From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned Page 10

by Angie Hayes

  “That don’t mean shit Keish and you know it. Look at all the shit Troy and I did in the beginning and he was married. Maybe she’s a wife like his wife, and doesn’t mind the shit that her husband does.” I suggested.

  From the day I found out that Troy was married, I always wondered if his wife knew about me. I’m pretty sure as a woman she had to know her husband was stepping out, but then again Troy probably had her ass on lock too.

  “True, but I just don’t see it. That man loves you and adores Zaria like his own; he even signed her birth certificate, which says a lot. Now don’t get me wrong, because he was foul for not telling you, but I really wish you just hear him out.” Keisha pleaded with me.

  “I mean come on Alicia, what married man you know that will voluntarily sign his name on a baby that is not biologically his birth certificate?” Keisha asked me.

  I heard everything she was saying, but the fact still remained that Shawn should have told me the truth. I feel like he’s been stringing me along the whole time, getting my hopes high believing that we were going to be one; when all along he knew we couldn’t.

  “I can’t go through with what I went through with Troy; especially now that I have Zaria.” I finally said.

  “And you shouldn’t! Just hear him out Alicia. It might be more to it then we know.” Keisha voiced.

  I was ready to stop talking about Shawn, so I jumped to a different topic

  “You still have yet to answer my question as to why you still haven’t told Keith about David wanting to visit Jass. It seems like every time I even mention David you always change the subject so what’s up with that?” I asked Keisha.

  I knew my cousin better than anybody else, so I knew when she was hiding shit. Something is going on and her ass better tell me. There was a silence pause. Without saying a word Keisha got up and went down the hall to the guest room where Jass was playing on the Wii. She peeped in before closing the door and came back into the living room and sat down.

  “Okay what I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room, this is something you have to take to yo’ fucking grave!” She warned me.

  “Come on Keish you know me better than that, what’s up?” I asked.

  She starred at the floor for a minute before she sighed loudly and looked back up at me.

  “The reason I haven’t told Keith anything about David wanting to spend time with Jass is because right before my wedding when I was in town, David and I slept together.” She finally confessed to me.

  Did I just hear this heffa right? I know damn well she didn’t just say she fucked David!

  “Uh wait a fucking minute, what you mean you fucked David right before yo’ wedding?” I asked loudly.

  “Shhh damn! Say it louder so Jass can hear yo ass.” Keisha whispered reminding me that I was getting too loud “That’s not all though.” she hesitated.

  “Damn what else could be worse?” I asked the suspense killing me.

  “When he came into town a couple of days ago right before we came here, I met up with him and we fucked again.” Keisha said dropping her head.

  I just stared at her wondering who the fuck was the chick sitting next to me. I couldn’t believe my cousin would do something like that; at least not the cousin I knew. Between her and Shawn, the lies and deceit was too much.

  Is everybody living foul these days?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “If you bring yo’ ass out that muthafucking room I’m a beat yo ass again!” I yelled as I slammed Destiny door.

  I just got through whooping her ass because she acted like she didn’t want to eat her breakfast. Then had a nerve to say she wanted her daddy. Fuck yo’ daddy! Ever since the bullshit that went down with his stupid ass wife; I haven’t answered any of his texts or phone calls, and refuse to let him see her. Let his ass see what it’s like to not have his daughter in his life because of that bitch.

  That day Keith came and got Destiny, I had a little plan to show him what it was I had in store for him. Destiny was still taking her nap and I wasn’t going to wake her. So I just put on something sexy and decided that I was going to invite him in. When I opened the door, I could tell by his reaction that liked what he saw. One thing me and Keith never had a problem with was the bedroom. I knew I could have had him both in my mouth, as well as in between my legs in no time. That was until Keisha got her funky ass out the car. As she made her way up to the door I looked at her mad ass fuck. I couldn’t believe that one, Keith had brought that bitch to my house, and two, that he allowed her to fuck up my plans.

  Once I called Destiny and she went with Keith to the car, Ms. Keisha decided to have a few words with me. I quickly put her in her place, and the next thing I knew she had dragged me out the house by my hair. I admit she got the best of me, and that’s only because she had the jump on me. Once she grabbed my hair, I was stuck and couldn’t do anything. In fact, the only time I was able to get a hit on her was when Keith got in between us. Even then I ended up hitting him in the face.

  After that fiasco, I ended up not letting Keith take Destiny with him. I knew that would hurt him. When I grabbed Destiny out of their car and dragged her ass back into the house, she was crying so fucking hard that I started slapping her upside the head and pinching her. I knew what I was doing hurt her, but at that moment all I saw was Keith face. I couldn’t fuck him and Keisha up, so our daughter was the next best thing.

  When we got in the house Destiny wouldn’t stop crying so I threw her ass in the closet and made her stay there for two hours. When I finally opened the door to let her out she was on the floor curled up in a ball sleep. I felt bad because I knew my baby was an innocent party, but having Keith love and want her and not me drove me crazy. The voices in my head told me that Destiny thought she was better than me, so the entire weekend all I did was beat her ass and make her stay in her room. I finally decided to let her out so that she could eat breakfast, but wouldn’t you know that her ungrateful ass had a nerve to say she wanted her fucking daddy! I slapped her hard on her back and sent her back into her room. It took me awhile to calm down, and when I did I realized what I had done. I crept into her room and found her laying in her bed sleep from all the crying she had done.

  “I’m so sorry baby, mommy is so sorry!” I cried as I cradled her tightly in my arms.

  “Ouch mommy!” Destiny yelped in pain.

  My baby was so small and delicate, and yet I kept hurting her. I really didn’t mean too. All I wanted was for Keith to be a family with us. I knew that if I only took the medicine I was supposed to, it would help me to control things, but I hated the way it made me feel. They wouldn’t even be an issue, if only Keith would just cooperate.

  “Listen baby, mommy is sorry about giving you a booboo. It’s just that I need for you to always listen when I tell you to do things. If you do that, then I won’t have to hurt you.” I said as I rocked her slowly in my arms. “And remember our secret. You can’t tell anyone that mommy hurts you or they will take you me away.” I reminded her while looking directly in her eyes.

  I needed to make sure she understood that I was serious. She nodded her head and closed her eyes.

  I should kill Keith for what he’s making me do. As a matter of fact, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I can’t believe I let my anger get the best of me again. I’m sitting here in this pissy ass cell because of some bullshit with Candy. I knew I shouldn’t have taken my ass over there, but I couldn’t let that hoe get away with the shit she pulled. I’m even madder because I didn’t get a chance to fuck her up the way I wanted too! Now I gotta deal with the courts, and Cassandra. There was no way in hell I could have told her over the phone why I’m really in here. Shit, she doesn’t even know who the fuck a Candy is, let alone me being locked up from violating the restraining order she has on me. Since the police caught me in the act, they added a few more charges.

t a year ago I had my shit all in order. I had everything from my home to my mistress in a straight fucking line, and now look at this shit. My wife took the kids and left me, I lost Alicia who has my daughter and is now with another man. I’m suspended from my fucking job, and I fucked with a crazy hoe that now has my ass up in jail. The only thing that’s not all fucked up is the fact that Cass came back home. Other than that, my shit is all bad. Now I really know it’s time to get my life back in order. This time I’m doing it the right way. I know I told Cass that it wouldn’t be any more lies, but I still can’t tell her about Alicia and the baby. It’s bad enough I gotta explain this shit with Candy and hope like hell she believes my ass.

  I know for a fact that she won’t accept the situation that I have with Alicia. Truth of the matter is, she only came back because I told her that Candy lost the baby. My common sense is telling me that I should just leave the situation alone with Alicia and my daughter. Let them live their lives and stay away. I honestly would if it were any other female, but it’s Alicia though. I wanna see the baby we created; tell her that I did love her, and that I’m truly sorry for everything that I did wrong. Damn I hope Keith talked her into having some type of contact with me. From the fucked up way I treated her, I won’t even blame her for not wanting to have shit to do with me. Just reflecting on the things I’ve done, I know that my Karma has come back to bite me in my ass.


  Damn he’s making my job easier by fucking up his own life. Now why the fuck would he go to her apartment and start some shit when he knows that she had just served him with a restraining order? Dumb ass! Everything is working in my favor so fuck it. Now it’s time to turn it up a notch.

  Chapter Thirty


  These past few weeks have been crazy! Rico is still on some other shit. Not only has he been kicking my ass whenever he feels like it now, but he’s also been stingy with my money. My momma has been getting on my fucking nerves by constantly calling talking about I need to get my kids; claiming she needs a break. Shawn has informed me that he has officially stopped giving me anymore money because he went ahead and told his fiancée the truth. So not only is my shit starting to get out of control, but my money is being played with it. Seems like the only peace I get is when me and Cory are fucking or when I’m getting high.

  Rico has completely stopped giving me the dick, and barely even comes over anymore.

  “What’s up ma? What you over there thinking about?” Cory asked as I lay in his bed smoking on a blunt. My eyes were fixated on the ceiling.

  “Nothing important. I was thinking about how I need to finally dead whatever it is I have with Rico.” I responded.

  “Why do you feel that way all of a sudden?” he asked me.

  “Because shit just ain’t the same, and I’m tired of his bullshit ways. He doesn’t come to the crib, he’s being skimpy with my money, and now he thinks he can just put his hands on me whenever the fuck he feels like it.” I explained.

  This was my first time telling anyone about my issues with Rico. To be all the way honest, I just wanted his ass gone away from my life.

  “Damn, I didn’t know all that was going on. I’m sorry you going through what you’re going though.” Cory shook his head. “Let me ask you something. Since you said he’s barely coming around ya crib, does he still handle his shit there?” He asked me.

  “Yeah, but that’s all. He comes in, collect what he needs, showers, changes clothes, makes me to cook, eats and haul ass. I don’t even know where the fuck he goes anymore once he leaves.”

  “So he really ain’t fucking with you? Why don’t you just tell him to find another spot to do his business?”

  “Because he still pays me, so fuck it. That right there is business. I know I feel some type of way about the other shit, but I would never let that interfere with me getting paid.” I said as I pulled on the blunt, and blew my smoke in the air.

  “Even though I do a lil business with ya boy, I think you need to separate yourself from that shit before you get fucked up in the game. “Cory warned. “I been around long enough and have seen many females like you get caught up.” He sat up in the bed and looked me directly in the face.

  I could tell he was serious, but my mind was gone. The weed had taken effect, and I was horny as hell.

  “I hear ya boo. What I need from you right now is some more of that good dick.” I said stroking his thick pole. I felt it stiffen up, so I leaned over and licked it up and down to get it slippery while continued to stroke it.

  “I’m serious Carmen; you cool peoples so you need to start making better choices before it’s too late.” Cory moaned.

  All I wanted was some dick; I didn’t have time to hear shit about me making better choices.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I’ve been missing Alicia and Zaria like a crazy! I’ve been staying in the barracks since the day she put me out, and I’m tired of it. She doesn’t answer any of my calls, and when I send her text messages, she never replies. I know I fucked up and I wish like hell I would have been straight up with her from the beginning, but the coward in me wouldn’t let it happen. Keith and Keisha are up here visiting for a few days, and I hate that I’m not at the house with them. Keith and I are still meeting up to try to make sense of my fuck up.

  “Man I don’t need to ask you how you doing, because I see that shit written all on ya face.” Keith told me when he entered the pool hall.

  “This shit crazy man” I said as I lined up to take my first shot.

  “I know it is. You just gotta just find a way to make shit right.”

  “How the fuck can I do that when she won’t even talk to me? She even had the fucking locks changed!” I said raising my voice.

  “Aye man calm yo’ tone, I hate nosey muthfauckas.” Keith said as he looked around to see if people were staring at us. “You know how women are, they need time to digest everything and then they’ll listen.”

  “Yea that’s true, but this case is different. Alicia just got out the same bullshit with ya boy and now here I come telling her the same thing. I don’t think she gone ever want to hear my ass out, I think she done.”

  “Well look, before I left I heard Keisha telling her that she needs to hear you out and that you just don’t seem like that type of guy, so it must be more to the story. You know Alicia stay taking Keisha’s advice. So like I said give her some time, she’ll come around. I’m gone also have a one on one talk with her before we leave, so in the meantime just keep assuring her that you love her and that you’re sorry. Even if she doesn’t answer your calls or messages, keep leaving them.” Keith said sinking one of his balls into the corner.

  “You right, and thanks man.” I stopped and looked his way. “Aye, I really appreciate this shit, not too many dudes would befriend the boyfriend of their best friend’s ex.” I told him seriously.

  “Unless you did some foul shit or tried to harm me or the ones I love, you good with me. Besides, whatever went down between Troy and Alicia ain’t have shit to do with you.” he assured me. “Speaking of Troy, I spoke to him right before I came here and I wanted to run something by you.” Keith told me.

  Keith had never mentioned Troy to me before, let alone tell me what they talked about.

  “What’s up?” I asked anticipating on what he had to say.

  “Well, he asked me about Alicia and her having the baby. I told him she had already had the baby and now he wants me to talk to her about him seeing Zaria. The reason I’m telling you this is because I was thinking about running it by her.” Keith admitted. What the fuck? What did he mean that nigga wanna see Zaria? That ain’t happening; I don’t give a fuck if he is her biological father.

  “I appreciate you telling me, but I don’t think I want ya boy around Zaria or Alicia.” I said and made my shot. I’m pissed that Keith would even consider this bullshit, but I stayed calm.

  “I know you might feel some type of way, and I get that. I
also get that a man deserves to know their child regardless of what the parents go through.” Keith tried to explain to me.

  “Yeah they do, but not a man who didn’t want the child in the first place. Not to mention a man who used to beat the child mothers ass. I’m finding it hard to believe that Zaria is the only one he wants to see.” I bet you his ass wanna also know what the fuck Alicia up to, but not on my watch. I may be on the outs with her now, but that’s still my woman and her and Zaria is still my family. I told him as I made my shot.

  “I know Troy got some fucked up ways and all that went down with him and Alicia was even more fucked up, but the fact still remains that he wants to at least know how his shorty is doing. Ultimately the decision is up to Alicia, I just wanted to give you a heads up that’s all.” Keith told me letting me know that his mind was basically made up; he was going to ask her.

  “A’ight, I appreciate the heads up. Your right, Alicia has the final say, but I’m sure it’ll be a no. Right now my focus is just getting her back, fuck everything else. Once I do that than me and her can cross that Troy bridge together.” I stated and I meant just that.

  I already knew Alicia wasn’t going to fuck with Troy, let alone let him near Zaria. “Besides man, from what I hear ya boy got a bus load of kids already, so why he so worried about seeing Zaria?” I asked.

  “Like I said, I don’t know. All I’m doing is just relaying the message, that’s all.” Keith shrugged.

  I decided to drop the subject. Keith has been straight up with me from the day I met him, so I trust him not to do no sneaky shit. I know he’s stuck because he’s kind of the middle man, so I’ll just leave it as is until I get my shit situated with Alicia. Then, and only then, we’ll deal with Troy punk ass together.


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