Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 27

by Carl Leckey

  The café owners do us proud. I believe the food is on a par with a first class restaurant. Alec is right it won’t take much to convert the humble café to a smart restaurant. When the meal is finished the tables are cleared away creating a dance floor. A fiddle and squeeze box appear played by the waiters and cooks. Billy monopolises Louise. Denise is pleased she whispers. “Look at our Louise? It’s a long time since I saw her having such a good time. I can’t remember how long ago it was I saw her laughing.” Apart from dancing with me and Alec, Yvette stays apart from the men, remaining constantly by Marguerite side. I decide she is a strange girl not a bit like her sisters. Hazel remains in the company of Jean although she dances with all the lads in turn.

  The party goes on until midnight. This is the first time I have attended a dance and find myself stumbling about gripping on to my wife for support. We have a great time with lots of laughter.

  Before we break up I announce the bonus to the cheers of the lads. It is arranged we meet at Marguerite and Alec’s house on Saturday night for supper. Louise and Hazel intend leaving on Monday morning. We are well the worse for drink when we go our separate ways. For the first night together in bed since we married we do not make love. The combination of alcohol good food and dancing send both of us into a deep sleep. I am determined to spend time with my wife Saturdays and Sundays are my days off. I work long hours through the week she doesn’t complain so I am determined the weekends are our time together. Denise as usual has been up from the crack of dawn sewing washing and cleaning when I join her about seven o’clock. Spring in all its glory is now well on the garden is a blaze of flowers. I am able to hear Jean already at work below in the coach house fitting the wheels. Coffee and a freshly baked croissant serve for breakfast. Denise is weaning me off the huge English type fry ups I enjoyed in the past. This is now reserved for Sunday mornings. Some times when I have an early run with the truck I have a secret fry up breakfast at the café along with the other drivers. I had enough light breakfasts in the army and orphanage to last me a lifetime. There is still no word from the Colonel regarding the letter for Oscar to aid his release from military prison. I don’t suppose it is surprising in the light of what Billy told me about him. There is a letter from Harry Evans asking if there is any progress in setting up the UK part of our operation. As this was dependant on the Colonel getting established I am loath to progress this idea. I write him a long letter explaining the situation. Instead I again offer him a job over here in Le Havre as controller and book keeper.

  After breakfast and a wash I then join Jean working on the coaches.

  Denise is heading for the market to shop and also see her sister.

  Jean has fitted the wheels and is now working on the harnesses. Many of them are perished and need repair and replacement. I ask him to make a list of what he requires and we will cost it before I go any further with the idea. There are still the horses and feed to purchase I have already spent quite a lot on a project that has no guaranteed return. I shall discuss it with Alec this evening. I wander down to the depot I thought I would be alone but I find Alec is in his shed surrounded by papers. “Alec.” I rebuke him. “What are you doing here Saturday morning? I thought we agreed we have the weekends off?” He smiles. “I could ask you the same Adam. Look I have lots of paperwork to get through. I don’t have a chance through the week with the drivers popping in and out.” I inform him. “I hope you will be agreeable to this idea of mine. Do you remember that movement control Corporal Harry Evans,

  We talked about him running the UK operation if we get it going? He nods. “That looks like a non starter for a while at least. I’ll tell you why later. I have invited him over to help you out I hope you aren’t upset?” He sighs “You couldn’t have brought me better news Adam. I didn’t want to do this anyway I want to be back doing repairs and maintenance, I hate paper work.” Thank goodness for that I congratulate myself. We are discussing the need for pneumatic tyres when Billy walks in half dressed unshaved. “Had a good night last night Bill?” I ask. “The best” He replies dreamily. “Scouse I think I have found the girl of my dreams she is the one I have been searching for since I got my first hard on.” “Now then Bill let’s have a bit of respect she is my Sister in law you know?” “Oh I’m sorry Scouse I didn’t mean any offence. It’s just I can’t get her out of my mind. Anyway I’m getting ready and I’m off to the market to see her Bye for now.” He leaves Alec and I laughing. “They seemed to be getting on alright last night Alec. How did you manage with all those women in your house?” “Great, I was treated like a king they were all running around me I could do with them there permanently.” He answers. “We had a little chat before we went to bed Louise and I. She has some good ideas but I’ll leave her to explain when we meet tonight. Now do me a favour bugger off Adam and let me sort this lot out or I’ll not even get Sunday off.” He smiles and adds. “That is unless you want to take care of it for me?”

  I wander around the depot aimlessly until I arrive at the repair shop. One of the fitters Eddie is servicing a Rolls Royce car the same model as I drove for my Mother. I stand in the doorway admiring the vehicle.

  “Like it?” Eddie asks when he sees me. “It was a Generals staff car in the war. One of the French drivers brought it in for servicing.

  I’ve just finished. She’s a lovely machine bit expensive to run though, his brother owns the car.” I enquire. “I wonder where he got the car from” “There’s quite a story there. His brother is a farmer only in a small way. He lives on his own in the middle of nowhere he got called up for the French army towards the back end of the war.

  His farm was taken over by the British army as some kind of intelligence centre. Anyway, when his brother came home the British had gone leaving his place in a right mess he was really pissed off except for one thing. In the barn covered in straw he found the Rolls Royce. He reported it but the police told him after so long he could sell it if it wasn’t claimed. The time has run out, now he wants to get rid of it he needs the cash and reckons the Brits owe him anyway. I wish I had the money to buy it myself.” His statement intrigues me I enter the building and look the car over. “How much is he asking for it, do you know?” I enquire. Eddie shows me a piece of cardboard with the price written on. “Alec has agreed to display it by the front gate as a favour for the driver.”

  Interesting! I see another possible project here

  He is about finished with his paperwork and is ready to leave. “Alec! That Rolls in the service bay?” He replies.

  “Oh yes I meant to tell you about that. We are doing a favour for.” I cut him short as he looks worried. “No it’s ok I’m not worried about that. I think it’s a good idea we could branch out into selling second hand vehicles that one is a beauty. I drove one of them in England.” Alec thinks for a moment then makes a suggestion. “If you like it so much why don’t you buy it yourself? You can afford it we are making pots of money so go on treat yourself.” “I couldn’t, me owning a Rolls Royce?” I reply hesitantly. “Adam, what is the point in owning a company if you can’t have a bit of luxury yourself. I have looked it over myself and it’s a bargain believe me. Go on, Denise will love it. I am about to buy a nice little Renault myself. We can’t have a manager with his own car and the boss a pedestrian.” He is very persuasive not that he has to do much persuading I make up my mind with a silly grin. “Go on then what must I do?” He smiles. “That’s the ticket I have some police documents here stating the man is the legal owner. Leave it to me I’ll sort it all out for you. It’s simply a matter of taking the cash from your account I pay the fellow when he comes in and she’s all yours.” He reaches over to a number of hooks removes a bunch of keys and tosses them to me. He asks. “Want to run me home in your Rolls Sir.” In my wildest dreams I never thought this would ever happen to me. Me, driving my own car, it was only a couple of years ago I was brushing up horse shit in the streets of Birkenhead.

  Not only do I own the car but I have a Rolls Royce
silver ghost the finest car in the whole wide world. After driving Alec home I pick up Denise and I spend the rest of the day driving her around the district. She is thrilled with my purchase. As soon as we return to our flat she has her equipment out and sets to polishing and cleaning the car until it sparkles.

  Supper at Alec’s is a great success. After the meal we sit down to an informal meeting. Louise explains the orphanage is going great guns. The kids are happy and the farm is developing nicely bringing in funds. The market venture was a great success they have sold all their goods and intend making it a weekly event. That business out of the way she then puts forward a proposal. Louise wants to pay for the use of Pompey Lill she also wants to purchase one of our spare trucks. Her request throws me I look to Alec for advice. “Well Louise broached the subject last night I wouldn’t make a decision without you. In my opinion we could manage with one truck less. But if things pick up and we get more drivers we can use every vehicle we have now and more. I’m afraid it’s your decision Adam.” “Right here goes good or bad. Let’s start with the charabanc. It is a present from me to the orphanage so there is no payment due for that. Now the truck is a different matter it was bought with Oscar’s money so in theory it would have to be a joint decision but as he is not here. I will let you have it for the same price we paid in the auction as long as you are only shipping your own goods and produce.” Louise stands I see she is about to thank me when I wave her back to her seat. “I haven’t finished yet Louise. This is a business and has to be run as such. If you intend using the vehicle to shift goods other than your own then I suggest you do it under our companies name OSCADA. We are looking to develop in other areas and I think this will be a good opportunity for us to expand. We will either lease you the truck outright on a weekly rental or you pay a percentage of the business you carry out. The choice is yours.”

  Louise and Hazel go into a huddle whispering together Alec circulates a bottle of brandy while they talk. After about five minutes Louise asks. “If we remain as part of OSCADA will you be responsible for repairs and maintenance plus insurance?” Alec gives me a nod. I address the excited pair of women. “Ok we will accept the repairs and maintenance but it will be your responsibility to get the vehicle here until we make other arrangements. But as for the insurance we go fifty-fifty on that one.”

  They go into another huddle until Louise reports. “It is our intention to come to the Saturday market every week so any maintenance can be done then. If you have freight for us to take back so much the better.

  On those conditions we will accept the offer of working under the OSCADA name. When can we have the truck?” “Ok Alec?” I ask. He nods his approval. “That sounds good to me Adam. Louise as you are remaining until Monday you can have the truck then. I take it Hazel will be driving? I believe I will have a load for you to deliver on the way home.

  You both come to the depot Monday morning and we will settle the agreement in writing. While we are doing that Hazel can take the truck to the docks for a load.” “Me take it down the docks?” Hazel sounds unsure. Alec chuckles “You won’t be on your own Hazel I’ll send one of the lads to chaperone you I know what sailors are when they spot a pretty woman.” “I bet they have never seen a truck driver that looks like Hazel?” Louise adds.

  On the whole it has been a very satisfactory evening with good food good company and a deal that will make everyone happy I hope. On the way home in the Rolls I ask Denise “Do you think I was a bit hard on your Sister?” She squeezes my hand. “Louise would not have it any other way. You have given her the opportunity she has always wanted. Business is business after all my love.”


  Sunday morning after breakfast Denise leaves to meet her sister Yvette at the local church for morning service accompanied by Jean.

  She understands my reluctance to attend and does not press me. Although they choose to walk there on a fine morning I have arranged to pick them up in the Rolls at eleven o’clock. Having nothing better to do on a lazy day I drive to the depot to have a word with Billy. About quarter to eleven I set off for the church Billy decides to ride with me as he has a date with Louise I am to drop him off at Alec’s house. As I approach the church area before turning a corner a Gendarme waves me to a halt. He is the same miserable Sergeant that checked our identity cards on Friday night. He demands to see my vehicle ownership papers. When I produce the documents he barely glances at them but insists we get out of the car while he conducts a search, for what he does not explain. This is one miserable bugger any attempt to communicate with him is ignored. Bill whispers. “This sod is just messing us about look at the way he keeps looking at his watch?” By the time he releases me I am about twenty minutes late in picking up Denise. When we arrive at the church there is no sign of her or Yvette at the arranged pick up point. I park the car and Bill and I enter the church yard to look for them. We cannot locate anybody in the church or near the building. We are about to give up I have decided they have walked home when I detect a groan from behind a gravestone. On investigation we discover Jean. His face is bloody and he is obviously in pain as he holds his chest area we conclude he has been beaten up. Alarmed I sit him up and try to revive him. After a few minutes he regains consciousness and says something hard to distinguish. I bend closer and he repeats a garbled message. Still I don’t understand him together we lift him into the Rolls and race to Alec’s. All I can think of is Hazel and Louise are both nurses they will know what to do but where are the women? Hazel immediately takes charge as we lift him carefully into the house Jean is muttering something again. Louise although she is concerned about Jean is worried about her sisters she enquires urgently. “Jean where are Denise and Yvette?” He beckons her closer she bends over him he whispers something in her ear. She stands up alarm etched on her face. I enquire. “What is it Louise? Where is Denise for Jesus sake tell me?” “They have been kidnapped. The Marquise men must have taken them, we must get them back. My poor sister’s Oh my God Adam we must get them back.” Panic runs through my brain I can’t think straight. Alec takes charge. “Right Adam how much start do you reckon they have?” After glancing at the clock I reply. “The service finished at eleven its nearly twelve now, about an hour I reckon.” He asks. “Louise did Jean say how they took them and how many men where there?” “There are two of them.

  One is that swine that told lies about me they are using the Marquise coach.” “Come on Lads there is only one road they can use to get to the chateau. With the Rolls we can catch them.” Jean struggles to get up and join us. I tell him. “Jean stay here mate Hazel, can you sort him out please.” As we head for the door Louise insists on joining us. I have no time to argue and agree. Thank goodness for the Rolls, we head out of town quickly reaching the open road I put my foot down, the car responds and flies along I have never driven so fast. Bill is sitting beside me in the front he hasn’t uttered a word since we set off, suddenly he says. “You know Scouse I reckon that bastard Gendarme was in on it. Think on what happened. There was no reason why he should delay us accept to give those sods time to snatch the women.” I consider this aspect then recall him checking the identity cards in the café. “Bill I believe you are right I bet the swine telegraphed the Marquise. It would give them time to get to Le Havre. If I find out he is involved I will figure a way of getting even believe me.” Anger engulfs me I take a bend too fast nearly losing control of the car. Alec puts his hand on my shoulder. “Easy Lad, we won’t get them back if you crash the car.” Although I continue driving fast I do so more sensibly. After about an hour we pass through a village. An old man is sitting outside his house smoking his pipe. Louise instructs me to pull up alongside him. She questions him about the coach. I find the conversation difficult to follow. He replies pointing into the distance. Louise informs us. “They are about ten minutes ahead we are catching them up thank goodness. He saw no sign of the sisters the blinds are covering the windows.” I set off again. Within ten minutes we catch sight of a co
ach thundering ahead at speed. Gradually I catch up until I am directly behind him There is no room to overtake. Our presence evidently alarms the driver maybe he suspects we are in pursuit for he whips the horses to even a greater speed. I drop back a little now we have caught up with him there’s no need to take risks. The coach disappears down a sunken lane shrouded by overhanging trees. I carefully negotiate a bend then clatter over a wooden bridge. Road works are being carried out, a roped off sections is under construction. Being Sunday there are no workers employed the site is deserted. I take another bend to discover the coach. It lies on its side. We are in time to see the team of horses broken free of the coach galloping into the distance. I skid to a halt and we leap out of the car. The coach driver’s body is laying in the ditch a quick examination by Louise she declares his neck obviously broken. Of the second man Jean spoke about there is no sign. Silently I pray God if you are there please don’t let my Denise be harmed. Selfishly I haven’t considered the fate of her sister. Thank you God as from inside we hear noises. I climb onto the side of the coach and attempt to open the door only to find it jammed solid. Billy and Alec join me together we try again still it refuses to move. The entire structure is distorted due to the crash. The windows are blacked out and I can’t see inside. I consider breaking the glass but fear hurting the girls. An idea comes to me. In the tool box of the Rolls is a tow rope, Billy attachés it to the rails of the luggage rack on the top of the coach and runs it to the rear axle of the car. Carefully with Alec driving, the car edges forward taking the strain. We position ourselves on the other side of the coach ready to push. Alec toots the horn and moves forward. We push and lift at the same time. The coach totters for a moment then drops onto its wheels. The glass on our side is smashed. I grab the door handle and pull. After a struggle I manage to open it. Yvette and Denise are jumbled together on the floor amongst broken glass. They are both bound and gagged. Yvette is moving. Denise, my Denise is motionless. Carefully we lift Yvette out of the wrecked coach, Louise removes her bonds she begins talking and crying. Alec hugs her to him and consoles her. I remove the gag from Denise’s mouth. Thank God she is still breathing although she is unconscious she is thankfully alive. Yvette is on her feet uninjured but worrying about her sister and Jean.


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