Seduced by the Playboy

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Seduced by the Playboy Page 21

by Pamela Yaye

  Laughter filled the studio, and Angela immediately knew Demetri’s words had been picked up by the tiny microphone clipped to the front of her fitted suit.

  “I’m not trying to pressure you, but you have to give me an answer before the commercial break. My friends and family are watching, and if my mom has to wait another ninety seconds, she will lose her mind!”

  * * *

  “Demetri, I’m so sorry I pushed you away.” Angela dropped to her knees, and cupped his face in her hands. “I was scared and afraid, and I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “I should have known something was up. You loved the penthouse suite!”

  They laughed and shared a soft kiss on the lips.

  “So do you accept my proposal?” he asked, clutching her hands in his own.

  Throwing herself into Demetri’s arms, she showered his face with hundreds of kisses. She wanted the whole world to know how much she loved Demetri Morretti. “Of course I’ll marry you, baby! I’d love nothing more!”

  Demetri kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and her mouth over and over again. His lips ravished her, one succulent nibble at a time.

  “Do you like your ring?” he asked between kisses. “Your dad helped me pick it out, so if you don’t like it, take it up with him.”

  “Baby, I love it, but I love you even more.”

  Cheers, applause and whistles filled the studio. Her crew snapped pictures on their phones, and Salem hustled over with glasses of champagne. In the crowd Angela even spotted the president and vice president of WJN-TV. Angela was so overcome with joy and happiness, she felt as if she were floating on air.

  * * *

  Long after the studio cleared, her heart was still beating a thousand miles an hour. But there, on her set, Angela told Demetri everything—about how her scholarship to the University of Chicago had fallen through and how desperation had led her to answer an ad in the newspaper for a “paid companion.”

  Demetri listened patiently and only interrupted once to ask if she’d told her dad and brother the truth. When Angela finished telling Demetri about her past, he took her in his arms and pressed a kiss on her forehead before telling her they’d never have to discuss it again. They were together now, and that was all he said he cared about.

  By the time they left the studio, night had fallen. Demetri hustled her into his truck, grinning from ear to ear, and Angela knew he had another surprise up his sleeve. And she was right.

  When Demetri pulled into the driveway of his estate an hour later, Angela saw all of their friends and family mingling on the lavishly decorated grounds. Her eyes instantly misted with tears. She was home, with all the people she loved, and nothing could mar the joy she was feeling inside. Finally, after years of running from her past, she was free. Free to laugh, live and love without the chains of guilt and shame.

  One morning she’d met a loving, sensitive man who fulfilled her every desire, her every wish. And as soon as Angela became Demetri’s lawfully wedded wife, she was going to make all of his dreams come true.

  Demetri opened her door and offered his right hand. Angela took it and intertwined her fingers with his as she stepped out of the truck. As they joined the party and reveled in the excitement and well wishes of their friends and family, Angela decided there was no reason to wait. Tonight’s the perfect night to make a baby, she thought, gazing longingly at her new fiancé. As soon as our guests leave, of course.


  “Can I interest you in a cold beverage or a light snack from the kitchen?”

  At the sound of the stewardess’s voice, Angela snapped out of her thoughts and turned away from the airplane window. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I missed that.”

  “I asked if you’d like something to eat or drink.”

  Angela smiled at the blue-eyed stewardess. The concierge staff offered exceptional service and pampering beyond her wildest dreams. Demetri had been in the office for only ten minutes, but in that short time, each staff member had stopped by and welcomed her to the family. “No, thank you. I’m still full from breakfast. That third course did me in!”

  “The Morretti family loves their food and their wines, and unlike most people, they live life to the fullest.”

  “You can say that again! This jet looks like a hotel in the sky.” Angela had never been inside a private jet before, and when she’d stepped into the Morretti family plane for the very first time and had seen the luxurious interior and impeccable designer furnishings, her eyes had widened in shock. The words Dolce Vita were emblazoned in gold on both sides of the gleaming, white aircraft, and everything inside the custom-made plane did typify the “sweet life.” The Rolls-Royce jet was a marble-paneled space filled with oil paintings, crystal floor lamps and personal TV screens for every seat.

  “If you need anything, Ms. Kelly, please, just give me a buzz.”

  A grin exploded across Angela’s face. Every time she thought about her fiancé, she wanted to squeal. She had been engaged to Demetri for only three short weeks and was still in the beginning stages of planning her engagement party with celebrity planner Claudia Jeffries-Medina. But everywhere she went, people were calling her Mrs. Morretti-to-be. Probably because of her fiancé’s very public proposal. The ten-minute clip had received a staggering number of hits on YouTube, and nearly a month later, bloggers were still raving about it.

  They were the most talked about couple in the nation. Paparazzi camped out in front of Demetri’s Lake County estate, followed Angela when she was leaving the television studio and snapped pictures of them every time they left the house. So when Demetri had suggested they get away, Angela had readily agreed.

  After a week in Italy visiting Demetri’s relatives and childhood friends, they were headed back to Chicago. Back to work, his legions of adoring fans and the celebrity-crazed paparazzi. The past seven days were a blur, filled with one sightseeing excursion and family dinner after another, but Angela had fond memories of Venice. They’d strolled through the quiet, moonlit streets hand in hand, laughing, kissing and admiring all of the breathtaking sights. But best of all was meeting her future in-laws. Demetri’s parents, Vivica and Arturo, had welcomed her to the family with open arms.

  Angela still couldn’t believe that Demetri had proposed. And every time she thought about all of the heartfelt things he’d said to her on live TV—in front of her crew and one-point-three million viewers—she teared up.

  Her gaze fell on her engagement ring. It was so big, Angela couldn’t stop staring at it or running her fingers along the massive stone. Thanks to her nosy, Google-happy girlfriend Remy, she knew it was a twenty-carat Harry Winston original and valued at a million dollars.

  Glancing around the main-floor cabin, Angela wondered how much longer Demetri would be on the phone with his conditioning coach. He’d been gone only a few minutes, but she missed him, hated being apart from him for even a second.

  A scented breeze filled the room. The soft, soothing fragrance made Angela think about her adorable goddaughters, Victoria and Aaliyah. Opening her purse, she took out her iPhone and fired off a quick text to Simone. They hadn’t spoken in days, and Angela wanted to know how her best friend was coping with her new one-month-old babies. Seconds later, Simone replied.

  You know I hate you, right? I’ve got sore boobs and cramps from hell, and you’re on a private jet, sipping cocktails and making out with your man. You should be here, suffering alongside me. Some friend you are! J

  “I thought you were going to take a nap?”

  Angela glanced up from her cell phone, seeing Demetri stride through the plane toward her, and hopped to her feet. He smiled at her, and lust shot straight to her core. Every time Demetri looked at her, Angela felt an uncontrollable desire to kiss him. And being fifty thousand feet in the air didn’t change that. If anything, being at the dizzyi
ng altitude made her want him even more.

  Licking her lips, she admired how in charge Demetri looked in his black V-neck shirt, dark jeans and casual leather shoes. His passion and energy always made for earth-shattering sex. Angela could only imagine all the wonderfully wicked things he’d do to her inside the vanilla-scented master bedroom at the rear of the jet. Angela flashed Demetri a flirty look, but instead of breaking out into his trademark grin, he wore a puzzled face.

  “What’s the matter?” Angela asked, touching a hand to his cheek.

  Demetri raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”

  “Your eyes. They’re a dead giveaway.”

  He lifted his cell phone. “Nichola called while I was on the phone with Coach. She said you told her it would be okay.”

  “I did.”

  “When did you guys talk?”

  “We met up a few weeks ago,” Angela said, keeping her voice even and her tone nonchalant. “We cleared the air, and now things are better.”

  Demetri’s eyebrows knit together. “Why did you agree to meet her?”

  “It seemed like the right thing to do. You guys have been friends for years, and I didn’t want your friendship to end on account of me.”

  “She tried to break us up and destroy your career.”

  “As one wise, very intelligent and very sexy baseball star once told me, forgiveness is a gift I give to myself, and I didn’t want to waste any time or energy holding a grudge.”

  “I love when you quote me. It makes me feel smart!” Demetri said with a chuckle as he put his arms around her waist.

  “I used to struggle with forgiveness, because I couldn’t forgive myself, but now I’m free of my past.”

  “I can’t believe how cool you’re being about everything.”

  “We’ll never be BFFs, but at least we’re not sworn enemies.”

  Nodding, he tightened his grip around her waist, held her close in his arms. “So, you think I should give Nichola her old job back?”

  “Hell no!” Angela adamantly shook her head. “But maybe you could put in a good word for her at Dolce Vita. Nicco’s still looking for an assistant, and ordering people around is right up Nichola’s alley.”

  “Nichola would never work for Nicco.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because he’s a hard man to work for and fires people at the drop of a dime.”

  “Really? That’s hard to believe. He seems so laid-back.”

  “Yeah, when he’s around beautiful women,” Demetri said, grinning at her. “But when it comes to Dolce Vita and expanding his brand, he’s as tenacious as a pit bull!”

  Hearing the theme music to her new show, News at 6 with Angela Kelly, drew Angela’s gaze to the front of the cabin. There she was, on the gigantic flat-screen TV, smiling into the camera. Angela cringed and looked away as the commercial played. Much to her boss’s delight, her exclusive sit-down interview with Demetri and his brothers, Nicco and Rafael, was back on. Single women all across the country had flooded the WJN-TV website, hoping to win a dream date with one of the brothers. And these days Angela couldn’t go anywhere without females asking her about her future brothers-in-law.

  “How does it feel having two hit shows?” Demetri asked, gesturing at the TV screen.

  “Amazing, incredible, like a dream come true,” she confessed. “But you know what I’m most thankful for?”

  “The new mini fridge I put in your dressing room filled with Snickers bars?”

  Giggling, Angela swatted him playfully on his forearm. “No, I’m most thankful for you. I’ve never, ever been this happy, and you’re the reason why.”

  “Me? But I didn’t do anything. Your shows are a hit because you work damn hard.”

  “You gave me the strength to face my fears.” Angela touched a hand to his face and tenderly caressed his cheek. “Most men would have bolted when they learned about my past, but you stayed and encouraged me to share my story.”

  “Going on the air and coming clean about your past took a lot of courage, Angela, and I’m very proud of you. Your confession helped free a lot of people from the guilt and shame of their past, and that’s a remarkable thing, baby.”

  “I wasn’t expecting my True Confessions series to receive national attention, or for so many celebrities to Tweet about it, either, but I’m sure glad they did!”

  Demetri nodded. “Me, too. Now the whole world knows my wife-to-be is a dime piece with a killer bod and a heart of gold.”

  They shared a soft, sweet kiss.

  “Are you excited about playing your first game of the season on Sunday?”

  “Baby, you have no idea!”

  Angela shrieked in laughter when Demetri lifted her off the ground and swung her around the main-floor cabin. He looked more excited than a kid at SeaWorld, and his smile couldn’t be any wider. Seeing him so excited filled Angela with joy.

  “During my last practice, I smashed every pitch out of the stadium, and Coach said my form is better than ever. He thinks this could be a record-breaking year for me!”

  “I’m not surprised,” Angela said, stroking the back of his head. “You’ve been practicing around the clock and working out like a madman.”

  “I’m not that tired. I still have the energy to come home every night and make love to my beautiful fiancée.” Demetri pressed his lips against her ear and tickled her earlobe with the tip of his tongue. “When we get home, we’re making better use of the golf course.”

  “Oh, no, you’re not. The Fourth of July extravaganza is tomorrow, and Claudia Jeffries-Medina is already at the estate setting up.”

  “Shoot, I forgot.” He gave a dismissive shrug. “No biggie. It is a twenty-room mansion.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Angela broke into a cheeky smile. “Yeah, but you know how loud you get. People in the next county can probably hear you hollering my name!”

  Demetri threw his head back and roared.

  “I love you, Demetri. Always, no matter what, even when I’m sleep-deprived and acting like a diva.”

  Demetri chuckled.

  His cell phone rang, and after checking the number, he smiled sheepishly. “Baby, do you mind if I take this call? It’s my mom, and I haven’t talked to her all day.”

  “But we’re crossing over the Atlantic Ocean.” Angela pointed at the window and flashed him a seductive smile. She rubbed her body against his chest and her hands along his broad, muscular shoulders. “It’s the perfect backdrop for making love.”

  “Awww, hell. Moms can wait!” Demetri chucked his cell phone on the plush tan sofa and scooped Angela up in his arms. “You’re so incredible, so damn beautiful, I could never, ever get tired of loving you.”

  Angela nuzzled her face against his cheek, basking in the warmth of his love.

  “I love you with all that I am, Angela,” Demetri said before lowering his mouth and kissing her passionately on the lips. He then set off for the master bedroom at breakneck speed. “Now, let’s practice for the honeymoon!”

  * * * * *

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  Copyright © 2014 by Pamela Sadadi

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