The Wizard Merlin: Second Edition

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The Wizard Merlin: Second Edition Page 8

by Emrys Apollo

  Tristan's eyebrow rose and he whispered. "What are you doing?"

  Hector laid down next to Merlin's body, his arms wrapping around the blue mage to still his movement. "This might very well be our last night together; we might as well spend it comfortably."

  Tristan smiled and snuggled behind Hector's body, pulling the healer flush to his body and sighing.

  Merlin echoed Tristan's sigh and went back to sleep.

  Gareth rolled his eyes at the display and then got up from his position. He laid down on the other side of Merlin and fell asleep.


  Merlin stood at the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest and sighed. His companions flanked at his sides, waiting for his order to proceed. Every beat of his heart told him there was no turning back once they left the trees.

  No safe haven, no shelter. Nothing but death, stench and decay.

  The Badlands were so named because they were an empty wasteland of nothingness other than thorny bushes and bogs filled with centuries of dead bodies. Bodies of the enemy and bodies of the past saviors and their companions.

  To enter such a place would signal your own death. A death that Merlin knew was his destiny.

  He sighed again and motioned for Gareth to go on ahead. A frown etched deep into his ragged face, so worn from travel and the pain of loss.

  It would soon be over. Or they would die trying.


  As soon as they exited the Forbidden Forest, the Dark Lord's forces descended on them. Almost as if they'd been waiting the whole time.

  Magic, arrows, and swords clashed around Merlin from all sides

  Hector shot down any enemies that tried to attack Merlin from long range. He breathed hard through his lungs and willed his body to behave through the madness.

  Tristan and Gareth hacked and slashed anyone in their paths, stopping only for a moment to free their swords when it got caught in a downed enemy's rib cage.

  Merlin focused a little of his powers to help the rest, but even he knew he couldn't waste it needlessly. This was only the beginning of the Badlands and there was no doubt the Dark Lord would throw something at them every step of the way.

  Trees rustled behind Merlin to distract his attention. He turned around in time to see a black flame light up a creature's eyes before it hurtled toward them.

  It took him only a moment to realize it wasn't aimed at him. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.


  Hector jerked forward, eyes wide in shock, body falling limp to the ground.

  Tristan was the first to scream, eyes turning into saucers.

  Merlin swore and dove behind Gareth's strong form to get to his fallen friend. Tears formed in his eyes, looking down at the healer with sorrow. His hand felt around for Hector's heart, desperate to sense the thunder below.

  But there was none. Just an empty shell, eyes darkened of life.

  Tristan screamed again, falling to his knees beside his lover. He shook his head over and over, trying to convince himself that this wasn't happening, that somehow this was all just some sort of vicious nightmare.

  Gareth fought off the last of the hordes alone, wanting to find out what happened to Hector, but needing to protect the rest from harm. His sword slashed down the last creature with a swift slice and he panted for a breath in the dank marsh.

  Merlin held Hector in his arms, cradling the healer as he'd done many times to the sorcerer. Shaking hands brushed hair and dirt away from Hector's face. "Please no, not him. Please...not Hector."

  Tristan's fingers held Hector's limp hand, squeezing the stubby fingers, interlocking them with his own. He pulled the hand over his heart, tears weaving down his face and lips.

  Gareth sank to his knees beside the three men, sorrow and guilt written all over his face. "He is dead then?"

  Merlin cried out. "Why! Why have you taken him for me?"

  Gareth pressed his hand over Hector's heart. "Be well, my friend. You were taken way too soon in this life."

  Tristan kept shaking his head, tears never stopping their descent on his face. He reached out and took Hector away from Merlin's arms, pressing him close to his chest.

  Merlin leaned up against Tristan's body, heart utterly broken into pieces.

  Gareth watched them, unsure of how to proceed. He touched Merlin's arm. "Sire, we need to move on. The final goal is near, you know this."

  Merlin's eyes drifted shut, loss and pain filling every piece of his being. "I know. I just....I'd hoped....I'd hoped that we would be together in the end. That...somehow we would all fight him together. I...I can't watch you die one by one. I don't know if I'm strong enough for that."

  Gareth gripped Merlin's shoulder tightly. "You must. We knew the risks of journeying with you, that it might very well end with our lives. But know that we do this because we believe in you. You are our only hope in this wasteland of misery. If you fall, we all do."

  Merlin sighed and nodded. "I know. It's just....first Lance and now Hector. How will I find the will to go on when you and Tristan are gone?"

  Gareth smiled and touched over Merlin's heart. "You will find the way. Even if you appear weak and frail, you are stronger than all of us. I envy your strength and hope I have merely a fraction of it when the final time comes."

  Merlin looked up into Gareth's eyes. "You will, I know it."

  Gareth patted Merlin on the arm and turned to Tristan. "We must go, Tristan. The longer we stay here, the more likely we are to die like Hector."

  Tristan shook his head and held Hector tighter. "I will not go without him. I'm not leaving him here. He deserves better than this."

  Merlin reached out and touched Hector's body, eyes slipping closed in concentration. The last wisps of blue energy flowed out of Hector's form, filling Merlin's body with power and healing. He sighed and pulled Tristan's hands away from Hector's body. "He is no more. He's not in this body; it's just an empty shell now."

  Tristan weakly pushed Merlin's hands away. "I don't care. I can't....I don't want...."

  Gareth pulled Tristan to his feet and shook him. "You would abandon the sire for your selfish desires? You are a coward!"

  Tristan's face twisted in anger. "What did you say?"

  Gareth shook Tristan's body in his hands. "You heard me! You are a coward for putting Hector's life over the sire’s. He is our master, not some person to have for your pleasure!"

  Tristan's eyes widened. "Is that what you think? That Hector was just some toy for me? He was our healer! We would have perished long ago without him!"

  Gareth grinned and let Tristan go. "Indeed he was. But we can't break to pieces now. It's just what the Dark Lord wants, to have us lost and easy for the picking. We have to honor Hector's memory, as he would have done for us."

  Tristan's eyes slipped shut, lips quivering.

  Merlin wandered over to Tristan and leaned against him. "He'll always be with us, Tristan. He's a part of me now."

  Tristan's arms fumbled around Merlin's body, head buried into Merlin's neck. "I know....I can feel him still in you. Hector, I lo...."

  Merlin smiled and snuggled into Tristan's warmth. "He knows, he's always known."

  Tristan sighed, breathing in Merlin and Hector's scent one last time before letting Merlin go. "I'm sorry."

  Merlin shook his head and grabbed Tristan's hand to pull him along. "There's nothing to be sorry for. You loved him, we all did. And Gareth's right, we need to press on. We need to bring this darkness to an end once and for all. For Hector and....for Lance."


  Tristan stopped moving through the swamp and looked up. His eyes widened at the image of a huge black tower right in front of him. He turned to Merlin. "Was that always there?"

  Merlin shook his head. "No, it only appears when you are within a certain distance from it. We are close. I can feel the Dark Lord near, plotting and planning our demise."

  Gareth cocked his head to the side. "You can hear his thoughts?"

o, it's more like I can feel his power being spread around to try and stop us. Anytime a mage uses a lot of magic at once, other mages can feel it too. And he's using it a lot. I can only assume that he's....he's drained Lance of his power. That Lance more."

  Tristan touched Merlin's shoulder. "You don't know that. He could still be alive and in that tower. Don't assume he is until you know for sure."

  Merlin nodded. "You're right. I just....I miss him, Tristan. His touch, his lips, everything. The fact that he was taken under our noses still haunts me at night, that maybe I could have prevented it somehow."

  Gareth sighed. "Stop this. You can't blame yourself for that. It was sudden and none of us, even you, could have prevented it.

  Merlin licked his dry lips. "Maybe, but it doesn't make me feel any more confident in my abilities. The Dark Lord has now the ultimate power source and I have nothing."

  Tristan snorted and pushed Merlin along the swamp and onto the dry ground. "Thanks so much for that."

  Merlin stared at the ground in defeat. "You know what I mean. Sure, I can drain both of you and get some energy, but that's nothing compared to what he can get from Lance."

  Tristan patted Merlin's head. "That may be, but you have something over him."

  Merlin glanced up. "And what is that?"

  "Hope. All he sees is ways to destroy and enslave. All you see is ways to restore and be free. You are better than him, you are not blinded by hatred and anger. That is what he fears the most - that there is still hope in all of us."

  Merlin raised an eyebrow. "When did you get so poetic all of a sudden?"

  Tristan chuckled and stared into the distance. "It's Hector's fault. He...he would always tell me that when I was deep in despair. Somehow, he always knew how to make....make everything brighter."

  Gareth laughed and walked in front of them, eyes glancing around the thorny bushes. "And manage to break the stoniest of hearts."

  Tristan rolled his eyes and walked close beside Merlin. "Had to get the last line, didn't you?"

  Gareth stopped and turned around. "Didn't you know? The best ones talk last."

  Tristan rolled his eyes and pushed Gareth forward into the shrubs. "Keep going, best one."


  Gareth stopped short in front of a huge gate. It loomed above his head more than twenty meters.

  Tristan glanced up at the blackened facade with a frown. "A gate? In the middle of a wasteland?"

  Merlin searched around the darkened corners for any creatures. He glanced over at Tristan. "This doesn't feel right."

  Gareth took out his sword and advanced on the gate in slow steps, eyes hunting around for enemies.

  Tristan motioned for Merlin to get behind and then withdrew his sword.

  Merlin held his breath and readied his powers for whatever might be coming.

  All three men were within a few meters of it when the gate opened, admitting a rush of creatures coming right for them.


  Chaos and fire rained around them.

  Gareth and Tristan barreled through the hordes straight for the gate’s opening.

  Merlin faced the hordes behind them, rattling off as many spells he could muster so no enemies could attack from behind.

  Arrows, magic, and steel clashed at every turn. Killing and maiming without any rhyme or reason.

  All three broke free from the hordes, advancing to the large staircase in front of the tower.

  Tristan sighed and turned around to stare down at the hordes coming for them. "How do we defeat all of them?"

  Gareth swallowed the lump in his throat and walked calmly into the hordes.

  Tristan pulled him back and yelled. "What are you doing?"

  Gareth smiled sadly at Tristan. "We can't defeat them, we're not meant to defeat them."

  Merlin shook his head, eyes watching the armies of creatures get closer and closer to their position. "You're not making any sense, Gareth."

  Gareth gripped Merlin's shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes. "This is where we must part. You and Tristan must go on to fight the Dark Lord."

  Tristan's eyes widened. "No, we're not leaving you behind. We will deal with this together, as always, somehow."

  Gareth shook his head and put his other hand on Tristan's shoulder. "You must protect the sire for me; make sure he gets to the Dark Lord unharmed. Promise me this, Tristan."

  Tristan frowned. "Gareth, you're not listening to me. We're not leaving you!"

  Gareth released both men and shoved them toward the steps. "Go. Before they get here."

  Tears formed in Merlin's eyes. "Gareth, why are you doing this?"

  Gareth smiled at Merlin. "I'm a gatekeeper. It's my duty to defend it with my life."

  Merlin reached out for Gareth's body, but he moved away from him and advanced on the armies below. "Gareth! Don't do this!"

  Gareth turned back one last time and motioned. "Go sire, defeat him for us. I believe in you."

  Merlin and Tristan watched in horror as Gareth ran for the hordes of enemies with his sword raised and ready.

  Gareth killed enemies left and right, sword plunging into the darkness of the swarm. The last image they saw of Gareth was hacking down a troll-like creature, his face full of peace.

  Tristan bowed his head, clenching a fist against his chest.

  Merlin fought back a stream of tears, lips quivering with the word "farewell".


  Tristan and Merlin ran up the remaining steps toward a large metal door. Both glanced around to spot any who would halt their ascent.

  There was nothing in view.

  Tristan frowned and turned to Merlin. "Why is there no one here blocking us? Would he leave his front door so unguarded?"

  Merlin eyed the front door with suspicion. "I don't think it's as it appears. There's more to it than that."

  Tristan shrugged and walked up the final three steps. Once he got to the top one, a force pushed him back. He reached up to touch the offending barrier. His hands brushed against air, but something was stopping his entrance. "What is this?"

  Merlin reached out and his hand passed through the shield without any resistance. "It is as I feared."

  Tristan stared at him. "What is?"

  Merlin sighed. "This barrier will only admit mages. That's...that's why he took out Hector first. He would have been able to enter with me."

  Tristan's hands pounded on the invisible barrier. "He's mad if he thinks he can keep me out! I'm not leaving you alone."

  Merlin pulled Tristan's hands down and into his own. "You must. There's no other way than this."

  Tristan shook his head. "I'm not leaving you, sire. I have a duty to carry out, you know that."

  Merlin frowned and shook his head. "You don't understand, Tristan. He means for me to enter alone and without any of my companions."

  "I'm not leaving you! He'd have to kill me in order for me to leave your side."

  Merlin bit his lip, tears forming in his eyes. "That's.....that's exactly what he wants me to do."

  Tristan stared at Merlin in confusion. "I don't understand."

  Merlin sighed and pulled Tristan's body closer to him. "He wants me to drain you."

  Tristan's eyes widened. "What? You're not serious."

  Tears ran down Merlin's face. "I'm...I'm afraid I am. It's's the only way for me to proceed. If I go in and you're still here, then he will...he will drain you for himself."

  Tristan opened his mouth to protest and then closed it.

  Merlin sighed and removed the black glove from his hand. "I...I don't want to do this. You've been with me so long."

  Tristan stopped Merlin's movement. He stared deep into the mage's brown eyes. "I can see him in your eyes. Standing there with his lip in his teeth, staring at me with those eyes that make me do anything for him. He's waiting for me and all I can think about is how scared I am. Scared that I will never....never see you again."

  Merlin smiled at Tristan, his other gloved hand
brushing his face. "You will always be a part of me, just like he is. And if my life is extinguished? I will see you on the other side."

  Tristan's arms wrapped around Merlin's body, his hands snaking their way up to cup Merlin's face. "If there was one thing that I always wondered, it would be to experience what you really feel like. I've only touched you when you were sleeping, never awake."

  Merlin's eyes slipped shut, his lips parting, little pieces of Tristan's energy slowly filling his being. "Now's your chance."

  Tristan bit his lip. "I believe in you, Merlin. You will save us from him. I know it."

  Tears slid down Merlin's cheeks. "I'll miss you, Tristan. My protector, my friend, my passion."

  Tristan hesitated for a second and then kissed Merlin full on, tasting his friend for the first and last time. Tasting Lance and Hector and all others who had touched Merlin's life. Visions and Merlin's thoughts filled his mind while energy was stripped away from him piece by piece. Smiles and frowns, it was all there. From their first meeting as boys to their final end. He smiled inside, knowing that he would be closer to Hector now, that he could help Merlin continue on. Fear and doubt were pulled away from his heart, leaving only the passion that Merlin so valued in him.

  Merlin sighed into the kiss, the last strains of Tristan's energy filling his heart and bones. His eyes opened and he carefully laid Tristan's drained form on the steps. Tears dropped onto Tristan's pale face, a face finally full of peace. "I love you, Tristan. More than any millions of songs can say. But...but I can feel you in me. I can feel you smile as you snuggle into Hector's awaiting arms. That's all I need to continue on."

  Fingers tugged at the glove on his other hand and flung it off to the side. He would need it no longer. It was time to finish what he set out to do ten years ago.


  A wave of power and energy washed over Merlin as he stepped through the force field and into the tower doors. Eyes searched around for the Dark Lord, assuming he wouldn't let Merlin get very far into his lair before attacking him.

  Random creatures milled around in the shadows. A few stopped to stare at Merlin as he walked by in curiosity and then went back to what they were doing.

  At the top of a staircase was a huge creature with his arms folded on his chest. Wings fluttered on his back, his black eyes pierced through Merlin's soul, summing him up piece by piece.


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