Demon's Doorway

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Demon's Doorway Page 11

by Glenn Bullion

  "I can read lips. Now, I'm better-looking than you, but I don't think she was asking about me." Jack watched her one more time. "She's got a sadness she's carrying around."

  "Really? What's that?"

  "You want me to tell you what positions she likes in bed, too? Go over there and ask her."

  "You mean…talk to her?"

  Jack said nothing, but it wasn't difficult to see his frustration.

  "Hey, sorry. I'm just not good at this," Kevin said, and took a breath. "I've been dating off and on for the past year, after I broke up with my first serious girlfriend. This last girl I dated…everything was going pretty well. Then date number three came along, and I could tell she was waiting for something, that next step. At the end of the night, I was gonna kiss her, but then I figured…what was the point? I'm a damn witch. No one wants a witch. Even if we got along great, there would come a point where I had to tell her, and everything would fall apart."

  Kevin hadn't confessed his recent confidence problems to anyone, and wasn't sure if he regretted including Jack.

  Jack finished off his water. "Wow. This is amazing."


  "I think your little story almost put me to sleep."

  Kevin rose to leave. Jack gripped his arm and pulled him back down.

  "Relax, Glinda. Christ, just hold on." He was quiet a moment, rolling his eyes. "Jack Kursed, inspirational speaker."

  Jack said nothing for nearly a minute, and Kevin almost laughed. It was easy to tell Jack wasn't very good at relating to anyone.

  "You and I, we're a lot alike."

  Kevin wrinkled his nose. "Please tell me you're joking."

  "I'm serious. You see Alex over there? He's one of a kind, but lucked into Cindy. He doesn't know what true loneliness feels like. And Victoria, there are plenty of other vampires out there, if she wanted to dump her vampire-hunter boyfriend and screw one. But me and you? We're on our own. There's not exactly a dating site for witches. So, I feel where you're coming from. But look, you're spending too much time thinking about the end. Think about the path, not the end."

  "Did you tell your girlfriend about…whatever your problems are?"

  "Nope, and trust me, that didn't stop us from having fun Saturday night, when we—"

  Kevin held up a hand. "Stop, please. I don't want to know."

  "You're right. You're too young to understand, anyway. My point is…I didn't stop a relationship with her before it started. I didn't worry about how it might end. Look at Victoria. She's dating a mortal. The best possible end for them is for him to die from old age, and that's not stopping her from doing whatever weird sex-things vampires do."

  Kevin sighed and glanced at Alicia. Their eyes met, and she looked away, embarrassed, at having been caught again. He had to smile.

  He could create portals, turn invisible, heal any injury. He controlled the forces of magic. Certainly he could approach a beautiful woman.

  "She's standing there out in the open like that hoping you'll walk up to her. She wants you to see her legs. She's proud of them. And I'm tired of talking. So, either get out of here, or get me some more food."

  Kevin stood up and slapped Jack on the back. "Wish me luck."

  "No. And don't touch me."


  Jack watched Kevin walk across the dining room. The witch was on his way to make a fool of himself, start something amazing, or maybe land somewhere in the middle. He could tell Alicia had some knowledge of the supernatural world. That was only common sense, considering she had both Alex and Victoria in her life. But would she be willing to accept a witch?

  Jack put him on the path, but in the end, he didn't care.

  He tried to keep his eyes low, and avoid meeting the gaze of those around him. Weddings weren't something he was particular fond of. There could be some great moments, like when an idiot ran around screaming I object. But weddings had one fundamental problem. People. He didn't like people very much.

  The two people he cared about most weren't near him, and he could already feel his mood souring because of it. He loved Victoria like a sister. He considered her a sister. But he missed Tiffany and Erica. Tiffany cried when Jack put her on the plane, and he could feel his own heart breaking. He had trained men watching Erica, and at the first sign of any trouble, they were prepared to walk her to a plane as well.

  He could only imagine the trouble that was coming.

  Perhaps, there was no trouble. What happened at the airport and office building could lead to nothing. They were possibly isolated incidents. Jack remembered one time when he fought a pack of werewolves. They were gathering forces in the forest, and vowed they would grow stronger and attack cities. That never happened.

  In the end, it didn't matter. The demons, the magic, it was all secondary to his main goal.

  Lifting his curse.

  Emotions tried to attack him as he stared at his empty plate. He'd been awake for two centuries. Just a night of sleep would be a blessing. He would love to watch his daughter age, and age along with her. He'd give anything to fall asleep next to Erica after a night of ravaging her.

  He was distracted, and didn't see the vampire sit next to him. His eyes lit up when she set a fresh plate of food in front of him, along with a cold drink. Ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, dressing, corn, rolls.

  "You are my savior. You really know how to throw a party, except for all these people."

  Victoria sat next to him and quickly hugged him with one arm. "You're welcome. But actually, I'd say your savior is over there." She pointed at Kevin. "I heard you guys talking about Alicia."

  "She was getting all tingly and damp just looking at him, and if it wasn't for the kindness in my heart, he'd have missed it. He's not exactly a genius, is he?"

  She ignored the insult. "That's unlike you, Jack, helping a young man with romance. Actually, helping anyone with anything."

  "Eh, I did it for myself. If he scores a one-nighter, or even just a phone number, he'd better remember me. Hell, do young mortals trade phone numbers now? Or do they just masturbate on webcams in front of each other?"

  "Nice. Real nice. What do you think of him?"

  "He's got a little alpha in him. Not entirely afraid to take charge. But he's holding back. I'd think a full-blooded witch could handle a few demons."

  "He's young, still learning. But his control is what I love about him. His idea of rebellion is selling potions to college kids. Not raising ghouls, or conquering countries. Or cursing humans, for that matter."

  Jack tore into his food. "I hope he can help me."

  Victoria smiled. "How's it feel again? To hope?"

  "Shut up, Miss Sentimental."

  She laughed and playfully pushed him. "Is Tiffany safe?"

  "She's on her way to Paris, to a safe house I have there. I'll call her on the iPad soon. I love technology. The question is…does she need to be safe?"

  "I don't know. I don't have the pieces of the puzzle yet. I don't even know what the puzzle is supposed to look like, or if we'll be getting into anything. But when I do…will you help me?"

  "You keep food coming like this, and I'll think about it."

  They sat in companionable silence while Jack ate, until the TV not far away showed another news report. Instead of the local news with the airport, which was already becoming a non-story, the reporter gave an update on the kidnapping case of Robbie Reigns. A crowd gathered to listen.

  "Police are still investigating the bizarre ending to the kidnapping of nine-year-old Robbie Reigns. They received a call from someone who has not been identified, or has come forward at this time. The call was traced to one of the homes of Robbie's father, Todd Reigns, who now is believed to have had a part in the kidnapping of his own son. Robbie was found, unharmed, and is now with his mother while the investigation continues. Todd Reigns, and his entire personal staff, were found dead in his home."

  Victoria shook her head as the crowd broke up, whispering about the developments.

>   "That's terrible. I hope that little boy didn't see all that death."

  "He didn't. I'd already killed them before I found him, but took him there and made the call. I blindfolded him, though."

  Her mouth hung open as she looked at him. He ate a forkful of mashed potatoes in response.

  "Jack, did you—?"

  "Yup. Eighteen bodyguards, six policemen on his payroll—and you know they'll cover that up—one kidnapper, and one disturbed millionaire. All dead. But one remarkably strong nine-year-old boy, safe and sound at home."

  She rested her head on her hands. "I don't want to know. Spare me the details. Can we please talk about something else? Anything besides the supernatural or murder?"

  "Sure." He gestured to Kevin. "One hundred bucks says he crashes and burns."

  She smiled. "You don't have any faith in Kevin."

  "One hundred bucks."

  "You're on."


  The timing couldn't have been better. Alicia was finally alone. She sat on the edge of a table, not far from the buffet, with her legs crossed, watching everyone around her. Kevin understood Jack's comment about her being proud of her legs. She was stunning, and could only imagine how she looked in a pair of shorts.

  She didn't see him as he approached. He could introduce himself to her. His mind was blank, but they did have Victoria and Alex in common. Certainly some topics of conversation would pop in his head.

  She ran a hand through her short hair and smiled at someone across the room. Even her smile was beautiful. Kevin felt his confidence slipping. He tried to hold onto it before it left, but it was no use. It ran through his fingers like water.

  He veered off, taking another angle and walking straight for the buffet table. It was all but deserted, and he grabbed a paper plate to not look like an idiot.

  Although it was probably too late for that.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to keep calm. Every terrible thought came, one after another. Jack was probably belly-laughing at his expense across the room. If Alicia truly was watching him, she either felt he was a coward or a pig.

  He absentmindedly put a tiny amount of food on his plate. He wasn't hungry at all, but couldn't drift through the buffet line empty-handed. The staff smiled politely at him, and he returned the gesture.

  "The ham is good," a voice said next to him. "Have you tried a piece of the wedding cake yet?"

  He turned his head, and there she was. Alicia stood mere inches from him, with her own paper plate. She was smiling at him, waiting for an answer. The problem was her smile seemed to do something to Kevin's brain, and he'd already forgotten what she asked.

  Something tried to form in his mind, but it wasn't words. His stomach dropped when he realized what it was.

  "Baby powder."

  Alicia wrinkled her nose. "Uh, excuse me?"

  He looked up at the staff, most of whom had gathered along the wall, no longer needed in the kitchen.

  "Does anyone have a pen I could borrow?"

  A kind woman handed him a pen, and Kevin set a napkin on a bare spot on the table. He scribbled in the witch's language, the letters and words coming naturally.

  Chili powder. Olive oil. Baby powder.

  That was it. Another ingredient in what was becoming a spell-tease. Whenever a spell completed in his mind, he would immediately know what it did. That knowledge still eluded him.

  Alicia giggled quietly next to him, looking over his shoulder. "What is that?"

  Kevin glanced at the partial spell. To any non-witch, their language looked like strange hieroglyphics, random lines and pictures.

  "Uh…something very cool and mysterious."

  "Ooh. So, you're a cool and mysterious guy?"

  "Not really."

  She laughed, an intoxicating sound. "I saw you at the church, sitting next to Victoria."

  "Yeah. That was me. I was sitting to her left."

  He wanted to slap himself. He could only wonder what ridiculous thing he'd say next.

  "I was in front. I was the maid of honor." She glanced down at the table. "I was also the best man. It was a little weird."

  Kevin picked up on a detail. Maybe talking with Jack was rubbing off on him.

  Alicia was just as nervous as he was.

  His confidence tried to return. It wasn't back completely, but ever so slightly, like he fed it some of his magic water.

  "I think everyone here knows who you are. You're Alicia, right?"

  "That's me. But everyone calls me Leese. Only my brother calls me Alicia."

  He held out his hand. "I'm Kevin."

  She smiled again as they shook hands. He wished she'd stop smiling. It was distracting.

  Leese scanned the dining room. People had started to leave, but there were still plenty left having a good time. They had their choice of places to sit.

  "You want to grab a table?" she asked. "I think we're the only two eating."

  "Yeah, that sounds great."

  They found an empty table off to the side, away from the action. Kevin could see out the doorway and through a window that it was night out. The events earlier in the day seemed like a lifetime ago as he sat across the table from Leese.

  "Is that all you got?" she asked, nodding at his plate.

  He looked at his randomly-thrown-together food, and pushed it to the side.

  "I'm not hungry at all. I only went to the buffet because I was too nervous to walk up to you."

  She smiled, and pushed her food away as well.

  "I only got food to talk to you. I was wondering if you even noticed me."

  "Oh, believe me, you were noticed."

  She turned red before gesturing across the room. "So, you're a friend of Victoria's?"

  He spun in his chair to see the vampire and Jack still sitting, laughing and talking. Actually, she was the one laughing, Jack was more sneering.

  "Yeah. She's the only person I really know here. I only met your brother once."

  "Are you two…?"

  He finished her question, laughing at the thought. "A couple? No, no way. She's a little too old for me."

  "Yeah, just a little."

  At that moment, they both knew. It wasn't much of a stretch to make. They both knew Victoria was a vampire, and they knew each other knew.

  "She has a boyfriend, doesn't she?" he asked.

  Leese nodded. "Yeah. He's in Australia right now, on business." She smiled as she watched her friend. "It's so weird to see her walking in the daylight. But she won't say what happened. I'm thinking maybe she volunteered to be a test subject somewhere."

  He felt a lump in his throat. Victoria would only keep quiet for one reason, to protect him. The less people knew about him, the less that could approach his house with torches and pitchforks.

  He desperately wanted to change the subject.

  "So, what was it like being the best man and the maid of honor?"

  She rolled her eyes. "So stressful. It took me a week just to come up with that thirty-second speech."

  "Well, you nailed it, for sure."

  "Thank you," she said sincerely. "My duties aren't done yet, either. I get to return all their clothes."

  "I'll give you a hand, if you want. I'll be staying here for a few days, I think." He thought of the day's events. "Maybe longer."

  "I really appreciate that." Her expression fell somewhat as she looked over Kevin's shoulder.

  He turned to see Alex and Cindy dancing, although there was no music playing. Alex's coat was gone, he wore only a white shirt. Cindy had removed some of her makeup, probably because of crying, and was still lovely. They held each other close, their arms around each other, looking every bit in love as two people could. A photographer took their picture. Alex playfully reached down and grabbed her ass. Cindy laughed as she pushed him away, and the photographer snapped another picture.

  Kevin looked back to Leese and noticed the sad look in her eyes. He asked the question with his expression, and she sighed.

bsp; "How do they say it?" she said. "You're not losing a daughter, but gaining a son-in-law? The three of us really did grow up together. We were a group, and I kind of feel like I'm not part of the group anymore. It's selfish, I know." She shook her head, and flashed Kevin her beautiful smile. "And why am I telling you all of this? I'm so sorry."

  "Don't be. I just have one of those faces."

  His confidence was completely back. The magic water must have worked.

  Leese covered her face. "Oh, Cindy, come on."

  Kevin spun to see Alex and Cindy pointing at her and making kissing gestures with their lips.

  "They act like ten-year-old children," she said. "They've been giving me a hard time about the wedding, saying I'd have to dance with myself since I was the best man and maid of honor."

  "No one's asked you to dance? No way."

  She laughed. "They've probably seen me walk in heels. I'd kill someone dancing."

  "I'll take that chance. I have magical healing powers. Would you like to dance?"

  She leaned back a little and hesitated. Kevin wondered if he went too far. He wasn't asking for her number or a date, just a wedding dance.

  "There's no music. We might look as silly as Alex and Cindy up there."

  "Yeah, you're probably right—"

  A familiar voice interrupted him.

  "Hey, everybody."

  It was Victoria, standing near the DJ's table with the microphone.

  "We're gonna play one more little slow song for you couples, then our DJ has to get moving. Stay as long as you want, but we're gonna start folding up the empty tables. Thank you for coming."

  A romantic song played that Kevin never heard of, and Victoria winked at both of them as she walked by. Leese laughed quietly.

  "She was listening to us the whole time, wasn't she?" she said.

  Kevin nodded. "You can still say no."

  He waited for the no-disguised-as-an-excuse, but she said nothing. Leese stood up and tugged at her dress, which was riding up her legs. She playfully held out her hand.

  "Don't say I didn't warn you," she said.

  He took her hand and led her to the open floor. He kept a respectable distance from her, but enjoyed holding her hand, with the other on her hip. Ten seconds into the song she stepped on his foot.


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