From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned Page 5

by Angie Hayes

  Chapter Ten


  My life has been going through an abundance of changes these past six months; so much so that sometimes I feel like I’m living in a maze with no way out. I went from having an affair of my own, to finding out that my husband is having another baby with another woman , to moving out and leaving him, and now the kids and I are back home trying to be a family once again. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; why in the hell did I go back? Well I didn’t make it easy for his ass that’s for sure. Troy knew I was serious when I took my kids and left, because I have never done that before.

  After I received that letter in mail telling me that yet another chick was having his baby, I was so done! I could have cared less what he had to say; I was out! I will admit that my new found flame had something to do with my quick decision to leave though. My plan was to move my kids and I into our own place, file for divorce, take Troy for what he had, and enjoy my freedom life with my new boo; but things didn’t work out like that. For starters, my babies missed their daddy like crazy and truthfully so did I. I knew Troy had been doing me wrong for the longest, but I honestly still loved my husband.

  When I moved out, Troy really started to act remorseful and even begin coming around a lot more. He would come by my sister’s place every morning to take the kids to school, and drop them back off when they got out. He also came and got them every weekend, and was never late. I received constant calls throughout the day, just because he wanted to see how my day is going. Troy even started to have a delivery of roses coming once a week, with notes telling me just how much he loved me and couldn’t live without me. On top of that he constantly begged and pleaded for us to come home and promised me that he finally wanted to do right. I had never seen Troy cry and beg for something so hard in the entire time I’d known him. It was then that I slowly started to be open to the idea of giving my marriage one last shot.

  In the mist of it all, I started to pull away from the affair I was having. I honestly thought I was feeling dude, but I realized that he was just a revenge fuck. Obviously he wasn’t too happy with me pulling back. He even stated that I was just using him and that he was tired of bitches doing that. After flipping out on me he eventually took it for what it was and backed off. Soon after I agreed to go to our house and have a one on one talk with my husband. While there he agreed to put everything on the table, and promised to tell no more lies.

  “Thanks for agreeing to finally come and see me baby, I really missed you.” Troy said as he let me in the house.

  “Don’t get this shit twisted Troy. I just came to see if our marriage is worth saving one last time, because I swear with the bullshit you be on, I should have left you a long time ago.” I reminded him.

  “You right Cass, and it’s no excuse of how many times I’ve messed up when it came to us. Not only was I cheating, but I was having babies out here on you with no remorse. I always knew in the back of my mind that you should have left me, but each time you stayed. Believe it or not I loved you more and more for it.” Troy explained.

  “Tell me how do you think we can work out our marriage with everything you have done? I’m not talking about just the cheating either. You have other kids out here by other women who have you on child support.” I tried so hard to fight my tears but I just couldn’t.

  “I know baby and I can’t keep expressing how sorry I am. If I have to spend the rest of my life apologizing and making it right I will. I now realize that you and my home are the most important thing.”

  “So let me get this straight. After years of marriage, numerous of affairs, three outside kids, and not to mention these child support cases, you are just now realizing that your home is important to you?” I scoffed. “In between all your bullshit, you never once stopped to think this before?” I questioned.

  Although I was upset with his admission, I decided to continue to listen because Troy called himself being remorseful and honest, and I wanted to test his sincerity.

  “If you want me to even reconsider giving us another go, I need you to be straight up and completely honest. No matter how fucked it is, which I’m sure it will be considering it’s you.” I paused. “Did you know that chick in the grocery store the other day?” I asked.

  I wanted to see if he was going to tell me the truth. What he didn’t know was that what he said next determined what I had planned to do with the shit we called a marriage.

  Troy took a deep breath before answering. “Yes, baby I know her.”

  “Well how well do you know her Troy, because from the looks of it y’all seemed shocked to see one another?” I asked him. I swear it never fails with his ass.

  “I know her from past dealings we had baby.” he answered. Did he say dealings? This muthafucka has been married to me for 9 1/2 damn years, and he’s still having dealings with other women? I thought to myself.

  “Okay, well since y’all had or still have dealings, considering your track record; is that your baby she’s carrying, because if I recall correctly you told me the bitch that left me that letter had a miscarriage.” I said to him.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

  Troy looked me straight in my face and said, “No baby, she’s not pregnant from me.”

  I instantly felt a sigh of relief. I couldn’t stomach dealing with another one of Troy’s fuck up’s. Call me stupid, or call me desperate but I honestly don’t give a damn. I decided from his answer to give him one more chance, but you better believe I’ll be on his ass like a dog in heat!


  I sat in my car parked across the street from Troy’s house, watching his fuck ass help Cassandra move her and the kid’s things back into their house. I knew a long time ago she was a stupid bitch, I just didn’t think she was that dumb. It amazes me how this nigga can continue to get away with fucking over so many women and never have any repercussions. Well at least that’s what he thinks. When he’s least expects it, I’mma be all up in his shit making him wish like hell he didn’t fuck with this bitch though. Little by little I’m taking everything he’s worked so hard for, and I’m a starting by hitting those pockets.

  Chapter Eleven


  One of the most beautiful things that I’ve ever seen in this world was when I witnessed Alicia give birth. Besides the snapping and cursing out, she did well. My woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She was so beautiful! Although I would never say it out loud, it did sting that she didn’t have my blood running through her veins. Even with that said, as planned, I signed her birth certificate and gave her my last name. Now if only I can hurry up and do the same for Alicia; only then would I be complete.

  Throughout her entire pregnancy Alicia has been planning our wedding. I convinced her to wait until after she had the baby so that she could have things exactly the way she wanted it without the added stress. I did this because I knew that she had been having a hard pregnancy, and I knew she wouldn’t put up much of a fight. She agreed but had still been planning it on the low.

  “Oh my God baby, I can’t wait until we are finally married and complete as a family!” Alicia exclaimed with so much excitement in her voice.

  I had just brought her and my baby girl, Zaria, home from they’re two day standard stay at the hospital. The condo was now officially the home that we both shared, since I had been able to move off base. My excuse to Alicia was that since I had up my rank, I was able to move off post, which wasn’t completely a lie. Since legally I was already married, getting eligible to stay off base wasn’t a problem. Now of course Alicia didn’t need to know that.

  “I know baby I can’t wait either. Let’s just make our main focus on getting you healed first before you go into overdrive with planning this wedding. Our daughter needs your full attention right now. Don’t worry you already know that I’m not going anywhere; our day will come.” I told her with the hope that she would drop the subject.

  I’m still in the pr
ocess of trying to get Carmen to agree to a quick divorce without having to have Alicia find out. The problem is she’s still not budging. I even told her that I was gonna cut her off from receiving any type of money from me anymore. Her response was, and I quote, “If you even think about fucking with my money I will make sure your little fiancée knows who the real Mrs. in your life is, and I ain’t talking about your momma.”, and you already know I didn’t want that. I guess it took me a while before I actually realized that I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into with that bitch. Here she was trying to hold on to a measly ass $2,600 a month, just because her bum ass didn’t wanna go out and get a damn job. Thinking back, I don’t know what I was thinking when I got involved with Carmen. .

  You don’t know how bad I just wanna tell Alicia, but I don’t want her to think I purposely deceived her and she ends up leaving me. I even opened up to Keith about my situation when we were down visiting for the baby shower. After the girls to the store that day, I let him in on what was going on.

  “Aye man I need to holler at you about something private.” I said to him as I stood up heading to a secluded spot to talk.

  “What's up man, you straight?” Keith asked.

  “Naw, matter of fact I’m so fucked up right now I don’t know where to begin.” I went on to tell him about the whole Carmen situation and the contract marriage. I even told him about how she refused to give me a divorce like we had planned from the very beginning

  “Man, this some deep shit you got going on bra.” Keith admitted when I finished telling him everything.

  “I always heard about those contract marriages and how fucked up they could end up being.” He paused. “So what do you plan on doing?”

  “To be honest I have no fucking idea. I know I need to just come clean with her, but I’m scared. I had my chance when she first told me about the baby and Troy situation, but I bitched up. Now I’m in an even bigger mess because I still haven’t said a thing, and Carmen is adamant on making shit hard!” I yelled because I had gotten pissed all over again.

  “Listen, there’s only one way I can see you getting out of this , and that’s just to go ahead and tell Alicia the truth. Take it from me; you don’t want another female coming in your household and fucking it up.” Keith told me with regret written on his face. “Just explain everything to her. Even though I know she gone be pissed and hurt, hopefully she’ll understand just like you did with the baby situation.”

  “Yeah I thought of that, but I don’t know. I can’t lose her man. I love Alicia with every fiber of my being, and every time I even think about her leaving me I get sick to my stomach.” I explained.

  “I know the feeling, but I’m telling you the best thing for you to do right now is just tell her and wherever the chips lay they lay. I wish like hell I would have told Keisha about Destiny the minute I found out, but just like you I was selfishly thinking I was gonna lose her. I didn’t even give Keisha the chance to choose to stick it out with me, and instead I forced her hand. Now look at the shit I’m going through.” he dropped his head and shook it. “I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place now trying to maintain a relationship with my daughter and keep my marriage.” Keith expressed to me.

  Everything Keith was saying made perfect sense. Since Carmen wasn’t going to give me a divorce I didn’t see any other way around this.

  “You’re right; I’m going to tell her after she has the baby though. I don’t need to add on to her stress.”

  Here it was three weeks later, and I still haven’t come up with the courage to tell her. I even tried to convince Carmen one last time, by offering her $5,000 just to sign the divorce papers, but she still refused. Just seeing the excitement dance around in Alicia’s eyes every time she mentions our wedding crushes me.

  “Baby did you hear me?” Alicia asked breaking me out of my deep thought.

  “Huh? I’m sorry; I was just thinking about something, what did you say?” I asked.

  “Damn, I hope that daze you were in was about me.” She joked. “I said why don’t we just go to the court house and get married and have a big wedding later?” She suggested.

  When I heard that my heart began to powerfully pound inside my chest, it was so hard, I swore it would break through my rib cage and pop out on the floor.

  “Baby that sounds good but I wanna give you the main thing you been talking about, and that’s the wedding of your dreams.” I said thinking quickly on my feet.

  “The only thing I want is to have your last name just like Zaria. I just want to be your wife. We can have the wedding later.” She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck nibbling on my neck.

  I should have told her right then and there but my coward ass couldn’t, so instead I simply agreed.

  How in the fuck am I going to do this shit?

  Chapter Twelve


  Rico and I just got through fucking the shit outta one another. I was still lying in the bed naked and alone while smoking me a blunt, because his ass jumped up and left to go pick up money from his trap house. As I lie here watching the smoking rings drift to the ceiling, I reflect on what’s going on in my life. Shawn has continued to come at me heavy about signing the divorce papers, and of course I’m still not doing do it. He even went as far as to offer me $5,000 upfront to get the shit done, but I told him ”If the bitch means that much to you, then you should be willing to pay way more than that.” I wanted $10,000 and not a cent less. If he did that I’d sign on the dotted line quick, fast and in a hurry. He called me a money hungry bitch and hung up in my face, so I guess that was a no.

  I really don’t give a fuck because money talks, so all the insults I could care less about. Just as I took another hit of my Kush my cell phone started to ring

  “What’s up bae?” I answered when I saw that it was Rico.

  “Aye, I’m having my homeboy, Cory drop by there to bring me a package, and I need for you to handle that for me. Just grab it from him.” he answered getting right to the point.

  “Okay, but what’s the package?” I asked, because if it was money that meant Rico was gone break me off.

  “Man, don’t question me just do what I asked yo’ ass to do!” he barked. “I’ll be there later on to pick it up.” He paused. “Oh, and be naked, because I want to tear that pussy up some more.” He told me before he hung up the phone.

  No sooner than I sat the phone down I heard someone knocking. I jumped up and quickly threw on a wife beater and a pair panties and went to answer my door. When I opened it there stood a fine ass muthafucka —who I assumed was Cory— standing there with a duffle bag draped over his shoulder.

  “Damn shorty, you must be Carmen.” He said eying me while he licked his lips. I nodded. ”I’m here to drop this package off for Rico. He told me to give it to you.” Without waiting on an invitation, he stepped into my apartment.

  Normally I would trip about someone coming into my shit uninvited, but his fine ass was definitely welcomed. Just his presence and the smell of his cologne had my pussy dripping again. In that moment, I totally forgot that I had just finished fucking Rico not too long ago.

  “Rico already hollered at me, so you can just give it here. You want something to drink?” I asked while he handed the bag to me. This shit is heavy; I hope it’s full of money.

  “You got some brown with ice?” Cory asked.

  “I sure do. I’ll be right back with it in a second.” As I walked off, I purposely switched my hips extra hard to make sure he got a full view of my fat ass that was barely concealed in my panties.

  I knew exactly what I was doing. This nigga was too damn fine and I wanted a piece. After I poured his drink, I made my way back into the living room. I looked him directly in the eyes as I bent over to put it down on the table in front of him, giving him full view of my bare titties; held only by the wife beater. He stared lustfully at them while he reached for his drank. I knew he wanted to fuck me; I was just waiting for my chance.r />
  “Damn lil mama it’s like that?” Cory lifted the glass and took a large swig of his liquor.

  “Like what?” I played clueless.

  He chuckled. “Do you always walk around in just panties and a t-shirt when company is around?” he asked.

  “Well if you must know, you caught me chilling when you dropped by. Besides last time I checked this was my muthafucking place so I’m gone be comfortable no matter who I’m In front of.” I responded.

  “So, is Rico yo’ dude?” he asked.

  “Rico is my friend, and what we got going on is just that, a friendship.” I said as licked my lips and moved in closer to sit with him on the couch.

  His smell was so damn intoxicating and it was turning me on! I know I still have Rico’s juices leaking out of me, but fuck that shit; my pussy is yearning for this nigga right now.

  “Well, how can I be a friend?” he asked as he placed his cup down on the table and removed his hat as if he knew it was about to go down.

  “Shit you ain’t gotta ask twice.” I said lustfully.

  As soon as those words left my lips, I reached down and unzipped his pants. With his dick now exposed, I bent over and placed the head of it between my lips and sucked gently. As I alternated from jacking his dick and sucking it, Cory managed to retrieve a condom from his pocket and open it. After I heard the sound of tearing plastic, I assisted him in sliding it on and hopped on it. Rico ass wasn’t gonna be back any time soon, so I was about to enjoy this nigga to the fullest.

  Chapter Thirteen


  David called me and told me that he was in town and wanted to meet up to discuss arraignments with Jass. He explained that he was staying at one of his homeboy’s spot in down town LA and wanted me to meet him there. I figured that since it was at his friend house I should be safe from fucking up again. Once he gave me the address I told him I’ll be by once I dropped my baby off at school. I still have yet to tell Keith about David wanting to be more active in Jass’s life. I just know he’s going to feel some type of way about it, and since we are still bumping heads with his baby momma drama, I just didn’t want to add my own in the mix. After leaving the school, I was on my way to meet up with David when Keith called.


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