowy scene outside. Tall pines fringed the backyard, almost like the landscape hanging over the bed.
The cavernous ceiling was pristine with beautiful rustic beams, but it wasn’t my room. Back home, I’d filled my room with color and random doodles—my own organized mess.

  Out of nowhere, an overwhelming wave of homesickness washed over me, gnawing my bones with its icy loneliness. This would be the first Christmas I’d ever spent away from home. Even if things weren’t right with my family, they were still my family. And I missed them.

  I reached for the phone to dial my dad’s number, but my finger froze mid-air. What would I say to him if he answered? Hey, Dad. Sorry I don’t wanna come home and face all the drama of my stalker ex-boyfriend and keep secrets from my sister about our brother who is really our half-brother. Yeah, I’m sure that’d go over real well.

  Instead, I set the phone on the nightstand in easy reach in case they decided to call and check in on me.

  Tucking my suitcase under the bed, I curled up in a ball on the giant four-poster bed. In a house full of familiar strangers, I felt so alone. All the emotions I’d held in since the attack churned in my gut, threatening to bubble over.

  Sheer anger rose to the surface. My blood boiled as I tried to shove the memories of Jake back into the dark pit from which they’d come from.

  I couldn’t understand it, couldn’t wrap my brain around it. Flashes of that night played in my head. Jake shaking me, yanking my arm out of its socket. Trying to take me God knows where so Nexis could do who knew what with me. If it wasn’t for Angel, my angel, who knew what would’ve happened? To think, I used to date that guy. And the whole time he’d been some Nexis lackey, spying on me. I shuddered at the thought.

  One question lingered like a neon sign. What happened to Will? I wondered if he was okay, or if he was secretly in cahoots with Jake and somehow got beat up in the process. I’d find out in a few weeks when winter break was over.

  Even though Will had called two dozen times since that awful night, I ignored every call. Erased every voicemail. Pressure built behind my eyes. I was too afraid Will was in on the plot. Call it magnetic charm or a latent self-destructive streak, but for some reason I felt drawn to him. No more. I couldn’t let him get any closer. Couldn’t let that night repeat itself.

  If I let my mind wander down the what-if road, I’d be consumed by the shadows of what could’ve happened.

  Before I left Montrose, my trauma counselor told me, “Don’t let the darkness consume you.” And that stayed with me.

  I couldn’t dwell on that horrible night forever. I had to find a way to shove it aside and move on. Or it’d eat me alive.

  Instead, I vowed to focus on the good things in my life—to feed my spirit with much-needed light. Angel, as I had taken to calling him lately, did come to save me when I need him. He helped me find me unlock my gift, and help me choose the right path. Which brought me to the next step in my journey. Staying with a warm and welcoming family who could protect me and train me to fight my own battles. Probably the safest place I could be right now.

  I unfurled my limbs from my self-made cocoon. The shadows dissipated, and a sense of calm enveloped me like a warm blanket. I was safe. And I was stronger than I ever thought I could be. Soon, after Seer training, I’d be even stronger. I smiled at that thought, even as my fingers curled into fists. Seer training was just the next step in my journey.

  Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 2: Crossing Nexis releases in Fall 2020.

  Can’t get enough?

  Check out my Montrose Academy VIP Readers Club, exclusively on Facebook. We do lots of fun stuff like Character Casting, Location Scouting, free deleted scenes, and you get TONS of behind-the-scenes info.

  Or take a peek at my website where I blog about writing and post behind-the-scenes articles in the Seer’s Vault,



  Montrose Paranormal Academy Book 1: The Nexis Secret

  Montrose Paranormal Academy Book 1.5: The Nexis Awakening

  (Exclusive freebie for email newsletter subscribers)

  Montrose Paranormal Academy Book 2: Crossing Nexis (Fall 2020)

  Montrose Paranormal Academy Book 3: The Nexis Conspiracy (Fall 2020)

  Montrose Paranormal Academy Book 4: The Nexis Crusade (2021)


  Waiting on the Lord: 30 Reflections

  To learn more about the world of Montrose Paranormal Academy or find me on social media, check out my website:


  Join my Facebook Readers Club!

  Montrose Paranormal Academy VIP Readers Club


  Barbara Hartzler is the author of the Montrose Paranormal Academy Series, the story of The Seer—a.k.a. one girl with a gift to see the unseen world of angels. Not to mention the two secret societies vying for her allegiance. Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 1: The Nexis Secret is inspired by Barbara’s college experiences and peppered with anecdotes from her teen missions trip to New York City.

  She’s always wanted to write, not necessarily about angels, but the idea was too good to pass up. As a former barista and graphic designer, she loves all things sparkly and purple and is always jonesing for a good cup of joe.

  So grab a cup of coffee and peruse her website at You can read her blog, explore all the behind-the-scenes extras in The Seer’s Vault, or learn more about her writing journey, fun facts, and The BARBARA awards for best fiction (mostly YA).

  Look for Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 2: Crossing Nexis, coming Fall 2020. Or join her mailing list Barbara’s Angels for all the latest updates. You can also check out her Montrose Paranormal Academy VIP Readers Club on Facebook with all kinds of MPA extras.


  Independent authors depend on reviews. If you enjoyed reading this book as much as Barbara enjoyed writing it, please consider reviewing The Nexis Secret on Amazon or on Goodreads.

  Thank you!

  Click here to join my mailing list to download your exclusive free copy of The Nexis Awakening: A Montrose Paranormal Academy Prequel today!


  No writer is an island, and I am no exception. For you, my faithful reader, thank you so much for taking the time to live alongside my characters in this story. It truly blesses me to know you’re out there, reading my words. Many thanks to my husband, Sam, who encouraged me to keep going even when I couldn’t see the light of day. I’m so grateful you understand how an artist works, that when inspiration strikes at one in the morning you just rub my shoulders and tell me to do what I need to do. Your love and constant support buoyed me up more than you’ll ever know.

  Thanks to my editors, Rachel Garber and Rachelle Rae Cobb for you invaluable advice in the updating of this book. Also, thanks to Grace Bridges of Splashdown Books, and Liberty Speidel for their encourgement of earlier versions of this book. And Deb Raney, who encouraged me when I was down and was excited enough about my writing to show an excerpt to her editor. You have no idea how much that meant to me, so thank you.

  Stephanie Morrill, thanks for being my sounding board when I was struggling through all the ups and downs of publishing. Your advice and encouragement meant more than you know. To all of my fabulous ACFW KC West writer friends who critiqued my work and brainstormed with me, Lora Young, Susan Hollaway, Donna Geesey, Sally Bradley, Christina Rich, Dan Schwabauer, Susan Mires, Holly Michael, and Bob Johnson. Thanks for being my writing support system.

  Much love to my first readers, Tena Redenbaugh, Erin Jacobsen, Kelly Irwin, Darci Webster, and Mary Potter. I cringe when I remember the rough drafts you had to read. Your ideas and encouragement ultimately made this story into a novel. Thanks also to Allison Jones Choate for being my character psychologist and plotting czar.

  For my family, without whose support I may have given up long ago. My mom, who provided me with the resources I needed to keep writing and is now as excited as I am that I finally g
ot published. My dad, who always believed in me, even in the early days. My in-laws, Lloyd and Bunny Hartzler who love me like their own and encourage all my creative endeavors. Nick and especially Lindsay Hartzler, I love having another YA reader in the family to discuss books with. Brett and Joan Nelson, for understanding the writing process and taking beautiful author photos. Thanks for making me look good.

  I’m blessed with such fabulous forever friends like Allison Jones Choate, Kelly Irwin, Allie Peak, Sarah Atkinson, and Tena Redenbaugh. Walking alongside you in this journey has been a joy. Thanks so much to my CBC buds who got excited about my early work and inspired some of my characters. A big shout-out to Rachel Pyles Worley, who read the early chick-lit short story and was the first to beg for more. To Michael “Boston” Brown, for lending me his sister’s name for one of my favorite characters, and to his sister Shanda, who unwittingly is the coolest girl in this book. For my drama teacher, Glenda Mohr, thanks for believing in my writing from the get-go. The tortoise girl is finally in the zone. Also to my Called to Write crew, Corrie Lawrence and Carol Sharp, for taking the time to encourage me right when I needed it.

  Many thanks to ACFW for being a place that nurtures budding writers. If I hadn’t finally joined, I know it would’ve taken me a lot longer to get here. Finally and above all, my heart belongs to the light of my life, my Father God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am humbled by the call you’ve placed on my life, and pray every day that I will live it out in a way that pleases you.


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