Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 30

by Carl Leckey

  I can’t help wondering where he is leading at this moment I just want to get back upstairs to see if Denise’s attitude towards me has changed.

  “Bear with me Adam.” He evidently detects my impatience.

  He continues with his explanation. “I did not take this attitude to the natives myself. Subsequently I was accepted more than the other Priests and learnt a great deal. Especially from those you would call witch Doctors or Shamans. I suppose I am unconventional I taught them the good things about Christianity and love of Jesus. In return they revealed many of their secrets to me. My fellow Priests deplored my involvement and my acceptance of their ancient beliefs. In my opinion they are just bigoted. Nevertheless because of my association with them I found I have the ability to detect spirits. Some are harmful that are bent on causing mayhem and sadness these can be supremely evil. Many are just unhappy souls that have not moved on after death. I don’t expect you to grasp what I am telling you. This is not why I am telling you this story, I just need you to understand what I am about to tell you. He pauses for a moment and takes me by both hands and looks directly into my eyes. I am in total confusion when he says “Adam I have to tell you that there is a problem here in this very building. When I first entered I detected something over there.” He points towards the staircase. “I have an overwhelming feeling that a tragedy took place here in the past. I detect the presence of two unhappy souls. Don’t be alarmed they bear you no harm in fact they have been crying out for help for a long time. The poor unfortunates long to move on to the afterlife. Instead of assisting them the people that could have helped sealed them in here. You broke the seal and they are appealing for your aid.” “Me! How can I? I know.” The stammer I thought I had mastered returned with a vengeance. He interrupts.

  “Do not worry they have recognised me as the one to intercede on their behalf. They died in sin you see? They have not been accepted. Sometimes poor tormented souls need someone to advocate on their behalf to the great gatherer.”

  I haven’t got a clue what he is on about. Who is this great gatherer anyway?

  Bloody hell I feel my hair stand on end plus I have a strange feeling at the back of my neck a shiver passes over my entire body. He is so right about this building though.

  I remember the rope and the story Monsieur Gastoyne told us. I am tempted to reveal what I know but he has not finished with his revelations.

  “That is not all, there is more.” He continues. “When I first greeted Denise I felt something evil close to her.

  No! That is not right. I should have said on her. It stays with her wherever she moves. I don’t wish to frighten you. It is not your wife Denise that is evil. I find this hard to explain it is something.” I notice his eyes are fixed on the door of the coach. His voice peters out he appears to be at a loss for words. As if sleep walking, he moves over to the coach and slowly strokes his hand across the motif painted on the door. Bloody hell this is spooky I have the same feeling I had when I entered that room in the big house. To be honest I am shitting myself not literally thank goodness. “He says in a kind of faraway voice. “This is the key to Denise’s unhappiness. It has something to do with this symbol.” Jean has entered the coach house he is about to say something when I indicate for him to be quiet.

  After about a minute the Priest appears to come out of a kind of trance turns and greets Jean as if nothing unusual had occurred. Jean is glad to see his old friend and they hug. “Father that symbol is a coat of arms. I couldn’t help overhearing what you were talking about. I found a pendant in this coach with those markings etched onto it.” “Where is it?” The Priest snaps. “I gave it to Denise.” He replies taken aback by his friend’s response. “My God!” I gasp with alarm. “She has it around her neck.” I head for the stairs Peter calls me back. “We have to handle this situation carefully Adam. I believe we are dealing with a very powerful malevolent force here.” “Father I think it is about time I told you what I know about this place.” I spend about five minutes relating everything I know about the history of the big house and the coach house.” He nods knowingly “Right that accounts for everything. The pendant almost certainly belonged to the possessed women. The unhappy wife of the soldier I should say it still retains the evil that took her over, inanimate objects can do that.” “I find that hard to swallow Peter.” I reply. He points to the St Christopher medal hanging around my neck. “And yet you are content to wear an inanimate object around your neck why?” “I had it given to me by an old soldier. I wore in the front line to keep. Touche! Father.” He smiles and continues.” As you know suicide is considered a mortal sin to practicing Catholics. That accounts for their lack of progress into the afterlife. I will help them with that but first I have to deal with your wife.

  This is what I propose. When we go upstairs I want everyone out of the room where Denise is except you Adam, the child and myself” “Why do you allow the child to remain Father?” I ask. “That is because she is a symbol of purity. That is why Denise has changed since she arrived. The good the child emits is overcoming the evil.” “It won’t harm Daisy?” I enquire alarmed. He smiles reassuringly. “No I guarantee it, does Denise have a crucifix she would have been given one at her confirmation?” Yes she does have one she always wears it.” I add thoughtfully. “But she has evidently not since she acquired that pendant.” Jean apologises. “I’m sorry Adam. If I had known it would cause such trouble you know I wouldn’t have given her the damned thing.” I put my hand on his shoulder “How were you to know that a thing so pretty could be so evil. That is if the pendant is the course of my wife’s problems?” I state showing a little scepticism. “There is only one way to prove that.” Father Peter advises. “Come let’s get on with it. Adam let me warn you. What you may see will be most distressing. You must not weaken be resolute and you must follow my instructions without question. Before we go any further, do you consent?” I nod my agreement to the conditions although I can’t help wondering what I am getting into. He turns to my companion. “Jean I want you to take Louise and Yvette to your house. Make some plausible reason I don’t wish to alarm them. Say nothing of what you have witnessed here do you understand? Adam before we enter the parlour will you get Denise’s crucifix please. I need to replace the evil symbol with a good one right away.” I’ll do that.” I reply. “It will most probably be by her bed, when did you give her the pendant Jean?” I enquire. “Just before we left for church on the Sunday morning.” Jean answers promptly. As we climb the stairs I feel apprehensive but hopeful. I just want my wife back as she was.

  The return of Denise

  On arrival at the landing I find the crucifix on the bedside table. I also grab my good luck doll Lulu. I remove the St Christopher from around my neck then wrap the chain around Lulu. If the Priest is going to bring my love back to me I am making sure he has all the help I can supply When I enter the parlour I conceal the doll and slip the crucifix to the Priest. Jean invites Louise and Yvette to his place as arranged with the pretence of seeking their advise on curtains and furniture he is about to acquire. They leave chatting merrily everyone is much happier now that Denise appears to be improving.

  My wife is sitting in an arm chair with Daisy on her knee. The child is twirling Denise’s ringlets the sight of them together brings a lump to my throat. Father Peter kneels in front of the couple and takes Denise’s hands. Peter whispers some think I am unable to hear clearly, to me it sounds like a repetitive chant. Within seconds Daisy ceases playing with Denise’ hair and falls into a deep sleep. I observe Denise’s eyes flickering she appears to be fighting to remain awake. Eventually the power the Priest exerts overcomes her she relaxes with both her eyes firmly closed. When both Denise and the child are taking deep relaxed breaths Peter indicates I should approach and remove Daisy from Denise’s knee. I take the child over to the chez-lounge she doesn’t stir when I move her. Under Peter’s instruction I take his place kneeling in front of my wife I place Lulu on her lap. I call silently to my Gua
rdian Angel for help and take hold of my wife’s hands. This is the first time I have touched her since she rejected me on that awful day. Peter moved around behind her and begins to unclasp her pendant. She stirs he pauses changes his mind. Instead of attempting to remove the pendant he circles her neck with the crucifix chain. She becomes more restless. Profanities and curses pour from her mouth in a torrent. I am shocked and frightened. I grip her hands tightly. Although Denise is comparatively petite her strength is amazing on this occasion.

  She struggles frantically to free herself from my restraining hands. Father Peter grasps the pendant and snatches it from her neck tossing it into the corner of the room. Denise lets forth a blood curdling scream and attempts to pull away from me. Father Peter presses her down into the chair I grip her hands even more fiercely. She writhes and froths at the mouth. The sight of my beloved wife in such distress tears at my heart but I hang on. Suddenly she ceases to struggle and collapses emitting an enormous sigh. “It is over.” Father Peter declares in a weak voice as he slumps into a chair. I fetch a towel and I am wiping the sweat and spittle from her face when I notice Father Peter. He appears to be asleep however the manner he is breathing concerns me. I approach him and enquire “Father Peter, are you alright?” He opens his eyes and turns his hands over to show his palms. Where he had gripped the pendant his fingers show indication of burns. He reaches into his pocket and extracts a flask. “Find a receptacle and pour this in. It is holy water. Do not touch the pendant with your hands, pick it up with a stick or something wooden not metal then drop it into the water. I need to rest for a while it has taken more out of me this time, I must be getting old.” “You have done this before Father?” I enquire. He grimaces and responds. “I have, more times than I care to remember now. Every time it gets more difficult and it appears to take more out of me.” His voice drifts away as he closes his eyes and is instantly asleep. Daisy and Denise are still out for the count. Finding a dish in the kitchen I hook up the pendants chain as instructed with one of Denise’s wooden knitting needles. As I drop it into the dish I swear I detect a hiss as it hits the water.

  Denise begins to come around I take up position kneeling in front of her waiting for her to open her eyes. God please bring my lovely Denise back I pray silently. I notice her slender wrists are black with bruises where I gripped her so hard during the struggle. Her eyes flicker then completely open. As she recognises me a smile a lovely smile appears on her face. I remove Lulu from her lap and retrieve my St Christopher. She reaches out takes my hands and draws me to her. I hug her and smother my love in kisses. Kisses of love, kisses of relief, kisses of welcome, I believe I have my sweetheart back again. From behind me I hear cries of joy as Louise and Yvette rush into the room to join us in a family hug. Their entry wakes Daisy. She rubs her eyes then snuggles amongst us until she reaches Denise. Father Peter recovers and requests a cup of strong coffee. The room is a hubbub of welcome happy noise. After his drink the Priest requests I join him down stairs. Before we leave Peter hooks the pendant into the holy water flask.

  “What will you do with that horrible thing Peter?” I enquire with a pronounced shudder. He explains “I believe it is harmless now, but I am taking no chances. I shall bury it in consecrated ground at my church when I reach home.” He holds up the flask and peers at it. “Who would think an item so small could contain such evil power?” “You know Father?” I remark “All our bad luck coincided with the discovery of that thing.” He informs me in a weary voice. “Adam it would take me years to tell you what I have witnessed in my travels particularly in Haiti.” “Where’s that Father?” I enquire.” He explains. “It is on the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies.

  They practice a strange religion there known as Voodoo. I won’t go into details except to say this episode that affected your wife is nothing to what I witnessed there.”

  The ceremony to clear the trapped spirits of the soldier and his lover appears quite simple after what I have witnessed with Denise. It’s very strange! Already I have a feeling hard to explain but it’s similar to having an injection of joy and relief directly into my heart. I thank the Priest from the bottom of my heart. This one man has in the short time I have known him, had a major influence on my life. He is my vision of what a holy man should be. His actions still do not change my opinion regarding the organised religion I still despair of the privileges and wealth they enjoy and appear to flaunt in the face of poverty. But Peter is different as he doesn’t preach or try to convert he just gets on with good works. Things improve every day after Hazel and Louise leave taking Father Peter and Daisy with them.

  My wife and I are back in the marital bed, no sex but I am patient and am content to snuggle up and hold Denise in my arms. Yvette has returned to Marguerites house reluctantly I believe as she doesn’t see as much of Jean as she would have liked.

  I am prepared to stay home with Denise until she is fully recovered but she insists I return to work but with a bonus she rides in the truck with me. It is great having her alongside with me she is almost back to her former self we laugh together and enjoy the company of my work mates. On the third day I have another run to the small farm where I enjoyed the cider. As I load the truck Denise chats to the old man while he proudly shows her around the house and the orchards. I have finished the task and am sitting on a straw bale having a smoke when they return. They have certainly taken to each other and talk as if they are old friends. We say our goodbyes and leave, Denise is very thoughtful. I jokingly ask. “Come on out with it, what were you and the old man on about?” She smiles. “Ah! He is a lovely old man and very lonely.

  He was telling me the history of the place. His cottage was originally the gate house to a large estate. Over there behind those tall trees are the ruins of the large manor house. It was wrecked by the mob at the time of the revolution. His family have lived here for generations. Did you know he lost his entire family due to the flu epidemic? Imagine his daughter, her husband, and their two kids all dead. He has invited us to visit any time we want, I should like to come back Adam. When Louise brings Daisy this weekend we should bring her to see him. He would love to meet Daisy and he has lots of hens. Billy tells me she loves hens.” I add. “Daisy loves hens, horses, cows, pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats in fact there is nothing alive she doesn’t love.”

  I think bringing Daisy here for a visit is great idea. I know Denise misses the child and is looking forward eagerly to her next visit. “Denise.” I enquire. “Would you like to learn to drive, then you could come out here in the Rolls if I am busy?” She replies hesitantly. “Let me think about that one. I would like to be able to drive but the Rolls is a big car for a little girl.” “Ok let me know and I will arrange it. I taught Louise, Hazel, and Oscar, to drive you know I have been thinking about the old man’s offer. An idea pops into my head. I am about to reveal it to Denise but decide to inform her later. Instead I suggest. “You should bring Yvette to see the place. I am sure she would like to meet the old man I think he would like to see you again and your sister he enjoys having visitors?”

  I take Denise home to prepare supper then I return the truck to the depot where Harry hands me a letter. It has an English stamp. I cannot identify the hand writing but what catches my eye is the date stamp. It is about a month ago as I tear it open I remark. “This postal service is a bit crap, this letter has took about a month to get here they are usually better than this.” Alec reveals the probable reason for the delay, “It didn’t come by the usual post Adam, that fellow you know, the watchman from that big house brought it.” I shrug angrily. “I bet it’s been kicking around over there since it was delivered. The lazy sod said he would deliver anything for us as it came. Never mind it’s here now and it’s from my old army pal Toot.” I sit in the corner reading the letter. He gives me all the news about how he likes his job the house and how his wife and kids have settled in. But the item that causes me to get a little excited. In Toots words he says. “Lady Angelique wants to contact you di
rectly. They have discovered a pistol in a display case in the house they couldn’t figure how it got there. But when I handed her a brooch I found in the Rolls she went all quite, it was then that she made the request.

  What should I do? Should I tell her where you are?

  Please let me know as soon as possible. She asks me every day if I have had word from you.”

  Shit that was two mistakes I have made. I can see Toot’s in a dilemma but what shall I do? I didn’t take into account Toot getting the job when I left the articles. I don’t even know why I did it. I suppose it was a desire to be. Oh! I don’t know it’s too complicated for me. I fold the letter stuff it into my pocket and make my way thoughtfully home.

  Louise’s side of the business has taken off and Billy is constantly back and to between the depot and the distant villages staying overnight at the farm with Louise and her brood. This suits him because he gets to spend time with his sweetheart and he is doing what he loves doing long distance driving. He is away at the moment so I can’t discuss it with him.

  His association with my sister in law is definitely affecting his behaviour for the better. He no longer spends much of his leisure time in the café boozing every night. When I question him about this he shrugs and says. “I am putting a few bob away Scouse you know for a rainy day?” But I know better, one of the lads reveals Billy has been making enquiries about the best place to buy an engagement ring. Could there be a wedding in the air? My other close friend Alec has taken a much needed holiday since Harry took over the running of the depot. I am unable to consult him for advice either. I am still pondering how I should reply to Toot’s letter when I arrive home. After supper Denise and I are sitting together. There has been no mention of the horrible time we have recently been through. To all intents it has not occurred as far as my wife is concerned. I have my arm around her shoulders holding her close to me when I decide to disclose my dilemma. I relate to her the complete story of my life from my first memories through my army service until the discovery of my Mother. Not once does she interrupt although she gives me comforting hugs when I disclose events that still upset me. Finally I hand her the letter I have just received from Toot.


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