Delayed Offsides

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Delayed Offsides Page 16

by Shey Stahl

  I got frustrated. “I know. I’m here, aren’t I?”

  He nodded once. “Yeah, but you’re in a bathroom right now. Staring at yourself.”

  He had a point, didn’t he?

  My first game in the NHL I would say I was nervous. It was back in New York against the Rangers with eighteen thousand fans watching at Madison Square Garden. I played ten minutes total of that game throughout the night and scored my first NHL goal.

  I remember thinking, I’m here. I’m playing hockey in front of all these people because I made it. But there was that feeling that washed over me for the first time in my life when playing hockey. Nerves. Something I hadn’t experienced. Until then.

  It took me a few plays and not until the second period before I calmed down and realized I had absolutely nothing to be scared of. My ability had gotten me here. Now it was my time to show them what I was capable of.

  I’m not sure that situation had much to do with what Callie and I were going through. So it took someone else to point out what was wrong with me because even I didn’t understand what this feeling meant. A few plays into the Rangers’ game and I was calm.

  I wondered how many months it was going to take for me to calm the fuck down about Callie being pregnant and realize I had nothing to be scared of.

  I needed to show Callie what I was capable of.

  Dinner was surprisingly calm compared to before the drinks. When dinner finished, and we all parted ways, Callie walked with me back to my car. As we walked, heels clicking on pavement, feet dragging, I couldn’t help but wonder what now? Were we still friends? Did she want to be? Did she even want me around her?

  I knew I needed to say more, given everything that happened but I wasn’t sure where to start.

  We were sitting in the car when I apologized for how that went. I couldn’t imagine that’s how a first date was supposed to go.

  Callie laughed. “Granny B is a hoot.”

  “I thought… I don’t know what I thought.” I shrugged, my hands in my pockets standing outside my car. “I’m sorry that was a disaster. Do you want me to take you home?”

  “No.” She gave me a look of complete disbelief. “I shaved my fucking legs, wore lingerie under this dress and no panties. No fucking panties, Leo. We’re going back to your place.” She spread her legs, reached for my hand and placed it between them. Fuck, so warm, soft… I couldn’t wait to get home.

  Removing my hand, because if I didn’t we’d be fucking in this very car, I reached forward starting the car. “My place it is.”

  Part of me wanted to fuck her, give her my frustration and I knew she wanted that, but there was another part of me that knew I’d been acting like an asshole lately and I needed to show her I cared.

  Watching me as soon as we were back at my condo, she was waiting for me to say something.

  I couldn’t be that guy who got rough and pulled her hair, gave it to her good like she wanted.

  She needed me to be the guy who put the other bastards to shame.

  I laid her gently on my bed, my hands cradling her face like I did at the arena the other night. “If you want this, I’m here. If you don’t, well, I’m here, too. Whatever you need. I’m not going to just walk away from my responsibility.” I kissed her forehead, and then her temple. “I know what Dave did and that hurt you felt, and you’re first boyfriend… and you’re dad. I’m here for you, and what we created. I’m not here for any other reason. Just that I want to be.”



  “My hormones are going crazy. If you don’t fuck me, right now, I’m going to take care of it myself and force you to watch.”

  “Well, fuck,” I let out a laugh moving between her legs as they fell away giving me access. “That sounds hot.”

  Her lips moved back to mine as I began to move with her but I paused, again, needing to know one thing. That when we were done in this bed, that she would stay. Every other time she had left and now I couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving again. “And when it’s over…please don’t leave.”

  She said nothing but brought her mouth back to mine.

  When you get drafted into the NHL, you’re eager to show that team they made the right selection against hundreds of other players. The same went for Callie and me. She had finally let me in, selected me to be that guy for her and I was eager to do just that.

  Only, I really had no idea where to start.

  Callie Pratt

  Man Advantage - When one team is penalized, and one of its players is sent to the penalty box, the second team maintains a man advantage for the duration of the penalty (Major penalty) or until a goal is scored (Minor penalty). If two penalties are called on one team there will be a two man advantage. If more than two penalties are called on one team the man advantage is limited to two men.

  “I fuck you good and you know it.” He leans into me, looking me up and down, deciding how this is gonna go for me.

  “No.” I say more firmly, flushing with anger.

  “What’s wrong? My dick not good enough these days?” He’s angry with me that I don’t just fuck him where he wants, in his car, in an alley, a bar, in front of anyone and everyone. I’m not the girl he thinks I am and he’s not who he claims to be.

  “Twisting my arms behind my back roughly, he drags me into his bedroom. I let out a scream, but before I can be heard, I’m cut off by a hard slap to my face.

  My eyes sting, throbs, winded by pain.

  “Shut up, bitch!” He roars, using his strength against me, his hands moving from my hips where he’s forced himself inside me, and to my neck. “Ya fuckin’ tell anyone ‘bout this, you’ll regret it.” He growls, pushing into me harder.

  I tremble, refusing to watch his dark eyes I no longer recognize.

  “Answer me.”

  I nod.

  “I’m gonna fuck ya so hard you won’t be able to sit at tomorrow’s game when I’m done.”

  The moonlight coming into Leo’s room surrounded me as I blinked and swallowed over the gasping breaths that forced through me, needing to be set free before I went into full blown panic. My skin tingled with what felt like thousands of tiny needles pricking my skin, my mind trying to sort out what was dream and what was reality. Shivers broke out over my body as I tried to shake the feeling.

  Another nightmare.

  I had them so often they didn’t faze me much anymore but they still weren’t something I recovered from quickly. It was hard for me to understand how these nightmares affected me. They did in little ways but it was nothing like a man’s touch or a whispered breath near my ear that would set them off, they just happened at random times.

  Turning over, I looked at Leo, sleeping soundlessly with his hands resting on his bare stomach, his head twisted slightly towards me. I smiled, knowing things were changing between us and that made me feel better. Lying back down, I scooted closer to him. Still sleeping, he turned toward me wrapping his arms around my waist, his hand draped over my stomach and our baby growing inside me.

  Breathing in deeply, I relaxed against him, pressing my back more firmly into his chest. I am an independent woman. I always have been because I’ve had to be. Yet, being here with Leo, listening to his breathing and just hearing his heart beat made me feel, it made me weak and want to depend on someone other than myself.

  I was set to work on Saturday for Bethany so I had today off, which meant I could relax with Leo and work out what we needed to. After last night’s dream, I didn’t want to go home either. Something about that nightmare shook me, made me hate living alone.

  When I got up, Leo was standing over a frying pan in the kitchen cooking what appeared to be eggs.

  “You cook me breakfast too?” I teased taking a seat at the eating bar across from the stove.

  “I’ll do anything if you agree to date me.” He said, looking over his shoulder at me.

  “Oh, don’t be dramatic.”

  He seemed to be trying to decide what t
hat meant. With a sigh, he tapped the spatula on the pan. He laughed, lightly, and thought for a moment, setting the spatula in his hand down. I raised an eyebrow waiting for what he was going to say next. “I’m not. I want to date you, have a relationship.”

  “I said I would and I meant it.”

  And then he stared at me again, another pause, and asked, “Nightmare last night?”


  He scratched the back of his head and walked over to the stove saying nothing more. To me it wasn’t a big deal that I had nightmares. Everyone has them, right?

  He made me breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausage…anything I wanted he was making. Leo could cook better than any hockey player I’d ever met. I was convinced he could have been a chef in another life.

  I ate all that and was still hungry.

  “Do you have any ice cream?” I asked, feeling a little self-conscious that I was still hungry.

  Leo looked over his shoulder at me, only my eyes were on his ass. He was only wearing his boxer briefs and after last night, and the things he made me feel, I was ready to make him my second breakfast. I wanted ice cream right now though. “You’re still hungry?”

  “Not really. I just want ice cream.”

  With a smile, he opened the freezer and pulled out a carton of Dreyer’s chocolate fudge ice cream. “You’re in luck.”

  Hopping down from the barstool, I walked over to the drawer where he kept the spoons. “Where’d you get this?” I laughed holding up the ice cream scooper he handed me. It was one of the ones from Pampered Chef that you squeezed on the handle for the scoop to come out. Walking over to the couch, I sat down and waited for him to come over.

  Leo shrugged sitting beside me with the open container of chocolate fudge ice cream, our favorite. “You left it. It’s amazing. Perfectly round bites every time.”

  “When did I leave it?” I watched him scoop out a bite and then squeeze it into his mouth.

  He grinned, savoring that little ball of heaven slowly. “Thanksgiving, I think. You were making those cookies…with the pecans in them.”

  “Oh, right.” I smiled, taking a bite just as he had done.

  When I finished, I looked over at him, wondering why he was looking at me like that. Maybe it was because I was only wearing his jersey and my bare legs were draped over his.

  He had that look in his eyes, something neither of us could ignore. “The things I want to do to you on this very table are getting me all worked up.”

  I raised an eyebrow, my breath catching knowing anything Leo said to me, and when he got that look, was going to be dirty. “Like what?”

  “Well…” He moved closer setting down the ice cream scoop so his hand could rest on my thigh. It wasn’t there long before it moved higher. He quickly flashed a grin before kissing my lips. “For starters, I wish I was eating this ice cream off your pussy.”

  “Keep talking.” I slouched down into the leather couch.

  His mouth pressed to mine urgently, rough with a hard desperate edge. When his tongue entered my mouth, I gasped, forgetting how nice that felt. Forgetting how badly I wanted Leo’s touch and now I just seemed to explode with desire for him.

  Driven with want, we seemed to be eagerly searching for the unknown in whatever this might be, wherever this might lead. And that was okay with me right now because my hormones were going crazy. Absolutely crazy.

  Game 62 – Phoenix Coyotes – Sunday, February 27, 2011

  United Center - Chicago

  I spent the night with Leo Saturday night. Which marked only the sixth time I’ve ever stayed the night with a guy. In his bed. Until the sun rose. I was notorious for leaving in the middle of the night.

  Leo left for the morning practice and I knew he would be gone for most of the day and then back for a nap and then leaving for the arena again.


  I napped all day. I was exhausted and Leo had a comfortable bed.

  When he came back, he started laughing that I was in the same spot as I was when he left that morning. “You haven’t moved.”

  “That’s not true. I was on that side.” I gestured to the left side of the bed with a lift of my chin. “Now I’m on this side.”

  He nodded, removing his suit jacket and then lying it over the end of the bed. Pulling at his tie to loosen it, he walked over to me. “That’s my side.”

  “You have a side preference?” I smiled scooting over just enough that he could sit on the edge of the bed. “You live alone.”

  “Yeah, but, now that you’re here, I need to stake my claim now.”

  Turning towards him I snuggled into the pillow pulling the comforter up over my shoulders. “I think I choose this side then.”

  He winked and laid down beside me, fully clothed, his arms behind his head and stared at the television. I was a little sad he didn’t take his clothes off and get into bed naked with me. “What are you watching?”

  “You. And wondering why you’re still fucking dressed with me lying in your bed.” I tossed the remote aside letting it hit the nightstand and then dropping to the hardwood floor with a clank. “I’m hungry.”

  Leo smiled, turning his head as he raised an eyebrow at me. “Really? Again?”

  “Yeah.” I rolled on top of him in one fluid motion fisting his loosened tie between my hands. “Now are you going to feed me?” I tugged again, so I could bring his lips to mine.

  He kissed me back, his lips just as eager, rolling me onto my back with his hands supporting his weight beside me. His hands slipped under my head, angling the kiss deeper before drawing back. “Just so we’re clear…” His lips parted from mine momentarily. “We’re talking about sex here, right?”

  “Yes, Leo, we’re talking about sex.” I started ripping off his clothes. “Now stop talking and fuck me.”

  I’m not sure I understood these hormones raging through my body but I understood that I wanted sex and Leo seemed to be on the same page. Part of me wondered if that was all we would have, but then again, I think good sex could be the start of a passionate bond.

  “You’re really pregnant?”

  I had to laugh. In the middle of a hockey game with screaming vulgar fans, Judy wanted to talk about the baby. Or at least confirm there was one.

  “Yep.” Judy’s eyes lit up as I spoke. “I’m three months.”

  “I thought Granny B was lying.” She hugged me. “That’s exciting. I can’t wait to throw you a baby shower and make blankets.”

  Ami laughed, hearing the last part of our conversation as her and Sam returned from the concession stand. “I bet you are.”

  I couldn’t concentrate on that game after this afternoon with Leo and he seemed to be on the same page when any time he passed by me, he’d tap the glass with his stick or wink at me. Anything to let me know I was on his mind.

  Ami coughed beside me. I wasn’t sure what brought this on but I loved it. Reminded me of when we first met when we flirted while he was on the ice and I never hesitated to press my tits against the glass to get him going.

  “What has gotten into you two?”

  “Pregnancy is strange.” I told Ami, shaking my head. Even I didn’t understand it. I’ve always had a strong sex drive, you know, couple times a week, but lately, I even looked at Leo, or smelled him, I wanted to have sex, right then and there. And tonight was no different.

  The game was close and they ended up in overtime followed by a shoot-out. It’s not uncommon for them to put Leo in when it was a shoot-out goal they needed. In fact, he was their number one pick.

  The puck went through his skates, around his back and then back in front of him. He backhanded the puck across his body, went one way, and then the other, threw his arms out, got the goalie to bite and then perfectly placed the puck under the bar.

  What was even more sexy was the way he came right over to the side of the ice I was on to celebrate the goal, as if he wanted to share that with me. Smacking the glass with his gloved hand, he caught my attention as if he
hadn’t already had it. Raising his eyebrows, he grinned, bright eyed with his flushed excitement. This was the man I was going to share my life with, whether I knew it or he knew it right then, it was inevitable.

  I smiled back at him, whistling and celebrating the goal with him when he licked the fucking glass sending the female population in the stands next to me in a complete uproar of hysterics over the star Blackhawk, their most eligible bachelor, licking the glass in front of them.

  Only they didn’t realize what I just felt. He was mine and that lick was meant for me.

  Leo had been fairly conservative in his spending of that nearly eight-million dollar contract he had. Mostly because he never had money growing up and there was a certain amount of uncertainty when you’re a hockey player. Regardless of your contract, you could be traded at any time. After the condo in Trump Towers, he bought a flat black Audi R8 that had these windows that were nearly blacked out. Perfect for times like this.

  Though I took my time getting in, I debated internally for a moment on how I wanted to go about this. It didn’t take long once we were inside his car and I made my move. Fisting his shirt in my hands I pulled him in as my lips brushed over his when he shuddered, like he’d been waiting all night for that kiss. His lips roughly met mine, my skin burning with pleasure, eagerly seeking his taste. Maybe it was the win, or watching him make the overtime shot, but I was all over that boy.

  Drawing back, I shifted in the seat, facing him. His eyes had a frantic hunger to them and I couldn’t ignore that. It’s then that I got a good look at him, his eyes wild with desire, white dress shirt open at the top revealing his toned chest, tie loosened around his neck. He went to remove it, knowing where this was going but I shook my head raising my hand to stop him.

  I didn’t waste much time as I took the jersey off revealing my new lacy black bra cupping my overly full breasts giving me cleavage worthy of a Playboy magazine.

  Leaning across the center console, I kissed him once more, my tongue sneaking past his lips, my hands working on his belt, each clank of the buckle heard over our heavy breathing. Leo, stunned at first, eagerly pulled me forward, his hands on my face kissing me with just as much passion.


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