Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 4

by Carl Leckey

  He tells me something interesting after making sure none of the other men are in listening distance. “I’m glad you came today Lad, them other buggers are coming early so I want the bus off the site as soon as possible, know what I mean?” I shake his hand. “Alec I don’t know how to thank you. I wish I could give you something but?” I shrug my shoulders. He replies with a grin. “Hey Lad remember that box of Belgium chocolates you gave me a while back?” I laugh. “Yes I remember them well; they saved me getting into the shit as I recall.”

  “Well they got my feet under the table with the merry widow I told you about. So my friend, I consider you have already well rewarded me alright?” I blush and say nothing. I just stand there looking like an idiot shuffling my feet. He adds more. “There is another thing Lad. I know what you ambulance boys did for them poor buggers on the front line. I had it cushy here so you take the bloody charabanc and be happy. You deserve it now get going for Gods sake.” That’s a couple of times lately someone has praised my army service. It makes me feel good to know we were appreciated.

  “Alec there is one more thing. Have you any idea what all this will cost. I have a mate who is willing to back me buying some of the trucks and things.” “That’s difficult one lad. I wish I had some cash myself I would buy a few I can tell you. There is one thing might help you. They are going to auction them in lots of five. Now see that row over by the outside fence.” He points to a group of ten trucks. “Yes.” I reply. “Well they are the brand new ones I told you about. They look dirty and are covered in shit but believe me they are the real bargains. Now come on lad on your way before anyone turns up.” He places his hand behind me in a friendly manner and propels me towards Pompey Lill. The charabanc is perfect. Alec and his lads have done me proud. She purrs like a kitten when I start her up even although it is cold she starts first time. It’s great to be behind the wheel again and in my own vehicle I feel so thrilled. I wonder what my mate Billy would think if he could see me now? As I manoeuvre her out of the gate I notice there are four more trucks waiting to enter the depot. The short winter days don’t give me much time to drive about in my own vehicle before lighting up time.

  As the traffic is still dense heading towards the docks I decide to take the vehicle straight to the back of the house. The gates are a problem but with gently persuasion from the front bumper of Pompey Lill they grind open to allow me through. I don’t bother with the small gate I shall deal with that later. After some hard work and the use of a lever I manage to close the gates behind me. I had no sooner parked up in the yard and drained the cooling system when Denise rushes out of the house door and shouts my name. I fight my way through the undergrowth until I reach her to discover she is crying. I take her in my arms and ask her.

  “What on earth is wrong darling Denise, where is Oscar? Is it something I have done?” She sobs for a while and stays cuddled up with her head on my shoulder. Eventually I lead her back indoors we sit together on the chaise lounge holding hands. The reason for her unhappiness is revealed. It appears Oscar has gone on an errand to see his bank manager friend. This is the first time Denise has been left alone in the house. It is also the first time she has answered the front door. Oscar always insisted on doing this task himself. I soon found out the reason why. When she opened the door two strangers in British Army uniform tried to push inside. They also made some very rude remarks to the poor girl. Denise is reluctant to repeat how the men behaved; she sits with her head hanging down and her face bright red. I gradually coax out of her what they said that upset her so much. It seems the men were drunk. One of them called her a tasty little cow and asked her if she did it all ways? Denise had no idea what they were on about; they frightened her so much she slammed the door in their faces. She watched them from a window praying that either I or Oscar would return. The soldiers kicked at the door for a while demanding admittance. When she didn’t open it they shouted some more nasty things. It was only when an MP patrol appeared did they finally depart. Oh! Oh! I know instantly what that was all about. I shall have to find a way to prevent this happening again. I don’t know how without putting a notice on the door stating in soldiers language. THIS BAG SHANTY IS CLOSED. That would be a nice thing for my Denise to see. I don’t think so. It is no wonder Oscar insisted on opening the front door himself. He must have experienced the same thing many times since the brothel closed. Gradually I calm her down and begin making up reasons why the soldiers had come to the house. “If they were British, maybe they were lost and mixed the houses up?” I explain without conviction. “Huh!” She responds indignantly. “That may be the case, but why did they call me a tasty little cow? Did they think I am something to eat or milk? That is what cows are for isn’t it?” How could I possibly answer that? I give a kind of shrug. And remark. “They were bloomin stupid drunks.” I am about to stand to get a cigarette but Denise tightens her grip on my hand retraining me. She has another question. From her manner it is evident something has disturbed her deeply. “There is something else I can’t explain. When I was in the house alone I distinctly heard a woman crying upstairs. I was really scared Adam, but I didn’t want you to think me a silly frightened little girl.” I can feel her involuntary trembling as she recalls the occurrence. I take her in my arms and attempt sooth her. “It was most probably coming from the flower shop next door my love. Sound carries in these old houses. Did you know it was once part of this house before they were er, separated? “Yes! Of course Oscar pointed that out to me when he showed me around the house.”

  She considers my explanation for a moment then adds. “That sounds plausible, but I am certain it came from upstairs, will you go and check for me?” Closely followed by her I climb the stairs to investigate. This is the first time I have been allowed up here since my sexual encounters when it was a brothel. It gives me a strange feeling to be up here with another woman but not for the same purpose.

  As I catch a glimpse of Denise in a mirror I wouldn’t mind.

  I find myself engulfed in memories as we enter the room where Christina made me into a man. The set up has totally changed, all the paraphernalia of sex has been completely removed. We investigate room after room but they contain nothing but furniture. There is one room at the extreme end of the landing next to the sealed door leading to the flower shop. “Strange things to have on a bedroom door, it is fitted with hasps for padlocks.” I point out to the nervous Denise. The door opens to my touch and I begin to enter when Denise pleads. “Adam please don’t go inside don’t go any further, there is something weird about this room I can feel it.” I begin to dismiss her warning when I have this strange feeling.

  An icy blast engulfs me and this odd feeling as if, as if something or someone is clawing at my leg. Trying not to show my unease I found myself touching my St Christopher around my neck This is a habit I have adopted whenever I find myself in difficult or unexplainable situations. Departing the room and closing the door tightly I assure her. “There is nothing in there Denise, nothing for you to worry about anyway.” We head downstairs into the lounge. We are discussing the visit of the drunken soldiers whilst Denise works on her sewing.

  It is at this point that Oscar must have quietly returned. He has evidently heard the end of the conversation and looks very upset. Denise disappears into the kitchen to prepare the evening meal. Oscar looks relieved when she leaves and he explains where he has been.

  “I got to thinking about the site where the depot is, I know the owner very well and I went to have a talk with him. To cut a long story short I have done a deal. He is aware that eventually I will inherit a great deal of cash. Also this house will be mine when the paper work is completed by my lawyer. Now I am not too happy about living here considering what is was used for in the past. What I overheard happened to Denise today confirms we would be better off away from here. He has made me a very generous offer. He will take this house in exchange for the land where the depot is located. To be honest I believe he wants it to be run as a brothel again
but that is not any of my business. The next item is where will we live or should I say where you will live? Madam also left me a great deal of expensive jewellery which I have just sold for a goodly amount of ready cash. It is my intention if you agree to purchase a house for you and Denise to live in when you are married.

  Preferably this will be in the town near to the depot. There is a small cottage available for sale on the edge of the town I have heard about, but it is in a very run down condition. Go and have a look at it, take Denise of course? You know housing is at a premium at the moment?

  The bank has agreed to lend me enough cash until my inheritance comes through to purchase the workshops and some vehicles at the auction.”

  I begin to protest at his generosity although I like the idea. He puts his hand up and stops me. “Look Adam I am a good business man, I always have been, I see an excellent investment opportunity here and a great future for your ideas. I shall be a major shareholder in the company we shall form. It will all be drawn up by lawyers to make everything legal. I will leave you to manage it and I will go to the farm and assist them to rebuild. If it works out and my fiancée still wants me I shall marry her, the girl of my dreams. When I am able I shall return to Germany and dissolve all my assets there and return to live in France. Er um! Another thing I have accomplished today I was able to er, acquire myself an identity card enabling me to move about quite freely in France.” My head is buzzing with excitement as he reveals his ideas. I congratulate him throw my arms around him and give him a hug. He appears quite startled at my demonstration of gratitude but nevertheless smiles as I pull away. “Well done Oscar.” His acquisition of an identity card puzzles me prompting me to ask. “How did you manage to get the identity card?

  I know you were very worried without one?” He replies. “Madam had many clients from all walks of life that frequented this house, they all valued my discretion. I simply reminded one of them of the good times he enjoyed here, it was instantly available.” I shake my head in admiration. “Oscar you are a man of many talents. Although I must say that was not very Christian of you. I detect a little blackmail there somewhere.” I laugh as he is evidently uncomfortable with the tactics he used. He indignantly responds with. “The sinners of this world sometimes have to try and redeem themselves before they meet their maker. I make no apologies for using their sins against them.”

  I find myself looking on my dear friend with a new found respect after his admission. The idea that Oscar has done a deal over the depot site excites me. Right away my mind begins to conjure up all kinds of ideas of how we will utilise the place.


  Plans and seduction

  He continues outlining his plans.

  “There are three things I want from you Adam in return?” He pauses and waits for my response. I reply with a catch in my throat. “Oscar to be honest to use an English expression I’m Gob smacked. Of course I will be happy to go into business with you. Let us not forget however I am still in the Army. I have had no experience at running a business it was not so long ago I could not even read or write remember? There is another thing we must not forget. I shall have to return to England for my demob and that could be very shortly. That is unless I can figure a way to be demobbed over here in France.

  Now what is it you want me to do?”

  Oscar laid down his three conditions. “Firstly you must teach me to drive. I wish to purchase a truck and drive it to the farm. It will be very useful there and I may teach my fiancées Father to drive in turn.

  Secondly you must marry Denise before you move into the house together. There is no rush for that, I have an agreement that we may stay in this house until everything is sorted out. The most urgent thing in my opinion was to secure the depot site, this I have accomplished. Now we may purchase the workshops and we shall have somewhere to park the vehicles that we will also buy. In the future maybe we shall build a warehouse there to store goods safely, but that will be up to you the manager.

  Thirdly, and you will need to discuss this with Denise. Will you allow me to give the bride away Adam, at your wedding to Denise? I will be most honoured if you agree to my proposal as I know the poor child has no Father?”

  Denise had been listening and rushes into the room. I am glad she has overheard. She throws her arms around Oscar’s neck kisses him and says emotionally. “Of course you shall stand for me, as if there could be anyone else?” Denise releases him and sits beside me clutching my hand.

  Slightly overwhelmed by Denise’s demonstration of affection he continues by covering a point I had made earlier.

  “As for your lack of business experience, I know you ran the motor pool on your own for a while when all your comrades were suffering with the influenza.” I gasp. “How the hell do you know about that Oscar?” It puzzled me that even though he was in the prison compound

  Oscar knew what I was up to. He laughs. “Do you remember the Doctor you met when you came with your cart for the now, what did he call it?

  Oh yes the tripe and onions. That was it.” I nod indicating I remember the incident. “Well he and I became great friends. The Doctor and I had long debates about many subjects while he operated.

  Well it was him that informed me about you. I also know you towed a horse drawn trailer back full of wounded and were commended for it by one of his colleagues. But one of the best pieces of news I heard was that you had discovered the wine cellars. I can’t wait to see them myself when I return to the farm. You see Adam I kept up to date on your progress all the time I was in the cage.”

  “Ha! Well your informant didn’t tell you I made a right cock of it when I ran the MT section, was I glad to hand it over to my mate as soon as possible I can tell you.” I quickly add. “But as long as I have time I am willing to learn.”

  An idea came to me as I spoke. “Oscar the Sergeant that runs the depot now is to be demobbed very shortly, he wants to stay in France. He told me he has ties here now after being in France for four years. He knows all there is to know about trucks repairs and running the depot. Shall I sound him out? To be honest I would like to have someone with his knowledge working for us if possible. What do you think?”

  Oscar agrees enthusiastically. “Excellent idea if we can get him to work for us so much the better. We shall put him in charge of the workshops and depot.

  You can then concentrate on getting the other side of the business up and running. Maybe you can have a word with him and reveal what we intend. He may be able to persuade some of his ex army pals to work for us as well.” “I’ll hold back on that part please Oscar. There are some mates of mine from my old unit I would like to contact if possible. I know they are good men and I would like to give them first refusal if you don’t mind?”

  “Alright my boy that’s all settled I shall leave that to you, let us hope it goes well at the auction next week, shall we have dinner my dear if it is ready?” After dinner Oscar excuses himself and goes out again. It seems now he is able move about without hindrance he is going to make the most of it. At last I am alone with my sweetheart. To be honest I feel a bit nervous as we sit together on the chaise-lounge. Thoughts race through my mind, how long will Oscar leave us alone.

  I recall the last person I saw sitting on this very piece of furniture and how she affected me. Denise makes the first move. She reaches over and takes my hand.

  I respond by lightly squeezing hers, we move closer together. Tentatively I encircle her shoulders with my left arm cuddling her close to me.

  She turns her face and exposes those wonderful lips. How can I resist such an enticement? I can’t hold back and kiss those scrumptious lips deeply and passionately. She responds with her darting tongue.

  My member already erect, strains at my trousers. Her left hand slowly slides down my chest. I am still kissing her feverously.

  Is it a mistake, a slip up or did her hand brush the straining material in the region of my manhood? Oh God! Should I make a move? Was it accidental? Will I sca
re her off if I proceed too quickly? I retaliate by accidentally brushing her breast with my hand. She shudders! Is it with fear or does she want me to go further? It was not a mistake on Denise’s part. Her small hand is definitely exploring the outside of my trousers. I am certain I feel her giving my member a small squeeze. I take a chance I can’t help myself. I feel her breast, she gasps. We are both getting feverish. I place my hand on her knee. She does not object but squeezes my member even harder. I gradually pull the hem of her dress up. She thankfully does not object. My hand is now on her bare knee, her soft feminine knee. She kisses me even more deeply. My hand as if controlled by another begins exploring the inside of her leg. Her wonderful soft inviting skin is like an electric shock to my fingers. I reach her inner thigh. I definitely feel her undoing my fly-hole. My God! This is fantastic! My hand reaches the end of its travels. My fingers encounter her small cleft surrounded by soft hair. Unbelievably she is without underclothes. To use an army expression I believe this was a planned operation. My fly hole springs open as she releases the last button my member leaps free. She gasps as I probe her womanhood very gently with my index finger. Paradise! I have reached my darlings garden of Eden, I feel her shudder as my fingers probes even deeper into her tiny opening. Her moist womanhood feels very much different to Christina and the other lady I experienced sex with. I begin to massage her erect clitoris as Christina taught me to do so long ago. She begins writhing under my administrations. Denise is much tighter, more encircling on my finger than my other intimate partners. Denise my darling Denise takes my raging member in her hand. I probe even deeper into her womanhood. She lets out a small cry and draws away from my hand. Have I hurt her in some way? I am mortified? But no! Within seconds she grasps my wrist and draws my hand under her skirt again. I feel her hot little hand take hold of my manhood. Ecstasy! This is no dream this is the real thing I have to control myself for I am the dominant partner in this wonderful adventure. From my limited experience with women I believe we are both ready to culminate the encounter we are close to the point of no return. I remember the lessons of love Christina taught me on that unforgettable evening. I withdraw my hand as Denise swings her legs up onto the chez-lounge. I am about to take up position between her legs when. NO! NO! No it can’t be happening at this very moment in time. We both hear the noise at the same time it is the front door opening. Panic time! She leaps up from the chez-lounge dragging down her skirt Denise retreats at speed into the kitchen. I have nowhere to hide, there is certainly not enough time to cover myself and re-button my trousers.


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