Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick Page 7

by Angie Hayes

  His touch felt so good and secure. I turned around to face him where I was greeted with his tongue going down my throat. Now, normally I wouldn’t kiss men I was fucking with in the mouth. It seemed too personal and I was only dealing with them for business purposes only. But it was something about Paul. I think the fact he was a Pastor in my home town had an effect in that. We stood there and kissed passionately for about a few good minutes before I pulled away.

  “Paul there is something I need to let you know” I said moving back from him so we could have some distance between us.

  “What you married, because if you are I don’t care about that” he responded panting.

  “No, that would be you” I said pointing to his ring. “As you already know, I’m not the one to sugarcoat shit or beat around the bush. What you see with me is what you get, and if you don’t want it, trust me there’s plenty of niggas who do.”

  “I’m not understanding.” Paul shook his head in confusion.

  I slowly walked back towards him and grabbed his right hand. I then put it on my breast and started slowly sliding down over my stomach until I reached my thighs. I stopped for a moment and then proceeded until I reached my middle. I positioned myself so that my dick could unravel and moved his hand there.

  Soon as Paul felt it his eyes got big from my surprise, but ironically he didn’t remove his hand. We both just stood there in silence trying to figure out what the next move would be. Paul suddenly grabbed me towards him and started kissing me again. That right there was confirmation that he was down for the cause with me.

  He fucked me so good that day and has been ever since. I later revealed to him that I knew who he was and who my grandmother was, but he still didn’t care. Long as I kept what was between us hush, he was cool with that. I went back to LA and continued on with my business until I had to come back here.

  That Sunday when I attended church with my Grandma, the stares and whispers from folks didn’t mean shit to me. Matter of fact, I found it hilarious. But the look on Paul’s face when he saw me was a sight to see! He looked like he saw a ghost when service was over and we greeted him and his funky ass wife as we were leaving. Later on that night, I got a text asking me to meet up with him at a hotel on the outskirts.

  When I got there, he started drilling me with questions as to why I was here and what were my intentions. I had to put him in his place real quick and let his ass know that I was here for my grandma and not his ass. Soon as he was convinced, we picked up where we left off and continued to fuck around. So like I said earlier, Karla has no idea that I’ll always have one up on here and that her man likes my dick better than her coochie.

  I was on my way to meet with Paul at our spot now for a little afternoon rendezvous. When I pulled up, I saw his car already there letting me know he was waiting for me inside. I knocked lightly on the door and waited for him to answer.

  “About time you got here” he said as he snatched the door open and ushered me in while looking to see if anyone saw me.

  I swear his ass can be so damn dramatic at times. From the pulpit to this shit.

  “Whatever, I had to make sure my granny was straight before I left. Anyways I hope you have something to drink because I forgot to stop on the way over there” I said as I made my way over to the bed and took my shoes off to get comfortable.

  “I don’t have anything to drink, but I think I have something better.” He exclaimed grinning as he made his way over to the bed and stood over me.

  I look to see that he had a small bag with some powder in it. I was far from dumb so I already knew what it was, the question since when did his ass get down like this?

  “What the hell is that?” I asked trying to get clarification on what it was.

  “This right here is that smack that’s gonna have me fucking the dog shit out yo ass!” he answered licking his lips.

  “Heroine? Since when did you start using that shit?”

  “I don’t, I just use it for special occasions like now” he said as he started sucking on my neck while rubbing on my dick.

  I dibbled and dabbled with some coke and weed from time to time in LA, but never heroine. Paul stood up and went over to the desk table and pulled out the rest of his contents. I sat there on the bed and watched him as he poured the heroine onto the spoon and lit it. He then pulled out his needle and syringe and went to work with shooting up. For someone who doesn’t do this, he damn sure knew exactly what it was he was doing.

  I sat there stunned as I watched Paul get high. Soon as he was done, he walked back over to me. He grabbed my arms and led me to stand up. He then pulled the skirt that I was wear down and a reached to pull my dick from being tucked. He started jacking me slowly and he licked up and down my caramel stick. I leaned my head back and exhaled in pleasure and I felt the warmth of his mouth.

  I may have transformed into a woman, but my dick still reacted to touch. He got down on his knees and went to work on my dick. I grabbed ahold of the back of his head and started fucking his mouth.

  “That’s right, swallow my shit” I commanded.

  Paul opened his mouth wider deep throating me whole. I never had a man suck my dick off the way Paul was at this moment, I guess his little pick me up brings the freak out of him more.


  It’s been a while since Paul and I fucked, and I admit the shit was good! But that still doesn’t change things between us and the fact that Travis got his ass beat in the dick department. Speaking of Travis, he has been acting real funny with me lately since the last time we hooked up. I text and call him but he never responds, and when I saw him at church I didn’t know that I was making it that obvious that I was happy to see him for Paul to notice.

  This was the first time that he ever acknowledged or acted jealous about my interaction with another man, and I admit I kind of liked it. Little does he know though, it goes deeper than that with me and Travis. If I had it my way he would be my husband instead of Paul. Maybe Paul was trying to keep the peace at home with Fatima, which is why he’s acting distance right now. It wouldn’t be the first time he would have done this, so I would sit back and wait for him to come back to this good-good right here.

  I had a meeting tonight with the Women of Empowerment at the church and really didn’t feel like going. It was a group designed by me when I first became the first lady to help empower women. We started out having weekly meetings and coming up with ideas and fundraisers so that we can indulge in activities amongst us.

  There were a lot of young ladies that joined the group and became very helpful and insightful. Since I started everything, it was natural that I was president. The group had been going strong up until two years ago when I found out Paul was fucking one of the young girls in the group. It seemed like everyone else knew but me and feeling like a fool was an understatement! I was in the bathroom one day at the church after we had just wrapped up a meeting. It was around Christmas time and we had finalized our plans for our annual toy drive.

  So I’m the bathroom, in the stall handling my business when I hear someone come in.

  “Oh my God Tish, what are you going to do?” I heard someone say.

  “I have no idea, but I don’t want to make Paul upset” I heard the other voice say.

  My ears instantly started burning at the mention of the names and the recognition of the voice. I remained on the toilet quiet and struggled to peak through the little slit from my stall to see if I could see anyone. Sure enough it was the two young ladies from my group Tish and her side kick Moni. They both were high school seniors and hot in the ass!

  Both of their parents thought that it would be a good idea to have them join the group for some guidance. I continued to sit there and eaves drop on their conversation. Never did I think they were talking about my Paul, I mean these are children for God’s sake!

  “Listen, the Pastor has more than enough money to handle this. Besides, him getting mad should be the least of your problems” I heard Moni say

  Right then and there I saw red as I got my confirmation that they were talking about my husband! I quickly stood up and wiped myself and I pulled down my dress, and burst out of the stale. The girls both looked shocked and knew they had been busted.

  “I need to talk to Tish alone for a minute Moni” I said to Moni as I stared at Tish.

  Moni looked hesitant for a minute while looking back and forth between Tish and me, and finally left out the bathroom. Once Moni left out, Tish just stood there like the little girl she was with her head held down in shame.

  “So If I heard correct, you were talking about my husband. What is it that he would mad about Tish?” I questioned as I stood there with my arms folded across my chest waiting for an answer.

  Immediately tears started falling down her face. “I’m so sorry First Lady, I really am” she started sobbing.

  She placed her hands over her stomach and started crying some more. I stood there in a trance as I already knew what was going on. My husband was fucking this child who had become pregnant by him. She didn’t even have to say it anything, her actions spoke it to me.

  “You might as well wipe those damn tears because you damn sure wasn’t crying when you were fucking my husband!” I seethed through my teeth.

  She shot her head up and looked at me in astonishment like she couldn’t believe what I had just said. Here I was the First Lady, her mentor standing in the house of the Lord cursing.

  “So who else knows about this besides Moni?” I asked.

  “No one” she said above a whisper.

  “Good, you better keep that way too! Look, I don’t know what you thought was gonna happen when you opened your legs to your pastor, my husband. What you thought that he would eventually leave me for you? Little girl please!” I laughed cutting her down. “That’s not the way this works. What you’re gonna do is take some money I give you, make an appointment at the clinic, go prop your legs on the table and have that bastard sucked out of your ass. Then you’re going to stay away from my husband or I will drag yo lil ass through hell! You got that?” I said as I stepped closer in her face.

  She was now shaking as she nodded her head up and down. I stared at her a couple of seconds more before I left out of the bathroom. I opened the door to find Moni standing there looking just as scared as Tish. I marched past her ass as well as I headed to my own office I had at the church. I had to gather myself together before I headed back out there to face the folks that were still in the church.

  I knew Paul fucked around, but this one here was a low blow and with a damn child! There was no way in hell she was about to have my husband’s child! When I went back out front, Tish, Moni and the rest of the folks were gathering their things getting ready to leave.

  “Uh Tish and Moni, you can call your parents and let them know I’ll be dropping you girls off home” I said politely to them.

  When I made sure everything was locked up, I went outside to find the girls both waiting for me. I didn’t say a word as I walked past them to my car with them following behind me. They both got in and I pulled off.

  “I’m swinging by the bank to get you some money to handle you lil problem Tish, and remember what I said” I warned her as I cut my eyes over at her in the passenger seat.

  “Yes ma’am” She responded.

  I pulled into the bank and went inside. I made a withdrawal from my own separate account that Paul knew nothing about for the amount of $5,000. I knew that was way more than enough money, but I really wanted to make sure Tish kept her damn mouth shut. I went back to the car and handed the envelope to her full of cash.

  You could tell she never saw that much money before because her eyes got big at the amount. I drove them to Tish’s house and warned her ass one more time before they got out of the car and left. I never let Paul know that I knew of his involvement with Tish. After that she stopped showing up to church and then her mother mentioned how she moved to Washington after graduation with her aunt to attend school there.

  I was glad that lil problem was solved, but believe me when I say that definitely wasn’t the last that I had to deal with! So ever since that little ordeal with Tish, I have been distancing myself more and more from being active with the group. I would just observe things from the background. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone went off indicating I had a message.

  I quickly grabbed at it hoping that it was Travis’ ass finally responding to me, but was disappointed when I saw that it Paul telling me that he was going to be late coming home tonight. What else is knew I said out loud as I erased the message and tossed my phone back on the bed. I went into my closet and changed into my Donna Karan pants suit with matching pumps.

  My hair was still fresh from my salon visit earlier. I applied some light makeup of mascara and lip gloss, sprayed on some of my Chanel #7 and headed downstairs out the door. I really didn’t feel like going to this damn meeting, so I planned to be in and out. When I pulled up to the church, I saw that the ladies were all there. I walked inside to find everyone sitting and talking among themselves. As I approached the ladies, I saw Travis’ daughter Candice sitting there amongst them.

  “Hi Candice, I didn’t expect you to be here” I said sounding surprised.

  “Hello First Lady Karla. I figured that I would just stop by and see if you ladies needed any help with any events you have coming up” she said smiling.

  “Oh that’s thoughtful of you. Thank you for that” I said displaying a phony ass smile.

  Candice has always rubbed me the wrong way. She was a spoiled ass little girl who thought that she didn’t have to work for a damn thing just because Travis spoiled her ass. She also always seemed to be throwing shade my way thinking I wouldn’t catch it from time to time. I really didn’t know what her problem was with, nor did I care.

  I sat there tuning them out as they discussed upcoming events and other bullshit as I thought about Travis. I was tired of playing this waiting game with his ass! It’s been a minute now since I had some of his dick and I needed my fix!

  I pulled my phone out and sent him a text telling his ass that I would be at the condo in the next hour, and that if he wasn’t there I was coming to his house to get his ass! Travis knew I was crazy, and I might just be that damn crazy when it came to him. I knew he wasn’t going to call my bluff though, but I still pulled his card.

  Seconds later I finally got a reply back from him saying okay. Immediately I started smiling. I crossed my legs extra tight because my pussy started pulsating at the thought of Travis being inside it.

  “You look mighty happy over there first lady” I looked up to the sound of Candice’s voice and to see her smirking at me.

  “Oh I’m sorry ladies. It seems like the Pastor needs me home for something so I’m going to have to leave out a little early. You guys can wrap this meeting up and we’ll meet again next month” I said as I stood up, gathered my things, and turned to leave.

  I could have sworn I saw Candice roll her eyes at me. I swear if I wasn’t fucking her daddy I would slap that bitch, but I had bigger and better things to worry about and jump on.


  It had been two years since I’ve been back to work and it feels like I haven’t missed a beat! I was so glad to get back into the swing of things that I haven’t been giving Travis or his sneakiness any thought. He was back to coming home late and running to the shower so I wouldn’t smell the scent of the latest perfume from whoever he was fucking.

  I had been picking up as many shifts as I could and was too tired from that to even care. I still was trying to figure out a plan to get out of this disastrous marriage I was in, so in the meantime I was just working and stacking my money in a secret account Travis had no clue about. I was at home laying on the couch, I had just came home from working a twelve hour shift and I was beyond exhausted!

  Travis wasn’t home, which was fine with me. I didn’t feel like seeing his lying ass face anyway. I dragged myself upstairs where I quickly jum
ped in the shower and hit the bed.

  I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I was awaken by fumbling sounds in my bedroom. I rolled over and cut my lamp on my nightstand on to find Travis in our walk in closet trying to remove his clothes.

  “Where the hell have you been!” I asked as I jumped out the bed heading towards the closet.

  “I had some things to take care of at the job” he lied boldly to my face.

  “You a damn lie and you know it Travis!” I yelled in his face as I snatched at his shirt.

  I was so tired of the blatant disrespect from him! It’s not what you do, but how you do it and Travis just really didn’t give a fuck at all anymore!

  “Fatima I told you ‘bout putting yo hands on me, one day I’m a put mines back on yo ass!” he threatened as he pulled away from me.

  “I wish you would! And if you were so called at work, then why in the hell do you smell like you have been drowned in perfume that I don’t even wear?” I busted his ass.

  I assume that’s why he was trying to hurry up and change out of his clothes. I’m pretty sure the bitch he was with made sure to leave her trace on him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about” he answered nonchalantly as he brushed past me and headed into the bathroom.

  As he tried to close the door, I blocked it with my foot and slammed it back open hoping to hit his ass in the face.

  “Fatima I don’t have time for this. I’m tired and I just want to take a shower and get some sleep.” Travis sighed as he backed farther into the bathroom stood and by the sink.

  “Oh you don’t have time for this, but you think it’s ok for you to be out doing God knows what with who, and then have the nerve to come home and smell like her, take a shower and go to sleep? Travis, I know it may seem like I’m a fool for you and this marriage, but I’m far from being a fool on life. I just don’t understand for the life of my why you just don’t give me a divorce and go on about your business, I swear you can have all of this and I won’t ask for a thing” I pleaded.


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