For Our Son: A BWWM Parenting Romance For Adults

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For Our Son: A BWWM Parenting Romance For Adults Page 13

by Nia Anderson

  Pulling away from the curb, Griffin listened to Avery speak as he steered the car in the direction of her day care. Taking a moment to look up at her through his rearview mirror, he felt a small smile spring to his lips as he silently recounted the chaotic sequence of events that had led up to her birth.

  After graduating high school, Griffin attended the University of San Francisco and pursued an dual degree in theatre and television production. His four years there were carefree and filled to the brim with fun. Determined to put the tumultuous events of his past behind him, he studied hard, but he played even harder.

  Just like in high school, Griffin made a handful of loyal friends right off the bat without even trying, but for the most part he hung out with his childhood best friend Evan. Together, the pair partied like it was going out of style, and parting for Evan and Griffin meant heavy drinking and sampling as many women as possible.

  College was far from the high point of Griffin’s life though. As soon as he graduated, he took six months off to backpack across Europe on the cheap. This entailed sleeping in hostels, sampling cheap wine and beer, touring whatever major landmarks he happened to stumble upon, and getting acquainted with his fair share of foreign women. As a result, he returned home a relaxed and happy man ready to dive headfirst into the world of the working class.

  Within three months of returning home, Griffin landed a job as a TV producer’s gofer at a local cable company where the pay was low, but the experience – priceless. He loved it so much there that leaving after the first year to pursue higher paid endeavors proved difficult for him, but the dwindling state of his savings account made it a necessary evil. Thus, he accepted a better paying but far more stressful job at an independent film company. It wasn't all bad though. Within two years of taking the job, Griffin produced two San Francisco based movies, both of which received much acclaim within the independent film circuit.

  Life for Griffin was becoming increasingly more exciting, but little did he know, the excitement had only just begun…

  Griffin met Toni when she auditioned for the part of leading lady in one of his latest projects – a run-of-the-mill daytime soap series by the name of ‘Red Street’. Toni was an exceptional actress with a ton of passion and a flare for the dramatic, and though she didn't land the lead role, she did manage to snag a supporting one that had a contract lasting six months.

  Much to Griffin’s surprise, those six months resulted in a brutally passionate affair between him and Toni. Soon, everyone on set was aware of what was developing between the two, but no one seemed to care so long as it didn't interfere with the show.

  From their first “date” onward, the couple was consumed with adoration for each other, but the connection between them was based purely on physical attraction. They had very little in common outside of the bedroom, and they almost never talked about themselves or their goals and dreams in life. Even so, Griffin figured it was probably for the best. As much as he liked Toni, he was simply too invested in his career to consider settling down with her. Thus, their arrangement came to an abrupt end as soon as her contract on Red Street ended.

  Forcing his thoughts into the present, Griffin pulled up in front of the day care center and got out of the car. He opened the back door and unstrapped Avery from her seat. Grabbing her book bag, he carried her over to the playground and deposited her where the rest of the children were already playing.

  “I'll see you later. Have a good day,” Griffin said as he gave Avery a quick peck on the forehead. He watched as she ran off to join a group of children that were playing on the monkey bars beside two of the day care teachers. Waving goodbye to them, Griffin jogged back to his car to make the drive to work. And as he drove, he allowed his thoughts to once again wander to how Avery had entered his life.

  Griffin winced as he recalled the day he was delivered the news. He and the rest of the Red Street crew were on set filming the last scene of the day when the back door came swinging open and a shouting Toni came stalking in. Griffin recalled the expression on her face vividly. There was fire in her eyes as she thrust her finger out at him and accused him of ruining her life.

  Confused and more than a little nervous, Griffin swiftly grabbed hold of Toni’s arm and dragged her into his office. Once there, he shut the door and turned around to face her. That was when she went in for her attack.

  Toni’s nails went straight for Griffin’s jugular, but he was lucky enough to have sidestepped her just in time to miss the brutality. At this point, Toni let him know the reason behind her anguish.

  "I’m pregnant, you idiot! You got me pregnant and now my whole life is ruined!"

  Stunned, Griffin remained frozen in place. He didn’t know what to say or how to react. A feeling of déjà vu washed over him. After about a minute of listening to Toni scream obscenities at him, he made a hasty decision.

  He wanted this baby.

  "Look, Toni, I’m really sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am, but—"

  "You’re sorry?!" Toni let out a humorless laugh. "Griffin, let's get one thing straight – I don’t give a damn what you think or feel about this. I want this…this…PROBLEM out of me!"

  Blanching at her words, Griffin thought quickly. "Toni, come on. I know how you must feel, but—"

  "BUT NOTHING!” Toni interjected. She was on the verge of crying now. “You don’t get a say in this, Griffin. I don’t want this kid or any other for that matter! I don’t even like kids!"

  Sensing that she was only going to grow more frantic, Griffin knew he would have to do some fast-talking to change her mind. "Toni, look, I know how important your career is to you, but I need to ask you to do me a favor..." licking his lips, Griffin looked deep into her eyes and continued, "I want this baby. I don’t even know it yet, but I know I want it." Desperate now, he began to get a bit choked up. "I know you don’t understand, but…I need this. Please just…carry it. That’s all I’m asking," he begged.

  Toni was rendered speechless by this unusual spill of emotion from Griffin. Unsettled, she shook off his gripping hands and walked away from him. Looking out the office window, she took a moment to gather her thoughts before finally speaking. “I don’t know…" she trailed off. Then, in a small voice, she said, "I’m scared…"

  Toni mumbled something else under her breath that Griffin couldn’t quite hear. He thought she said that she’d keep the baby, but he needed further confirmation.

  "I said I’ll do it,” Toni repeated when Griffin told her he hadn't heard her. She turned away met the window and reluctantly meet his gaze. “I’ll have this baby, but I’m warning you – I’m gonna be rotten at this."

  A wide smile broke out across Griffin’s face that he had trouble containing. "Don’t worry," he said with conviction. “We’ll get through this together.”

  He meant it too. He had made a real mess during the pregnancy of his first child, but not this one. Right then and there, Griffin made a promise to himself that he’d do whatever it took to make sure Toni and this baby were taken care of.

  The next seven months flew by in a flurry of activity. Toni moved out of her apartment and into Griffin’s condo. Her belly grew bigger everyday, and slowly, Griffin grew less scared and more excited over the prospect of becoming a father. Unlike in high school, this time, he did things right. He was with Toni for all her doctors’ appointments, they went to Lamaze classes together twice a week, and he was diligent in ensuring that she got enough rest and ate properly.

  Avery was born on the fourth of July on a cloudless summer day. As the weeks after her birth wore on, Griffin realized that she was a spitting image of her mother. Toni was a striking woman whose looks stemmed from her Egyptian roots. With large brown eyes, long curly hair, and soft olive skin, she was quite a sight for sore eyes – and Avery was too. She may have taken after Toni in the skin and hair department, but her dark green eyes were all Griffin’s. She was so beautiful that there wasn't a doubt in his mind that she’d one day go on to break many hear

  It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though...

  Shortly after Avery’s birth, the relationship between Griffin and Toni grew strained. Toni wanted nothing to do with the infant and would often leave Griffin to care for her while she went off to party. Hoping it was just postpartum and not benign neglect, Griffin put up with it for awhile. It wasn't until he came home from taking Avery to a doctor’s appointment one afternoon that the relationship came to an abrupt end.

  As soon as Griffin entered his condo, he found all of Toni’s things gone and a note on the coffee table that simply read ‘I can’t’.

  From that point onward, Griffin made a point of avoiding Toni when he bumped into her at the occasional industry function, and she never once inquired about their daughter. Quite the contrary, her first order of business after she moved out was to denounce all of her parental rights and give Griffin full and complete custody of Avery.

  Regardless, Griffin was satisfied with his life. He bought an upscale townhouse in a quiet, safe part of town that was mostly inhabited by young families, and for awhile, he managed to convince himself that he was fine with being a single dad. It wasn't until he settled in for bed each night that the loneliness would start to set it, and his weary mind would wander to the very woman he’d all but vowed to forget…

  Chapter three

  Erica had driven from D.C. to San Francisco in the allotted three days. Along the way, she enjoyed the scenery and the fresh air the prairies and mountains had to offer. By the time she made it to her parents’ home in the quiet affluent neighborhood in which she’d grown up in, she was clear headed, blissfully tired, and ready to start anew.

  Erica spent a relaxing few days with her parents before she ventured out to start looking for a place to live. Her tastes had changed as she matured, and she now had an eye for color and interior design. In the end, she ended up buying a luxury townhouse on the corner of Washington St. and Davis in the heart of San Francisco’s financial district. It was also within walking distance of a bunch of theaters, museums, restaurants, and coffee shops.

  This was urban living at its finest, and Erica reveled in it. Her new place was spacious and sun filled, and within two weeks she had it filled to the brim with high-end furniture and decorated beautifully. This was her home for the foreseeable future, and she fully intended on enjoying it to the fullest.

  Erica started her new job shortly after closing on her mortgage, and things fell into place rather quickly after that. She made a few close friends at work right off the bat, and she got together with them a few times a month for drinks and dinner. She also regained contact with Sabrina and Lori, her high school best friends who were both more than elated to learn that she’d made the decision to move home.

  To keep herself busy in her off time, Erica also joined a local book club that convened twice a month at an independent bookstore in her neighborhood. For the most part, her life was great. She had loving parents, an impressive career, and an overabundance of friends. The only thing that was missing was love, and not just any love – the passionate kind that could only be found in the arms of a man.

  Locking her front door, Erica left her office tired that Friday afternoon. Leaning against the elevator wall as it scaled down the building she worked in, she thought the success that her team was currently enjoying was well deserved. The last two months of her professional life had been filled to the brim with endless meetings, frequent cross-country trips to convene with corporate, and too many dinner and lunch dates to even count.

  It wasn't without reason though. Always a hard worker, Erica’s main goal was to schmooze a large cereal company that was considering her firm to represent their company for a promotion. The only caveat was that the contract was difficult to attain, as many of their competitive firms had already began placing a bids for the account. Even so, Erica’s added efforts proved worthwhile, and her firm ended up beating them all out in the end.

  Smiling to herself, Erica got off the elevator and headed to her assigned parking spot in the underground parking garage. After adjusting her seatbelt and turning on the radio to her favorite station, she pulled out of the lot and made a spur of the moment decision to treat herself. It was, after all, well deserved. Though she’d given her staff a half-day off as a reward for all the long hours they’d been putting in the past few weeks, that meant she had to stay behind to tie up all their loose ends. Thus, she figured a little TLC was in order.

  First, Erica pulled up to her favorite salon and booked herself a full body message and a mani/pedi combo for the following day. She had plans with Sabrina and Lori later on that night, and she figured a little self-pampering would help relax her mind and body before she immersed herself in a night of hard partying and heavy drinking. After that, her next stop was a local gourmet grocery store, where she purchased some of their wonderful basil roasted potatoes, slow cooked roast beef, and summer veggies for her upcoming Sunday dinner with her parents.

  Happy with her purchases, Erica walked out of the grocery store in good spirits, but she came to an abrupt halt when her eyes landed on a familiar face off in the distance. Blinking as if to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, she continued walking with the hope of getting a clearer look at him.

  Sure enough, it was Griffin.

  He looks the same, Erica thought with unease. How can that be?

  Griffin’s hair was still dark and slightly shaggy, but his style of clothing had definitely improved in the years since he’d graduated high school. He was looking in a store window speaking to someone, but to whom, Erica couldn’t be sure.

  It wasn't until she neared in on him further that she noticed the small child perched in front of him – a child who shared so many of his features that there was no possible way she wasn't his.

  Suddenly frantic, Erica tried to dart off in the other direction before Griffin saw her spying on him, but she didn't have a chance to before his daughter looked her way and shouted, “Look daddy! A pretty lady!”

  Griffin followed his daughter’s gaze over to Erica and inhaled a shallow breath as they locked eyes. In a matter of seconds, his expression panned from one of bewilderment to shock.

  "Erica?" he choked out. “Is that really you?”

  Erica didn't respond. Instead she stood their frozen with her small bag of groceries clutched to her chest like a lifeline. What followed was a silent standoff between the two adults, both of who, were suddenly overcome by memories of the past. Time seemed suspended for awhile, but the spell was broken when Avery squealed for attention. Dazed, Griffin looked down at his daughter as if for the very first time.

  "Sorry honey," he murmured to the child.

  Knowing she had the upper hand in the situation, Avery immediately extended her arms to her father. Sighing, Griffin lifted her onto his hip despite the lengthy discussion they had the previous night about her getting too big to be carried.

  At that point, Erica took a step forward as if fascinated by the sight of the child. However, it didn't take long for her to get ahold of herself. "She’s beautiful,” she said to Griffin. “You must be fighting little boys off at the playground.”

  Griffin laughed and mumbled an awkward ‘thank you’ at the exact same time Avery said it. Lucky for him, it was just the icebreaker that was needed.

  "And she’s smart too," Erica observed with a smile.

  Griffin nodded. "That she is.”

  Avery, obviously bored with the adults’ conversation, turned her head to watch the comings and goings of the people who were picnicking across the street at Golden Gate Park.

  Looking at Erica, Griffin asked, "So, are you visiting? Or…” he trailed off and allowed the question to hang in the air for a moment before continuing, “Because I heard you moved to D.C.”

  Erica nodded. “I was there for a while, but…” she paused to consider just how much she wanted to tell him. Ultimately, she decided to be brief. “Life got complicated and I ended up moving home."

  "Ah…" was all Griffin could think of saying.

  After an uncomfortable silence, Erica continued, "So, is this your daughter?" It felt like an obvious question, but she felt the need to ask it nonetheless.

  Griffin nodded and responded, "Her name’s Avery."

  Upon hearing her name, Avery’s head snapped back to look at Erica. She smiled a huge smile, and Erica swore she could feel her steely-heart turning to mush. Lucky for her, Griffin’s next question put an abrupt end to her baby fever before it could spread.

  "So, did you ever have any kids? I mean besides…you know?" Griffin knew full well that he was rambling, and it didn't help that his cheeks were suddenly furiously red.

  Erica looked him square in the eye and shook her head. “No. I never had anymore children." After looking at Avery again with longing in her eyes, she sighed and prepared to leave. "Well I have to run, but it was great seeing you again."

  Spinning on her heels, Erica quickly walked down the block to her car. Griffin watched her go and was suddenly overcome by an intense yearning to stop her, but he didn't have a chance to act on that thought before Avery broke his reverie by sticking her face in his and proclaiming that she was bored. With that, he placed her back down on the ground and the two made the short walk back home hand in hand.


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