Soul of Power

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Soul of Power Page 27

by G David Walker

  As he focused on her, he could see a stream of power radiating from him in the direction of Lore’s Haven. His jaw dropped as he realized what he was really looking at. This is the bond. And it’s killing her. With his newfound power, he severed the connection instantly and went to make sure she was okay.

  “I told you it was no use hiding from me, lad.” Bothan’s voiced pulled him from his musings.

  “Who said anything about hiding?” he said, as he turned to face his ancestor. “I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed in front of everyone.” He didn’t know if he was going to survive their encounter, but he sure wasn’t going down without a fight.

  Bothan burst into laughter. “Well, lad, I appreciate your concern, but it’s not really necessary. I have to give you credit, though. I did not believe it in you to do something like this.”

  “Yeah, I’m just full of surprises. So are we gonna do this? Or are you planning on talking me to death?”

  “Well, well, aren’t you the feisty one?” He gave Jason an unconvincing look of concern. “But are you really so eager to die?”

  “Been there, done that,” Jason said. “Came back with a whole new bag of tricks.” At least he hoped so.

  “Well, then, lad” Bothan said, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Let’s see what you’ve got.” He threw a blast of power at Jason.

  Jason deflected the attack, sending it flying off to the side with relative ease. He must not be putting much into them. He’d barely had time to finish the thought when an explosion ripped through the valley. He looked in the direction the deflected blast had gone just in time to see the nearest of the jagged peaks crumbling into rubble, a cloud of dust rising to mark its former location. Then again… His eyes widened as he thought about what would have happened if he’d decided to stay at Lore’s Haven. How strong am I?

  A flash of light in his peripheral vision reminded where he was and who was there with him. He managed to get a shield up just in time to catch Bothan’s next attack. He staggered back a few steps under the force of the resulting explosion. This attack had been much stronger than Bothan’s first.

  “Did ye like that one, lad? How about this one?” He sent another bolt of power streaking toward Jason, but Jason was ready for this one and poured more energy into his shield. This time he stood firm as the power exploded around him.

  “Wow,” he said. “I thought this would be harder. Let me take a shot.” Dimsai erupted from his hands as he returned Bothan’s attack. The power exploded against Bothan’s shield, the impact appearing to have little effect on him.

  “You’ll have to do better than that, lad,” Bothan laughed. “I barely felt it.”

  “Oh, I’m just getting warmed up,” Jason answered. “Lemme try again.” He threw a stronger bolt of power at his ancestor. Bothan took a step back as Jason’s power exploded against his shield, his smile morphing into a frown as he regained his balance.

  “All right. You’ve got some power, sure enough. But not enough to beat me!” He sent a barrage of power at Jason, driving Jason back several steps under the assault.

  As he intensified his focus on resisting the attack, Jason felt more and more dimsai streaming to and through him, until he was able to stand against the power exploding on his shield. As the dimsai flowed through him, he found his perception expanding even more than before. Everything began taking on a soft aura, like his aura vision, but more subdued. He saw currents of power, flowing and swirling over and above the land around them. Moment by moment, even in the midst of Bothan’s attack, his ability to perceive the dimsai surrounding them became more pronounced.

  Then, two large tendrils of dimsai became visible, extending from Bothan into the distance. His eyes widened as he sent his senses racing along the rivers of power. He’s sharing his power with Airam and Regor. Immediately, he thought about Nyala, Nivek, and the Circle. They won’t stand a chance! This added an entirely new level of urgency to his confrontation with his ancestor. He knew if he didn’t do something immediately, all of his friends would be dead.

  Maintaining his shield, he explored the tendrils, quickly understanding that, with his increased power, he could do the same for Nyala and the others. Just as he was about to send his power to them, another realization stunned him. While he’s sharing his power with Airam and Regor, I’m stronger than he is. Maybe there was a way to end this once and for all. A way to stop Bothan, Regor, and Airam all at the same time.

  He turned his attention back to Bothan, concentrating on pouring as much energy as possible into his counterattack while still holding his shield. He could feel sweat popping out on his forehead as he tried to divide his focus between fending off Bothan’s attacks, and building up power for an attack of his own. When Bothan paused for a moment, Jason sent his built-up power streaking toward his ancestor.

  Bothan saw the attack and put up his shield. Even with his guard up, the impact staggered him. He gave Jason a look of shock that slowly shifted to one of burning fury.

  “All right, lad. I can see I may have underestimated you. But let’s see how you like it when I give it a real go.” As he spoke, Jason saw the two streams of power leading to Airam and Regor vanish. “I hope that wasn’t everythin’ you’ve got, boy, because it sure wasn’t everythin’ I’ve got.”

  One More Time

  Nyala flashed desperately from one spot to the next across Teleria, only staying long enough to see that Regor and Nivek weren’t present before moving on. He wouldn’t. She wished she could believe that, but Regor’s behavior lately made her think he just might. Where are they? She ran through a myriad of possible locations in her mind as she jumped from one to the next. She had already checked around Lore’s Haven; she had already looked in his mountain hideaway, the one he thought he had so cleverly concealed. Then it came to her. She knew exactly where he had taken Nivek.

  She stepped onto the mountain top in time to see Regor wrapping Nivek in a cloak of shadow.

  “This is no time to go running away,” he said. “Nyala should be here at any moment to help you.”

  “I’m already here!” She sent a blast of power at him before he could turn. Without waiting to see its effect, she dropped her Altered guise and sent another, feeling a sense of satisfaction as she watched him stagger under her assault. Regor stumbled away from his captive, as the dark prison encasing Nivek dissipated, vanishing like smoke in a breeze. She ran to Nivek, taking up a stance between him and Regor. With a quick glance behind her to make sure Nivek was okay, she resumed her attacks on her one-time husband.

  She felt a mix of pride and guilt as Nivek took up position beside her, adding his attacks to hers. Although the man before them bore little more than surface resemblance to the man she had loved centuries before, he was still Nivek’s father. It didn’t seem right for a son to attack his own father. Then Nivek’s words ran though her mind. “…my father’s been gone for a long time. The man he once was would hate what he’s become.” At least Nivek understood that his father was no longer the man he used to be. And, as Regor, this was the second time he had tried to kill Nivek. Maybe Nivek deserved retribution more than any of them.

  Their combined attack drove Regor toward the edge of the peak, where he wavered, trying to maintain his balance. Just one more good hit. She gathered her energy and sent a blast of power toward him. Then a surge of shadowy force erupted from him, racing toward them. She barely had time to shield Nivek and herself before the impact knocked them both to the ground. She stared in shock as Regor calmly stepped away from the precipice.

  “That’s enough,” he said. “I’m bored now.”

  What had just happened? She stared at him as he watched them, a smug smile resting on his lips. How had he…? Bodann. That was the only answer. Bodann had to be giving Regor some of his power. She grabbed Nivek’s arm, intending to get them to a safe spot, assuming any spot was safe now from Bodann and his pet Altered. Before she could get them away, Regor wrapped them in dimsai, quelling their e
scape attempt and forcing them apart. She fought against the dark embrace of his power, but it soon became clear that her efforts were in vain.

  She ceased her struggling and fixed Regor with an icy stare. “So, you have us. What now?”

  “Now,” he said, “I must rid Teleria and Bodann of the unending distractions you would cause.”

  “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “I would think that would be obvious.”

  “By killing us. You would kill your own son?” Although the words were angry, his bored response sent a chill through her soul.

  “Ah, ah. Let me remind you of a conversation we had not too terribly long ago. ‘There is no more Kevin. Nivek is not Kevin.’ Does that sound familiar?”

  “Mother?” Nivek looked at her as if seeing a total stranger. “You said that?”

  How like Regor to use her words against her. No tactic or weapon was beneath him. She looked at Nivek, her heart breaking as she imagined how her words must sound to him. How they must hurt him. “I said it,” she admitted. “But I never believed it!” she added before he could reply. “Not in my heart. I just… I felt like you didn’t need me anymore. It was the only thing I could tell myself that made it hurt less.”

  “Not need you? You’re my mother. I’ll always need you.”

  Regor yawned. “How very touching,” he said. “But I’m afraid I have to correct you on at least one point.”

  “What’s that?” Nivek asked.

  “You don’t—” He stopped and spun away from them, looking out over the landscape. “Bodann! What are you doing?”

  At the same instant, Nyala felt a distinct weakening in the power holding her. Bodann must have taken his power back! She looked at Nivek. As their eyes met, she knew he felt Regor’s grip easing as well. Summoning all of her strength, she blasted her way out of Regor’s hold, the shadows shredding and vanishing around her. Although he was still staring into the distance, she knew her escape would turn his attention back to them at any moment. Even without Bodann’s additional power, he was stronger than she was. She wasn’t sure if he was stronger than her and Nivek combined however.

  One thing she was sure of was that another attack would just give him time to get away. Before he could turn his focus to them, she wrapped iridescent power around him and slammed him into the ground as hard as she could. The power holding Nivek disappeared as Regor shook his head, clearly stunned from the impact. Without waiting for him to recover, she smashed him into the ground again. She flipped him over so that she could see his face. A trickle of blood ran from one nostril, and his cheek and forehead were scraped from hitting the ground. She could tell from the dazed look in his eyes that, at least for the moment, he was incapable of using his power. If she was going to do anything to ensure their safety, now was the time.

  Without warning, the image of him on their wedding day ran through her mind. Then the day Kevin was born. All of those moments from their distant past when they thought nothing could ever separate them played out in her memory, one after the other. As each moment segued into the next, she felt her resolve slipping.

  Regor shook his head. “Wha…? Wait. Hold on…”

  “No,” she said, pushing the memories aside. “You were going to kill us. You were going to kill your son! I can’t let that happen. I will not let that happen.” She began intensifying her power, hoping it would be enough. Hoping she could do what needed to be done before he regained his senses, and his power.

  “Mother,” Nivek said. “Wait.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and she felt his power joining hers.

  She looked at him, feeling the guilt rising again. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do. We have to do it together.”

  “Nivek,” Regor mumbled. “Kevin. Don’t do this. I’m your father. You know I wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  “Yes, you would have,” Nivek said. “And do you know how I know that? Because you’re not my father. My father was a good man. A man who would have given his own life before letting anyone hurt his family. That man died centuries ago. My father loved me, and he would hate what you are. I loved my father, but you’re not him. You just look like him.”

  She felt his grip on her shoulder tighten, and she turned her attention back to the man she once loved. One final picture ran through her mind: Nivek encased in shadow, as Regor stood over him. As she focused on that image, she found the strength to do what she must, for both of them.

  “You will never hurt us again!”

  With a flex of her will, Regor exploded into a cloud of shadow, quickly scattered by the chill breeze.


  “You do not have to do this,” Seryn said.

  Reyga looked at her, hoping she could somehow sway Airam from her obvious intentions.

  Airam turned to her. “Even if that were true, this moment would have come eventually.”

  “Why is it not true?” Reyga asked. “Are you not an Altered? Do the Altered give orders, or take them?”

  “To such as you, we give orders,” Airam said, as her eyes flared scarlet. “But from Bodann, we take them.”

  “So you do not agree with Bodann?” Seryn asked.

  Reyga felt a flicker of hope. If Airam did not agree with Bodann’s orders, perhaps they could turn Airam against him, at least for the moment.

  “I would never dream of disobeying Bodann,” she said, after a moment’s hesitation.

  “But you do n—”

  “Enough!” Airam said, cutting Seryn off. “Your attempts to avoid your fate are futile. Bodann has decided the Circle’s time is over. I am here to enforce his decree.”

  “Now!” Elam shouted.

  Reyga watched as the nasaiken spilled out the ore in their sacks, waiting to see how their plan would unfold. First, would be the Blood Iron ore, then the staff, and finally Lenara’s crystals.

  Airam looked at the ore scattered around her feet and laughed. “Rocks? Is that your plan to save yourselves? By throwing rocks a—” She stopped suddenly. “Wait. What is this?”

  Elam stepped forward with the staff. “Today shall not be our end, Altered. It will be yours!” The gem at the end of the staff flared to life, and Reyga saw it beginning to draw power from her.

  As Lenara went to activate the crystals, Reyga and the others moved into position to either side of Seryn. He placed his hand on her right shoulder and felt Delani’s hand resting upon his own shoulder. They were little more than a last resort if all else failed. Although they were in position, if they tried to use their power now, the Blood Iron and crystals would simply absorb it as well.

  Airam’s shining gaze scanned the crystals, all now shining brightly. Then she looked at the Loremasters and nasaiken. With a triumphant grin, she threw her head back, her laughter echoing through the training yard.

  Reyga frowned in confusion. How could this not be working? They all knew the power of the Blood Iron, and the staff had been designed by Nyala herself. But Airam was clearly unaffected. “No! How can this be?” he asked.

  “Bodann gives her his power,” Seryn answered, her voice heavy with defeat.

  Airam’s laughter quickly faded. “So, you think to take my power?” she said. “Let’s see how much you can…” She stopped, a puzzled look crossing her face. “How much you can…” She lifted her eyes to the sky once again, this time with no hint of amusement. “Bodann!” she raged. “What are you doing?”

  Reyga saw the edges of her robe begin to fray, wavering and fading in and out of view as the dimsai drained from her. “It would appear that Bodann has reclaimed his power,” he said.

  Airam’s attention snapped back to them, ignoring the dimsai being pulled from her as she bared her teeth in her wrath. “I don’t need Bodann’s help to deal with you. I will finish this myself!”

  As she drew her arm back, Seryn put up a shield between the Loremasters and Airam. Reyga hoped their combined power would be enough to protect them, at least for the moment.

sp; Airam sent the blast of power at them, but even as it left her hand, it spread out, dissipating and being absorbed by the ore and crystals surrounding her. With a look of incredulous fury, she sent another bolt of dimsai hurling toward them, and then another, with each attack being absorbed like the first. And with each attempt, her form became more unstable, the edges rippling like the shimmer of distant hills on a hot day.

  Movement to the side caught Reyga’s attention. He tore his attention from Airam long enough to see Lenai sitting up, holding one hand to her head.

  “Lenai!” he called to her. “Stay where you are!”

  She stared at him for a moment, her expression unreadable even for a Shanthi, and then her gaze went to Airam. Turning her head away, she scanned the training area, and, before he could say anything else, she jumped to her feet and ran from the yard.

  Reyga was torn. Part of him wanted to chase after her, to make sure she did not do anything foolish now that the bond had been broken. But he knew he dared not leave until they were certain Airam was defeated. He could only hope she would not take any drastic action before he was able to explain what Jason had done and why.

  “Archers, release!” Reyga looked up as Commander Revin shouted the order to attack. With the deadly thrum of scores of bowstrings, a swarm of arrows streaked toward Airam, who was still trying to attack the Loremasters.

  Instead of becoming embedded in her flesh, the arrows passed through Airam, emerging on the other side and dragging along trails of what Reyga could only assume was the essence of the Altered. As each wisp of matter and energy left her body, it was quickly absorbed by the ore scattered at her feet.


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