Catching Her Wolf: A Howls Romance (The Shifters of Sanctuary Book 5)

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Catching Her Wolf: A Howls Romance (The Shifters of Sanctuary Book 5) Page 7

by Kasey Belle

  Janie nudged his leg with her foot. “I know you’re awake.”

  He slowly lowered his arm. The heat in his eyes as he took her in melted her. “Morning, Janie baby.”

  “I’m not your baby. What are you doing on my porch Devon?”

  “Waiting for you.”

  She tapped her foot as impatience got the better of her. “Why? When avoidance was working so well? Decide to change your tactics?”

  He sat up and scrubbed a hand over his face. The heavy sigh that left his body hurt her heart. “I miss you,” he whispered.

  “I’ve always been right here.”

  He kept his eyes trained on the hands in his lap. “I know. I’m not that boy.”

  She blinked back tears. A blind man could see he wasn’t. She never expected him to stay the same idealistic young man. She wasn’t naïve. War changed people. As long as he still loved her they could overcome anything. How could he not know that?

  “Devon. Look at me please.” He did as she asked. The pain in his eyes stole her breath. “I’m also not that girl anymore. I never stopped loving you or wanting you. Do you still love and want me?”

  He nodded.

  “You want to come in and have some coffee?”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. “I’d like that.”

  He jumped to his feet and followed her inside. She pointed down the hallway. “The guest bathroom is the second door on the right if you want to freshen up. There is extra toothpaste and toothbrushes under the sink.”

  “Thanks, babe.” He reached out to touch then pulled back his hand. He cleared his throat. “I’m gonna go…” He nodded toward the hallway.

  Janie sighed and headed to the kitchen. She had a feeling she’d need to pop a double shot pod in the Keurig this morning for what was about to come. At least Devon was in her house. It was a step in the right direction.

  She glanced over her shoulder when Devon joined her in the kitchen. “How do you take your coffee?”


  He laughed when she grimaced. “You get used to it. Creamer and sugar are in short supply when you’re deployed.”

  “Well it’s not in short supply here.”

  A flash of humor crossed his handsome face at her snotty tone. “If it will offend you delicate sensibilities feel free to go wild,” he drawled. Leaning his butt against the breakfast bar, he shot her a playful wink.

  With a haughty sniff, Janie stuck her nose in the air. “Too late.”

  His deep chuckle warmed her heart. Maybe they could work things out.

  “Why don’t you go sit on the sofa? I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He gave her a two-fingered salute before doing what she asked. Janie grinned as she watched Devon from the kitchen. He couldn’t seem to decide what to do with himself. He sat forward resting his elbows on his knees. Then he leaned back placing an arm across the back of the sofa. Wiggled a little more and rested his hands in his lap. Shift again, wiggle some more. It was amusing as hell. She should probably put him out of his misery, but a tiny part of her loved the fact that he was as nervous as she was.

  She carried his coffee along with hers to the den and joined him. “Here.”

  He took the mug from her hand his fingers brushing over hers as he did. Just like every time in the past and electric jolt shot through her when his skin touched hers. He cleared his throat. “Thank you.”

  “I know we need to talk. Have needed to for a long time.” She gave a look that said his radio silence wasn’t appreciated and he was getting off easy. “Before we do, I need to tell you something about...”



  His rumbling growl made her grin. “Stop. The whole dating thing was a farce.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your family―who now happen to be my friends―devised a plan to help you see the error of your ways. I believe the way Ella put it was nothing says get your head out of your ass like some good old-fashioned competition.”

  “Damn. Those liars. I want to be mad, but I can’t. Although I plan to give Koda and Storm shit for breaking their promise of keeping my secret.” He took her hand twining their fingers together. “There’s only ever been you, Janie.”

  “The same for me. There’s only ever been you.”

  “I’m not the same.”

  “I don’t need you to be the same. I just need you.” She brought his and to her lips and kissed it. “Tell me.”

  After a few moments of hesitation, he did. He explained how their separation sucked the life from his soul and why he stopped communicating with her. He couldn’t tell her where he’d been or what he’d done, but she didn’t need to know. She let him go at his own pace. He never paused his narrative. She refilled their mugs with coffee until she felt as if she’d vibrate out of her skin and finally switched them to water. She was in tears when he explained how he was injured. She held nothing but hate in her heart for the brother and sister who’d been responsible for the suicide bombing. Two people who Devon had known and trusted killed and injured dozens of American soldiers. She couldn’t imagine the betrayal he felt. She hurt for him.

  He blew out a breath when he finished. He looked emotionally exhausted, but physically stronger as if finally sharing with her relieved him of the burden weighing him down.

  Janie got herself under control and spoke in a voice thick with emotion. “We can’t change the past and I know it will never truly leave you alone. However, I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. You’re home where you belong.”

  “Just doing what you told me to.”

  “Since when?”

  His smile was sad. His eyes took on a far-off look. “When I thought I was dying. I saw you. You said, I love you, Devon Stone. It’s time to come home.”

  Janie gasped. Wow. His last thoughts were of her? There were no words for how she felt. She wanted him to know how much his admission touched her soul. She did the only thing she could. Janie threw her arms around Devon and kissed him as if her life depended on it because in a way it did.

  Chapter 13

  It had been a long damn time since he’d kissed Janelle Harper. Six years, eighty-one days, and fourteen hours give or take a few minutes to be exact. Just like the first and last time, a jagged bolt of heat shot through him from his lips straight to his balls. He wrapped his arms around her, drew her closer, meeting the strokes of her tongue with his own, until she moaned. The feel of her in his arms imprinting on his soul.

  Dev held her tighter, gave in to his need for her, and took control. He kissed her hard and long drinking in her taste and her sweet scent. Mmm. Cotton Candy.

  He relished the feeling of her breasts pressed into the hard plains of his chest. He slid his hand up and down the curve of her spine. His wolf wanted to move straight to the claiming, but Dev wouldn’t allow his beast to ruin this moment by moving too fast. He had to make the lead up to the main event as perfect as possible. He felt once he got inside her he’d last all of three minutes, because he’d wanted her for what seemed like his entire life instead of years.

  He pulled back eventually and gave them both a chance to catch their breath. He pressed his forehead to hers. “Thank you for loving me and for waiting even though I didn’t deserve it.”

  “Yes, you did. I belong to you and you belong to me.”

  “I want you, Janie. I want to make you mine, forever.”

  Her pupils were dilated, her cheeks flushed. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  Dev couldn’t help but smile at the bit of admonishment in Janie’s tone.

  “Woman, I love you.” His left hand slid into her silky hair, cradling her head as he claimed her mouth in an all-out kiss. Her lips parted to give him access, her tongue welcoming his as he teased his way inside her mouth savoring her.

  Janie whimpered, trembling in his arms. The scent of her arousal filled the air. He gentled the kiss, brushing his lips over hers denying her when she tried to take more. She gr
owled in protest. It was freaking adorable. He leaned back a bit and grinned. “You always were impatient. It is nice to know some things don’t change.”

  She responded with a glare then slid her fingers into his hair. He didn’t fight her when she fisted the strands and gave a tug. Dragging his head down, she pressed her lips to his once again, opening her mouth to him.

  He greedily took what she offered. Dev knew there were a thousand different ways to kiss a woman, a thousand different ways for lips and tongues to meet, caress, and tease, even if he hadn’t experienced them all. But he wanted to, with Janie.

  He kissed her slow and deep, then drew away, nipping her lower lip with his teeth, before soothing it with his tongue. He went back once more, taking her mouth in a hard, exploratory kiss. Without moving his mouth from hers, Dev placed an arm behind her knees. Janie squeaked when he stood with her in his arms.

  “Last door on the right.”

  He carried her down the hallway and through the open doorway of Janie’s bedroom. He walked over to the bed and lowered her to her feet. He quit kissing her long enough to peel off her top, his gaze taking in the sight of her. His breath left his lungs in a long, slow exhale. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

  He ran his hands over her ribs. His touch leaving goosebumps on her soft skin in its wake. Her body had matured with age. Her breasts were fuller, more than enough to fill his hand. For some reason that surprised him even though he expected it. In his mind she’d remained the teenage girl he’d loved so much. Then again, the last time they were together she’d been eighteen, so it made sense. Her nipples however were still a delicate shade of rose, their petal-soft flesh drawn tight. He forced her onto her back and lowered his head to suckle them.

  “Devon please,” she moaned. “You’re still dressed. It’s unfair.”

  Devon froze. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to end what he started. It was one thing to take his clothes off in front of doctors and nurses. It was quite another to bare himself to his mate, allowing her to touch him scars to skin while they made love and he claimed her.

  “Did you plan to have sex with your clothes on?” Wolf asked in a snarky tone.

  “I actually didn’t get this far in the planning at all.”

  “She is our mate.”

  “Look at me.”

  He raised his head. Janie cupped his cheeks with her hands. She gave him a knowing smile as if she were privy to his internal battle and the cause of it.

  “If you think your scars bother me, you’re wrong and a complete dumbass. I love every part of you, Devon Stone. Even those parts you think are ugly. Your scars are a part of who you are. They are a testament to your strength and sacrifice. You’re a hero. My hero.”

  He didn’t feel like a hero. He felt like a fucking coward.

  Janie pushed on his shoulder silently requesting him to move off of her. She sat up and patted the mattress. He sat beside her. Janie put a hand on his chest and pushed. “Lay back.” When he did, she straddled his hips. Her long hair spilled over her shoulders, her nipples playing peek-a-boo through the blonde strands.

  Holding his face between her palms, she whispered words of love then pressed her lips to his forehead the trailed them down his temple, his right cheek, over his nose to the left side of his face. She caressed the gnarly, jagged scar that ran from the corner of his eye to his neck with her soft lips. He tried to pull away, but she stopped him.

  Janie looked deep into his eyes. “There isn’t a part of you that I don’t find beautiful, Devon.”

  He snorted. “You say that now. It only gets worse from here, baby. Maybe we should―”

  “If you even think of denying me, I will cut you.” She narrowed her eyes then took up where she left off, kissing him with a tenderness that brought tears to his eyes.

  His heart stuttered as he fought the emotions threatening to overwhelm him, then picked up, beating so hard he thought it might burst through his chest. Her small hands tugged and pushed at the hem of his long-sleeve t-shirt. Steeling his resolve, he leaned up a bit to tug the shirt off over his head. He tossed the flimsy, cotton armor onto the floor and laid back down, fighting the urge to push her away and run.

  She rested her palm over his heart, then her eyes and hands began to explore his damaged body. She slid her palm over the scarred left side of his chest. When her hands ran over his healthy, undamaged right side, her touch caused sparks he felt all the way to his soul. His fear slowly eased away. Intellectually, he knew because she was his mate that she wouldn’t see only his scars but the man beyond them. However, knowing something and experiencing it was a whole different thing. Her unconditional love and gentle touch soothed memories of grief, pain, and agonizing loneliness. Why had he ignored his claim?

  “Because you’re a stubborn idiot, that’s why.”

  “I will concede the point.”

  Wolf snorted and rolled his eyes.

  Devon fought to breathe as Janie kissed her way down his scarred and battered body. The nerves had been damaged in some areas and he was only able to feel the pressure of her lips. But it was more than enough just knowing she kissed and touched him everywhere. For the first time since he arrived back in Sanctuary, he felt like he’d finally come home.

  Chapter 14

  Dev did his best to hide it, but Janie knew even after her assurances it wasn’t easy for him to share his scars with her. She meant what she said. He was beautiful. His scars didn’t detract from that. There wasn’t a single thing about him she didn’t find downright sexy. Okay, maybe his stubborn streak wasn’t very attractive, but she could work around it.

  She sent him a playful grin as she slowly trailed her fingers over his left cheek, down the scarred side of his neck to his chest. The left side of his chest was in complete contrast to his right as if an invisible barrier had run down his sternum protecting the one side from damage.

  The muscles on his chest were firm and more defined than they were when he was young. He had a man’s body now. A light dusting of hair tickled her palm. There were hairless patches where his skin pinched, puckered, and creased due to his scars. She couldn’t imagine the pain he’d been through. She wondered how much worse the scarring would have been if Devon were only human.

  She popped open the button on his jeans then lowered his zipper. His burns dipped below the waistband of his boxer briefs. The outline of his hard cock pressing against the black cotton told her he wasn’t damaged in that area. She scooted off the bed and tugged off his jeans and underwear. Devon lifted his ass offering a much-needed assist. Patchy scars continued down his left leg ending just above his knee.

  Janie climbed back onto the bed and straddled his thighs. She traced a finger down his sternum, where scars met normal, healthy skin. So much pain. It pissed her off he’d turned his back on her and everyone and faced his recovery alone. Well no more of that shit. “We fight together now. Right?”

  “Yes. Always.”

  “It doesn’t hurt you when I touch them, right?”

  Devon shook his head. “The nerve endings are damaged in the worst areas. I can’t really feel anything at all beyond the pressure of your touch. If you don’t want to―”

  “Shh.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t finish that thought. Unless you want to piss me off. We are supposed to be having sexy times.” She wagged her eyebrows then winked. “Don’t ruin it.”

  He breathed a laugh. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She leaned in, pressed her lips to his right nipple making his gasp then moan her name. She moved to his left side and gave his scarred, misshapen nipple the same attention.

  His fingers slid into her hair. He roughly jerked on the fisted strands. The action turned up her arousal a notch or six. She watched his face from beneath her lashes. He wore a mask of equal parts pain and ecstasy. She continued to nibble, kiss, and lick her way back and forth across his chest.

  “Woman,” he snarled before tugging at the loose-fitting jogging pants
she threw on that morning. “Take these damned things off.” He flexed his hips. His hard length massaged her swollen clit. “I need in you, now.”

  “Give me a minute, I’m not done yet,” she teased. She was playing with fire but couldn’t find it in herself to feel guilty about it. Making Devon squirm under her mouth was fast becoming her favorite thing. She kissed her way up his neck to his ear. She nipped at the lobe, sucked it into her mouth, then released it with a pop. His scent was stronger here. She ran her nose from just below his ear to his shoulder. She felt almost drunk on him once she was done breathing her fill.

  Devon growled and wrapped his arms around her. The next thing Janie knew she was on her back and he was hovering over her looking positively feral. Finally! The claiming portion of their program was about to begin. She was enjoying being in control, but she’d gladly give it up for him to claim her properly.


  She was driving him insane. He was hurtling toward the brink of madness and was about to snap. His wolf paced and butted against him. Demanding he stop this and take her. As much as Devon enjoyed being the focus of Janie’s attention, his wolf was right. Time had come. Foreplay was over. They could revisit her need to taste his skin later.



  “Thank fuck.”

  Devon’s canines elongated as his wolf pushed to the forefront. He held onto Janie and flipped her over. She stared up at him with beguiling blue eyes and almost said fuck it and sunk his teeth into her neck. He would have to if he didn’t think it would get him kneed in his already aching balls. He didn’t think his lady love would appreciate skipping to the end. His dick pulsed with agreement.


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