Dare to Surrender: The Dare Menage Series, Book 5

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Dare to Surrender: The Dare Menage Series, Book 5 Page 17

by Jeanne St. James

  But she didn’t move. She heard the voices, then the cops sweep the house. One even came down to the basement, moving close to where she hid. But finally, he yelled up the steps that the basement was clear and went back upstairs.

  Then what seemed like another hour went by and everything got quiet.

  The seconds felt like hours, the minutes like days, until the front door slammed, and two sets of feet hurried down the steps.



  She closed her eyes for a second, breathed and then stood up, her muscles complaining and shaking as she pushed through the cardboard flaps.

  “Oh, thank fuck,” Grant shouted when he saw her.

  “Mon Dieu,” Eli muttered as they rushed over to her and helped her out of the box and into their arms.

  They crushed her between them and then she seriously started to cry.

  At first, she thought it was from relief... And maybe some of it was, but then she realized it was because she was being held by these two men and she’d never felt so loved or secure before.

  Crazy, but true.

  “I’m sorry,” she blubbered, trying to swipe the tears off her face.

  “T’as pas à t’excuser, t’as rien fait de mal,” Eli murmured into her hair.

  “He’s right, honey. Nothing to be sorry for. We’re just glad your safe.”

  “Only for the moment,” she whispered. “You two aren’t safe with me here.”

  Neither said a word as they helped her upstairs.

  “There’s blood in the foyer,” Grant warned her. “Cops got him in the chest, so there was a lot of blood.”

  “Is he dead?”

  “I don’t know. I hope so,” Grant said as they reached the first floor.

  “I don’t. He needs to be questioned.” Eli helped her over the threshold and guided her away from the foyer.

  Glancing that direction, she said, “I’ll help you clean up.”

  Grant shook his head. “No, we have more important things to do right now. We’ll get it later.”

  “We’re packing the little stuff you have and taking you out to Paige’s brother’s farm,” Eli informed her.


  “Yes, actually, we’re not taking you in case we’re being watched, but someone else will pick you up nearby,” Eli clarified. “We’ll sneak you out the back of the house and over a block where Ren and Cole are going to pick you up and take you there.”

  “Who’s Ren and Cole?”

  “They’re safe and can protect you. Get your stuff together. It’s going to take them about an hour to get here with the traffic.”

  “I don’t want to drag more people into this,” she whispered.

  “Honey,” Grant said softly, “we all just want to keep you safe. Please let us do that for you.”

  Her gaze met his and held. Worry showed in his eyes. She nodded. “Just for a little while?”

  Grant tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear. “Yes. Just a little while. Eli and I plan to leak some information out there and see what happens.”

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  “We don’t want you to leave, either, ma chérie. But you must, just for now.”

  “Are you coming out to this farm, too? It’s not safe for you here, either.”

  She didn’t miss the look that Eli and Grant gave each other.

  “I don’t know,” Eli finally said. “We need to make sure this information gets into the right hands. I’m not sure if we can do it from there.”

  “Do you know how long?”

  Eli shook his head. “No. As long as it takes to get you safe and that bastard locked up.”

  “I need you two to be safe, too.”

  “We will. Now let’s get your things. Think of this as a vacation in the country.”

  She sniffled and then let out a thick laugh. “Right. A vacation.”

  “Quinn and the kids will love you,” Grant assured her.

  Unfortunately, she had no idea who Quinn was.

  Chapter 15

  Liv sat soaking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun on a large back deck. The sprawling log home it was attached to overlooked a whole lot of nothing. Just grass. Lots and lots of grass.

  No, it wasn’t grass. It was sod she was told. Sod used for sport stadiums, arenas and such.

  Ty, Logan and their wife, Quinn, had been the perfect hosts. Funny and kind, they clearly all loved each other and their kids, of course.

  The kids, Preston and Cayden, were active little hellions but actually a joy to be around.

  It was easy to see who the biological father was for each one. Logan for their son, Preston, and Ty for their daughter, Cayden. But to watch the men, there was no distinction and both men answered to “Daddy.”

  It was sweet. But the house could get a bit crazy at times. Especially when Paige, Grae and Connor were there, too. And Paige was around a lot since she helped out with the sod business which was based on the property.

  Logan’s sister was also an emotional mess, which did not help the chaos at the house, since she’d just found out she was carrying twins. Whose twins, Paige didn’t know. Or care. She just cared that her body would be stretched beyond belief with two babies growing inside her. So the woman tended to walk around the house crying, stuffing cookies in her mouth, and carrying a container of cocoa butter while asking Grae or Connor to rub the stuff onto her belly every hour on the hour. It got to the point that everyone, including the kids, would sigh in relief when the three would finally leave to go home.

  In fact, Logan and Ty both threatened to put Paige on early maternity leave and have Liv stay to take her place as their “Girl Friday” until the twins were born. It seemed that both men couldn’t take anymore of Paige’s out of control hormones.

  Liv wanted to take them seriously because she could use the work, but she knew their farm was too far out from the city and she didn’t have a car to commute that long distance.

  But it was a nice offer anyway. Though, she’d been enjoying the time she’d spent with the Reed-White family, she was ready to get back. She was definitely ready for all of this to be over.

  She was tired of relying on others to keep her safe.

  Besides, she missed Grant and Eli.

  So very, very much.

  She talked to her brother almost every night by Skype, as well as Grant and Eli.

  How could she miss the two men so much when she’d only spent a few days with them? A few nights, too. But even so...

  And now she’d been there a week. A whole five days and nothing had changed as far as she knew. Randall Dean was still as free as a dirty bird while she still remained in hiding.

  But the only good thing was Grant and Eli were on their way out to the farm since it was Friday and they planned on spending the weekend. Logan, Ty and Quinn decided to take the kids camping before the weather turned cold. Which left the men and her to have the house to themselves.

  The rear sliding glass door opened, and Liv turned her head, hoping to see Eli or Grant or even both of them.

  “They’re only twenty minutes out,” Quinn assured her as she stepped out onto the deck and shut the slider behind her.

  The easy-going woman had long wavy dark blond hair, was a natural beauty, and had a great sense of humor. She could see why Ty and Logan were so in love with her. And, though they’d been together for years, the relationship between the three still appeared fresh, even after having two kids.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  Quinn smiled and sat in the Adirondack chair next to Liv, turning to face her. “And you for me. Believe me, I know our kids are active and even though we have three sets of hands raising them, it’s nice having a fourth set to give us a break. You’re good with them. You’ll make a great mother.”

  “I doubt that’s in the cards.”

  Quinn tilted her head to study Liv. “You don’t know that.”

  “You’re right
, I don’t. But it’s not something I’ve thought about.”

  “Maybe soon.”

  Liv blew out a breath. “Maybe.”

  “Do you want to talk about it while my hubbies are wrangling up the kids? We have a few minutes to speak privately.”

  “Talk about what?”

  “You. Eli. Grant.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “Yes, I’ve met them. We’ve met them a couple times at some gatherings. But I don’t know them all that well.”

  “Right. Because your sister-in-law lives with Grae, whose brother is Gryff, who Eli and Grant both work for.”

  “Yes, simple, right?”

  Liv laughed. “Very.”

  “I know it’s a bit bizarre.”

  It was Liv’s turn to study the other woman carefully. “What is?”

  “These,” Quinn waved her hand around in the air, “unconventional relationships.”

  Liv didn’t say anything. While it wasn’t the norm, she didn’t have a problem with it. Everyone were adults and could make their own decisions. What worked for them might not work for anyone else and vice versa.

  Quinn continued, “If you want to talk about it or if you have questions... Please, you can ask me just about anything.” She leaned closer to Liv and whispered loudly, “Just don’t ask Paige, she’s not in her right mind right now.”

  “Because of the twins.”

  “Because of being pregnant at all. I don’t think it was planned. Hell, I know it wasn’t planned since she’s been very adamant about not having kids anytime soon.”

  “Oh boy.” If that was true, the poor woman was going from not wanting kids to popping out two at the same time. At least she also had two capable men to help out.

  “Right, so she’s a little miffed with her men since someone’s little strong swimmer is making her ‘fat’ and hormonal.”

  “But she loves them both.”

  Quinn smiled softly. “Yes, she does. It’s just her crazy hormonal changes speaking right now. Once the babies are born, she’ll be fine.”

  Either that or even more crazy being saddled with two infants.

  “So—” Quinn stopped speaking as soon as the glass sliders opened again.

  When Liv turned her head to see who it was, her eyes widened, and she leapt out of her chair to rush forward and right into Grant’s arms, since he was the first out the door.

  “Hi, honey, we’ve missed you,” he murmured into her hair.

  Liv wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed as hard as she could. Her eyes closed as she shoved her face into his chest and inhaled his scent deeply.

  A deep, gruff “Olivia” came from over his shoulder and she opened her eyes to see Eli standing there with a smile.

  She quickly released Grant and went to Eli, who wrapped her tightly in his arms, pressing a kiss to her lips. He deepened it for a moment then released her mouth. “ C'est tellement bon de te voir mais surtout te toucher, chérie,” he whispered.

  “And that means?” she whispered back.

  “It’s good to not only see you, since we’ve been Skyping, but to touch you, ma chérie.”

  “Oh, a man who speaks French! Très sexy,” Quinn said from behind them.

  Eli glanced in her direction. “Est-ce que tu parles français?”

  Quinn laughed. “No. Not really. I remember some from high school, that’s all.”

  Eli nodded and stared down into Liv’s face. “Are you well?”

  “Yes, now that you and Grant are here. Very well. But they’ve been very generous hosts.”

  “And we were just talking about the kids. How she’s been very helpful with them.” Quinn began to move past them to go into the house. “Good practice, maybe?” Then she patted Grant on the shoulder as she stepped into the house. “We’ll get out of your hair. I can’t wait to go camping!” The slider then closed.

  “Sounds like she’s being sarcastic,” Grant said.

  “Apparently, Logan and Ty love to camp with the kids. Her? Not so much.”

  “But she goes anyway?”

  Liv lifted one shoulder. “She sees it as a worthwhile sacrifice.”

  “Logan and Ty were packing up the SUV when we drove up, so they should be gone shortly,” Eli announced.

  “And that means?” Liv asked, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

  Eli smiled at Grant, then down at her. “Whatever you would like, ma chérie.”

  Grant then announced, “Logan said they changed the sheets in their room, so we could have the big bed.”

  “Yes, they have a huge bed that was custom made. It’s quite impressive,” she added, smiling in anticipation of making use of that bed and soon.

  “Then I can’t wait to see it,” Eli said.

  “Me neither,” Grant added with a smile.

  Liv gasped as Grant’s fingers dug deep into the flesh at her hips as he pumped in and out of her. She whimpered when Eli sucked her clit hard.

  She was on her hands and knees in the center of the biggest bed she’d ever seen with Grant behind her and Eli laying on his back underneath her. His mouth worked wonders on her pussy and Grant’s balls. Every time Eli took his husband’s sac into his mouth, she got the benefit, too, because Grant would grind himself harder against her, driving his cock as deep as possible.

  Eli’s cock was long, hard, and twitching, the precum leaking onto his lower belly as he not only worked them with his mouth, but he had snagged both of her nipples between his fingers and tweaked them until her core clenched around Grant.

  “Baby, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it,” Grant panted behind her.

  Wrapping her fingers around Eli, she dropped her head enough to lick him clean and suck the crown into her mouth, circling the edge with her tongue.

  She wasn’t surprised that Eli didn’t answer Grant. She wasn’t capable of having a conversation at the moment, either.

  And when Grant’s hand came cracking down on her ass cheek, she gasped again and tried to avoid biting down on Eli.

  Eli finally pulled his mouth away. “Mon amour, are you trying to have me neutered?"

  “No, sorry. But... I... I have to,” he groaned.

  Liv quickly let Eli slip from her lips just in time for Grant to spank her again. She squeaked and jerked forward.

  “Ma chérie, tell him to stop if you don’t want him to do that.” Then his mouth found her clit again, his tongue flicking and making circles, which made her want to collapse into a puddle.

  “No, I... I like it. Do it again.” She turned her head to glance back at Grant who wore a tight smile and his eyes appeared dark as he watched her.

  When he lifted his hand again she braced because she knew what came next. The crack of his palm against her flesh made her gasp but she held still, trying not to dislodge Eli from his wicked machinations.

  “Again,” she groaned.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair with one hand and with the other struck her ass so hard that she yelped because of the sharp sting. She closed her eyes and let the burn roll through her, making her wetter than she already was from what the two men were doing to her.

  Eli shifted beneath her. “Enough,” he said, his voice tight. He moved from under her. “I can’t take anymore.”

  His dark eyes were heated as he watched Grant continue to fuck her from behind.

  “Does that excite you, too, big man?”

  “You know it does,” Eli answered, reaching out to grab a condom. Tearing it open, he then rolled it down his length. He also grabbed the lube and Liv wondered what his plan was.

  She found out soon enough when he laid on his back, reaching out a hand to her. “Come to me, ma chérie. On top. Grant release her.”

  Once Grant let her go, she moved over to straddle Eli. With his hand on his own cock, he guided himself inside her as she sank her weight down on him. “That’s it, ma chérie. That’s it. Lay your chest against mine. Like that. Yes.”

  Eli’s eyes flicked to Grant and he gave
the other man a small nod. Then Liv felt Grant move behind her again, his knees between Eli’s legs.

  Eli offered him the lube and Liv heard the cap pop open and felt the cool gel drip over her heated skin and down her crease.

  She quivered at the thought of what was about to happen. And she wasn’t quite sure it would. It seemed impossible that she could take two men at once. Especially two that weren’t on the smaller side.

  “Are you ready, honey?” Grant asked, his voice low, husky as he slid the head of his cock up and down her crease and over her tight hole, spreading the lube.

  “I... I don’t know,” she answered truthfully.

  “We’ll go slow,” Grant said as he pressed forward. The pressure against her anus was immense. It wasn’t like it was just a finger, it wasn’t. It was much more than that.

  Eli held her still as Grant pushed forward. “Tell him to stop if it gets to be too much, ma chérie. I remember my first time.”

  Liv bit her bottom lip and nodded. Just when she thought she wasn’t going to be able to bear it, Grant slipped past her tight ring. She gasped, as she now had two men inside her at once.

  No one moved for a moment, and slowly Liv relaxed all the muscles she didn’t realize she had locked.

  “We’re going to go very slow,” Grant said again. “Very slow. Fuck.”

  “Mon amour, I should be jealous that you are the first.”

  “I’m smaller than you,” he answered back, his voice tight.

  “Not by much,” Liv added, still trying to decide if she liked having them both inside her at the same time. She was afraid to move. Her insides were stretched beyond what she could ever imagine as they both filled her tightly. “Okay, now what?”

  Eli chuckled beneath her. “How about we let you decide what to do from here?”

  She tentatively began to rock her hips, small movements to test how far she could go without it being uncomfortable.

  “Even those little movements, honey, are going to drive me crazy,” Grant groaned. “You would be tight normally, but with big man in there also, it’s... Fuck. I need to move. Sorry.”

  Grant began to slide in and out of her, going deeper with each slow thrust of his hips. Every time Grant pushed forward, Eli would tilt his hips, pulling almost all the way out to give him room inside her.


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