The Assassin the Djinn and the Hundred Year Wish

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The Assassin the Djinn and the Hundred Year Wish Page 6

by Price, Stella

  “Ooh, so I get to keep a half hour? Well then…I suppose we could watch it, but I get choice later.”

  “You can choose anything you like later, and I’ve got a few ideas for that half hour.”

  “Oh? You going to let me in on them?” he asked dryly.

  “After the crap-tastic film.” She curled into him. “So tell me something I couldn’t find out about the Djinn. What am I missing?”

  Marsh was quiet for a while, flipping through channels before he settled on the DVR channel and then sighed. “Our magic is inherent, passed down through families, though like most races, not everything is passed to everyone.”

  She was surprised he’d answered. “Okay.” She thought his words over. “So not everyone in the family line has the same magic. Like it skips generations?”

  “Something like that. It’s like talent. Just because your parents can sing doesn’t mean you’re not tone-deaf. But your kids, maybe they are the next Cher or Otis Redding…”

  That made sense. “And just what kind of talents do the Djinn have?”

  Marsh looked sideways at her. “I can’t speak for everyone, but I know what I can do. The one thing we all can do is grant wishes for favors, which you already know.”

  Tight-lipped as always. “What else can you do?”

  Marsh shrugged. “I’m pretty good with numbers, though that could be due to the fact that I have lived so long that I know how to manipulate the system. Other than that, I’m far from remarkable.” He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. “Sorry, pet.”

  “Hardly the fount of all knowledge, do you even know other Djinn?”

  “Of course I do,” he said with definite finality.

  “And you don’t care to share at all? I take it we won’t run into any over the next hundred years.” She smiled. “You know I could put out feelers. Ko couldn’t get much in the limited time period he had but give him a month or three and he can ferret out anything.”

  Marsh laughed. “I know exactly where they are, pet. No need to worry. Now, about this piece of shit movie…”

  “Meh.” She dismissed the TV. “I’ve seen it.” She straddled him, looking into his eyes her nose touching his. “I want you to tell me what I’m in for, here. If you don’t I’ll find out for myself.”

  Marsh wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her so her core was snuggled over his growing erection. “Now, what fun would it be for me if I told you everything?”

  She gritted her teeth refusing to be distracted by the warm delicious pooling where their bodies met. “Darling, I can be anything but fun if I think you’re fucking with me. How does it go? You can get into bed with Janey Duvall, but you don’t fuck her. I can be violent and trigger happy.”

  He pulled her closer and grinned. “But you won’t, because getting shot is not going to kill me, as we have discussed. You’re stuck with me pet, for better or worse for the next hundred years. I wouldn’t put those in my keeping in harm’s way, nor would I fuck with you,” he smirked, “as you so eloquently put it. Well, that’s not true, I will fuck you, and regularly, and I will push your boundaries and comfort zones. You’re a vibrant and sexual woman, Jane, and I’m going to open you up to so much you will love…even if you don’t want me to.” He kissed her and nipped her bottom lip. “But, my secrets are my own, and you’ll know what you need to when you need to, lover. That’s the way it works.”

  “I’m not asking for your secrets just a little more info on your race.” She shrugged. “Fair enough, I’ll just make it my pet project. You were the one who wanted me to share.” She pushed off him annoyed by his attitude then sat beside him. “And if you are all male, how the hell does that work out for your species? Unless you’re all hermaphrodites.”

  “You have seen me naked right? Does it look like I have any kind of lady parts?” He chuckled. “And Djinn are men. Hell, Most Djinn marry another in the races or procreate with their consorts. Now if we are done with the question and answer…” He ran his fingers down her arm.

  “You could have lady parts.” She smiled leaning into him. “You sure do get pissy enough to be a woman.”

  Marsh cocked a brow at her and then quick as lighting grabbed her, pulling her to him, and kissed her soundly. He growled, then laughed and nipped her lip again.

  The kiss stole her first reaction, to tease him just a bit more, and instead her body melted to his. “Mmmm, guess that’s the question and answer session finished then.”

  “Don’t worry. I have several things in mind to keep you occupied…”

  Chapter Seven

  Morning light filtered through the gaps in the curtains as Marsh looked out over the square toward Vatican City. The week was almost up. Taya, Janey’s head assassin, sent out for the Demon, called and checked in. She had told her everything was taken care of, so his job, at least for the Demon, was done.

  Janey was healthy again. She was more than beautiful, if that was possible. And witty and smart. If he were honest with himself, he couldn’t hope for in a mate. If she made the right wish, that’s exactly what she would be. How many men could have a woman that was as fine as she was, as volatile and as deadly and still top them? Not many, he was sure. He didn’t begrudge her the wish about the cancer and, as much as it was indeed wasted, he would never think to chastise her for the first wish. The truth of the matter was, if she didn’t wish correctly this last time, he would only have her for the hundred years, then she would be free. If she didn’t make it by the full moon, the mystical and earthly renewal and culmination both, she would lose the wish and he would lose his chance at keeping her for always. A lost wish negated any further bargaining after the hundred years was up, and he was not interested in chancing any of it.

  He wanted her for all time, but he couldn’t influence her free will. This was going to be tough. Had she had two wishes to play with, he wouldn’t have worried so, but as it was, they only had one shot.

  Can I even hope she will choose me? He thought as the sunshine warmed his face through the curtain.

  He felt her stir awake before he heard it, and it touched him. Their bond was already very strong. There were stories that circulated among his people, stories about perfect mates, about the one woman whose wishes could kill the terminal loneliness Djinn felt as solitary creatures. In spite of his burgeoning feelings, he hoped this woman would be his. If not, well, he’d have another hundred years to wait to start all over again.

  He turned and smiled at the sleepy-eyed beauty in the bed. “Morning, pet. Sleep well?”

  She yawned. “Mmmm, I did. And you?”

  He nodded at her. “I did.” He wouldn’t admit to her that he’d slept better this past week than he had in years. No, it would not be prudent of him to show such blatant need for the woman.

  “Good, I love sleeping next to you. You make me feel safer than the gun,” she smiled, “and the security system. And the panther that occasionally stalks the grounds.”

  He laughed. “Oh, yeah?”

  She nodded. “Yup. So, what shall we do today? We have the whole day to ourselves.”

  “Well, you’re the one who is completely hale and hearty, so it’s your decision, pet.”

  “I was thinking breakfast. Something with bacon and coffee, not on the same plate, though.”

  “Sounds good. I could go for some sort of artery clogging food. So, what say you get dressed, and I’ll see what I can whip up? I’m actually quite proficient in the kitchen.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Really? Well, that is something I have to see.” She stood and walked naked to her wardrobe. “I tend not to cook,” she said as she opened the huge oak doors. “I can, but I don’t see the point when I can order from someone who’ll cook it better than me,” she stated as she prowled for something to wear.

  “Well, I’ll tell you a secret, pet. I can only really make breakfast foods. The competency to make anything else eludes me, so you’re in luck. I’m thinking omelets, bacon, and French toast, and maybe so
me damn decent conversation, topped off with that coffee you were jonesin’ for,” he said as he watched her rifle through her drawers.

  She giggled. “Perfect.” She held up a simple cream blouse and a tan suede skirt. “Besides, if we were great cooks we’d both be chefs, and I much prefer my line of work,” she said as she began to dress.

  He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “And what makes you think that as my fuck toy, I would still let you run the syndicate?”

  She answered without stopping. “Because it’s my life, take that away from me and I’ll turn into a raving psychotic. Besides nature abhors a vacuum.”

  “Turn into?” he teased and shook his head. “It never occurred to you that I might have other plans for you?”

  “Did it ever occur to you that I could cut your head off in your sleep? A bullet won’t kill you but that probably would…Or a bullet in the brainstem.” She finished dressing and stood up.

  “So volatile,” he said and raised an eyebrow. “No need to get your panties in a twist pet, I was just fucking with you. I happen to like the fact that you’re deadly, and you could kill me in my sleep. I wouldn’t pull you from your life; what I want doesn’t require that. But the fact that you’re so egotistical that you never considered the possibility…”

  “Not egotistical, giving up this life just isn’t an option. Besides if I ever did, Trent would probably end me—nail me in a coffin while I’m still living—or some upstart looking to make a name for themselves would try. I can’t afford to look weak and giving up my business for lo…” she stumbled over the word, quickly changing it. “A man, looks weak.”

  Marsh walked over to her and kissed her soundly. “You’re nothing close to weak Jane; you never were.”

  He left the room and went to the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers and cabinets until he found everything he needed to make what he had offered. In minutes, he had the bacon frying, the French toast soaking in egg, sugar and cinnamon, and was beating the eggs for the omelets. Janey chose that moment to come in, all bright eyed and smelling of spun sugar. He inwardly groaned as her scent surrounded him. She was intoxicating, and she didn’t even know it.

  “What do you like in your omelets? You gotta have cheese, but I’m thinking mushrooms, what else?”

  “Onion. You can’t have an omelet without some.” She opened the cupboard next to her.

  “Brave woman, onion in her omelet,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “Hey, I can eat whatever I like, and you’re no culinary judge, you don’t even eat shellfish. Besides we’ll grate it in, it cooks faster.”

  “You are indeed a wise woman.” He smiled at her as she helped him grate the onion. They were silent a while, content to just be near each other. At least, that’s what it was like for him.

  She moved about the kitchen, her sugary scent following her here and there, and his body responded in kind. He turned to her and pulled her to him, pressing his now hard and imprisoned cock against her.

  She chuckled, then groaned as her body melting into his. “Mmmm, is there something I can help you with, baby?” she asked pointedly, grinding herself into him.

  He nodded and kissed her, pushing her to her knees. She purred softly up at him, nuzzling at his cock through his jeans. He looked down at her. “No biting, Janey,” he reminded her, his hand in her hair. He grabbed a good amount of it and tugged, hearing her moan. He knew she loved stuff like this. He knew she craved a little bit of the dominance that lurked in him. She liked to be made to do things and, if only for that reason, the next one hundred years were going to be bliss.

  She nodded slowly, still keeping her face as close to him as his grip on her hair would allow. “I remember.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Her nimble hands worked at his buckle and zipper, and in no time she’d released him into her hand. She stroked him a few more times before wrapping her lips around him. She lightly flicked her tongue over his tip in gentle strokes. He groaned and balled his hands tighter in her hair. She sucked him deep, moaning onto him. Her hot mouth instantly heated his cool, hard flesh.

  “That’s it, Janey baby. Fuck, you like that, don’t you?” he asked as he pushed her further down his cock.

  She worked him hard and silently for a while more. His breathing hitched and labored. She was good at this.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m close,” he said through gritted teeth. She had skill. At his words she grasped at his thighs, pulling him even deeper. She hummed loudly, the sound vibrating down his throbbing shaft.

  “Christ, Janey!” he growled as he came, pumping into her hot, tight mouth. No woman had ever made him come so quickly. He let the hold up in her hair and sighed, looking down at her.

  She swallowed everything he had to give her, then slowly came off him. Once she was satisfied that there was no mess left, she gently tucked him back in and zipped and buckled him back up. “The bacon will be cremated by now.” She giggled.

  He shrugged and pulled her up to him, kissing her. “There’s more.”

  He let her go, turned back to the stove, and started cooking again, putting some new bacon in the pan. Fifteen minutes later, there were two plates heaped with omelets and French toast and another plate full of bacon. He smiled at her as she poured the coffee. “I hope you’re still hungry, pet.”

  She picked up her fork. “Very.” She picked up her coffee and took a large drink moaning at the taste. “Hmmm, I love coffee. It’s been too long since I indulged in it.”

  They ate in silence, both too busy with what was on their plate to think about conversation. It was only after she finally finished her meal and sat back that he addressed her once again.

  “So, pet, tonight’s your deadline.”

  She took a deep breath. “I know,” she said quietly. “My last wish.” She fidgeted picking at her nails.

  He gave her a small smile. “Don’t think about it now, okay? You still have time.”

  “I do,” she nodded. “But I think I’m ready for it now.”

  “Indeed? I wouldn’t want you to rush it.” He swallowed hard, afraid of what she would say.

  She smiled nervously across the table at him laying her palms flat on the table. “I have everything I need and want.” She tapped her fingers then glared at them seeming uncomfortable with her continued fidgeting. “There’s only one thing vital that I stand to lose. You. I’m sorry, but a hundred years just isn’t long enough. What the hell would I do with myself at the end of that? In this week, you have ingrained yourself into me so deeply I can’t see myself without you, without waking up with you, watching shitty movies, having picnics.” She paused swallowing and taking a breath. “I wish to be with you, forever.”

  His eyes betrayed nothing, but his heart was beating a mile a minute. “Your wish? Your wish is to be with me? As a slave?”

  She frowned then shook her head. “No, as an equal. Your equal.”

  She said it, and he had to oblige. A woman like this came along once in a lifetime for a Djinn, and he wouldn’t let her go. He got up and went to her and went down on his knees. “You honor me, Janey,” he said. “Life isn’t going to be the same for you after this, you sure you want this?”

  She nodded with no hesitation. “I wished it, didn’t I? Of course it’s what I want and it’s not like your life will ever be the same either.”

  He moved in closer, his lips inches from hers. “Say it again, like you mean it, love.”

  She smiled and brushed her lips against his. “I wish to be with you for all time, as your equal. You and me together forever.”

  He pulled her closer, sealing the wish with a proper kiss. Her body heated slightly, and he groaned. The heat was the magic of his kind. His magic to be precise, part of him to sustain her life. It was over in mere minutes. As he ended the kiss, he looked at her. Her hair was a bit brighter, her eyes a startling shade of Moss green and chestnut. She was his now, his forever.

  She panted at him. “Forever. Now
, that is something to look forward to.”

  He pulled her off the seat onto his thighs and smiled. “You are mine, love, indeed you are, and I couldn’t be happier.” He ran his lips over hers softly. Looking toward the future was indeed something he always tried to keep himself from doing, but now…

  “Janey, Janey,” he murmured. “My love and my heart, I love you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and her jaw started to tremble. “I love you, too.” She kissed him hard, wrapping her arms around him to pull him closer.

  He wasn’t sure how or why it happened, but he would have to thank the Demon the next he saw him. He wasn’t alone anymore, and the woman who had his heart was exactly what he needed. He kissed his consort.

  She moaned, pressing herself tightly against him. “You’re all mine, Buddy. You better hold on cuz it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”


  One week later…

  Marsh sat up in bed with a scowl on his face, the faint buzzing of his cell phone’s vibrate function setting a weird tattoo on the beveled wood of the bedside table top. Nobody should be calling him this early. He looked at the clock, four thirty a.m. What kinda sick bastard…

  He grabbed the phone, looked at the caller ID and shook his head. The Demon. Shoulda known. He slipped quickly from the covers; Janey turned from him on her stomach, her hair a dark glistening cloud in the predawn light coming through the sheer coverings on the windows. He padded naked out of the room to the living area of the apartment and answered the phone.

  “This better be good, Demon…you do realize what time it is, don’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t presume to know your whereabouts, Nicodemus,” came the Demon’s ice smooth voice.

  Yeah right. The Demon knew exactly where he was…exactly where he put Marsh. “Uh huh. And I got a bridge I can sell ya. What can I do for you Taylor?”

  “I’ve never understood that saying,” he answered offhandedly. “I’m just checking up to see how you got on with the delectable Miss Duvall.”

  “How do you think? You got your assassins, didn’t you?” Marsh asked, yawning.


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