Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 14

by Jo Penn

  Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose. “Keeley, there are mate rules. This is three strikes and you’re out. You will have no privileges, and you will do all that I tell you. But if you return to the compound immediately, I will reconsider.”

  Keeley laughed. “I didn’t know you were a baseball fan, Xavier. Look, vamp, thanks and all, but this is getting too much for me and there is a whole big world out there—”

  “Drop the attitude and tell me what is wrong.”

  There was silence, and then Keeley spoke quietly, truthfully.

  “I’m sorry, Xavier. This, us, it’s just too much for me. I’m going now, and I do…well, I do care about you, so be okay and happy with the shifter.” He hung up.

  Xavier glared at Drake. “This is your fault.”

  “Xavier, darling, really.” Gran tutted.

  “Grandmama! Drake was meant to keep Keeley safe and at the compound. He failed.”

  “Your mate is adorable and a difficult one to keep, Xavier. Yes, Drake allowed himself to be played by Keeley, but we both know he would not have left if he felt Keeley was in any danger or would manage to leave the compound. It was you he feared for, and as a true and good mate, he came rushing to protect you.”

  “And drag me home while thinking I—what was the term? Required a breather.” Xavier hissed. “This gets us nowhere. I must go and search for Keeley. You are okay, Grandmama?”

  “Of course, my darling! Just children wanting to see the witches and wizards. Poor little things were terrified out of their minds when they landed in one of the traps. I gave them milk and cookies and that nice boy Sheriff Uri took them away, back to their parents. I did wish to see you longer, but once Keeley has settled more you will all come visit me for a—” she smiled “—breather. And do stop giving your Drake a hard time. He wasn’t to know just how accomplished Keeley is at getting out of places unless you told him.”

  “Did you lose your mate again, cousin?” Mason smirked from the doorway.

  “Watch out, cousin, my mate isn’t pleased with you over the medallion. He said to say hi and he’ll be seeing you.”

  Mason winced. “Then go find him and keep him locked up in the compound. I don’t want my potion room smelling of blown-apart frog again.”

  Xavier didn’t hang around. He left the coven and jumped in his Ferrari, Drake getting in the passenger seat. As they tore down the road, Drake hung onto the ‘oh shit’ bar, Xavier rolling his eyes.

  “I doubt, then, you will be able to deal with Keeley’s driving.”

  “If he drives worse than you, hell no. So, we can lay the blame squarely at my feet. I’m big enough to take it, but I want you to know not to pull this shit on me again. You talk to me, Xavier. We’re together, remember? Just telling me there is a security alert at your grandmother’s coven and you’re staying there gets my hackles up and my need to protect you working overtime. And don’t tell me you can look after yourself. We’re paranormals, you know what it is like between mates.”

  Xavier was pissed but conceded the point. “Fine, don’t pull the alpha routine on me.”

  “I’ll do my best unless you place yourself in danger, which we both are in if you keep driving like this.”

  Xavier smirked. “I cannot believe you thought I would take breathers from my mates.”

  Drake growled. “I got played. He’s damn good, knows when to strike. I take the blame. I realized you wouldn’t, and that’s when everything else he said began to play around in my head. You could have warned me.”

  “I did. I told you to ignore what he says.”

  “I won’t ignore my mate…but I will choose carefully what to believe next time. Where will he go?”

  Xavier’s stomach was gnawing with worry. Being claimed by two powerful creatures placed Keeley directly in the sights of enemies. Xavier had stayed mostly under the radar, but he had enemies who would use what they could to get at him. Keeley was a prime target.


  “He’ll just go from place to place, no real destination in mind, whatever takes his fancy.”

  They were both silent the next few hours, only speaking when receiving updates from the shifters and discussing where they should head.

  His grandmother called a few times. She was scrying for Keeley and sent them in the direction she felt their mate. By close to dawn, Xavier and Drake were getting antsy, hungry, and tired, but neither were willing to stop.

  “You need to feed. Pull over.”

  “I need to find my mate,” Xavier snapped.

  “Yes, we do. Pull over.”

  Five minutes and a lot of arguing later, Xavier pulled over and snarled, only to be pulled across to land in Drake’s lap.

  “Feed, then we’re trying my way to find our runaway.”

  “If you’ve got an idea, let’s get on with it.” Somehow Xavier’s nose had pressed into Drake’s throat. He groaned.

  “That’s it, take what you need, my star.”

  Fuck it. Xavier struck, hard. He was pissed and tired, worried and hungry, and Drake’s blood was like a power source all on its own. And it tasted so damn good.

  Drake groaned, his hands making fast work of undoing their pants. With a firm grip on both their cocks, he began pumping firmly, Xavier sucking down much needed blood as his body went out of control with need and lust. He humped into Drake’s hand, not caring about manhandling, only feeding and pleasure all rolled into one.

  He needed, just occasionally, to be pushed and get aggressive, and Drake gave him that, his hand demanding on Xavier’s dick. The feel of their hard flesh straining together made him forget everything else for a brief time and assert what he liked and do some demanding himself.

  “Hard. Faster,” he snarled around his fangs in Drake’s throat.

  Growling, Drake gave him what he wanted and needed, letting Xavier set the pace, thrusting hard in his large hand, spreading their pre-cum and pumping and rubbing their cocks together. Xavier’s touch was hard and sharp, his pent-up frustrations and emotions and everything on his mind pouring out. He wasn’t gentle with his touch, his teeth, and quickly found his shifter didn’t want him to be, got off on Xavier’s aggression and needs.

  “Yes. Show me what you want, mate. Let go.”

  Xavier did. He just felt. They came together loudly, explosively, Xavier flopping loosely back against the dash behind him, all tension gone for the moment. The tiger had the touch that could ignite Xavier to new levels, he would give the man that. Xavier was beginning to crave his new mate’s touch and the way the big tiger folded him in his arms, purred, and cared.

  A few moments later they were cleaned up and Drake was behind the wheel, but the car was still on the side of the road outside some little town, miles from anywhere.

  “Sun’s peaking,” Drake commented, watching the sun rise slowly in the distance. “He’ll be tired, ready to find a place to sleep for a few hours before putting more distance between us. We’ve both tried to connect through our mate link but you’re right, he’s damn good at blocking.”

  “You have a plan.”

  “I do. My soldiers could search for hours, days, longer. Catching scent will be difficult if he’s still got the car and driving fast, and though your coven is scrying and doing their magic tricks, it’s not speeding this up any. The longer he’s out there, the more vulnerable he is. Keeley may have survived on the streets for a few years as a kid, but we both know mated to us he’s a target and our scents, once mated, don’t come off. So you’re going to have reservations about this. Admittedly, there may be a few problems, but it’s our best chance.”

  Xavier was tired of listening. “Get on with it.”

  “Be nice, snarky vampire, my patience is at an end.” Big shifter teeth flashed a moment before receding. “We crash his block.”

  “Oh, and we’ve had so much luck doing that already,” Xavier snarled.

  “Didn’t I just say be nice?” Drake got in his face. “No patience, mate.”

; “Bite me.”

  When the shifter did, Xavier sure wasn’t expecting it!


  “Love nip, babe. Now pay attention.”

  “Bite me again and you’ll find out how much a vampire can hold a grudge.” Xavier unsheathed his claws and took a swipe. “This is your fault.”

  “Ouch! Nasty mate.” Drake snapped Xavier’s wrists together. “You really want to fight me?”

  “Yes,” Xavier said with all honesty. “Then fuck and make up.”

  Drake laughed. “Not going to fight you, babe. That nip I gave you is what we shifters do when our mates step over a line. This claw mark on my shoulder is assault.”

  “Oh.” Xavier frowned. “I do not like this ‘nipping.’ Do not do it again.”

  “Well, that takes the fun out of it. You vamps are too uptight. Fine, fine. Anyway, individually we could not crash his block. I’ve got a theory on that, if you want to hear it?”

  “All ears.” Xavier rolled his eyes.

  “Snarky. Considering his upbringing and having to always be wary and on guard, I’d say he learned how to defend himself in other ways very quickly once he was mated to you. Keeley’s all about defending and protecting himself in a nice little shell. We both simultaneously throw our power at the link to him and it’ll crash. Downside, I’m not sure how that will affect him. It could damage his ability to block in the future. It’s happened to a shifter or two before. Some got back the ability, others only a touch. While some… none.”

  Xavier quirked a brow. “I have tolerated Keeley’s blocking. I do not like it, and when he places himself at risk, also causing us and others risk, I am reluctant to be concerned about how he will be upset if we destroy his ability to block us in the future. Besides, if this is damaged, I know a few witches and wizards who can assist in healing over time.”

  Drake blew out a sigh. “You vamps are a bit analytical, which in this case works frigging well. And I had no idea the W&Ws could heal that. May have to hire a few of them, as we have a few shifters in my pride with that type of damage.”

  “W&W! This is what you call my coven?” Xavier was outraged.

  What the hell? The Armstrong Coven was one of the biggest and most illustrious in the States, if not the most, and his mate was calling them a cute little nickname.

  Gods, shifters were just so uncultured. Even a prince, it seemed.

  Drake gave him a droll look. “Armstrong Witches’ and Wizards’ Coven is a mouthful. At least mine is simple. Sanchez Pride. Now my other concern, and the biggest one, is that if we crash the block and it has any side effects, aside from breaking Keeley’s ability to block in future, he can be injured if he is driving and out somewhere. The crash could jolt him, even render him unconscious.”

  “Now that is a concern, and not one we can chance.”

  “Hmm, so I was waiting till now to mention it. Sun’s coming up. Keeley would have driven through the night to get as much distance as possible. He’ll stop now, either to fuel or rest for a short time. Also, vamps are good with their thrall. You may be able to control Keeley via our link.”

  “I can. I used to before he became such a strong blocker.”

  Drake glared. “You controlled him?”

  “Oh, calm down, cat. I did not turn my mate into a little puppet for my own entertainment. One time he nearly stepped in front of a car, too busy pouting at me over some silly thing. I automatically used our link and had him stop and make him step back from the road, as I wasn’t close enough to grab him.” Xavier sighed. “And believe me, he was very pissed off and tried to get me to vow never to use the thrall on him again. I, of course, did not vow but I promised only in matters of safety and for his own good.”

  “Well, this constitutes his own damn good because if we don’t find him soon, when we do, I’m going to be a raging hellcat.” Drake snarled. “Are we in agreement here, mate?”

  Xavier took a few moments to consider this and how it would work, what he needed to do.

  “Yes. It must be simultaneous, as you said, and then I must be quick and see into his mind to ensure he is safe and nothing happens. You will have to worry about the link.”

  “Done. Right, let’s link and do this.”

  They sat back in the seat, clearing their minds and thinking only of themselves and Keeley, whom Xavier couldn’t wait to get his hands on, in maybe not such a good way, at present.

  They felt the block. It was like an established wall that couldn’t be breeched—constant, well shored-up, and impenetrable. There may as well have been a neon sign saying “Stay out of my fucking head.” Xavier had never liked it, though he may have been a little impressed that his human mate could do something so difficult so effectively. Now they worked together, pushing at the block simultaneously. With their power and skills, it only took a push and the walls tumbled away, leaving Xavier to snatch the link and burrow into Keeley’s mind.

  He blinked. “He’s sleeping. A sign. Remnant Motel…room thirteen. It is twenty minutes from here. Grandmother was getting close.”

  Drake burned rubber. Literally. Xavier would be annoyed about it later when he had his mate back in his arms, lectured Keeley, and locked him up for twenty years.

  “Don’t worry, my star. Our little human’s days of running are well and truly over.” Drake smirked then seemed to mull something over before speaking again. “Keeley mentioned a few things today about your time together. Firstly, he freely stated he loves you, that you are his everything—”

  “I know.”

  “Gods, you vamps are just frigging intolerably arrogant. Anyway, he also said he felt locked up, that you never took him anywhere. Maybe that has prompted him to feel the need to run?”

  Xavier felt it like an arrow through his heart. Had he caged up his mate? It was an issue he had seriously been considering a lot as of late, as Keeley had accused him of it only a few months ago, even throwing a shelf-load of books at Xavier. Then he’d cried so much Xavier had felt sure his heart would shatter into a million pieces.

  And because of this, he had accepted Drake so readily as their mate, fitting into Drake’s world. After all, because of who Xavier was, his gift, he was always working and would be a target. Keeley would never have the life he deserved. Xavier had moved to Milson Valley hoping this would be better for Keeley, but deep down Xavier knew it was simply he who did not provide what Keeley most wanted and needed.

  So maybe the breather was not quite so far off, just in a different way than Drake had said.

  Lowering his head in defeat, Xavier nodded. “Yes. You are right, of course. With you, Keeley will be well protected and still be able to travel and see the world as he would like, have some type of freedom I am not capable of giving him.”

  Neither spoke, Xavier closing off his mind to Drake when he felt his mate poking into places.

  It took fifteen minutes to arrive. Drake drove quickly but possibly not as recklessly as Xavier, though he would never admit this to either mate.

  Drake didn’t bother with subtlety or niceties, kicking the motel room door open and stalking inside. Keeley only had time to yelp and try to roll off the bed before he was picked up and tossed over their mate’s shoulder. Xavier collected the backpack and the few items from the room and followed them outside to where Drake stood, Keeley still over his shoulder and yelling at the top of his lungs. No one came out to look and see what was going on. Good to know people and creatures were so civic-minded.

  “We’ll take the Porsche. I’m sure Emile would like his new car back, and it has more room than the Ferrari.”

  Xavier used the remote and beeped the doors open, smiling as Drake tossed Keeley across the big backseat and used the seat belts to truss their mate up. Keeley couldn’t move an inch. And now he had stopped yelling for help, which was a relief to Xavier’s ears.

  “Emile is so going to be peeved.” Drake slammed the door shut and pointed at a few scratches and dents. “My brother is not pleasant when his stuff is damaged.

  “Yes, I can see he wouldn’t be. I will drive my car back—”

  “No. We remain together. No arguments, no discussions. This ends here and now. These are dangerous times. I won’t have the annoying runaway and the self-reliant vamp both pulling from both sides.”

  Xavier sighed and hugged his mate. Drake was very tense and ready to fight. Xavier could see he may end up trussed-up in the front passenger seat with the seat belt if they kept this up, and besides, his mate had a point. They needed to be together on this.

  “Check if one of your shifters…and there they are.”

  A big, black Range Rover pulled up beside them, Emile sliding out from behind the wheel.

  “I am ignoring, for now, that my car is damaged. And your other mate is wrapped in seatbelts that will never be the same again. You owe me a car, Drake.”

  “I’ll replace your car, Emile.” Drake sighed. “How did you two get here so fast?”

  “I remained in contact with Delia. We were following her scrying line.” The King smiled and looked at the Ferrari. “I am happy to drive your car home, Xavier.”

  “Allow me.” Emile smoothly held out his hand and caught the keys Drake tossed him. “A drive in the Ferrari may in some way aid in relieving my annoyance over my car’s dismal—did he just kick my door?” Emile’s eyes went manic.

  “I believe my mate did. He is a touch upset at present and is throwing a hissy fit.”

  “A…hissy fit?” Emile frowned.

  “Yeah, bit like Kirsten does when she doesn’t get her way.” Drake grinned. “And don’t worry about him pounding the shit out of your car door like he’s currently doing. It’s my car door now. You’re getting a new car, remember, brother? Breathe, Emile, Not your car, not your scratches and damaged door. Knock it off.” Drake smacked his fist against the door to silence Keeley. He must have used a bit of strength, as the door crumpled a bit. “And not your dents.”

  Emile shuddered and walked away to the Ferrari. Xavier may have whimpered a little. The King did, loudly. At least Emile took care of things, Xavier reminded himself, and he thanked the King for his assistance in the search for Keeley.


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