Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 16

by Pat Simmons

  “Then we agree to be partners in prayer, not only on this, but whatever situation God rests on hearts?” Karyn held her breath, wanting to earn Jet’s trust.

  Jet gave her a high five. “It’s about time.” Karyn exhaled.


  “We’ll pray and fast beginning in the morning until dinner for three days and see if God will give us direction.”

  “Three days?”

  Karyn wondered if she should have suggested one day with Jet being a baby saint in the Lord, but God didn’t say otherwise. “Can you hang?”

  “For Rossi, yes.”

  Chapter 19

  Rossi knew his behavior with Levi didn’t look good to his employees and wasn’t acceptable to the Lord, and for that he repented. Didn’t Ephesians 4:26 say, Be angry and sin not? Well, he had done that much and walked away.

  But do not let the sun go down with your wrath. God whispered the completion of the verse.

  Yeah, he would work on that, because he was a day late on that one. “God, help me.” He had no problem apologizing for the disagreement. It was the subject of the argument that caused Rossi to make his decision. If he and Levi disagreed on personal choices, it was best to cut ties before their difference in opinions spilled over into their business decisions.

  He had made his choice for a wife. God gave His stamp of approval, so nobody, including his family, was going to badmouth Jet. Rossi frowned as he stood from behind his desk in his home office. He had no idea that Levi had such a deep-rooted dislike for Jet.

  Even his mother sensed something that morning when she returned and Jet had left.

  He had cleaned the mess he made in the kitchen and was about to walk out the door. “Everything okay, son?” his mother had asked.

  “It will be,” he answered cryptically. If his aunt hadn’t called about his and Levi’s fallout, Rossi wasn’t saying anything.

  Laura gnawed on her lips. “You and Jet aren’t having problems already, are you?”

  “Nope. Jet and I are perfect.”

  He shifted in body in the chair and came back to reality. If Octavia hadn’t invited Layla and Jet to lunch, he could have treated them just to be in his lady’s presence.

  After an hour or so of unproductive work, he opted for the comfort of the scriptures. He was invited to speak Thursday night at a church meeting, so he needed to study anyway and get the message from God.

  He began to pray before opening his Bible. Ten minutes into it, Rossi sensed he couldn’t get a prayer through. “Not good.” He sighed before rubbing his head.

  Stuffing his hands in his pants pockets, he strolled from one room to another until he stopped and stared out the floor-to-ceiling window from his spacious loft. Although he designed the interior to have a comfortable and cozy feel to it, the truth was Rossi wasn’t a homebody. He enjoyed and thrived being around people. He heard the phone in the other room alert him of a text. He walked back into his home office and picked up his phone. He chuckled as he read the text from Jet.

  I got the job! Celebrating with the girls. Dori’s spending the night. The movers will be there by four.

  He was happy for her. Everything seemed to be working in her favor, while it seemed he was losing God’s favor. It was only two o’clock. He couldn’t wait to see her, so he could keep his mind off his own issues.

  My presence will go with you, and only I can give you rest! God spoke in a forceful whisper.

  Finally, a Word from the Lord. Instead of comfort, it sounded more like a reprimand. That scripture was in Exodus 33 when God was encouraging Moses that he would lead him and the Israelites to the Promised Land. Rossi’s Promise Land was heaven, and he needed Jesus to make sure he stayed on course to get there.

  Minutes later, the Tollivers’ corporate attorney returned his call. “I’ve been in court all morning. Sorry, I just listened to your message, and I’m surprised by your request for your cousin to buy out your stock in the company. I’d rather counsel you and Levi first before making a major decision like this,” Daryl Steele said.

  “My mind is made up.” Rossi would not be swayed.

  Daryl was slow in responding. “I see. I have trials the rest of the week. The earliest I can see you is next Tuesday.”

  Tuesday! That meant be would have to return to the office and work four business days with Levi. Otherwise, he would go stir crazy at home. “Thanks.” They agreed on the time and ended the call.

  At three forty-five, Jet called. “The movers are here!”

  Hearing her voice was like a thirsty man needing a quart of Gatorade “I’m on my way.” He swiped his keys off the kitchen counter. “I’ll bring some pizza, sodas, and salads.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Do you want to me to grab some breakfast food for you and your guests?” Rossi’s hand was on the doorknob, but she hadn’t answered. “Jesetta?”

  “Uh, no, that’s okay.”

  They said their goodbyes, and he immediately ordered a couple of Imo’s pizzas from around the corner. While waiting, he decided to pick up some eggs, turkey sausage, and juice anyway. He chuckled. “She’ll thank me in the morning.”

  Rossi’s spirit lifted when Dori greeted him with a warm hug, followed by Jet. He didn’t want to let her go, but peering over her shoulder, it appeared Layla was waiting for an introduction. He reluctantly released her.

  “Yes, you are fine.” Layla grinned, then hugged him too.

  “Hush.” Jet frowned at her, then turned and blushed at him.

  After relieving him of the items, she took them to the kitchen. Rossi whistled at the boxes that lined the counter.

  Jet chuckled. “And I gave away a lot of stuff when I sold my house.” She shook her head.

  It didn’t look like she was too generous because there was stuff everywhere. At least her dining room table was clear to eat. Rossi was the first to sit down. He gave thanks for their food and ate. All three of ladies grabbed their slices. While munching on her third slice, Jet scolded him for bringing the extra food.

  “It’s no trouble,” he said between bites.

  Afterward, before his eyes, Jet turned into the sergeant telling him where to put things, what should stay in boxes until some rooms were repainted, and what she’d decided she didn’t want anymore.

  Women. But he didn’t complain. They were together, and that’s all that mattered. “I’ll send painters over tomorrow,” he said, offering his contractors at no expense to her. “I’ll even be here to offer my services.” He grinned.

  “You’re not going to the office?”

  Not as long as his cousin would be there too. “Nah. Whatever I need to do, I can do from my laptop.”

  Her eyes seemed to plead with him to go, but Rossi ignored her. The next time he saw Levi, it would be with the company lawyer.

  Chapter 20

  Jet woke the next morning stiff, hungry, and annoyed that Rossi had brought breakfast food, which she’d asked him not to bring. He had no idea the temptation he was causing her, and the fast was for his sake.

  She opened one eye to see Layla coming out of her bathroom. While at Crowning Glory the day before, Layla had decided to get a facial. Her face glowed. “Now, explain to me why I can’t crack an egg and fry a piece of sausage?”

  “You agreed to fast and pray, remember?”

  Grrr. “I thought I said that in a dream.” She walked back into the bathroom. “I guess I’d better brush my teeth again. At least, I’ll have the taste of something in my mouth.”

  Getting up herself, Jet slid to her knees to pray then read her Bible. Checking her phone, she found Karyn had texted her a scripture: Ephesians 6:18.

  Flipping through her Bible, Jet found the passage: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.

  “You know I can’t go without my coffee in the morning, so I’ve got to keep busy, otherwise I’ll go stir crazy. I’ll finish cleaning the k
itchen,” Layla said.

  “Thanks. By the way, here’s the scripture Karyn texted me.” She repeated it; Layla nodded nonchalantly, then took the stairs to the first floor.

  Octavia called. “Be encouraged. God will show up and out.”

  She hoped so because Rossi didn’t seem like his carefree self. Instead of flirting, he was like a lost puppy following her around. Layla noticed that too.

  “I’m loving this,” Octavia said. “God’s army of believers is about to take the devil down. Go, Team Jesus.”

  For someone fasting, Jet thought she was too hyped up not to be fueled by food. “Thank you for doing this with me. This isn’t your problem,” Jet said.

  “But it is. The Bible says rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep—Romans 12:15. We’ll touch base throughout our prayer and fast day, so we’ll stay on one accord.” She paused. “Now, I have a showing in a few hours, so let me get dressed.”

  Dori was hungry when she woke. Karyn had packed dry cereal and fruit, and sent plastic bottles of milk for breakfast. Rossi arrived minutes before the painters. He toted cups of Starbucks coffee and a small hot chocolate for Dori. His laptop bag was hanging off his shoulder. It took all her willpower not to bite his head off.

  “How was breakfast?” He kissed her cheek and had the nerve to give her a glimpse of those twin dimples.

  The things she was doing for love. “I haven’t had a chance yet. Busy.” She held her breath so he wouldn’t hear her stomach rumble.

  “Oh, you want me to cook you something?” He set his things down.

  “Oh, no,” she said, startling him. “Why don’t you go behind the painters and touch up so we can get the bedrooms together?”

  “O-okay.” He gave her an odd expression.

  Keeping Rossi busy was challenging while she tried to keep Layla away from the coffee. Dori was doing her own thing, while Jet took hourly bathroom breaks to read scriptures in quiet and pray. She wondered how the saints mastered fasting and praying on their jobs when it was supposed to be done in secret. It was like the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. That’s the way she felt keeping this from Rossi, who she had come to depend on for spiritual understanding.

  You have Me to teach you the scriptures in Matthew 6:4–6, God whispered. Did I not teach my disciples?

  Hearing His voice made her giddy with excitement, which made her eager to “use” the bathroom every hour just to hear God’s voice. After a few hours, the routine had made her body weak. She did her best not to watch the clock and countdown to four o’clock.

  Layla was noting the time and by noon, she told Jet she needed a nap. “I can pray with my eyes closed.”

  “Hmm-mm.” About three-thirty, Jet was pulling pictures out of boxes when Rossi snuck up behind her. “Hey, babe. I need to head home and freshen up before the church meeting tonight. Are you still coming with Layla?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He winked. “Would you like me to go out and get you something for dinner?”

  “Yes!” Layla answered without Jet knowing she was awake and eavesdropping.

  How Jesus went without food or water for forty days was unimaginable.

  Karyn called and asked if she could pick up Dori to save Jet a trip to bring her home. An hour later, Jet opened her door and Karyn immediately walked in with an “awe” expression as she scanned the first floor. “This is nice. It reminds me of my childhood home in Chicago.”

  “Would you like a tour?” Jet offered.

  “I’ll show Mommy, Auntie,” Dori said, running to Karyn to give her a hug. Excited, she ran ahead and looked back. “Come on.” She disappeared to the lower level.

  Karyn smiled. “You see who’s the boss at my house—my daughter. She says hurry, and we run.”

  Jet chuckled, noting she’d never heard Karyn refer to Dori as her step-daughter. She needed to accept that Karyn would be the only mother Diane’s baby girl would ever know.

  “One day down, two to go?” Karyn gave her a hopeful expression before heading in Dori’s direction.


  At four-fifteen and the fast over, Jet invited Karyn to stay for dinner, but she declined.

  “We try to eat as many of our meals together as a family. But let’s pray.”

  Taking her hand, Jet bowed her head and listened as Karyn took the lead. Layla mumbled, Amen first and almost ran into the kitchen.

  They chuckled, then Karyn left with Dori. In the kitchen, Layla was getting a third helping of spaghetti, a delivery Rossi had ordered for them instead of dropping it off. “Scoot over.” Jet prayed and gave thanks for the fast and food, then indulged.

  “Hey, I’m going to shower, then I suggest you do the same so we won’t be late. Rossi is speaking to the young adults.”

  Patting her stomach, Layla exhaled. “Girl, I may need a nap after this.”

  “Oh no you don’t. You’re not supposed to go to sleep on a full stomach. Plus, you’ve seen Rossi, but I want you to hear the wisdom God gives him.”

  “Umm-hmm.” Layla chewed the last bite of garlic bread and stood. “Only thing I’ve got to say is he better be worth me going without food for hours and now losing sleep.”

  “You won’t regret it!” Jet beamed.


  Jet was beginning to regret bringing Layla to church. Clearly Rossi wasn’t on his game as he seemed distracted. She so desperately wanted to stand next to him and whisper scriptures as if she could recall them like him.

  She had to nudge Layla twice to stay awake as Rossi spoke from 2 Timothy 1:9.

  “Do you belong to God today?” Rossi paused and looked around the small chapel. “Do you have His seal, which is the Holy Ghost?” He seemed to ponder the question he asked.

  Even her mind began to wander as she read the verse several times for herself: Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, the Lord knows them that are His. And, let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. She searched her footnotes for any cross references, and found Matthew 7:23 listed. If we profess God and still sin, the Lord will reject us in the end.

  She flipped to the passage, then glanced around her. Rossi was known for his having people sitting-on-the-edge-of-their-seats wisdom. The young adults loved him at Living for Jesus Church, but today those who weren’t on their electronic devices, wore blank stares. Jet frowned. Why wasn’t Rossi spitting out scriptures with the breath of the Holy Ghost like he normally did?

  Jet gnawed on her lips. She didn’t bother to elbow Layla whose head began to bob. From where she was sitting, the fast didn’t seem to have any impact. She prayed things would change by the end of fast.

  Once My Word comes from My mouth, it will accomplish what I set out for it to do until it is done, God whispered. Read Isaiah 55:11.

  Jet wished she knew what God’s game plan was, because she was sure it wasn't a family scrabble, and Rossi not in tune with God. While Layla dozed, Jet did everything in her power not to join her friend while waiting for the benediction.

  Chapter 21

  To Layla’s relief, the three-day fast ended on Saturday evening. “For all the meals your boyfriend has caused me to miss, I want a steak and potato dinner,” she fussed while she and Jet were relaxing on the patio off the living room.

  Her friend had missed the purpose. Maybe it was Jet’s fault. Spiritual fasting wasn’t for the faint. Even after the constant prayers before God’s throne, Jet was disappointed that there had been no peace treaty reached between Levi and Rossi.

  Plus, Jet had hoped Layla would witness God move by their self-denial and petitions toward heaven before she returned to Nashville. But meditating on Matthew 6:10, Jet realized in the end, the Lord’s will would be done. Now, she understood that her prayers should be filled with God’s will for their lives.

  As if the wind had carried Layla’s complaint to his loft miles away, Rossi called. “If you and Layla don’t have any plans tonight, I would li
ke to take you both to dinner before she leaves tomorrow.”

  “That’s sweet.” She accepted for Layla, especially when he mentioned the pricey Ruth’s Chris Steak House.

  A few hours later, they sat around the table in the restaurant, touching on topics ranging from church to playing pool.

  “We’ll have to find a pool hall before you start work,” Rossi suggested.

  How about reconciling with your cousin before I clock in on Wednesday morning? Jet wanted to say, but went with the flow. “Sounds like fun.”

  The evening was unrushed as they enjoyed dessert, and Rossi and Layla compared notes about owning their own businesses. When she and Layla returned to her house, they were stuffed as they prepared for their last night hanging out. “Rossi seems genuine. He’s fine, loves you, and is employed.”

  “The last part is debatable.” Jet twisted her lips.

  “Everything is going to work out,” Layla said before drifting off to sleep.

  On Sunday morning with her bags packed, Layla accompanied Jet to church before taking her afternoon flight. Jet prayed for a word from the Lord for her friend, Rossi, and herself.

  The praise team led the congregation with a medley of worship songs. She and Layla stood and stretched out their arms to heaven. She spied Rossi in the pulpit with a bowed head. Her heart ached, but she believed God’s will was working.

  Pastor Brown made his way to the podium. “Praise the Lord, Saints of God, and welcome to our visitors.” After making a few announcements, he opened his Bible. “My text this morning comes from Matthew, chapter twenty. Sometimes Christians need a reality check.”

  “Amens” floated around Jet and mingled with hers.

  He slipped on his reading glasses and bobbed his head. “Let’s see how many Amens I get when God finishes His message.” He got a few “alrights,” before he continued. “This passage does that. In verse sixteen, ‘The last shall be first and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.’ Pride separates us from God whenever Christians believe one is better than the other, or deserves more than another. We are all invaluable to God, regardless of race or sex. God created us all. My sermon today is entitled, ‘Are You Chosen of God?’ The lord of the vineyard called anyone and everyone to work for him. But at the end of the day, who do you think had the right heart or mindset for him to choose? Reality check.”


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