Grievous (Wanted Men Book 5)

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Grievous (Wanted Men Book 5) Page 6

by Nancy Haviland

  “Goddamn you,” she breathed as her addiction roared to life once more. She pressed her hands into the downy blankets and pushed back. Meeting him. Encouraging him. “Yes! Again. Again, Lucian!” As she demanded more, she squirmed to take him deeper and grabbed at his thigh to bring him as close as possible.

  It wasn’t close enough.

  “Yes, Yasmeen.” He bucked into her. “This. This is what will save lives.” He clasped her throat as he came off her back and jerked her up onto her knees. He knocked her legs wider so that she fell deeper onto his thrusting cock. One of his hands roughly palmed her breast, his thumb scoring the nipple. “This voice shouting my name. The heat from this body warming my skin.” Right at her ear, he rasped, “This sweet little pussy gripping me as if she’ll never let go.

  “Stop it,” she begged as she grabbed the hand at her throat with both of hers and held on when she felt his fingers slide down her stomach to get between her legs. They struck her inflamed clit with a sharp pat that made something explode deep in her core. “Oh, God! Don’t stop!” She was done. Her senses left her, and she became a mindless pleasure seeker meeting him stroke for stroke. “More…harder…I need more of you. Give it!”

  “Admit you have been waiting for me, draga.”

  “I have!” she burst out, uncaring. “I’ve been waiting forever!”

  “Then you give it to me,” he commanded as her climax crested. “I want it dripping from my cock.”

  She clawed at his tattooed wrist as her body surrendered. He pushed her down with a hand at the top of her spine. She buried her face in the sheets and wailed as if in pain through a beautiful release that flooded his shaft, just as he’d demanded. Her blood was raging, her body on absolute fire, her back arching as she agonized. There was nothing but a growling satisfaction in the words that came from above her.

  “Look at you tremble. Look at this body break apart for me.” He switched to Romanian and then came back to English. “And this, my pet. This is why you will stay.”

  God help her, but in that working part of her mind, she was terrified he was right.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  The sleek muscles in her long, graceful back rippled as her pussy walls milked him, begging for his release. Lucian denied her, and himself, and stroked his hands down the sides of his pet’s sublime body so he could get her sleek thighs in his grip. Her sheer black thong was pretty, but it was dragging along his shaft and stimulating him more than he wanted. He slowed his thrusts, easing her out of the strong orgasm that had taken nothing to get from her, and tore each side so he could get rid of the scrap of material. The stockings and shoes he left alone. The bra he would get to in a moment.

  I’ve been waiting forever.

  That was more than apparent, he thought with a crippling satisfaction. He smoothed his hands over the globes of her ass. The round, plump globes. One had his handprint on it. He traced the tips of his fingers over the red mark, thinking of the sound she’d made when he’d delivered it. He wasn’t sure he’d ever watched a woman as intently as he did this one. He watched and listened, and felt for every possible sign of her enjoyment.

  Yasmeen Michaels. His weakness. Frightened. Courageous. Stubborn. His.

  As her straining body let go, and her back settled into a sexy arch that was relaxed rather than bowed under the pressure of her climax, he pulled free of the tight clasp her pussy was holding him in and rolled her over. She appeared boneless, and his balls throbbed with the need to fill her as he watched the languid movement of her arms as they landed above her head. Her hair was a dark cloud on the bed cover.

  He reached out to hook a strand and pulled it from where it had caught on her long eyelashes. “Open your eyes.”

  She did, and the minute he saw the glimmer of what could only be described as sated bliss, he got himself by the base and worked the head of his cock back into her tightness. He watched intently as his length was swallowed by the small wavy lips of this glistening paradise he would use so hard. This bare little slit. She fit around him like a custom-made glove of the finest leather. A hot, tight, wet leather that made something at the base of his skull buzz with pleasure.

  “You will no longer wax this pussy.”

  Her brow quirked at his first decree, but it was a faint movement. “Really.”

  “You will let your hair grow in, and I will trim it in a way that pleases me.”

  “Dream on,” she murmured as her body rippled in the most beautiful wave from an effortless roll of her hips. “I keep it bare because it makes me feel clean and I like it smooth.”

  “And how often do you feel its smoothness?”

  Her eyes slid up to his from where she’d been watching his stomach. “Often.”

  “Show me.”

  “Sorry. I’m not comfortable enough with you to masturbate on command.”

  His lip quirked. He was buried to the root in her body, connected as intimately as two people could be, and she wasn’t comfortable enough to allow him the pleasure of seeing her long fingers fondle her clitoris.

  He gave in. Reluctantly. But would come back to it later. “Your body was created for sex, Yasmeen.” He pulled her down by the hips to meet his thrust, savoring her moan. “There is no other explanation. The pull I feel is just too strong for it to be anything else. Tell me how many other men you have drawn in since I last had you.”

  Her long legs wrapped around his thighs and she again performed that graceful little wave that allowed her to fuck herself on his shaft. Stunning, her abandonment to the pleasure. He remembered that first night with her, the natural eroticism that had oozed from her the moment he’d gotten her alone. She hadn’t been shy or self-conscious about her bodies needs. She’d been open and free. He hadn’t expected that. In the gallery, and then at the restaurant, she’d appeared polished and untouchable. Naturally, he’d needed to touch. Once he’d gotten her to his penthouse, she’d morphed into that eager, greedy little lover, and they’d enjoyed each other for hours. Since he’d been in meetings all that week and had been going on little-to-no sleep, he’d slipped away and hadn’t stirred when she’d left him before dawn.

  “You make me sound like a black widow.”

  He looked up from where he was swirling his thumb around the pink button that was deliciously swollen. Every pass he made over it made her abs jerk tight. He tested her by sending his thumb front-to-back then side-to-side then he went back to circling. Front-to-back was the winner, so he discarded the other two and licked his thumb before getting it in place again. That small taste and the scent of her that saturated his nose had a fresh wave of arousal flooding through him to pool in his shaft.

  “I want my mouth on you, but my cock will not allow it. To leave this hot grip is currently out of the question.”

  Her lips curved with satisfaction. She liked that he wanted her. That he was enjoying her. He would keep that in mind and use it when she tested his authority.

  “Bring me your mouth.”

  She tsked as she came up. “Such a demanding rich guy.”

  He pulled back an inch before her lips met his. “Does my money excite you, Yasmeen?”

  She shook her head, her eyes on his mouth. “Nah. It makes me edgy.” She pushed up with her hands that were pressed into the mattress behind her and led the kiss with her tongue. It slipped through, and the sultry little moan she made when it met his had his hand going around to her lower back to bring her up and in.

  “Hm-mmm.” The low moan accompanied a soft laugh. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss, and leaned forward with a jerk so that he lost his balance and fell back into the pillows. “That’s my boy,” she murmured playfully as she laid herself out on his chest.

  As she bent her legs and trapped his hips, she threaded her fingers through his hair and ground her wet pussy down. She was surrounding him, with her scent, her body. That energy he’d been so attracted to that first night. Her aura was made up of the most exquisite crystalline light fragmen

  Lucian found himself wanting to smash every single one of them into tiny pieces because no one deserved to live with, or offer another, such peace. He could feel it brushing against his shell, trying to penetrate it. His demons were growling, infuriated by that.

  “Mmm, I’d forgotten just how good you make me feel.”

  He had no trouble hearing her open, honest tone because her mouth was at his ear, her tongue licking around the shell before she blew the gentlest of breezes.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. “Since you are feeling chatty, use your words to answer my earlier question.”

  She didn’t meet his eye but shook free and ducked in to nuzzle into the base of his throat. He remembered these affectionate gestures. They were…pleasurable, and he considered allowing her to go on avoiding his request, especially when she kissed her way up and sucked his bottom lip between her teeth while lifting her hips. She hesitated before lowering herself back down his cock, taking him deep inside. The heat of her body singed him as she did it again and again. But having caught a glimpse of embarrassment in her expression, allowing her to evade him wasn’t a consideration because her lack of an answer could only mean one thing; she’d been with a lot of men.

  As menace formed and swept through him, he tightened his grip on her hair and barely refrained from roughly jerking her up. The idea of her like this with another, so giving and generous with her body, made his vision quiver.

  “Answer me. How many?”

  She rolled her dark eyes. “I’m not going to talk about other men while we’re in bed, Lucian.”

  He released her hair so he would have two hands to grab her hips. He held her still. “How many?”

  Her sigh drifted across his face. “I don’t want to do this.”

  “I do not care.”

  “So I’m beginning to see,” she muttered under her breath.

  She straightened until she was straddling him, the position sending him high into her pussy. Rather than moan his pleasure, he reached behind her with one hand and deftly undid her lacy bra. He pulled the straps down her arms with a grip on the small stone glittering between her breasts and tossed the concealing thing away. Probably not the smartest thing to have done right then, he belatedly thought as he palmed the round—very real—globes and sat up so he could get one of her pearled nipples into his mouth.

  “I can easily listen while I work on you,” he said instead of letting out the deep sound of enjoyment climbing his throat. For some reason, he didn’t want her to know how she pleased him. Not yet. He licked and sucked on her. The taste of her skin was incomparable. Unforgettable. Hated acknowledging that.


  For the second time in as many days, the world slowed, and he was forced to pay attention. He lifted his head, ready to dole out one hell of a punishment for the lie, but all he saw was that previously absent self-consciousness and more of that honesty.

  “See? This is why I didn’t want to do this.” Her cheeks were enchantingly flushed. “What are you looking at?” she snapped defensively.


  “Why haven’t I slept with a slew of strangers? Oh, I don’t know. Because I’m busy? Because men are selfish and egotistical.” She poked a finger into the middle of his chest, presumably so he’d know she was referring to him. Then she trailed that finger away to run her nail around his nipple. “I’m at the gallery from eight until eight, which leaves time for the gym and my friends. That’s it. Nothing exciting there at all.”

  She was right. This shouldn’t be of such great interest to him. He buried the questions forming and twisted to get her under him. He watched her as he brought her knees up and spread them wide. “Tell me, Yasmeen,” he said as he began fucking her as he’d wanted to since seeing her walk into the visitation. Hard. Fast. Deep. “Why am I between your legs?”

  Her arms went out to the sides, and she held on by gripping the bed cover. Her firm breasts swayed and bounced. Such temptation. “Because you made it impossible for me to leave.”

  He stilled. “Is that so? Before you left me the other night, you offered me dinner or a drink. Had you opened your apartment door to me, would you not have invited me in? Into your home, and after a suitable amount of time, into your body?”

  She blew out a frustrated breath. “Why are you so chatty?”

  He did nothing.

  “Fine. Maybe.”

  He didn’t even twitch.

  She narrowed one eye at him. “Okay. I’m ninety-nine percent sure I would have.”

  “Of course, you would have, my pet. So do not pretend otherwise.” He began moving again.

  She tried to punish him by remaining unaffected but that lasted only a dozen strokes before she was moaning. Her eyes slid closed, and her head went back to expose the long length of her throat. His mouth gushed with water when he saw her carotid fluttering. Too bad the nonsense he’d heard all his life was a myth. If he were a vampire, he’d have struck and sucked this beauty dry.

  As he let go of her legs and fell onto her so he could reach that spot, he abandoned the conversation and used her body for his pleasure. He savored the feel of her silky skin sliding against his, her needy hands pulling at him, her seeking tongue finding its way into his mouth again. Her tight, tight clasp welcoming him with every pump of his hips.

  “Are you protected, Yasmeen?” he rasped, belatedly thinking about contraception. Protection, for either of them, had completely slipped his mind.

  Her hands continued to roam everywhere. Every touch, every sound she made, every single sign of her satisfaction kept him in the moment. “Yes, Lucian. Take what you need. I’m safe.”

  His rhythm didn’t alter as those words resonated somewhere in the back of his mind. Safe. She was safe. Yes. Safe. Sheltered. Protected.

  Hidden away.

  He disregarded the train of thought before it took off and focused on the heated muscles beginning to pulse around his cock. He clamped a hand on his pet’s throat and another on the top of her head. He restrained her completely, making it impossible for her to move. To get away. The hold, the weight of his body, the way he caged her in with his legs; all of it was meant to show her there was no escaping him. And because she didn’t fight it, in fact, she gripped his hips and held on as she rocked with him in perfect time, Lucian once more felt in total control.

  His climax rushed him, locking the air in his lungs. And with the release came an addictive feeling of euphoria that had nothing at all to do with endorphins and everything to do with this woman’s complete submission.


  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since they’d started. An hour? Two? Not that it mattered, Lucian realized as he finally set aside Yasmeen’s well-used body. If he stayed any longer, providing a silent lesson each time he put an end to her caressing fingers and attempted nuzzles, he was either going to take her again or doze off with her wrapped around him. He didn’t want to do either because one would show a lack of restraint and the other would give the impression of an intimacy that wasn’t welcome in the dynamic he’d chosen for them. She was in his bed for his convenience, not to feed some inane need women had to be held after they’d served their purpose.

  “Shower and dress in something comfortable. You should have everything you need.” He motioned to the dressing rooms separated by a large framed mirror that reflected an image of them in bed. Americans called them walk-in closets, but they were more than that. “The bathroom is fully stocked with your favored items. Your bag is next to the love seat.” He pointed to the sitting area by the front windows. The furnishings were all light, as was everything in this room. He preferred the cream and gold to the darker schemes used in many of the other suites in the castle.

  “How do you know what my favored items are?”

  Her voice was thin, but he paid no attention as he slipped from the bed to dress. “When my people entered your apartment after you left yesterday morning, they sent me a detailed list
of what they’d found.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her sit up with one of the pillows tucked to her front. She sat with her legs together and off to the side. Elegant pose. When she flipped her hair over her head with her forearm, and it fell around her shoulders and down her back, the unintentional eroticism of it pulled his full attention to her.

  Her jaw was set. “Don’t think that because I’m not jumping all over your people breaking into my apartment that I’m okay with it. I hope they were shocked and appalled that I left dirty dishes in the sink. Where are they keeping Loki? I hope his unclipped claws opened someone’s carotid,” she added maliciously.

  He turned away. She wasn’t looking at him, but he was damn sure she was aware of him, and he didn’t want her to know he found her temper rather delightful.

  “He’s enjoying some time in the Hamptons.”

  “Hmm. Speaking of time; do you think you could guestimate how long I’ll be of use to you? Any clue how long this psychotic episode of yours might last? Christmas is a few weeks away, and I haven’t started my shopping yet. And I want to call Miranda. She’s my best friend, and she’ll be beyond freaked out by now.”

  He killed his mild amusement and left his pants open on his hips to snap up his shirt from where he’d tossed it on the floor. His brother wasn’t dead a week, and this girl’s show of attitude was…helping.

  That was unacceptable. The only thing that should currently bring a smile to his face was having Sergei Pivchenko’s dripping heart crushed in his fist. The Russian had attempted to start a war by murdering Lucian’s only family, and until Lucian’s team found him, enjoying anything this wretched life had to offer was blasphemous.

  “I am sure those on your list will appreciate whatever you bring them from your trip to Europe.” His black mood was restored. “Your friend was delivered a message that told her you felt it necessary to comfort me in my time of need, and you would see her soon.”


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