The Agent's Secret Past

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by Debby Giusti


  Eight years ago, a drifter destroyed Becca Miller’s ties to her Amish community—and murdered her family. Now a special agent with Fort Rickman’s criminal investigation department, Becca knows her past has caught up with her and doesn’t want to relive it. She’s convinced that the killer, who supposedly died years ago, is very much alive and after her. Special agent Colby Voss agrees to help her investigate. Yet the closer they get to the truth, the closer the killer gets to silencing her permanently.

  Military Investigations: Serving their country and solving crimes

  Colby glanced into the dense forest on each side of the road, his internal warning system on high alert.

  The sky was clear, the wind calm, yet there was a fallen tree in the middle of the road. He unbuttoned the safety on his holster.

  “Watch yourself, Becca,” he cautioned.

  She approached the fallen tree and then turned to face him. “We’ll have to move the log off the road.”

  Inadvertently, she stepped into the arc of illumination from her car’s headlights.

  Colby’s shoulders tensed. “You’re exposed, Becca. Get away from the light.”

  He moved toward her. She stepped aside, but not fast enough.

  A shot rang out.

  For half a heartbeat, Becca froze.

  Colby lunged and shoved her to the pavement. Two more shots pummeled the log. A third pinged against her open driver’s door.

  A car engine whined in the distance. Tires screeched along a narrow path that paralleled the newer two-lane.

  Becca wiggled under Colby’s weight.

  “It was a trap,” he said, his tone sharp. “You could have been killed.”

  She almost had been, he realized. On his watch.

  Books by Debby Giusti

  Love Inspired Suspense

  Nowhere to Hide

  Scared to Death

  MIA: Missing in Atlanta

  *Countdown to Death

  *Protecting Her Child

  Christmas Peril

  “Yule Die”

  Killer Headline

  †The Officer’s Secret

  †The Captain’s Mission

  †The Colonel’s Daughter

  †The General’s Secretary

  †The Soldier’s Sister

  †The Agent’s Secret Past

  *Magnolia Medical

  †Military Investigations


  is a medical technologist who loves working with test tubes and petri dishes almost as much as she loves to write. Growing up as an army brat, Debby met and married her husband—then a captain in the army—at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Together they traveled the world, raised three wonderful army brats of their own and have now settled in Atlanta, Georgia, where Debby spins tales of suspense that touch the heart and soul. Contact Debby through her website,, email [email protected], or write c/o Love Inspired Suspense, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.


  Debby Giusti

  Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”

  —Luke 9:23–24

  In Memory of Ginger Leary

  A dear friend who loved books and always encouraged me to keep writing.
































  Eight years earlier

  The moon peered down between dark, billowing clouds and cast the Amish farmhouse in shadows. Rebecca Miller stepped from her car onto the one-lane, dirt road she knew so well and shivered in the frosty night air.

  Leaving two years earlier had sealed her fate. She would not be welcomed nor accepted back unless—and until—she asked forgiveness. Something she could never do.

  If only her father had believed her. Perhaps then, she would have remained in Harmony, Alabama, and spent the rest of her life wrapped in the familiar embrace of the Amish way.

  Instead she had created a new future for herself in the military. Seemingly a drastic shift from the peace-loving community of her childhood, but then too many ignored what Rebecca knew so well. Evil existed even among the Amish.

  After driving straight through from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, her legs were stiff and her shoulders tense.

  Cautiously she climbed the front steps, her breath clouding the air. She shivered, anticipating her father’s icy stare and quick rejection.

  Her sister’s words replayed in her memory. I fear for my life.

  Rebecca tapped ever so lightly on the unlatched door. An even more chilling shiver snaked up her spine.

  “Katie,” she whispered, pushing the door open.

  An acrid stench wafted past her before she saw her father and the dark circle of blood pooling on the wooden floor beneath his chest. The cloying scent of copper clogged her throat and sent a jab of fear deep into her heart.

  “Datt?” Without thought, she slipped back to her Amish past.

  He lay on the hand-hewn floorboards his bearded face pale and drawn, life ebbing from his glassy eyes. Trying to assess which of the many stab wounds to stanch, Becca dropped to her knees and touched his outstretched hand.

  Her father’s eyes widened ever so slightly.

  “Who was it?” she whispered, knowing even before he answered.

  “Ja-Jacob,” he stammered, ignoring the ban that forbid him from speaking to his daughter.

  A shuffle sounded overhead.

  Rebecca’s breath hitched. “He’s here?”


  An unseen sword pierced her soul, the pain so intense she gasped for air. “Katie?”

  He pointed to the pantry. “Go,” he demanded, with a flick of his hand.

  Recalling the times she and her younger sister had playfully hidden in the adjoining alcove, Becca hastened toward the pantry and inched the door open.

  Her heart stopped.

  Katie sat slumped against the wall, eyes open, face contorted in terror. Blood spilled from the gaping wound that sliced through her gut.

  “No!” she moaned ever so softly.

  Rebecca bit her fisted hand, unable to see anything except her sister’s lifeless gaze. Guilt overwhelmed her. If she hadn’t left, Katie would still be alive.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs and warned of his approach. Rebecca sc
urried back to the kitchen. Her father’s head lay slack against his arm. She leaned down to touch his neck, feeling nothing except his soft flesh and prickly beard.

  No pulse. No life.

  A floorboard groaned on the landing. Close. Too close.

  “Goodbye, Datt,” she whispered.

  Rebecca opened the door and slipped into the darkness. Once at her car, she glanced back.

  Jacob appeared in the farmhouse doorway.

  She could see the outline of his face, his beard, his lips snarling as he stared into the night.

  “Who’s there?” His eyes found her in the shadows.

  He raised his fist in the air. “You cannot run from me, Rebecca. I will find you. When I do, you will die.”


  Eight years later

  Run faster!

  He was behind her, gaining speed.

  The raspy pull of air in and out of his lungs grew louder, signaling his approach.

  At any moment, she expected his work-worn hand to grab her shoulder and send her crashing onto the asphalt roadway.

  How had he found her?

  For the last eight years, she’d been stationed overseas. Three deployments to the Middle East, a twenty-four-month tour in Korea and a three-year assignment in Germany, all far from Harmony, Alabama, and her past.

  She smelled his stench, an evil mix of hay and sweat.

  “Becca,” he whispered in her ear.

  She gasped for air, woke from her nightmare, clawed at the sheets and blinked her eyes open, searching the darkness of her bachelor officer’s quarters.

  Sitting up in bed, she threw the covers aside and stepped onto the floor, the tiles cool to her bare feet. She shook her head in an attempt to scatter the dream that came too often.

  She was at Fort Rickman, Georgia, not the Amish community where she had grown up.

  Reality check. She had run away from Jacob Yoder eight years earlier. Supposedly he had died later that night after killing her father and sister.

  Unnerved by the nightmare, Becca grabbed her holstered, service weapon off the nightstand and stumbled into the hallway on her way to the kitchen. She needed to hydrate her body and clear her mind. If only she could wash the memories away.

  She placed the gun, which had been her almost constant companion for the last eight years, next to her purse on the kitchen table and opened the cabinet over the sink in search of a glass. A sickening smell, like rotten eggs, hit her full force.

  Pinpricks of fear needled the nape of her neck.

  She glanced at the gas cooking range. The burners were off. The flame on the pilot lights glowed crimson in the dark.

  The smell was intense, overpowering, deadly.


  She reached for her Glock and slipped her handbag over her shoulder as she raced through the living area to the back door. Fingers trembling, she fumbled at the lock, dead bolt and chain, her progress slowed by the protective safeguards she had put in place. For too long, she had tried to distance herself from Jacob, fearing he was still alive.

  Her pulse pounded in her ear, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. She had to escape before—

  The door opened. She ran into the night, inhaling the pure, sweet air that filled her lungs.

  In the distance beyond the common green space stood the older BOQ apartments. Even at this late hour a few lights glowed in the windows.

  She glanced back at the newly built quad she’d moved into ten days earlier. The only occupant thus far.

  Digging into her purse, she traded her gun for her cell and speed dialed the Criminal Investigation Division on post, where she worked. The noncommissioned officer on duty answered on the second ring.

  “This is Special Agent Rebecca Miller. Notify the fire department and military police of a gas leak in the new BOQ quad on Eisenhower Drive. Tell them the only occupant has cleared the premises.”

  Before she could disconnect, the sound of unleashed fury rocked her world. The explosion lit the sky and mushroomed into a giant ball of fire.

  The force of the blast pushed against her. She took a step back to keep her balance.

  Her ears rang. Her eyes blurred.

  She blinked against the brightness.

  A surge of heat warmed her for an instant as it blew past, replaced with frigid winter air that penetrated her bones.

  Jet-black smoke billowed from the windows of the bedroom where she had been asleep just moments earlier. The terrifying dream had saved her life.

  Flames licked at the building’s wood facade and devoured the decorative trim. “No,” she gasped as the growing inferno turned night into day.

  Sirens sounded in the distance. A trail of flashing lights signaled their approach. Fire trucks, followed by military police cars, raced into the parking area and screeched to a stop. Men in turnout gear spilled from the trucks. With swift, sure motions, they connected hoses to nearby hydrants and trained the heavy streams of water on the blaze while maintenance personnel hastened to cut off the gas supply that fueled the fire.

  Footfalls pounded on the ground behind her. Becca turned at the sound, ready to defend herself again.

  “Are you okay?” Colby Voss.

  “How—how did you get here?” Instantly, she regretted the foolish question. No doubt, her fellow CID agent lived in the older BOQs on Sheridan Road, just across the open field.

  “Are you hurt?” His eyes roamed her body as if searching for an injury or burn.

  With her throat unexpectedly dry, she shook her head and raised her hand to reassure him. Her inability to find her voice caused an additional tangle of concern to wrap around her.

  A pressure filled her chest. She clamped down on her jaw to ward off the wave of nausea that swirled around her. She didn’t want to appear weak.

  Especially not to a guy with inquiring eyes.

  For the past eight years, no one had climbed her wall of defense. No one until Special Agent Colby Voss had sauntered into her cubicle ten days earlier to welcome her to Fort Rickman.

  So much for maintaining her cool. Although right now she felt completely drained and unable to maintain anything, let alone her composure.

  “What happened?” he asked, his eyes flicking between her and the firemen battling the blaze.

  She wiped her hand across her forehead and pulled in another breath of cold night air. “I—I smelled gas. My stove was off. There must have been a leak someplace in the system.”

  “You were awake?”

  A good question, but one she didn’t want to answer. She had never told anyone about the reoccurring dreams.

  “Just barely. I went into the kitchen for a glass of water and realized there was a leak.”

  “Good job getting outside.”

  She didn’t need his praise or affirmation. Not tonight. Not when he was standing way too close and adding more anxiety to her already questionable stability.

  Turning to stare at the raging inferno, she sucked in another mouthful of air and tried to calm her out-of-control pulse.

  “It happened in the empty apartment next door,” she said, convinced the gas had seeped into her kitchen from the neighboring unit. “Probably an accidental leak.”

  Had it been accidental?

  Or was something else or someone else involved?

  Her stomach tightened.

  Surely not someone from her past.

  * * *

  Colby wanted to put his arm around Becca and quiet the fear that flashed from her eyes. He would have done exactly that, if not for the keep-out sign she wore around her heart, which he’d noticed the moment she reported for duty at CID Headquarters.

  He had refused to be put off when they’d first met, especially since he had been the new CI
D agent two months earlier when he transferred from Fort Hood, Texas. He could read her body language and kept his welcome to a firm handshake and nod of his head, knowing all too well about self-sufficient women who didn’t want or need a man in their lives.

  Becca appeared to be a by-the-book type of agent who kept to herself. Not that he had been staring at her pretty face or green eyes with their flecks of gold. Eyes that she averted whenever he glanced her way.

  That elusive shift of attention made him wonder if there wasn’t something she wanted to hide. Perhaps he was reading more into what was only her nervous attempt to remain aloof, yet his gut feelings were usually right, and he kept thinking she had something buried beneath her neat and trim facade.

  Two military police officers hustled toward them. Colby recognized the taller of the two as Gary Flanders, a put-together sergeant with an interest in joining the CID.

  “Hey, sir, you know anything about what happened?”

  Before Colby could answer, Becca drew in a deep breath and steeled her jaw with determination. “It was an explosion, Sergeant, in my BOQ.”

  Flanders pulled a notepad and mechanical pencil from his pocket while his partner stood to the side. “Can I get your name, ma’am?”

  “Special Agent Becca Miller. I’m with the CID.”

  “You were the only resident in the new building?”

  “That’s correct. I arrived on post ten days ago and signed for the bottom apartment on the left. The one on the bottom right, as well as the two second-story apartments, were unoccupied.”

  “What happened?” the MP asked.

  “I—I went into the kitchen for a glass of water and noticed a strong gas smell. Realizing the danger, I exited the building.”

  “Did you see anyone outside?”

  She shook her head. “No one.”

  Wind blew across the clearing and ruffled the pages of the sergeant’s notebook. He hunched his shoulders against the cold and glanced at her lightweight flannel pants and T-shirt. “The temperature’s dropping, ma’am. Would you like to take shelter in one of the squad cars?”

  “I’m fine, Sergeant.”

  Colby knew better.


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