The Pleasure of Sin (Club X Series Book 1)

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The Pleasure of Sin (Club X Series Book 1) Page 6

by Shauna Hart

  “Clay, I can't do this,” she admitted, her voice shaking.

  “Why? We both want it, Jade,” he reasoned, his voice husky.

  She shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes as she turned away from him. “What about Ruby?” she challenged.

  He grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him. “Ruby’s gone, Jade. We both loved her, but she’s gone. Making ourselves suffer won’t bring her back.”

  Her gaze remained as firm as her resolve. “Please leave, Clay.”

  His eyes darkened. “Don’t try to deny that you want me, Jade.”

  He was right, but she couldn’t admit that to him. It would only strengthen his resolve to have her. “I don’t.” She pushed the words out of her mouth before her heart could protest.

  He shook his head, his jaw clenching. “You’re still aroused. I can smell you,” he observed, his voice low.

  Her nipples tightened painfully. “Get out,” she ordered, her lips forming a grim line.


  * * * *

  But the conversation was over.

  He could see it in her eyes.

  He stared at her for a moment, knowing he could push the issue, knowing that he could prove how much she wanted him. But pushing her now would only make her run, and that was something he couldn’t risk.

  No, she would come to him on her own.

  It was the only way.

  “I’ll leave…for now.”

  Clay walked out onto the street, taking a deep breath. He reached for the cell phone in his pocket. She may have thought she got rid of him, but this was only a stall. Things couldn't continue as they were. They had to move forward or stop completely, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure they didn’t stop now that he had had a taste of her.

  He put the phone to his ear. “The job on Alex Talbot?”


  “Step it up. She's already met with him.”

  Chapter 10

  Alex sat on his knees, his eyes focused on the stark, concrete floor. All he could see of the woman was the black leather boots she wore. They climbed up her legs to the middle of her thighs. Her metal spiked heels echoed throughout the barren room as she circled him. He began to raise his head, desperate to catch a glimpse of the woman who controlled him.


  The whip bit into his back. “Did I give you permission to look at me?” she asked, her tone as harsh as the pain she caused.

  “No, mistress,” he replied docilely.

  His head lowered as he placed his hands on the ground before him. She slid her boot in between his hands.

  “Show me you’re sorry,” she commanded.

  Alex bent his head, pressing his lips against the soft leather.

  “Lick it!” she ordered harshly.

  As instructed, he ran his tongue up the side of the boot.

  Satisfied, her hand stroked his head. “That’s good,” she acknowledged softly.

  More orders would come.

  Of that, he was sure.

  He had paid the house quite nicely for it. Jade’s image flashed into his mind. She was so different than Ruby. She had a fire that Ruby possessed but had not known how to use. Jade did. He was sure of it. He had seen it that night at the club. For the first time in his life, he had actually been jealous of the man she was with. He had tried on numerous occasions to obtain the man’s name, but all his efforts had been rebuffed. The club had a very strict privacy policy. It was one of the reasons he felt comfortable there. In this case, however, it was a pain in the ass.

  Still, Alex was not accustomed to taking no for an answer. From what he had seen in that room, Jade was a woman who surrendered to her carnal appetites despite her façade of hesitancy. He would taste her and sate the desire she created. That, they both could count on.

  He felt the whip graze his back, sliding over his neck. The girl was good. She was definitely worth the steep price he’d paid. It took a deft hand to be able to wield power, and the girl who stood over him definitely had it in spades.

  Ruby had once tried her hand at domination with him, but she was a born submissive. Her naivety had prevented her from being able to fully control another. Jade, on the other hand, would relish the role and the rush it provided. Then, he would no longer be forced to come here and risk the chance of being seen. It definitely wouldn’t help his future political career if he was found in a brothel, even in the liberal city of New Orleans.

  His relationship with Ruby had been perfect for that specific reason. It had kept his appetites for the unusual out of the papers while keeping his desire sated.

  Well, almost sated.

  When he met Ruby, she had been eager to experiment. She was a blank canvas, willing to let him paint any picture he wanted, no matter how dark. They had even used the club on occasion to ease his taste for voyeurism. No one at the club would ever sell him out due to the privacy policy. To do so would immediately revoke their membership, and the club was too appealing to risk anything that drastic. Things had been going along beautifully until Ruby demanded a real relationship. He had been able to hold her at bay for a while, but in the end she had become more of a nuisance than a pleasure.

  But Jade—Jade would satisfy every fantasy he had and create a few new ones.

  Her unique nature also made her a challenge unlike any other he had faced. Not that he needed women to fall at his feet, even though he had had his fair share. His star was definitely on the rise, and that brought lots of eager young women. Hell, all he had to do was flash his platinum card at a few and they were willing to do anything he wanted, even keep his secret. Jade, however, would not be so easily swayed. She would require much more of his talents of persuasion.

  Like a chess player getting ready for a match, he looked forward to the next game.

  * * * *

  “Alex Talbot,” he said, his tone all business.

  “Good Morning, Mr. Talbot. It’s Jade Monroe.”

  “Miss Monroe, I was hoping that I would hear from you.”

  His smug reply made her stomach churn. Still, there was only one way that she would find the bastard who killed her sister, and it wasn’t by playing it safe. “I was wondering if you would be available for lunch.”

  His smooth laughter crept through the phone. “For you, Miss Monroe, I will make myself available. Will this afternoon be soon enough for your pleasure?”

  She fought the urge to hang up at his not-so-subtle innuendo. “How about Antoine’s at one o’clock?”

  “I will count the minutes.”

  As she hung up, Clay’s words came back to haunt her.

  Stay away from Alex Talbot.

  What was he hiding?

  She knew he was keeping things from her. Still, what if he was right? What if Alex really was dangerous? She took a deep breath. She couldn’t let fear stop her now.

  She was close.

  She could feel it.

  Later that afternoon, as she sat down in front of Alex, her bravado fled.

  He laid the napkin across his lap casually. “I must admit that I was quite surprised by your call,” he confessed with a sly grin.

  “Yes, well, I need your help, Mr. Talbot.”

  Alex nodded, and a waiter appeared at their side. Alex rattled off the name of a bottle of wine, causing the man to scurry off. Apparently, Alex Talbot was a man people jumped for. He was also a man who was used to getting his way.

  “Now, how is it that I can help you?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “I was hoping you might have learned some new information.”

  He shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. My schedule hasn’t permitted it.”

  “Mr. Talbot…”

  Before she could finish, he held up a hand to stop her. “Please,” he instructed. “Call me Alex. Mr. Talbot seems too formal for such a pleasant acquaintance.”

  Jade twisted the napkin in her lap as she struggled to maintain her cool. “Alex,” she acquie
sced. “It’s just that I haven’t come up with anything substantial that might help me find the man who murdered my sister. I need something…anything to go on.”

  He fingered the stem of his wine glass for a minute before lifting it to his lips. For a moment, she thought he would turn her away. But then he surprised her. “All I can tell you is what I did know about Ruby.”

  “Where did you two meet?” she asked.

  He was silent for a few minutes, as if lost in thought, before replying to her question. “At the club. She was so uninhibited, so free. Most people at the club are ashamed to allow themselves the pleasure it brings. You would be surprised to know that most of the people there never really reveal themselves to anyone they know outside of the club. They become two people. The person they are inside the club’s walls, and the person they are in their everyday life. Ruby was different. She didn’t hide from what she was. I have to admit that it fascinated me.”

  “When did you two start to meet outside of the club?” Jade inquired.

  “We had seen each other a few times in the club when she suggested that we meet. Normally, I would never entertain such a notion, but as I said, Ruby was different. You might say I was a little obsessed with her. I suppose everyone who met her felt that way. She was so open, so free. People were able to feel free when they were around her. Then, they began to crave it.”

  Jade forced her hands to still before she mangled the napkin in her lap. “Is that how you felt?” she asked, her gaze on his intent.

  His head came up, a surprised look crossing his face. “Me?” he replied, his laughter crawling across her skin. “No, Ms. Monroe. Unlike others, I have a full and successful life. I embrace my desires. I don’t lie to myself about what I want.”

  She glanced away, as his meaning came through crystal clear. That was exactly what he thought she was doing—lying to herself about what she wanted.

  Was it true?

  She couldn’t deny the fact that she had spent many sleepless nights remembering the ecstasy of letting go of her inhibitions. Surrendering to her desires had been more intoxicating than any drug.

  A part of her still ached for more.

  At her silence, he continued, leaning across the table. “You see, Ms. Monroe, there are those who crave openly and those who crave behind closed doors. Both still want the same things, but some are willing to say it out loud, while others prefer it in hushed tones. The trick is to find out which one you are. Ruby did nothing in hushed tones. She embraced her sexuality, even if she was unable to wield it effectively. You, on the other hand, would be able to command a man’s body with a simple look.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand,” she admitted.

  He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “No, you don’t. Neither did she,” he replied. “Never underestimate the people around you, Ms. Monroe. Ruby did—and it killed her.”

  The hair on the back of Jade’s neck stood at attention, and she suddenly wished that she had taken Clay’s advice. But she couldn’t let fear stop her from finding the man who’d murdered her sister.

  She owed Ruby that much.

  “Is that what happened? Did Ruby underestimate you?”

  He leaned in a little bit further, his face coming dangerously close to hers as a wicked grin slid across his mouth. “No one underestimates me, Ms. Monroe.”

  Chapter 11

  Jade latched the door to the apartment, sinking against it. Clay had been right about one thing, and her meeting with Alex had proved it.

  She was in way over her head.

  No sooner had the thought entered her mind then she felt a banging on her door. She whirled around to pull it open.

  Clay pushed her aside, slamming the door behind him. The look of menacing rage on his face caused a shiver to race up her spine. He raked an impatient hand through his hair.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Jade?”

  A look of genuine confusion spread across her face. “What are you talking about?”

  He advanced toward her, his eyes glittering. “I told you to stay away from Alex Talbot,” he reminded her, his mouth forming a grim line.

  She retreated a few steps, before standing her ground. She lifted her chin defiantly. “You’re not responsible for me, Clay. I can make my own decisions.”

  He scoffed. “Why don’t you try making some good ones for a change?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she retorted, her eyes narrowing.

  He pinned her against the wall, his hands on either side of her head. “It means that pretty soon you’re going to get yourself killed,” he warned her.

  She tilted her head to the side. “Is that a threat?”

  He shook his head as a cynical grin curved his sensual mouth. “Honey, I don’t want to hurt you. Quite the opposite, actually.”

  The implication of his statement made her nipples tighten against the confines of her shirt. His mouth came dangerously close to hers, but she turned away before he could reach his destination.

  “Clay, I don’t want this,” she lied.

  He reached up to fill his palm with her breast. Her eyes fluttered closed as he molded it into his hand. His fingers toyed with her nipple through the fabric.

  “Don’t you?” he asked, his voice a low, husky sound.

  He was right.

  She wanted it more than she would ever allow herself to admit out loud. Alex Talbot had her pegged. She spoke of her desires in hushed tones, not wanting anyone to hear the sinful fantasies that taunted her.

  How could she give her body to a stranger in a darkened club and deny herself the one man she’d always wanted?

  The answer was so simple it jolted her.

  Because this was Clay.

  She could not walk away from this indiscretion with a shiver of guilt as satisfaction raced through her body. Once she gave in, he would not let her run anymore. Deep down, she knew that.

  Giving in would give him a power that she could never outrun.

  Frustrated with him and herself, she pushed at his shoulders. He backed up, his surprise evident.

  “Get out,” she said, her voice shaking.

  His jaw clenched. “I could take you right now, and we both know it.”

  She did know it.

  That was what made this so hard.

  “Don’t,” she pleaded.

  “I won’t. Not now. But soon you’re going to have to stop lying to yourself about what’s happening between us. Soon, you’re going to have to face me.”

  His words stole the air from her lungs, and she could do nothing but watch him walk over to the door. Once he reached it, he turned to face her.

  “Stay away from Alex Talbot. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” he cautioned her.

  She squared her shoulders as her eyes met his. “Tell me, then. Why do you hate Alex Talbot so much?”

  He stared at her for a moment, and she thought he would soon divulge everything. But, then, he spoke. “How I feel about Alex Talbot isn’t important. Just stay away.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she met his gaze. “Why should I trust you?”

  The look on his face confirmed just how much the question hurt. “Because I care about you, Jade. Because I don’t want to see you end up like Ruby.”

  The shock of his statement didn’t wear off, even after he had left her.

  What did he mean?

  Had the warning she just received come from a friend or a killer?

  * * * *

  The next night, Jade found herself following Zoë into Club X. As much as she wanted to avoid the place, she couldn’t lose sight of the fact that she still needed answers. Zoë had been all too happy to escort her tonight. She was almost certain that the other woman felt like she was helping her through some sort of sexual awakening.

  Zoë walked in ahead of her, her stride intent as she eased through the darkened halls. Jade tried to keep up, but something to the right caught her attention. S
he entered the dark corridor, following the light at the end of the hall. When she reached the room, her eyes widened. She glanced around only to realize that she was alone.

  A woman sat on her knees on the floor. A red collar around her neck was the only thing she wore. Her eyes met Jade’s and held for a moment. A movement behind her made Jade realize that the woman was not alone. A man stood behind her, his black hair short. The leather pants he wore outlined his already bulging erection. His chest was bare, except for a smattering of curly hair that crept down his middle. In his hand, he held a thin black strap that was attached to the woman’s collar.

  Jade watched as he spoke to the woman, but she couldn’t quite make out the words. She watched the woman turn around and crawl over to him. Once she knelt in front of him, she tilted her head back to give him a docile look of acceptance. He said something to her, and she reached up to unzip his pants. She slid them down his narrow hips, his erection springing free before her. She watched as the other woman teased the tip of his penis with her tongue.

  Jade felt arousal dampen the thin material of her thong. The scene was so carnal, so intense. Never before had she thought that being commanded by another person could be so provocative, so enticing. She had never even allowed another man to tie her up. But watching the couple in the room, she began to want to give herself to a man, to give up her will completely. She felt her juices coat the thin layer of her panties. Her nipples tightened in anticipation. The woman’s tongue traced the length of his penis from base to tip.

  Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She knew who it was even before she felt his hard body press against her, his lips on her shoulder. She started to turn around, to catch a glimpse of the man who seemed to know her body so well, but he stilled her. His hand held her chin firmly. “Look at them,” he commanded, his voice muffled through her hair.

  She watched as the woman opened her mouth, taking the man’s entire penis inside. “Does watching them turn you on?” the stranger behind her asked, his voice a whisper.

  The feel of his erection prodding against her ass made her clit swell. “Yes,” she confessed breathlessly.


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