My Endless Love

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My Endless Love Page 1

by Megan Brooks

  Table of Contents

  My Endless Love

  Bonus Book

  About the Author

  My Endless Love

  Megan Brooks

  My Endless Love

  Copyright © 2016 by Megan Brooks

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval without permission in writing from the author.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.


  Megan has been unhappily married for a long time. When she catches her husband cheating on her, that’s the last straw. A divorce is long overdue.

  Megan’s husband is unwilling to see their relationship end just like that, though. He buys his wife a round trip ticket to Mallorca, Spain. There, she is to reevaluate their relationship and take some much needed me time.

  When Megan meets tour guide Angelina, her priorities begin to change. Angelina is everything Megan is not. She’s bold and speaks her mind. She’s gorgeous and, if Megan is reading her correctly, she’s taken a serious liking to Megan.

  Megan’s vacation just got a lot more interesting.

  Based on a true story.

  My Endless Love

  Chapter One

  To the postwoman’s credit, she had delivered the mail before going inside to screw Megan’s husband. Megan had the mail in her hand when she opened the door on the horrible scene: Richard on his back, hands on the postwoman’s, admittedly very nice, breasts as she rode him.

  An expletive left Megan’s mouth. She wasn’t sure which one. All she remembered was throwing the mail, leaving Richard and his mistress to untangle themselves from one another. She stormed into the adjacent bathroom just so she would have a door to slam and lock between them.

  Megan looked at her face in the mirror. Already, it was burning a bright red. Tears were stinging her eyes, and she felt stupid for them. She shouldn’t be surprised. Not really. For a long time, she had suspected something like this. Twice, she had even confronted him. Always, he had denied.

  In a sudden outburst of rage, Megan twisted the wedding ring from her finger and tossed it in the toilet. The rattle of it going down the drain gave her a spiteful thrill at first. Of course, then she realized that was stupid. A smart, jilted wife would have pawned it.

  There was a soft knock on the door. “Megan? Sweetheart?” It was her husband’s voice. “Open the door, please. Let’s talk.”

  Megan stared herself down in the mirror. She ran through a series of insults to throw at him in her mind. None of them seemed like enough.

  “Megan?” The doorknob wiggled as he tried to open the door. “Please, let me in.”

  “Is she gone?” Megan barked back at him. As much as she didn’t want to talk to her husband right now, she wanted to see his mistress even less. How humiliating.

  “Yes, baby. She’s gone. I promise.” Richard tried the knob again. “Please, open the door.”

  Megan unlocked the door and immediately hated herself for it. She should have left it locked and told him to leave with the postwoman. They deserved each other. Instead, she just crossed her arms over her chest and made due with giving him the silent treatment.

  “I can explain,” Richard assured her, which was about the most cliché thing he could have said.

  Megan gave Richard a look she hoped communicated how little she believed that statement.

  Richard had his boxers on and nothing else. There was a lipstick stain on his chest. “I’m sorry.” He covered his face with his hands for a moment. “What are you even doing home in the middle of the day?”

  “What am I doing home?!” Megan failed at the silent treatment. She couldn’t help it. “I walk in on you screwing another woman, and that’s what you have to say? I can’t believe this.” Megan threw up her hands and shouldered past him. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she wanted to put some distance between herself and her husband.

  Megan’s boss at the library had sent her home early because she feeling ill and running a fever. Knowing it was her husband’s day off, she’d come home hoping for some sympathy and maybe a little quality time watching cop dramas. This was a fine surprise.

  The tears were coming down hard now. Megan couldn’t stop them. She considered leaving through the front door, maybe driving away. She was lingering around the front door when Richard grabbed her by the wrist. “Let go!” she snapped at him, yanking her arm away.

  Richard held his hands up apologetically. “Don’t do anything rash. Let’s talk this out.”

  Megan’s friends had always told her that she had settled for Richard. He was safe. He had a steady job and a nice house. He’d helped her pay her way through college, and maybe that was why she had felt obligated to say ‘yes’ when he proposed. Megan’s friends called her a door mat. She had always been offended by that label, but she certainly felt the part now. She gave in and went to the living room.

  “Don’t sit next to me,” Megan warned, dropping down onto the sofa. “And put on some clothes. I don’t even want to look at you right now.”

  “Okay, okay.” Richard hurried off to the bedroom and hurried back wearing the cashmere robe she’d bought him for his birthday last week. He started to sit next to her, but when she shied away, he chose an adjacent chair instead. “Maybe, I wasn’t completely honest with you when you asked if I was seeing another woman.”

  “Maybe?” Megan repeated, incredulous. How much deeper of a hole could he did for himself.

  “I’m a bastard,” Richard said, clearly opting for the route that meant throwing himself at her mercy. “I made a mistake, and I’m sorry. I regret it. God, I regret it so much. I feel just sick about it.”

  Megan stared at Richard, listening to him spout generic apology after generic apology. He wasn’t sorry for what he had done. He was sorry he had gotten caught. Suddenly, Megan found herself exhausted by all of this. She didn’t have the energy for an argument. She wished more than anything this just hadn’t happened, but that wasn’t a possibility.

  “Tell me what I can do to make this up to you.” Richard slid from the chair and onto his knees. “That woman means nothing to me. You’re the most important thing in my life. Tell me what I can do, and I’ll do it.”

  Megan slumped against the arm of the sofa. She leaned her head against her hand. It was aching. The longer Richard droned on with his apologies, the more it seemed to throb. “I don’t even want to be near you right now.”

  “I can work with that,” Richard said quickly.

  Megan wasn’t sure he was hearing her right. “I want a divorce.” Wasn’t it obvious? Where could they even go from here?

  The hopeful smile fell from Richard’s face. He groped for her hand. “Don’t make any hasty decisions, okay?”

  Megan snatched her hand away but didn’t do much beside that. God. She really was a door mat. She said nothing. She just stared off at a wall.

  “Sleep on it,” Richard urged.

  Megan knew she would loathe herself for it in the morning, but sleep on it was precisely what Megan did.

  Chapter Two

  For the next week, Richard showered his wife with gifts. It was too little too late - not that Megan had ever been particularly fond of gifts. They shared a bank account. Heck, the things he bought her couldn’t even really be called things she liked. Richard seemed to be laboring under the delusion that she had some sort of weakness for gaudy, gold jewelry.

  The most expensive thing, by far, that he bought her was a vacation. That one probably took Megan the most by surprise. At breakfast, the tickets were just sitting there on the table.

had watched her from where stood at the bar, coffee in hand and a grin on his face. “Excited? Mallorca, Spain. I hear it’s beautiful.”

  “Okay,” said Megan, slowly, unsure of what he was getting at. Surely, he wasn’t implying that she go. She frowned down at the tickets, and at the brochures spread out beneath him. It definitely looked like he had booked the thing. She shook his head, angrier than ever. “How are we supposed to afford this, Richard?”

  “You let me worry about that,” Richard said, as if that were any sort of relief. He moved to sit across from her.

  Never mind what this must have cost. Megan shook her head at her husband. “How am I even supposed to get off work for a vacation?”

  Richard shrugged. “Talk to your boss. Tell him this is important.”

  Megan snorted at that. “An impromptu trip to Spain is important?”

  “Your marriage is important,” Richard corrected her. “You need time to think things over. You need space and time alone.”

  Megan couldn’t argue with him there. She looked down at the tickets again. “I’m going alone?” she asked.

  Richard nodded. “I thought you would prefer that. If you would rather, I can come with you? It’s not to late to buy a ticket for myself.”

  “It’s fine,” Megan said, quickly. “I’ll go.” Why shouldn’t she go? It sounded exciting, and Megan never did anything exciting. “But just so we’re clear, this doesn’t mean that I forgive you.”

  Richard threw up his hands with a nod. “Of course. You take all the time you need to think all of this over… Well, all the time you need for a week. It’s a round trip.”

  It left at the end of the week, Megan noted as well. Geez, he hadn’t left her with much time to deliberate over the trip- or pack, for that matter. Megan didn’t thank him for the tickets. The money for them had, undoubtedly, come from their joint bank account, after all.

  She stood and went to go get dressed for work. It would take some convincing, but she was fairly confident her boss would give her the time off. After what Megan had been through recently, she deserved a vacation.

  Sure enough, Megan’s boss was easy to convince. It wasn’t as if they were very busy this time of year. Megan stayed on top of her work. The most she had to worry about were events hosted by the library. She had those sorted for months, though. Surely, they would be able to make it a week without her.

  Megan’s coworkers were supportive. They liked the idea of her going on vacation, though they all had very strong opinions on how she should use it.

  “Find a nice Spanish guy,” suggested Carla. “Screw his brains out.”

  Denise was against that. “Don’t do anything until the divorce is final. Don’t let that asshole take a penny more than he’s owed. Make sure you get the house when you split.”

  Megan wasn’t sure about either of those things. Frankly, she would be content to just have a good time. It was the off season so things shouldn’t be too crowded. At least, that was what trip planning sites on the internet promised her.

  Richard saw Megan off at the airport the next day, of course. There was no point in talking him out of it. If he didn’t see her off, she would have to leave the car parked at the airport the whole week.

  So, Megan let her husband drive and even see her off at the gate. He tried to sneak a kiss in, but she wasn’t having it. Her mouth remained determinedly closed when he pressed his lips to hers.

  “Make sure you call when you get there,” said Richard, watching her walk toward the final checkpoint. “I’ll be here when you get back!”

  “Sure!” Megan called back at him. “Try not to sleep with any more women you barely know while we’re apart, huh?” That earned Megan a few odd looks, but she didn’t mind. She was sick of being a doormat. Starting now, she was making a change. She was going to take the bull by the horns. For, at least, the next week, she was going to live her life to the fullest.

  Unfortunately, the flight was a rather unpleasant one. Richard hadn’t exactly bought her the best plane tickets. Granted, she didn’t want him spending any more of their money than he had to without asking her, but would it have really been such a big deal to bump her tickets up to nicer ones?

  The plane was a cramped little puddle hopper with as many seats crammed in it as legally possible. For the duration of her flight, Megan found herself trapped between a baby that wouldn’t stop crying a man who wouldn’t stop yelping and praying loudly every time the plane hit even the slightest bit of turbulence. Megan had never been afraid of flying in the past, but she was starting to develop a healthy fear for it after this.

  The last time she had been out of the country had been for her honeymoon. They’d flown first class then. Megan’s thoughts kept turning to that last trip as she tried to sleep her way through the journey to Spain.

  Should she give Richard a second chance? The years she had spent with him hadn’t been all bad, had they? At one point, she had loved him. Heck, that’s why she had married him… Wasn’t it? They had been happy once.

  Try as she might, Megan couldn’t get the imagine of him fucking the postwoman out of her head.

  Getting out of the country really was the best course of action, she decided. She was going to need to think on this. She was going to need to think on it a lot.

  Chapter Three

  Spain was gorgeous. Megan could not have prepared herself for quite how gorgeous. The water was blue and the sky was so sunny. The heat was like a warm blanket around her, comforting. Even her hotel was nice.

  The hotel was a bit of a hole in the wall, but it was charming. Situated on a narrow street, it was jammed between a bakery and a deli. The smell of fresh baked bread filled the air. The owner was a cute elderly couple who were all smiles and eager to offer tourists suggestions.

  There was a tourism office just around the block, apparently. After Megan had checked into her room, that was the first place she went. The office dealt mostly in tourist traps, but that was just fine by Megan. She dealt with things better when people told her where to go and what to do… Maybe that was part of her problem.

  Megan booked herself a “Day of Adventure”. She wasn’t sure what that entailed exactly, but the brochures made it look appealing. They were to meet up the following morning with a clear schedule and clothes well suited for physical activity.

  Megan grabbed something to eat from the deli next to her hotel and retired to her room to try and fix some of her jet lag. She didn’t bother calling Richard. She deliberated whether or not to for a while but, in the end, she didn’t call him. He didn’t call her either - which sort of hurt her feelings, frankly.

  She wondered if he had a lady friend over while she was gone. That she had to wonder that probably wasn’t really a point in favor of them not getting a divorce.


  Megan slept well. She was a bit drowsy when she first woke, but that passed on the walk to the tourism office. She was even able to snag some fresh bread from the bakery on her way there. It was delicious, still warm out of the oven.

  The tourism office was packed with a bunch of middle aged white people. Most of them were out of shape and loud. Some of them wore fanny packs and every last one of them was holding a camera. She could hear different languages echoing through out the room, instantly recognizing a family talking in German. Well, taking German language class in High School was not such a waste after all she thought to herself. Smiling. Megan was starting to wish she had, at least, brought a camera. She was beginning to feel more than a bit out of place.

  The people in the office seemed to have all the patience in the world for the obnoxious crowd of tourists. Megan supposed they would have to. This was their job, after all.

  “We’re just waiting on the tour guide to get everything together,” a man at the front desk assured them. “We’ve got a bus to get you from one site to the next. It should be here soon.”

  The bus was a small one with peeling paint and a nauseating diesel smell. The tour guide that a
rrived with it, though. She was in a league all her own. Standing there in a tank stop and beige shorts, she looked like a model. Her skin was dark and smooth over lean muscle. Her black hair was long and loose around her shoulders.

  “Nice to meet everyone!” called the guide, standing on the steps as the doors opened. “I’m your guide for the day! My name is Angelina!” Her English was excellent and delightfully accented. She flashed a smile as several tourists immediately snapped some pictures of her and the bus. “How’s everyone doing this morning?”

  There was a general murmur of excitement to get things underway from the group. Someone complained about things starting late. Angelina took the complaint with a smile and an apology. She had an easy kind of charm that was difficult to stay mad at. Soon, everyone was in a cheery mood.

  Angelina went over the plan for the day. They would drive around some touristy spots. The bulk of the day would be spent exploring a series of caves near the coast. A little climbing would be involved, but it was all very safe and appropriate for all experience levels. Lunch would be provided.

  Everyone piled into the bus. It was about this time that Megan realized she was the only one here alone. All the other tourists had come with girlfriends, husbands, family members. They were all talking to one another, sharing seats, and getting excited about the day.

  Megan found a seat in the back of the bus and sat there alone. It felt more than a little odd. As excited as Megan was to be in Spain, she had to admit that the reality of it was turning out to be just a little depressing.

  “Mind if I sit here?” asked Angelina.

  Megan looked up, surprised. She had imagined Angelina would ride up front with the driver.

  Angelina seemed to guess what she was thinking. “The driver likes to call out the landmarks. He knows the route we take to get there better than I do. Besides, you look lonely.”


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