Deadly Past (Deadly Series Book 3)

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Deadly Past (Deadly Series Book 3) Page 14

by K. L. Humphreys

  I let her change the subject because I know that she hasn’t fully come to my way of thinking yet, but I know that she will.

  “It tastes a bit like Pork, do you want to try some?” I ask that even though I only have a few bites left, Morgan scrunches her nose up and shakes her head.

  “Don’t you like pork?”

  “I like pork, I don’t really like fish. I’ll eat cod and tuna, but that is about it. I hate the really smelly fish. Would you like some of the beef? I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” She takes another bite and moans lightly. Like me, she only has a few bites left.

  “No thanks, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of the best meal you’ve ever eaten.” She sticks her tongue out at me and continues to eat. She makes a long dramatic sigh as she takes her last bite.

  I shake my head at her antics, “That is one thing I like about you, you don’t care about appearances, you eat whatever the hell you want. There’s nothing worse than someone who starves themselves because they want to look good. You look hot all the time, those women could learn a thing or two from you.”

  She tsks at me, “Now, now Luke, it’s not only women that I can teach a thing or two to.” Her smile looks wicked, she’s planning something.

  She’s trying to get me worked up. I know that much, but I’m not sure what her endgame is.

  The waiter clears our plates as I try and figure out what she is planning, I come up empty. “Oh yeah, what can you teach me?”

  “Umm, you’ll have to wait and see, now won’t you?” The smile that looked wicked has now turned salacious.

  She’s trying to kill me. All I can say is thank god for the long tablecloth that is acting as a shield so no-one can see how hard this woman is making me.

  “Morgan,” My voice is huskier, and I watch as she squirms in her seat.

  Good, at least I’m not the only one affected. “Wait until I get you home, you’re not going to be able to sit for a week. Hell, you won’t be able to walk straight by the time I’m finished.”

  She squirms again, this time a little whimper escapes her lips. “Luke...” she’s whining, and it feels great to know that I can do that to her. I’m making her needy.

  “Oh Luke, what a lovely coincidence bumping into you here. Of all the places and here you are! I’ve been meaning to call you. I’ve been thinking a lot since yesterday.”

  Oh fuck, that voice has completely ruined this date, I don’t even look at her, I keep my eyes on Morgan and see that she doesn’t like her. If looks could kill, Alex would be dead right now.

  “Oh Luke, you haven’t changed at all have you. She’s a different one from yesterday.”

  “Alex, I told you yesterday, and I’ll tell you again. There is no you and I, we are never getting back together. Who I see is absolutely none of your business.”

  At the mention of Alex’s name Morgan’s sits up straight, she turns her head and stares at me, both of us now aren’t looking in Alex’s direction.

  Alex isn’t taking it well, she’s not the center of attention and her ploy in trying to get Morgan upset about me not only seeing Alex yesterday but being with someone else hasn’t worked. In fact, it’s done the opposite, Morgan has a big smile on her face, and this can only spell trouble.

  “Hmm, the other one was prettier. You really are going down in the world, aren’t you? I know that you're only doing this to get back at me.”

  Seriously? Is she deluded?

  “Oh honey, are you jealous? You poor thing, it's okay I completely understand why you’re jealous. He’s an amazing man, but you lost him, and that was your own damn fault.” Morgan still has a smile on her face, she hasn’t even looked back at her, she has kept her eyes on me the whole time.

  I turn to Alex whose face is red. She’s not happy, and she lets Morgan know just how mad she is.

  “Jealous? Of what? You? Oh please, you’re nothing to be jealous of. I suppose you’d be decent enough looking if you fixed your hair and lost about twenty pounds. Don’t worry, Luke will realize what he’s missing, and he’ll be back with me.”

  What in the ever-loving fuck?

  “Enough. How dare you speak to Morgan like that? Morgan is perfect, she doesn’t need to change her hair and she sure as fuck doesn’t need to lose weight. If anyone needs to fix themselves, it’s you. I mean this Alex don’t you dare speak to Morgan that way again. And for the last time, we are never getting back together. I love Morgan.” My voice is slightly raised because I’m raging, who says that about someone they don’t even know. I notice that a few of the diners are sneaking glances our way.

  “I look fantastic, thank you very much. What do you mean you love her? How could that even be possible? Of course, you say that now, but just wait, you’ll be begging for me to take you back.”

  Oh god, this woman needs help.

  “Look when a man tells you he’s not interested; keep your dignity by moving on, you’re looking desperate.” Alex lets out a screech, and I know that everyone is looking over at us now. However, Morgan hasn’t finished, she’s had enough of Alex.

  “Oh, and I highly doubt that it was a ‘coincidence’ you bumping into him tonight. Now if you don’t mind, our main course is coming, and I’d rather not have to eat while a stranger is at the table.”

  I look to where Morgan’s looking and see that she is right; our waiter is approaching our table. “It’s time for you to leave Alex. Stay the hell away from Morgan and me.” My tone brokers no argument.

  However, Alex has to get the last word in. “This isn’t over. He’s not yours and never will be. Mark my words.” With that, she leaves, not only where we are sitting, but the restaurant entirely.

  The waiter looks relieved that there isn’t going to be any more disruptions. He quietly places our plates onto the table and walks away. We sit in silence while we eat our main course. I can’t believe Alex ruined this date for Morgan. She was having a good time, this was her best day ever, and that bitch ruined it. I have a feeling that she hasn’t finished yet. She isn’t going to leave us alone.

  The waiter comes and clears the plates and asks if we want dessert, he leaves the dessert menus with Morgan and we start to look through it, I sigh and do the same.

  “So, you think I’m perfect?” Morgan’s voice pulls me from my inner thoughts. She’s smiling again, I hope this means she hasn’t let Alex ruin this evening.

  “In every single way.” My response is instantaneous, there was absolutely no hesitation. I watch as she presses her lips together as tears shimmer in her eyes.

  “Why are you upset?”

  She shakes her head and takes a sip of water, “I’m not upset, in fact, it’s the opposite. I don’t know the last time I was so happy. Probably before my mom died. Are we getting dessert?” She always does that, changes the subject. She says what she needs to, then moves on.

  “If you want dessert we can get some, what are you thinking? Winter said that the Chocolate Brooklyn Bridge was good and Sophia, Nathan, and Sam all said the Sorbet Plate was good.” I’m not sure if I even want one, but the Sorbet Plate does sound appetizing.

  “I already know what I want, the Sorbet Plate, but I’m not sure if I’d eat it all. Do you want to share?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” She smiles at me, and I call the waiter down to our table and order.

  “So, are we going to talk about what happened with Alex?” I’d rather get this over and done with now rather than later.

  “There’s something wrong with that woman, and I believe she may need some serious help.” She has the same thoughts as I do.

  “I have a bad feeling that she isn’t going to stop.”

  “I know, I’m thinking the same. At least she didn’t ruin this evening for us. I’m going to talk to Scott and Nathan tomorrow. I’m going to get them to see what she has been up to. I don’t trust that woman and I sure as hell am not going to let her try to hurt Sophia or you.” My gut is screaming that something bad is going to happen.
  “Well if you need me, just let me know. Although I have a feeling you’d ask your dad before you’d ask me as you wouldn’t want me involved.” She has a smile on her face as if she’s okay with that happening, yet the hurt in her voice gives her away.

  Our dessert arrives, and it looks good, Morgan picks up her spoon and tries some, her nose crinkles, and I know that she doesn’t really like it.

  “I’ll ask you if we need you okay. Now, what’s wrong with the Sorbet?” I try some and can’t see why she made that face, it tastes nice, it has a good sharpness to it.

  “It’s too sharp. Thank you for saying you’ll ask me, I’m not one to sit back and let others get on with things.” She gives me a pointed look, and I know she’ll be on my case constantly asking what I’ve found out.

  Why is it that the women in my life can’t let us get on with things, they have to know every detail and be a part of the process?

  “I think it’s good, do you want something different?” I’m still eating the Sorbet, and the more I eat, the sharper it becomes.

  “No thanks, I think it may have been the mixture in the Sorbet that I don’t like.” She looks back at the menu and crinkles her nose again and reads the ingredients as I continue to eat it.

  “Peach, Blueberry, and Buttermilk sorbets with Peach Carpaccio and Blueberry Sauce. What’s peach Carpaccio?”

  “I have no idea. Sounds pretentious whatever it is. Doesn’t it?” She giggles and nods.

  “I can’t finish this, are you sure you don’t want anything else?”

  She yawns but quickly covers her mouth. “No thank you. I’m full, I don’t think I can eat anything else ever again.” She yawns again, but this time it’s through a smile.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What are you apologizing for? You’re tired, you’ve worked all week, and most of those days have been working overtime.” She gives me a sheepish smile and her eyes are soft.

  I call the waiter and ask for the check. He comes back not even a minute later with it, and I pay up. It was good food, but it costs a small fortune.

  “Are you ready to leave?” I ask her, she looks dead on her feet.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” We get up and start making our way to the exit, on her way out Morgan sees our waiter and gives him her big smile.

  “Thank you, have a lovely evening.” The waiter gives her a smile and says goodnight. Once we’re in the limo, she settles back into the leather seats and reaches for my hand.

  “Thank you, Luke, this really was the best date ever.”

  “Mission accomplished. Just so you know, I had a great time, barring the crazy ex.” She smiles and squeezes my hand.

  “I now have to come up with a way to top this for the next one,” I promise her.

  She yawns again. “Next one? Oh, you are going to spoil me. That is easy; just keep away your exes.” She says quietly as her hand that was holding mine slowly releases as she yawns again.

  “I can’t help it if they follow me,” I say, and she doesn’t say anything for a while, and I realize that she has fallen asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Come on, spit it out - how did last night’s date go?” Sabine says way too enthusiastically for this time of the morning.

  It’s nine am, and I’m starving, Sabine called me at seven thirty waking both Luke and me, wanting to know how the date went. Thankfully, my cell still works, just the screen is cracked. So here I am, sitting down at a table at The Churchill and all I want is a Full English Breakfast and to be able to eat it in peace, but knowing Sabine, that is unlikely to happen.

  “Can we at least order first?” It came out as a question, but really, it’s a demand.

  “Order and spill.” She says, and I give her a pointed look that tells her to be quiet.

  “Okay, I’ll be patient.” She’s patient enough to let us order and let me have some coffee before she starts again.

  “Come on Moy, tell me. Where did you go?”

  Hmm, Luke mustn’t have told her where we were going.

  “He really didn’t tell you? I thought you knew? Ha, he didn’t trust you to keep your big mouth shut!”

  She scowls at me, “I’ll have you know that I can keep a secret, hell I didn’t tell you yesterday that Luke paid for everything.”

  “I suppose you’re right, you also didn’t tell me that you and Luke had lunch.” Her eyes widen at my words, she thinks I’m mad at her, but I’m not, in fact, I’m the opposite.

  “Thank you, I know that you didn’t particularly like him but you went for me, and I love you for that.” Knowing that she went there even though she wanted to kill him not that long ago makes me know how truly blessed I am.

  Our food arrives, and I don’t hesitate to dig in, I look over at Sabine and see she too has wasted no time and starts eating. We must look so unladylike.

  “I know how much you love him and I owed it to you to actually give him a chance. He’s not as bad as I thought. I can tell by the way he talks about you that he really does care. Saying that, he hurt you once Morgan, I really hope he won’t do it again. This is the happiest I’ve seen you.” She has a big smile on her face, and it’s an actual genuine one. Her eyes are sparkling with happiness.

  “I know, I don’t think I’ve been this happy since Mom died. I think it’s being with Luke and dad saying that he wants to see me, I’m settled, does that make sense?” I don’t know how to explain it adequately.

  “You feel at home with Luke, you’re happy when you’re around him.”

  How does she always know what I’m thinking?

  “Yes, I’m happy when Luke’s around, blissfully so,” I know that I have a big soppy grin on my face; just thinking about Luke makes me happy.

  “Okay, you’ve got food and are stuffing your face. Spill it, where did you go?” Sabine says as she takes the last bite of her pancakes. She then pushes her plate aside and puts her elbows on the table and her face in her hands, eagerly awaiting my story.

  “We went to the River Café.” I watch as her eyes widen and she lets out a low whistle, I can’t help but smile at her reaction.

  “Honestly Sim, I couldn’t even begin to describe the view. It was mesmerizing. That and the food were to die for.” Thankfully I’m still eating as thinking about last night’s dinner would make me hungry.

  “Oh wow, sounds amazing, did you have a good time?” She asks on a sigh. She’s jealous that she hasn’t been to the River Café.

  “It was the best night ever. Except when we met his ex. That was something I could have done without.”

  Ugh, just thinking about Alex gets my gut tightening, I feel as though she has unfinished business and she won’t stop until she gets what she wants.

  “Are you serious? At the restaurant? What happened?” She barks out the questions like she’s a drill sergeant.

  “Yes, at the restaurant, she walked straight up to the table. She’s a bitch; there are no other words to describe her other than Crazy and Bitch. All she kept saying was that she and Luke are meant to be together. That she wasn’t stopping until she got him back.”

  It was actually really stalker-like.

  “Oh, great just what you need! Where were you when she was saying this?” She looks as bewildered as I did last night.

  “I was at the table, oh don’t worry I wasn’t left out. In fact, she implied that Luke and you were an item and that you’re the prettier out of the two of us. Can’t say I disagree with her on that one. This was all before I even knew who she was. I swear Sabine, she just walked up to the table and said to Luke she had been thinking about him a lot since they met yesterday.”

  Oh, I was getting angry at that until Luke mentioned her name.

  “Holy crap! She really is a bitch. What did you say? Because I know you, once your feathers are ruffled you can’t keep quiet.” She arches her eyebrow waiting for me to answer her.

  I finish eating my breakfast and take a sip of my coffee before
answering her. “I just told her that she was jealous and it was her own fault that she lost Luke.”

  “What is she like? I mean is she pretty? I bet she’s stunning.” She rolls her eyes at me as she says the word stunning, and I can’t help but giggle as I nod.

  “People like her give beautiful women a bad rep. It’s bad enough that some people think that because you’re beautiful that you’re so far up your own ass. Whereas, most of us are normal down to earth people, not prima donnas.” She finishes her tirade with a huff.

  “Um, you’re a prima donna. You’ve literally just described yourself, except that you're not a crazed bitch. She is beautiful, but she’s ugly as hell on the inside. She said I’d be ‘decent enough looking if I fixed my hair and lost about twenty pounds.’ I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry in my life, I wanted to slap her so bad.” I clench my fist as I think back on last night.

  “Holy crap! I would have slapped her silly. Who does she think she was talking to? Does she need glasses? You don’t need to lose weight at all, and by the way, she was wrong. You are gorgeous, and everybody but you knows that. You see that you have a great body, but you don’t see the beauty you hold.” Sabine tells me indignantly.

  “What did Luke say to her bullshit?”

  “He told her that I’m perfect,” I tell her smugly, I still can’t believe that he thinks I’m perfect.

  “That is so cute. I’m so happy for you Moy. So, what happened after she who shall not be named left?” She laughs at her joke.

  “Cute, I doubt Luke will like being called cute. After she who shall not be named left, we had dessert then left.” I know that’s not what she wanted to know, but hell she dragged me out of bed on a Sunday to get the gossip, so I’m being vague.

  “Then what happened? Come on Morgan, and don’t skimp on the details.” She’s whining and pouting, it’s such an unattractive look on her.

  “Honestly I fell asleep in the limo on the way home. I was so tired, I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in a while, and after all of the amazing food I felt drained, and I fell asleep. I feel really bad as Luke went to such an effort to give me such a great night and I fell asleep.” I now feel totally relaxed and refreshed.


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