Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets)

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Love Discovered in New York (The Washington Triplets) Page 15

by Danielle Allen

  “What?” My voice held a confusing mixture of relief and nervousness in its delivery.

  How is he able to read me like this? I thought, feeling a never-ending wealth of affection for this gorgeous man beside me.

  He took a deep breath before continuing. “I just get the feeling that you believe your dad, but you feel guilty for not seeing your mom more before she died. And I know that that’s hard for you. You have this tough girl thing going on, but I see you, Mya.”

  I didn’t respond. I just stared at him blankly as my heart beat rapidly.

  “You said that Marisa said they didn’t seem happy and they seemed to be living separate lives. You said that Mikaela said your mom kinda knew about Janet. And you said your mom’s emails about love were like a warning to not end up in a relationship like hers. I know this is eating at you and I will support you in whatever you decide. I just don’t want you to regret anything.”

  I shook my head as the facts were laid out before me. “I hate this,” I whispered.

  “I know.” He pulled me toward him and hugged me over the middle console. He kissed my face and hair, tenderly spreading warmth all throughout my body.

  Nuzzling into his neck, I sighed. “I feel horrible,” I said with a tremble in my voice. “If Dad had Janet, who did Mom have?”

  “That’s something you’d have to ask your dad. And he may not even know.”

  “Love sucks,” I grumbled, swallowing around the lump in my throat.

  “It can,” he agreed with a nod. “But not with the right person.”

  Thinking about my mother’s emails about love, she clearly didn’t think love sucked. I pushed out of his embrace so I could see his face. “So I guess Dad thinks Janet is the right person.”

  Colton just looked at me with a cute, blank expression and I gave him a small smile.

  “I made my decision.”

  “Cool. What do you want to do?”

  “I’m not going to go to the wedding. I’ll just go to the reception. The more I struggle over it, the more I realize I shouldn’t be at the actual wedding ceremony. I can’t pretend to be happy about this, you know? Do I think Mom and Dad’s marriage was over? Seems like it. Do I think Dad was sincere in what he told me over the phone? I guess. But do I think this wedding is disrespectful to my mother? Absolutely. But if Dad is in love with Janet, I…”

  Stroking my hair, he gazed at me. His eyes dropped down to my lips and then returned. “You what?” He prompted softly.

  I paused and we just stared at each other. Licking my lips, I admitted, “I guess I get it. I wouldn’t want to be away from the person I’m in love with.” After a shaky breath, I added, “I do know how that feels… I was miserable without you.”

  Colton’s serious face gave way to a sexy smirk. “You were?” he asked, shifting in his seat to lean his face closer to mine.

  “Yes.” I nodded slowly, inching closer to him. I squeezed his hand as it was still intertwined with mine.

  He has the ability to completely devastate me, I realized, gazing into his eyes. The golden glow of them consumed me just as they did the first time I looked into them, refuting the notion that nothing gold can stay.

  Our breathing was in sync as we stared at one another. Something flashed in his eyes that resonated deep within me. Butterflies ran rampant in my chest cavity and my breathing hitched because in that moment I knew.

  We held that position for a full minute before he finally brought his lips to mine. The kiss was sensual. He took his time drawing me in, building the anticipation for more before he pulled away slowly.

  “I don’t want to go any amount of time without your kisses,” I breathed, running my bottom lip between my teeth. “I could live off of them.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Colton replied jokingly, his voice breathless and husky.

  Laughing loudly, I pulled my hand out of his and shook my head. “I don’t know why I agreed to hang out with you.”

  Grabbing my face with both hands and bringing our lips together, he kissed me again. “Yes you do.”

  Colton’s lips covered mine quickly and greedily, causing everything I felt for him to come out in a passionate sigh. I returned the kiss with equal possessiveness as I took my hands and ran them through his hair and over his skin. When I heard him groan, I smiled against his lips.

  We basked in a happy glow for a minute, kissing and hugging, before I noticed the time.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed, “It’s getting late.”

  Giving me his sexy smirk, he adjusted himself in his seat and nodded. He looked at me expectantly with his eyebrows raised.

  Exhaling, I gave him a small smile. “No regrets,” I declared definitively.

  “That’s my girl!” He pulled out of the parking space slowly. Coming to a complete stop, he looked at me. “Now, where are we headed?”

  “Tillman Estates.”

  Weaving seamlessly in and out of traffic, Colton got us to Tillman Estates right on time. Parking toward the back of the parking lot, we sat quietly as we watched a few last minute people make their way inside the lavish building. I ran my fingernails across my forehead in silent contemplation as I found myself lost in thoughts about the wedding that was more than likely already underway.

  “You okay?” Colton questioned, breaking me from my conflicting thoughts.

  I looked over at him and nodded. Leaning my head against the headrest, I answered softly, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.”

  “We have at least twenty minutes before the ceremony is over. Let’s take a walk.”

  Getting out of the car, Colton grabbed my hand and we walked toward the luscious greens of the garden. Following a paved trail, we strolled slowly as Colton told me stories about his childhood. He was so funny and I laughed so hard, it took my mind off of where we were and what was happening at that exact moment. When we reached the end of the trail, we were at a side entrance of Tillman Estates. Moving closer to the entrance, we heard people clapping and talking and assumed the ceremony was over.

  “Are you ready for this?” Colton asked as he reached for the door handle to enter Tillman Estates.

  Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

  Kissing the top of my head, he murmured, “Everything will be okay.”

  Blocking his ability to open the door, I turned so I could stand directly in front of him.

  Placing my hands on his hard chest, I ran my bottom lip between my teeth nervously. “Before we go into the reception and things get undoubtedly awkward, I just wanted to thank you for being here for me.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Mya. Anything,” Colton whispered, taking one of my hands and bringing it to his lips. My skin tingled where his lips touched my skin.

  With our hands still intertwined, he leaned down, kissing me softly. The butterflies spread across my belly as he slowly moved his lips over mine. When we pulled apart, our eyes locked and I let out a wavering breath. I felt the same torrent of emotions that I felt every time we kissed, touched, and talked. I felt the same overwhelming, heart-pounding flood of emotions that consumed me every time I thought about him.

  “Colton…” I put his hand over my heart, allowing him to feel how rapidly my heart was beating. “I love you.”

  Removing his hand from my heart, he ran his thumb along my bottom lip. His eyes said the words before he had the chance to. “I love you too, Mya.”

  ~ One Month Later ~

  To: Marisa Washington; Mikaela Washington

  From: Mya Washington

  Subject: Good Morning!

  Hey, how are you guys? I would’ve called, but it is way too early over there so this will have to suffice. I know I haven’t called in a week or so, but it’s been so busy at work. And with the time difference and you both working normal hours, it’s hard. But I think about you all the time.

  Three major things happened this week and I wanted to tell you about it.

  #1 I know I told
you Nicks and I talked it out and I pretty much work when I want at Duke & Duchess. And Nicks makes sure Rhiannon isn’t there. Well guess what… Rhiannon isn’t there permanently! Nicks fired Rhiannon! He said he did it because she was bad for morale, but also because he caught her going down on a guy in the bathroom while she was on the clock. So he fired her! I know I shouldn’t be excited about someone losing their job, but the bitch had it coming! She was the worst and she sucked—literally and figuratively.

  #2 Rhiannon applied for a job at Inkwell the same day Nicks fired her. She has no experience as a tattoo artist so I know she just did it to piss me off. When Colton told me how she walked into the building and said she was a friend of the owner, I could not stop laughing. Okay, honestly, I wanted to kick her ass. But after that initial reaction, I could not stop laughing. Who does that?! Seriously!

  #3 Colton’s birthday is in two days and I can’t decide on the gift for him. I have dinner reservations at his favorite restaurant in Brooklyn. I have everything I need for when we get back to my place after dinner. But I’m having trouble with the actual gift. I purchased two and I’m going to take one of them back depending on what you guys think. I bought a sexy, black leather jacket. I fell in love with it on the mannequin so I can only imagine what it’ll look like on Colton. Yum! Original price was kind of expensive, but I got a really good deal. And with the temperature starting to drop, he will be able to wear it ASAP. I also bought him an at-home beer kit where he can brew his own beer. He’s been on a craft beer kick and he is convinced that he could make a better beer than just about anyone around here. So on one hand, we’ve only been officially dating a month. I don’t want to go overboard…and I don’t know if the jacket is overboard. On the other hand, I’m in love with him and I don’t think the beer kit is enough. You know I’ve never been in a real relationship before and I’ve definitely never been in love before so I don’t know the rules! I asked Kelsey, but she bought her boyfriend Phil the same jacket (in a different color) when I bought Colton’s so she’s biased. Please help!!

  I miss and love you both so much!


  Chandelier ……… Sia

  Motivation ……… Kelly Rowland

  Bad ……… Wale

  Big Girls Cry ……… Sia

  Take Care ……… Drake

  Good Thing ……… Sam Smith

  I Will Fall ……… Clare Bowen & Sam Palladio

  Lost Stars ………. Keira Knightley

  Stay Ready (What A Life) ……… Jhené Aiko

  Kiss Me ……… Ed Sheeran

  The Washington Triplets

  You’ve read Mya’s story, now be sure to check out Marisa’s and Mikaela’s!

  Love Grows in Alaska

  BEING THE OLDEST WASHINGTON TRIPLET hasn’t been easy for Marisa Washington. Labeled the “good one” at a young age embedded the burden she strived to build true. She graduated at the top of her class, never caused her parents trouble, and even settled down in their hometown of Chicago with her college boyfriend.

  Her life was “perfect”, at least in the eyes of others. But when her mom unexpectedly dies, Marisa’s eyes open for the first time. She leaves her boyfriend of four years and takes a job in Alaska to gain the freedom and individuality she’s craved. After all, what would she gain by sticking around Chicago? She discovered her perfect family isn’t so perfect, and everyone she cares for left her.

  Starting a new life in Anchorage, Alaska, she’s unable to escape her family’s hold when her dad’s wedding announcement comes a mere six months after her mother’s death. Attempts to contact her sisters, in order to face this together, are unsuccessful, leaving her feeling even more alone.

  Her family issues have to be pushed aside when her employer sends her and three others to a team building retreat in King’s Gate. It’s the last thing Marisa wants to do, until everywhere she turns, she finds…Zach Greer.

  Love Found in California

  MIKAELA WASHINGTON, THE MIDDLE TRIPLET, has always been labeled the quiet one. Her parents claim her as the introvert or just shy. Of course she was, what other role could she take? All the others had been fulfilled.

  Going away to college with her sisters was always the plan until unforeseen circumstances push Mikaela into a dark corner she can’t get out of. Her sisters think she’s just being more unusual than normal and her dad barely notices. The only person she can trust and confide in is her mom.

  She stays back and lives at home with her parents. These years are difficult, but she manages to find a career and go to therapy. During this time she learns her family home is not what it seems. She sees and hears things that her sisters know nothing about. Then when her mom suddenly dies she’s left to deal with not only her tragedy, but also the secrets of her family.

  Finally Mikaela realizes it’s time… time to move on, live on her own like her sisters and try to start new. When she moves to California she finds the job of her dreams and the man of her dreams attached to it… Ryan Chambers.

  I AM SO INCREDIBLY BLESSED to be surrounding by so many people that love and support me. My family and friends have been instrumental in molding me into the woman I am. My husband, grandparents, brother, mother, mother-in-law, and best friends are amazing and supportive. I love them with my entire heart and I am so blessed that I call them all family.

  Sometimes you meet people and you just click. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. God has a way of working something out better than we can plan it. I honestly can’t even remember how Michelle and I became Facebook friends, but we did. And I remember sending her a message about my book and she read it. She loved Ty and I loved Brady and a friendship was forged. And then soon thereafter, she introduced me to Melissa. And the rest is history. Michelle Lynn and Melissa Rolka are two of my favorite author friends and I love how seamlessly we became real-life friends. For that, I am thankful. I am so happy that we embarked on this series together.

  To everyone who has been there for me, thank you. Authors, bloggers, readers, your support means so much to me. My heart smiles when I think of the support and love I’ve been shown in the short time (one year) that I’ve been a published author.

  To everyone who took the time to read Love Discovered in New York, thank you. I am so honored that you purchased a copy of LDinNY. It still blows my mind in the best way that there are so many people out there who have read my work. Thank you. I couldn’t possibly explain how much it means to me to write and publish my hard work and to have you take time to read it. Time is a precious commodity that we don’t get back so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading LDinNY or anything I’ve written.

  For more information about Danielle Allen, please visit

  Other novels by Danielle Allen include: Back to Life, Back to Reality, Autumn and Summer, and Heartache.




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