Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 7

by Pat Simmons

  The barber across from her was buffed, and he nodded to whatever Karyn said, but not without giving Jet one last side eye.

  Jesus! I’m trying to hold my tongue and keep my composure because you know I don’t back down from anyone, but help me to love my enemies.

  I can keep you from falling, God whispered. Read Jude 1.

  Believing God, she relaxed and sat on an uncomfortable kid’s stool while her niece got comfortable in her chair. She unwrapped a piece of bubblegum and began to chomp on it until it began to pop.

  Jet cringed at the annoying gesture. “Dori, where did you pick up that bad habit?”

  “That’s what Aunt Buttercup does when she gives service.”

  “Umm-hmm.” She nodded and crafted her words carefully. “Sweetie, that isn’t a good thing to do. Plus, gum isn’t good for your teeth. You don’t want rotten teeth, do you?”

  Dori shook her head frantically, removed the gum, and threw it in her polka-dot pink trash can. Hopefully, the horror on Dori’s face had done the trick. The real auntie superseded the other aunts, and Jet wouldn’t allow her niece to mimic bad behavior. She smiled to herself. With the right balance of love and direction, Dori Lovanne Tolliver would grow up to be an exceptional woman.

  “Auntie, you really have to take care of your nails,” Dori said as she concentrated on shaping each nail with an emery board. “Mommy says our hands need moisture like our hair…”

  Impressed, Jet smiled at the confident little girl.

  “When I go to second grade, I’m going to do all the girls’ nails in my class.”

  “All little girls don’t wear polish, so they have to ask their mommies first.”

  “Okay.” Dori switched the topic to pets. “I asked Mommy and Daddy for a puppy, and they said to wait until Little Levi is older. Can I have a puppy at your house?”

  She considered the request. A dog would definitely be some company. “Maybe.” She winked, and Dori grinned, probably knowing that her “maybe” would likely end in a “yes.”

  At the moment, despite her surroundings, Jet was in a good place. She was with the one person in the world who truly loved her. Her nails were barely dry when Karyn reappeared.

  “Look, Mommy!” Dori showed off her handiwork.

  “You did a nice job, but I thought before you both leave, I could give you a pedicure,” Karyn said with a smile on her face that Jet didn’t trust.

  The excitement seemed to explode from Dori’s mouth. “Yay. Come on, Auntie.” Dori stood and yanked on the hand she had just polished.

  “Sweetie, we don’t have time…” Jet said, but it fell on deaf ears, so she eyed Karyn. “Thanks, but we really need to be going.”

  Her protests were ignored as Dori and Karyn continued to usher her to the chair. Jet was used to having the final word, even with Dori who had her wrapped around her finger, yet it appeared that God was holding her tongue. Before she knew it, she was stepping up and flopping down into a massage chair.

  Dori had already removed her sandals. She slipped her feet into the bubbling water and giggled. “It tickles.”

  Jet smiled, and Karyn chuckled. “Be still.”

  “Your turn, Auntie.”

  Lord, You know I don’t want this lady touching me. Reluctantly, Jet pulled off her ankle boots style sandals. Wiggling her toes, Jet was ashamed that she was overdue for service.

  Karyn gently guided her feet into the tub at the same time Buttercup stood over Karyn’s shoulder.

  “I’ll be glad to give you a complimentary color and cut.” She grinned and snapped the blades on her shears.

  “Buttercup, this is God’s business here,” Karyn scolded in a hushed voice.

  Jet frowned. This is a bad idea.

  “What?” the woman said with a feigned innocent tone. “I was just going to trim her ends.”

  Dori shook her head. “I don’t want you to cut Auntie’s hair. She looks like a princess,” she said with such awe in her voice. “Mommy, I want my hair like Auntie’s.”

  “Sure, baby. I’ll do it later,” Karyn said in a sweet voice while giving her Amazon friend a frown.

  “I want Auntie to do it.”

  Jet’s heart fluttered with pride that Dori would prefer her.

  Karyn nodded and looked at Jet. “If you don’t mind. She has as much hair as you.”

  Of course Dori did, because Jet had been combing her niece’s hair since birth. “Sure.”

  Turning to Dori, Karyn gave her a mini pedicure and topped it off with some banana-yellow polish. Minutes later, Karyn helped her down, and Dori walked on the back of her heels with the foam separators between her toes to the machine to dry.

  Once alone, Karyn went to work on Jet’s feet. Her strokes were soothing and gentle. She didn’t offer conversation, and Jet was glad.

  Once her feet were scrubbed, dried, and nails trimmed, Karyn placed them on a towel. “Have you decided on a color?”

  “The same as my niece.”

  Karyn grinned. “Good choice, Auntie.”

  Okay, Lord, I know I shouldn’t be irked, but I am. Lord, help me not to be so offended by this woman.

  “Before I polish your nails, I’m going to anoint your feet with holy oil,” Karyn stated and proceeded without waiting for a response.

  What was this woman about to do? Jet watched with curiosity. She was ready to snatch her feet back, but Karyn began to pray.

  “Jesus, thank You for saving Jet. Thank You for loving her when she didn’t feel loved…”

  What makes this woman think I didn’t feel loved?

  “Lord, please help her to forgive me.” As she continued to pray, Karyn began to cry.

  Why? And why was Karyn asking her forgiveness?

  Karyn whispered, “In Jesus’ name. Amen,” at the same time she squeezed Jet’s feet. After sniffing and dabbing her eyes, Karyn reached for the polish, then glanced up at her. “Jesus is the Lord of second chances. I hope I will get a second chance with you.”

  Jet didn’t have an answer for Dori’s stepmother. She was too stunned as she watched the woman meticulously paint her toenails.

  When she finished, Jet was about to join Dori whose toenails had to be dry, but curiosity got the best of her. “Why did you ask for forgiveness? Did you do something to my niece?” She lifted her eyebrow this time instead of her fist.

  “I officially adopted Dori.”

  Why did that piece of information sting. Why wasn’t she consulted?

  “Your sister gave me a second chance to be a good mother with Dori and our son, and I will protect them to my last breath.”

  “That’s good to know, but please answer my question.”

  “Auntie,” Dori shouted from across the salon, waving her arm, “come on.”

  “Stop yelling,” she and Karyn yelled in unison. Both smiled.

  “I don’t need your forgiveness to get to heaven, but I sure need it for my daughter to be happy. You might not be able to forgive me this day, but one day…I hope.”

  Now who was asking too much of her, the Lord Jesus or Karyn? Jet didn’t know. One thing for sure, her toes could air dry because she was getting out of there. “Thanks.” She walked over to Dori, ready to go. She had her own flip flops in the backseat. Her niece didn’t question her command to leave, but not before she gave her “mother” a hug goodbye.

  Chapter 9

  Rossi enjoyed the brief time he’d shared a cup of coffee with Jet that morning. Not only was the brew refreshing, but her invitation didn’t have an underlying agenda to snag him like some of the women had done.

  The combination of Jet’s beauty and her newfound salvation had him in a good mood when he walked into the office. He was even humming a tune. Stepping off the elevator to the third floor where the Tolliver offices were located, he expected Levi to rib him about being late since Rossi gave it to him all the time.

  Levi always had a ready response: “I have a family. There’s no such thing as ‘on time’ at my house.”

  Too bad his cousin missed the opportunity because a foreman needed him on a job site to make a judgment call. Rossi greeted his staff and strolled into his executive office.

  An hour later, he was still grinning as he reviewed a list of potential sites near Tolliver Town for development. He couldn’t keep his mind off the glow on Jet’s flawless skin. Lord, thank You for saving Jesetta…for me.

  Levi strolled in wearing a suit and carrying his white worn hardhat under his arm. He didn’t even stop to speak.

  Craning his neck, Rossi yelled after him, “Hey, did you hear the good news about Jet?”

  Backtracking, Levi popped his head in the doorway. “Yeah, Mom told me,” he said as if they were discussing what to order for lunch instead of a life-changing event that even the angels were celebrating.

  “Finally.” Rossi exhaled. “I’ll never forget how God stirred the water, filling every candidate with His Holy Spirit. All of us in the pool were rejoicing.” He paused and considered sharing what God had confirmed about Jet being his wife, but he decided to wait.

  Leaning against the door frame, Levi folded his arms. “I’m from Missouri, even though I now live in Illinois, show me,” he said, mocking the state’s motto. “When it comes to Jet, I can’t help but wonder if God’s seed will fall by the wayside on rocky ground or be choked out by thorns.”

  Shocked, Rossi couldn’t believe what was coming out of his cousin’s mouth. “I happen to know that God’s Word is taking root in her spirit, so you forgot to mention Matthew 13:8: ‘Some fell onto good ground, and brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixty-fold, some thirty-fold.’ I believe she will be a good witness for God.” He squinted. “Maybe it’s an increase of your faith I should be praying for.”

  Pushing back from his desk, Rossi crossed an ankle over his knee and watched Levi. “Our Christian walk is a process. Don’t you trust God to forgive sins and change a person’s life?”

  “Absolutely, but all I know is she disrespected my wife more than once. I won’t give her another chance. I don’t care if she is Dori’s aunt.”

  “Or your first love’s precious sister,” Rossi added, trying to keep the edge out of his voice. “Don’t be surprised if God calls her into the ministry and she preaches a revival at your current church. The Lord does have a sense of humor.”

  Levi came into his office and flopped in a nearby chair. He released his hard hat and bowed his head. “I love my wife. She’s had it rough, and I want to make sure she’s happy until my last breath,” he mumbled. “I am happy for Jet, but I can’t help having a wait-and-see attitude concerning her.” His phone chimed with a “Your Wife is on the Phone” ringtone, and Levi perked up instantly. “Hey, babe,” he greeted with a smile.

  Rossi shook his head. There was no doubt his cousin had found true love twice.

  A frown wiped away Levi’s smile. “Jet’s there? I’m on my way.” He leaped up, his nostrils flaring.

  Rossi got to his feet, his heart pounding at the mention of Jet’s name. “What’s going on?”

  “Jet…” He shook his head. “See, that woman is trouble.” He stormed out of Rossi’s office, heading for the exit. Grabbing his keys, Rossi followed. Whatever Jet was doing at the salon, he doubted it was anything sinister, but just in case the enemy was trying to dig up the seeds God had planted, he began to pray. His cousin was about to meet his match when it came to defending the woman a man loves. Rossi would not allow anyone to disrespect Jet—anyone.

  The good news was Tolliver Town was only fifteen minutes from their office. The bad news was Levi was driving over the speed limit to get there. Lord, command the storm to cease, Rossi prayed.

  Double parking, Levi rushed toward Crowning Glory’s entrance. Pitiful. Rossi shook his head, wondering if his cousin remembered to take his car keys. At least there was no sign of Jet’s Lexus. Rossi parked legally, took a deep breath, and hurried to catch up.

  “Where is she?” Levi stormed through the double doors like a madman as patrons and the staff stopped what they were doing and looked their way.

  Karyn came to him, fussing. “What is your problem, Levi Thomas Tolliver?”

  “You said Jet was on the premises. She has a restraining order and shouldn’t be…”

  “It expired. She was here at my invitation.” She planted her fists on her hips. “She and Dori went house hunting. Why are you two here?” She eyed her husband then Rossi.

  “I’m trying to keep the peace evidently your husband wants to break.” Rossi folded his arms.

  “You called and said Jet was here—”

  She cut him off. “If you had let me finished instead of hanging up on me, you would have heard me say,” she paused and lowered her voice from her staff, “Dori is with Jet, so you only have to bring me and the baby lunch.”

  “Did she come here and take Dori against her will, without your permission?”

  Now, Rossi was irked. “Watch it, cuz. Jesetta isn’t the enemy. She never has been.”

  Jesus, we’re going to need a dozen angels, a couple of doses of patience, and a lot of love to get through this day.

  Judging by the scowl on Karyn’s face, his cousin could be in the doghouse for days. Rossi took that as his cue to leave. He waved at the staff and walked to the exit without looking back. Levi was on his own.

  Once in the privacy of his SUV, he called Jet to gauge if there had been a problem as his cousin wanted to convince himself.

  “Hey, Rossi,” she answered, sounding cheerful.

  He relaxed and smiled as he heard Dori in the background. “Tell Cousin Rossi I painted your nails.”

  Jet chuckled. “I think he heard that. So what’s up?”

  “Just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you were having a great day.” And safe, he didn’t add.

  “I am.” She giggled. “I have my favorite niece, and I love Jesus.”

  “I’m your only niece, Auntie!”

  “Then I guess I’ll let my favorite ladies enjoy their day.” Rossi disconnected, rebuked the devil, and thanked God that it was only a false alarm. He went on his merry way back to the office, praying, Lord, You’re not the Author of confusion, so whatever it takes to get on one accord, please help us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


  Lord, how are the saints supposed to judge the world when we can’t even judge our thoughts and actions? Karyn thought as she led her husband to the back office where she had laid their son down for his nap. When Levi designed her office, he made sure it was roomy with a kitchenette, sitting area, and even a small play area for Dori who decided she wanted a play area out in the salon.

  She closed the door quietly and peeped at their son, still napping in the playpen. Karyn took a seat and crossed one leg over a knee. She stared at the man who only knew how to love hard and faithfully. Now that Jet had surrendered to the Lord, why was Levi still tortured?

  He came to a stop, then took a seat beside her. He reached out and took her hand.

  Timing was everything, so before he could open his mouth, she lit into him. “I’m confused. What is your problem? What has Jet done to you?”

  “Me?” He squinted. “It’s the way she treats you I’m leery of. Remember when…” Levi began to count off Jet’s past indiscretions. “She’s a hurricane and earthquake in one.”

  Karyn understood Jet’s pain. She had lived through her own nightmare. She was solely responsible for the death of her infant. The shame and guilt had been unbearable, but God had restored her.

  She couldn’t fathom the sudden loss of a sister because she and Nalani were extremely close. Without God, Karyn would have probably snapped too. “That’s in the past. God is the Lord of second chances. We should be having a Holy Ghost party because Jesus saved her. Babe, I also have a past and regrets. She didn’t kill anybody, I did.” She choked it out. And his expression softened.

  “You and I know it was an accident,” he tried to reassure her.

  “Yes, but please give Jet the benefit
of the doubt—for me,” she pleaded with her husband. “I think we need to pray.” When they bowed their heads and Levi opened his mouth, Karyn interrupted, “Lord, You know what is really going on here. None of us deserved You taking our place on the cross, but You did. Help us to love one another and show Jet our love.” She paused and waited for her husband to join in. Instead, he listened, and when she said Amen, so did he.

  Something was definitely wrong. Levi always mingled his petitions with hers in prayer. This time he didn’t. Lord, whatever is torturing my husband, please break the yoke, in Jesus’ name, she asked silently.

  Chapter 10

  Jet was in love. All this time she thought she was happy, but it was all superficial. She really loved Jesus. Although she still missed Diane, she somehow felt complete. Plus, she had passed her first test a few hours ago at the salon.

  Waiting at a traffic light, she glanced at her nails. Although Dori needed practice with the emery board, she was flawless with the nail polish—neon green.

  “Auntie, I didn’t like the other house.” Dori scrunched up her nose.

  “Awww, I did.” The cozy bungalow in Webster Groves was perfect for Jet. Granted, the ones she liked were pricey. Not only did she have the money, but it was only her. Why not splurge?

  Jet knew how to save money as well as spend it. She could see herself frequenting neighborhood shops and cafes. She could take in a play at the Repertory Theatre or return to school and get her MBA from Webster University. She might even apply for a teacher’s assistantship. Yes, her life was going to be different with Jesus.

  “It stinks and wasn’t pretty like your other house.”

  “That’s because my other house was new, and these are historic gems.” Her niece was right about the odor. She thought maybe because it was vacant. “Let’s take a break and grab lunch.”

  “Can we eat at your hotel?” Dori’s eyes were bright with hope as she bounced in her seat.

  The fascination with hotel food was beyond her. Jet was eying the sidewalk cafés. But time with her niece was precious, so she gave in. “Sure, sweetie.”


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