Day, Xondra - Our Dirty Little Secret (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Day, Xondra - Our Dirty Little Secret (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Day, Xondra

  Standing at the kitchen sink, her mind went blank and she forgot what she was about to do next. Holy freaking muscles! It was Mike, in his backyard, doing something she couldn’t make out, shirtless. Her cheeks grew hot, and so did her clit, her nipples hardening at the swarthy sight of her hot, muscled neighbor going about his work.

  There was something about him, something about Mike that stirred things inside her. She liked being around him and she liked their conversations. He was different from Jeff. Jeff was all man, a stereotype in many cases of the typical dumb jock but with heart. But Mike, there was more depth to him. It was something she felt and couldn’t entirely explain, not even to herself.

  “Naughty, naughty.”

  She turned quick, her cheeks reddened. “Jeff.”

  He leaned to look out the window over her shoulder. “Well now, look at that.”

  “At what?” She wasn’t good at faking innocence.

  “Ann, don’t be coy with me. I saw you looking at Mike.”

  “I wasn’t,” she denied. She suddenly felt very guilty. She brushed past him to the oven and opened the door to check on the pizza. “I wasn’t looking at anything,” she snapped.

  “Good grief. I was just kidding around. It isn’t a big deal. A person can look, right?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer that.

  “Looking is harmless,” he continued. “It’s human nature.”

  “Do you look?” she asked. She bet he did. And she knew a hell of a lot of women looked at Jeff, and no doubt more than a few men too.

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “Of course I do. How can one not? I can appreciate a woman who’s attractive. Just like you appreciate Mike.” He grinned. “Right?”

  “Looking isn’t touching,” she said.

  “No, it isn’t.” Jeff grabbed a beer from the fridge and cracked it open. “Mike’s one heck of a nice guy. I can see how you would be attracted to him.”

  Could he? “Looking and attraction are not the same thing. Mike is a nice guy. I’m glad we’ve met him, and you know, I think he’s glad to have met us. I get the feeling he’s lonely. It’s sad. To lose his partner like that, in the prime of their lives, that can’t be easy. I went ahead and asked him to join us at the cottage. He said yes.”

  “Wonderful, and I agree. Now, enough of this chitchat. Let’s eat,” said Jeff, cutting the conversation off. “I’m starved.”

  * * * *

  Mike sat on the back patio, surveying the fruits of his labor. In the span of a short few hours, he managed to mow the grass and start in on reorganizing the perennial beds, including weeding them.

  When he went back inside, he ate and then jumped into the shower before Ann’s and Jeff’s arrival, which he looked forward to, even if the whole situation had turned awkward with Jeff.

  The two of them showed up at eight, and just before he let them in, he felt as if he might be a tad stomach sick. He really didn’t want anything to fuck up this friendship. This was to be a new start for him, a new beginning. Messing this up would destroy everything he had worked for. He couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “Come in,” he said, greeting them.

  “So, where will we start?” asked Mike. It was obvious he was ready to get straight to business from the way he walked inside the house ready to go straight at it. “The bedroom, I’d like to get that wallpaper off.”

  “Then let’s do it. I went ahead and rented a steamer, it’s in the truck. I’ll get it.”

  * * * *

  Being around Mike set him on fire.

  Jeff grabbed the steamer from the back of the truck and mucked with it to Mike’s house. Hopefully the damned thing would work, and they’d have the room stripped in little time.

  “You have to do it in sections,” he explained to Ann and Mike. “The machine has to warm up, and then you hold it there for thirty to forty seconds to allow the glue to loosen.”

  “Who would have thought?” replied Ann, her tone a tad mocking.

  He held out the machine. “Ann, you can be the first to have a go at it. Show us how it’s done.”

  She frowned, grabbing it from him. “Fine.”

  “The hallway needs a second coat of paint.” He nudged Mike. “We can apply that. It won’t take long, and then we’ll move on to something else.”

  “Good plan,” said Mike. “Ann, are you okay in here?”

  She nodded. “If I need anything, I’ll call.” A piece of paper flailed from the wall where she had been steaming. “I think it’s working.”

  * * * *

  Fun stuff!

  Ann wasn’t sure what she had expected coming to Mike’s house to help with the work, but steaming wallpaper was one hell of a boring job. She would have preferred to be painting, and from the laughter flowing in from the hall from the guys, they appeared to be having a good time doing it.

  Pulling a strip from the wall, she tossed it to her side and then noticed a picture sitting on the nightstand next to Mike’s bed.

  She picked up the silver frame. In it was a picture of Mike and a man who she guessed was Jackson. They looked incredibly happy. Behind them she could see what looked to be a beach. A vacation, maybe?

  She really hated death. Most people did, she guessed. Looking at the picture of the happy couple, she wondered how her father and mother felt, knowing what was to happen to them, and how she would feel if she suddenly lost Jeff. Then there was Gwenn, who was quite possibly going to lose Kevin, but in another way. Yet, it was still loss. And no matter how much she despised Kevin, Gwenn still seemed to love the asshole.

  “That’s Jackson and me in Florida, the year before he died. It was our last vacation together.”

  Mike took the picture out of her hands, holding it out in front of him.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched it. I saw it there, and well, I was curious to see who was in it. He was extremely handsome.”

  “He was. I found that picture when I was unpacking some things. I wasn’t going to put it out at first.”

  “Why not? It’s a great picture.”

  “He was my past. This is my future, and I thought he didn’t have a place here. It’s messed-up thinking on my part. Everyone who ever mattered to me in this life has died. Jackson, my mother and father, all gone.”

  “Do you have any other family?”

  “None to speak of. I have some distant relatives living out west. We’ve never been in contact.”

  “I have a sister, Gwenn, and my parents. Jeff’s family is not from this area. We see them on occasion when we make special plans to go see them. He has a large family. Nice people.”

  Mike put the picture back in its place. “I’m going to make coffee.” He left the room, not saying anything else.

  Chapter Eight

  “At least it isn’t so hot tonight.” Jeff stripped down and got into bed. “Did you notice anything strange about Mike? He was all happy and chipper when we arrived, but at some point that changed.”

  “We had a moment in his bedroom,” said Ann.

  “Oh really!” Jeff raised a brow. “That sounds interesting.”

  “Nothing like that. I’m shocked that you would even think such a thing.”

  “Kidding, Ann. Take a joke. You’re far too serious at times.”

  “I saw a picture of him and Jackson. They made a great couple. He told me about their last vacation together.”

  “Then I understand why his mood went sour. Hopefully, that’ll all change this weekend up at the cottage.”

  “Is that my cell?” asked Ann.

  “I don’t hear anything.” Jeff rolled on his side away from her. “I’m exhausted,” he muttered.

  It was her cell!

  Grabbing it from her purse next to the bed, she flicked it open. Gwenn!

  “He’s left me,” said her sister. “He’s left and said he’s going to file for divorce right away.

  “What?” She didn’t understand. “Back up, when did this happen?”

night. It happened tonight after he finally came home.”

  Fucking jerk! “You mean this is the first time he’s shown his face back home since I was over to chat with you?”


  “Un-fucking-real. Did he even bother to tell you where he was?”

  “He was with another woman. Apparently her name is Sheila, and he met her at some bar while on a business trip. He’s moving in with her. That’s his plan. He intends to sell everything we have and split the money.”

  “How good of him. He’s a real gentleman.”

  “Can you come over tomorrow? I need to go out and sort some things. I need to find a lawyer.”

  “Of course,” she replied. “Anything you need, just ask. How’s Jade?”

  “We’re not telling her. At least not yet. She seems okay. She did ask where he was, and I told her he was away working. She didn’t ask any other questions.”

  “That’s best for now. She’s too young to really understand it.”

  “I’m sorry to have called so late. You’re the only person I can rely on since Mother is, well… Mother. I can’t imagine what she’s going to say about all of this.”

  “Don’t worry about her. If she gets out of hand, I’ll deal with her.”

  “Thanks. Ann.” Gwenn paused. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Everything will work out.” Ann did her best to try and spin a positive glow on the situation, though it was an effort in futility. “It’s going to be hard for a bit, but we’ll work through it.”

  “I hope so. I thought we’d last forever.”

  She heard Gwenn sigh. Her sister sounded as if she was completely exhausted. “Kevin is…” She searched her mind to find the right word without sounding too offensive to Gwenn. “Odd.”

  “That’s one word. I can think of a multitude of others. None of which are very ladylike,” replied Gwenn. “Saying that, I’m not in a very ladylike mood right now. Let’s face it. The man’s one hell of a slimy bastard!”

  “For once, Gwenn, we totally agree.”

  Gwen laughed, just a little. “It’s late and I need to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow. And again, thanks, Ann.” She hung up.

  * * * *

  Gwenn didn’t look half-bad when she arrived at her house. They sat in the now-cleaned kitchen and had coffee, talking about which lawyer she should seek out.

  “Bristol and Hall have an excellent reputation,” said Gwenn. “They specialize in divorces. What a fun job that must be to face on a daily basis.”

  “Get the best. You have a lot at stake. I mean, this house, God, it must be worth a fortune on today’s market. Make sure you get an equal split and child support for Jade.”

  Gwenn nodded. “As bad as Kevin is and no matter what my feelings are for him, I know he won’t turn his back on his daughter. That’s one thing I can’t take away from him. He’s always been a decent father.”

  “You’re right.” Ann couldn’t fault the guy for that either. In every circumstance, he always manned up to that part of his life duties. They also had to think about Jade. This wasn’t going to be easy for her.

  “There is something I need to mention,” said Ann. “The cottage, we’re going up there this evening. Is that okay, or should I stick around?” If Gwenn needed her, she’d stay put.

  “No, go. Have fun. I’d be there myself with you if this crap wasn’t happening. I have your cell, if I need you I’ll call. It isn’t that far away. I get a sordid sense of pleasure knowing that you will all be up there. That place is Kevin’s baby. Enjoy it, wreck it, burn it down if you like.”

  “We won’t do any of that, I promise.” Ann tried to hold back a snicker but failed. “Our new neighbor, Mike, is going with us.”

  “Mike? Someone moved into the Donaldsons’ house?”

  “Just after my birthday. He’s extremely nice, our age, and good looking.”



  “That figures,” said Gwenn. “The good ones always are. Jeff’s okay with being around him?”

  “Jeff is pretty open minded. They’re getting along great, becoming good friends.”

  “That surprises me. Jeff always seemed a bit redneck.”

  Ann was taken aback by her comment. “Really? Why would you think that?”

  “Just an observation. Anyway, I should get going before the day’s over. Jade’s at the sitters. Enjoy the cottage and be sure to tell me all about it when you get back.”

  * * * *

  What do you pack when going to the cottage?

  Mike grabbed a bunch of clothes from his closet and tossed them on the bed.

  Shorts, T-shirts, underwear, socks, sandals, and maybe a couple of sweaters in case it turned cool in the evenings.

  He hadn’t been out in the countryside in years. Being a city boy, he never seemed to get the chance. With Jackson, they always vacationed at resorts, stationed in high-flow tourist areas.

  He grabbed the picture of him and Jackson, his fingers tracing across the glass. “I still miss ya, bud,” he said. “Wish you were here.” Putting it back down, he went back to the closet and pulled out a duffel bag.

  Pairing the shirts to the shorts as he went, he made sure he had more than enough clothes to do him for the three days they’d be there. He wanted to look his best, for himself and possibly for Jeff.

  Stop it!

  He wasn’t that type of guy. He wasn’t the type of person to mess with anyone’s marriage.

  * * * *

  When Jeff got home from work, she’d be ready to go. It wasn’t as if they would be roughing it up at the lake. Gwenn’s cottage was more like a house, a house that was much better than hers and Jeff’s.

  She sifted through her closet, looking for the right clothes to take with her. And when she finished, she did the same for Jeff.

  Listing things in her head, she made sure to remember to take her laptop to work a bit while she was there. Even on a semi vacation, she couldn’t afford to take a few days off from writing, especially when Marlene was starting to hound her to turn this one in early if possible.

  They wouldn’t have to pick up supplies until they reached the small town located just a short distance from the cottage. She remembered passing through there once before when they headed up there.

  Back in front of the laptop, she decided to write. No more could she afford to waste time. Yet, her mind wasn’t on her work. For some silly reason, one which she couldn’t decipher, she was thinking about Mike and what he might be up to next door.

  * * * *

  Jeff wasn’t looking forward to heading up to the cottage. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it up there. Hell, he loved nature and that whole scene, but being around Mike for three whole days, even with Ann around, wasn’t going to be easy with the mixture of feelings and hormones flowing through him.

  Grabbing his things, he left the work site and headed for his truck. This was going to be one hell of an interesting weekend. Since that kiss, he couldn’t even focus on anything but that and wondered what it would be like to do everything with Mike. Looking at Ann just made him feel guilty, like he had already cheated on her.

  But he hadn’t cheated, and he kept reminding himself that. It was one kiss, and feelings or no feelings, it had yet to go any further than that. It wouldn’t go any further than that. He took his marriage vows extremely seriously, and that’s just the way it was and would be.

  Shifting the truck into gear, he started towards home. Relax, he told himself. Everything’s cool. Mike’s cool. If anything else happens, you just make it clear it can’t.

  * * * *

  “I called Mike. He’s ready and will be over in a moment,” said Ann, standing in the driveway, placing her bags into the trunk of their car.

  “Great, I want to get on the road as soon as possible. The faster we leave, the faster we get there.

  “How’s Gwenn?”

  Ann shrugged. “As good as can be expected. She’s not
bad, considering the pressure that’s on her now. She’s getting a lawyer, and I guess the rest will end up played out in court. Kevin’s gone. He’s with some other woman. The bastard!” It angered her to think about it. How Kevin could be so deceptive and sleazy was beyond her. If the man was unhappy in his marriage, he should have ended it well before it came to having to cheat.

  “Yup, I agree with you. I hope Gwenn comes out on top. I’m sure she will because she’s a strong woman. Much like you, my lady.” Jeff put one arm around her shoulders. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you. Just in case I haven’t told you lately. I do.”

  “I love you too, sweetie,” she replied. “Now, where the heck is Mike? I expected to be out of here by now.” She glanced across the driveway to his house.

  “I’m here.” Mike tossed his bag over the side of the fence separating their property and then hopped it. “Sorry I’m late. I had a phone call that I couldn’t put off. Work related.”

  “Nothing serious, I hope,” said Ann. She noted that Jeff looked extra handsome today dressed in a snappy, dark navy polo shirt and khaki shorts.

  “Nothing serious at all. We were just working out my return-to-work date.”

  “Great,” interjected Jeff. “Let’s get a move on. If we get there early, it’d be a bonus. I bet the sunset up there is spectacular.” He grabbed Mike’s bag and tucked it into the trunk next to hers. With that done, they were finally on the road to one heck of a relaxing weekend. She hoped.

  Chapter Nine

  “This isn’t a cottage,” said Mike. “This place is a freaking minimansion. You said your sister owns this place, right?”

  Ann nodded. “Yeah. She, along with her soon-to-be ex-husband, bought it about five years ago.”

  “Wild, they must be loaded. It makes my house look like a shack.” This was how the rich people lived. He couldn’t wait to see the interior. If the exterior looked like this, it would have be a freaking dream inside.


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