Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 9

by Pat Simmons

  Jet’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I never knew prayer could be so satisfying, peaceful…” She seemed lost for words as she shook her head. “One day I hope to know more of my Bible.”

  “You will. Come on.”

  Once they were in the break room, she nudged him as they watched teenagers help themselves. “Why didn’t you tell me I had to bring something?”

  He admired her under-hooded lashes. “Because you don’t. This is voluntary.”

  “Definitely, next time.” She walked away to help supervise the group.

  Folding his arms, he watched the nurturer in action as she assisted the girls. He looked forward to their next time.

  Sixteen-year-old Byron Miller strolled up beside him, sipping on a soda. “Sister Hutchens is pretty.”

  “Very,” Rossi agreed without taking his eyes off her.

  “Does she have a boyfriend?” He grinned.

  “Yep. Waiting in the wings.” Let the teenager think what he wanted, but Rossi had nothing more to say. He had known Jet for years, and never had she looked so at peace.

  Although it had been a long day—physically, mentally, and spiritually—he didn’t want to rush the youth fellowship. He stifled a yawn. He needed rest to deal with his cousin’s mood in the morning. Jet held court with a few of the girls as she shared her experience when she was baptized.

  A few times, she caught him staring at her. As if sensing his exhaustion, Jet gathered the ladies to help restore the room, then strongly suggested the young men sweep the floor. Rossi didn’t intervene, but let Jet do her thing. When Deacon Session walked in, he gave Rossi a mock salute. “I’ll lock up when you’re finished.”

  The tasks were done soon after that, and finally, Rossi waved goodnight before covering another yawn. As he and Jet strolled across the parking lot to his SUV, Jet opened her hand.

  “Hey, give me your keys. I’ll drive,” she offered.

  He immediately perked up. “Why?”

  “You’re tired, dude. I watched as you answered their questions, even the same ones asked three times.” She chuckled. “You have a lot of patience with them. I admire you.”

  He stopped and faced her. “And I’m in awe of you, Jesetta, so please don’t wreck my vehicle. I know how you drive,” he taunted, placing the keys in her hand a few times until she snatched them.

  After opening the driver’s side door for her, he got in the passenger seat. Closing his eyes, he had drifted off, smiling. This was a first, a woman driving him home.

  Too soon, a whisper caressed his ear. “Hey.”

  Then someone nudged him in the shoulder. “Rossi, wake up. I’m at my hotel. At least you don’t have far to drive.”

  Forcing himself awake, he blinked until his surroundings came into focus. “Wow. I can’t believe I was knocked out.”

  “Yeah, snoring and all,” she teased.

  After helping her out, he escorted her to the door. Towering over her, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. He had dated off and on throughout the years, but he never knew temptation until Jesetta Hutchens returned to town. “Thanks for going with me tonight and being my chauffeur home. I would like to check out that property, if you don’t mind. I have tomorrow afternoon open.”

  “I’ll call the agent.” In the blink of an eye, Jet wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. Without thinking, he hugged her back until a text forced him to release her.

  He stepped back and pulled his phone from its holder and read the message:My parents have been drinking and arguing. I’m scared, Minister Rossi. Please call and pray for me. Gerard. He sighed. “I’ve got a teen in need, so I’d better say good night.”

  As he turned to leave, Jet grabbed his hand. A concerned look marred her face. “Who takes care of Minister Rossi?”

  He shrugged. “The Lord Jesus always gives me strength.” He had to go. The sooner he spoke with Gerard and prayed for him, the sooner he could get to bed. Rossi mustered up a smile for Jet and squeezed her hand. “Night, babe.” As he walked back to his SUV, he wondered if Jet caught his endearment.

  Chapter 1 1

  Did he just call me babe? “The man must be tired.” Jet chuckled to herself, stepped into the elevator, then pushed the button for her floor. Rossi had called her many things throughout the years—sometimes, it was little sister just to annoy her. When he was annoyed with her, it was Jet. But babe?

  Now she understood other women’s attraction to Rossi. If his good looks, dimples, and charisma didn’t make them starstruck, then it was his sincerity about the Lord.

  How sexy was that package? Rossi was a caring and giving person. She had been the recipient many times in the past. If he couldn’t give his all, Rossi didn’t bother. She pouted as the doors opened, and she exited to her floor, musing about the exhaustion clinging to him as they left church. How much sleep would he get that night? He needed a wife to take care of him.

  And she needed the same thing—a mate. Jet was done with casual dating. At thirty-five, it was time to start the interviewing process for a husband. The first requirement was he had to be a godly man.

  Once she was in her suite and had prepared for bed, Jet thought about the scripture Rossi shared with the teenagers about temptation: Jude 1:24. She opened her Bible and read all twenty-five verses. She noted the consequences of sin, and she wanted to be like the saints in verse twenty-three: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

  Closing her Bible, she thought about Diane. Her sister had been saved. Jet sniffed when she reflected on how Diane had met her end, but the fact remained that her sister had a godly reward waiting for her.

  Had God kept her from falling earlier at the salon with Karyn and the others? If so, she had to let the Lord lead her spirit to hold her peace whenever she picked up Dori and not linger there when she dropped her off. The whole feet washing ritual had thrown her off. Could she do the same to Karyn or Levi’s feet in the spirit of humility? She wondered.

  Jet frowned at her reflection before scrubbing her makeup off. She had no qualms about getting professional pedicures, yet she was a bit embarrassed when Karyn began to pray for her. Then Karyn apologized to her. Why?

  Karyn is doing My will, God whispered. Read Matthew 18:15.

  Curious, Jet hurried and finished her nighttime routine before returning to the bedroom. Picking up her Bible, she flipped through the pages until she found the chapter and scanned the verses, pausing at verse fifteen: “If thy brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.” Jet sighed and looked toward heaven. She was offended by the horrible act Karyn had done and was concerned about her niece’s well-being around her. “How can I get past what she did, Lord Jesus? Her deed is the first thing that comes to mind when I see her.”

  Jet hadn’t killed anyone, but God had forgiven both of their sins. Their slates were wiped clean, right? She closed her eyes and reminisced about the pedicure and how Karyn had prayed softly, not making a big production out of it. Yes, the Holy Ghost made it easier for her to forgive. The forget part was a burden only God could lift.

  The Lord Jesus didn’t answer. With silence as her backdrop, her thoughts drifted back to Rossi. Was he at home asleep or on the phone trying to resolve another conflict? Before she climbed into bed, Jet said another prayer: “God, please send him a good wife.” Immediately, Jet wondered would she approve of her.


  The next morning, hunger woke Jet. Getting up, she immediately slid to her knees, eager to pray. Since receiving the Holy Ghost on Sunday, Jet could feel the Lord’s presence like she never had before her baptism, so she poured out her heart. She prayed for Rossi, Dori, even Karyn and Levi. She prayed that she could live up to the standards as a true Christian. She felt refreshed even before she stepped into the shower.

  Thinking of Rossi, she wondered if he was already at work making business decisions
. Jet had some decisions of her own to contemplate. Finance positions, including the banking industry, were in her blood, but after a short stint in hospitality, Jet was ready for a career move. The money was still important, but she was open to new possibilities. She would call Layla later, and they could brainstorm together.

  Jet dressed so she could go downstairs to eat breakfast. As she grabbed her key card, her phone chimed Rossi’s ringtone.

  “You up, Jesetta?”

  The way he pronounced her name made her reconsider introducing herself as Jet. Maybe it was because of the tenor of his voice. However he said it, on his lips, it was beautiful.

  “Did you get any rest?” she asked like a mother hen. “Did that call keep you up all night?”

  “I have learned to ask God to increase my sleep since He is the giver of time, so to answer your question, I am well rested.”

  “Good.” She was relieved. Not wanting to overburden him with more demands, she said, “If you get too busy to break away, I’ll understand.”

  “That’s why I’m calling.”

  Despite her declaration, her heart dropped with disappointment.

  “Text me the address.”

  Jet grinned, almost skipping to the elevator. “Mornin’.” She nodded to a couple getting in with her. “Done.” They said their goodbyes too soon. She tapped his name on her phone instead of texting him.

  “Jesetta,” he answered as if he was smiling.

  “Give me a scripture,” she said as she walked out of the elevator.

  He did without hesitation. “First Peter 4:8.” He paused, then added, “And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”

  Her lips curved upward. “You and your love scriptures.”

  “There’s nothing like being in love.” Rossi chuckled.

  He said it in a way that made her wonder if he had a secret—like a sweetheart. Or maybe, the man was truly in love with Christ. “I’ll study it. See you later.”

  After breakfast, Jet searched the Internet for job leads, reaching out to headhunters and updating her profile on LinkedIn. Before she knew it, it was time to meet Rossi and the agent at Kennett Place. She drove the short distance from her hotel and was surprised to see Rossi had beaten her there. She parked and watched him climb out of his SUV with a bouquet.

  A man with flowers sparked dreamy thoughts, but their relationship was anything but romantic. She smirked, wishing for the possibility of a man’s unwavering love. He quickened his swagger as she was about to open her door and assisted her.

  His dimples, bright eyes, and the flowers greeted her. “Flowers?”

  “For you.”

  Accepting them, she closed her eyes and took a whiff. “Why?” she asked, getting out.

  “I didn’t know a man needed a reason.” Standing on the sidewalk, they stared at the place that could be her next home. Finally, he nodded as he squeezed her hand. “This is you.”

  “You think so?” She faced him. Before he answered, the Realtor walked up to them. Introducing herself, Mrs. Rand shook Rossi’s free hand.

  Her eyes twinkled when she glanced at the bouquet, then she led the way to the door.

  Rossi still hadn’t released her hand. As a matter of fact, he tightened his grip as they hiked the stairs. “Do you know Dori actually counted them? Seventeen from curbside to the door. I’ll definitely stay in shape.”

  “You already are,” he mumbled without looking at her.

  The man gave his compliments too freely, which only made her fight the crush she was developing on him. But she needed to stay focused because Rossi’s interest in her wasn’t romantic. Watching Rossi fire off one question after another at the agent as if he was buying it, Jet entertained thoughts about what-ifs: if they liked each other more than friends.

  “I understand you don’t have any children, so the lower level would be perfect for a game room until you need it for a master bedroom.”

  She saw Rossi flinch. “Mrs. Rand, we’re not married—”

  “We’re just friends,” Jet added.

  “We’re more than friends,” Rossi corrected, giving her a side glance. “To share a bedroom, Jesetta and I would have to marry first. God’s law.”

  Nodding, the woman’s face turned red. “Yes. I apologize for my assumption.”

  “Accepted,” he stated. “I would like to see the back of the house.”

  Once outside, he studied the perimeter of the property while Mrs. Rand stood nervously nearby. The woman probably thought Rossi was hard to read, but Jet understand his response. He didn’t sleep around, and now that she had surrendered to Jesus, he expected her to have that same conviction, which she did now. She didn’t know if he was a virgin or not, but she hadn’t walked with God as long as he had, so mistakes—or sins—were made. Praise God she wasn’t a single mother.

  He headed back inside. She and Mrs. Rand trailed him. He scrutinized the windows, heating systems, asked more questions, then turned to her.

  Slipping his hands in his pockets, he rocked back on his heels. “Jesetta—” her heart fluttered in anticipation of his determination—“if you like it, then this is a good investment.”

  Squealing, Jet flew into his arms with such a force, he staggered back, laughing. He returned her hug, then released her. “Plus, you’ll be close by for me to check on you.” He lowered his voice. “Do you have enough for the down payment?” His brows knitted in concern.

  “I haven’t worked fifteen years in finance without saving money.” She spun around to Mrs. Rand. “I’ll take it.”

  The agent seemed to exhale as she looked from Rossi’s unreadable expression to Jet who was grinning from ear to ear. They discussed the time to begin the paperwork.

  “It looks like my job here is done,” Rossi whispered in her ear, and the rich tone in his voice made her shiver. She thought about his comment earlier: “To share a bedroom, Jesetta and I would have to marry first.” She couldn’t see that happening, although Rossi had set the standard for what to look for in a godly candidate for a husband. Plus, she wasn’t a minister’s wife or girlfriend material.

  With Me all things are possible, God whispered.

  Chapter 12

  Rossi fell into a comfortable routine with Jet. They shared a scripture every morning and a cup of coffee a couple days a week. He preferred her company hands down, but other obligations tugged at him.

  He had just returned to his office after a meeting when she called one day. “Do you think you’ll feel up to a bike ride after work?”

  The image of them racing through the park and the wind blowing through her hair played in his mind. How many times had he imagined that scenario from staring out the window from his loft?

  “I took Dori shopping and bought her a new bike. I got me one too…along with elbow and knees pads. Let’s race.”

  Rossi hooted until a few of his workers peeped into his office. He waved them off as tears formed in his eyes. “Jesetta, Jesetta, Jesetta.” He shook his head as he composed himself. “If I could play hooky from work, I’d accept your challenge now. And I wish I could later, but I can’t.”


  He didn’t like to hear the disappointment in her voice. “I told one of the young boys at church I would stop by the hospital to see his mother.”

  “That’s okay. Tomorrow perhaps?”

  “I have a meeting at church with the teens about college choices.”

  She sighed. “I’m feeling tired for you. I had no idea you were so busy. Want some company?”

  “I would love your company.” Judging from the number of positions she had applied for, Rossi knew it was a matter of time before she would return to the workforce and have other distractions and commitments. He would miss her terribly, so he was making the most out of their time. Of course, if they were married, she wouldn’t have to work. “You want to come with me today or tomorrow?”


h he protested that she didn’t have to tag along for his boring talks, her combative replies only made him more attracted to her. Rossi was falling more in love with her and desperately wanted to tell her his feelings, but the nagging thought in the back of his mind told him to hold back—he would only be a distraction.

  This is your ministry for Me. Take her with you, God whispered.

  “I’ll pick you up at six and take care of God’s business.”



  Their routine included working in the ministry. Sitting in his office, Rossi reflected on how Jet actively prayed beside him for those who were sick or in situations beyond their control. She never overshadowed him, but waited to add her input. Instead of making more demands, she seemed to sense when he was burning candles on both ends. If he had a ministry-related event to attend, she invited herself.

  He chuckled. “I never knew the woman could fuss so much,” he jested. Distracted from his work, he shook his head.

  “What?” Levi stepped into his office.

  “Nothing. Thinking to myself and saying it out loud. What’s up?” Rossi straightened in his chair. “Any word on that Freeman contract?”

  “Nope. Not yet.” His cousin took a seat near his desk and pushed up his glasses on his nose. “You haven’t stopped by the house lately. What have you been up to?”

  “Ministry,” Rossi replied. Besides speaking engagements and mentoring the young people, he was ministering to his future wife. Levi didn’t need to know that. Not only did he keep his feelings for Jet from her, but he kept them under wraps from everyone else too.

  Jet was still a sensitive subject between him and his cousin. Levi wasn’t one hundred percent persuaded of Jet’s conversion. He had thought she had an underlying conspiracy to hurt his wife’s feelings. If only his cousin would remove the wall and see Jet’s spiritual growth.

  “Got plans for Friday? Karyn’s making Nalani’s favorite since she’s back from out of town.” He winked and Rossi smiled.

  “Sorry. I’ve already got dinner plans.”


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